For what reasons do white dots, spots, rashes, specks appear on the lips?

Some people develop white dots of varying sizes, spots and blisters under the skin on their upper and lower lips. Sometimes they indicate a temporary malfunction in the body and quickly disappear, but sometimes they are a sign of a serious illness.

. Depending on the external characteristics of education and internal sensations, you can independently identify the problem and assess the degree of its seriousness.

Types of white spots on the lips and the reasons for their appearance

There are many reasons why white formations may appear on the lips. They can look like plaque, spots, balls, dots, specks, rashes, and be small or large in size. The most common causes of white rashes on the lips will be discussed separately, and below is an abbreviated list of diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way:

To find out the reason why white spots appeared under the skin on the lips and determine ways to remove them, you need to contact a specialist. Due to the extensive list of possible causes and the similarity of symptoms, you can begin to treat the wrong disease, which is fraught with serious health consequences.

Prevention of deviation

To prevent white spots from appearing on the lips after treatment, it is necessary to take preventive measures. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from experts.

They advise:

  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • avoid promiscuity and unprotected sex;
  • do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene;
  • take vitamins and immunostimulants;
  • diversify your usual diet by including a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, white and red meat, vegetable and animal fats;
  • ensure normal drinking regime;
  • prevent obesity;
  • avoid emotional turmoil;
  • have a good rest;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • avoid overwork.

Before figuring out how to remove white spots that appear in the lips or mouth, you need to find out what disease caused them. Such manifestations generally do not mean serious health problems, but a medical consultation would not hurt.

Rash on lips due to herpes simplex virus

The appearance of itchy blisters and plaques of a cloudy yellowish tint is a symptom of the herpes virus type 1. There is also a high probability that it is herpes if the white dots are grouped in the corners of the lips. In this case, people often say that they “have a cold on their lips.”

The affected area usually does not hurt. In rare cases, the disease provokes enlargement of the lymph nodes or is accompanied by fever and weakness.

The first type of virus is transmitted by contact and is constantly present inside the body; it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Antibodies to this variety are found in most men and women over 40 years of age.

The immune system of a healthy person suppresses the disease, but when it is weakened as a result of stress or a cold, the virus manifests itself by the appearance of yellowish and white specks on the lips.

During periods of activation, the herpes virus must be treated, since when activated, it provokes the development of other diseases. Treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of a proper diet and antiviral ointments and gels.

You should not try to remove dead skin by tearing it off - this will lead to additional problems in the form of an open bleeding wound and the spread of infection.

Type No. 2: aphthous stomatitis

This pathology is usually indicated not only by a sore under and on the lip, but also by ulcers or aphthae localized in the mouth (on the inside of the cheeks, tongue, palate). As a rule, new growths are white in color, and there is a red border around them. In this case, ulcers can appear and burst gradually, that is, first one pops up and goes away, but then another one forms in another place. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms: itching and soreness of the inflamed areas, general weakness, putrid odor from the mouth. Possible increase in body temperature, loss of appetite.

Aphthous stomatitis is a very common pathology. However, if you have ulcers that hurt and itch, which are localized not only under the lip or on it, but also in the mouth, on the mucous membrane, then other types of stomatitis may be to blame - read more about each of them in the feature article on website.

There are many reasons for aphthous stomatitis, and, as a rule, not one, but several of the following: damage to the integument by viruses (herpes), fungi (for example, Candida) and infections, injuries to the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity (mechanical, thermal, chemical) , weakened immunity and chronic diseases, allergies, poor oral hygiene, the presence of advanced dental diseases.

The photo shows aphthous stomatitis

Manifestation of stomatitis on the lips

If a white spot forms on the inside of the lip, which quickly enlarges and turns into an ulcer, it means that the patient’s stomatitis is progressing. The same spot may appear on the inside of the cheek. The sores do not appear on the outside of the cheeks or on the outside of the lips and are not visible to another person, and they rarely appear in the corners of the lips.

The ulcer has a whitish color, is framed by a red border and is very painful when exposed to any irritant, especially sour and salty foods. Their number at one time is small, and the typical reasons for their appearance are the following factors:

  • deficiency of B vitamins and certain nutrients such as folic acid or zinc;
  • injury to soft tissues (physical, chemical or thermal) with pathogenic microorganisms entering the wound;
  • impaired immunity;
  • allergic reaction;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomatitis, which manifests itself as medium or small white sores and dots on the lips, usually goes away on its own in 1–2 weeks. Rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions helps reduce the healing period. In case of a prolonged course of the disease, the formation of large ulcers or a sharp increase in their number, you must consult a dentist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary mouthwash solutions and may also prescribe corticosteroid ointments.

Variety No. 1: herpes

If a white sore appears under or on your lip, as in the photo below, then you may have herpes. By the way, this is the most common and common pathology of all possible (about 90% of the world's population is susceptible to it), because the herpes virus lives dormant in any organism.

The photo shows herpes

What activates the herpes virus? Weakened immunity, hypothermia (it’s not for nothing that herpes is often called a “cold”), stress, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, physical and emotional overload, hormonal changes. Elderly people, pregnant and lactating women are very susceptible to the problem. Some researchers have also found that the disease can be triggered by microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes of the lips, including those received during dental procedures1.

By the way, the pathology is contagious. It is likely that you simply “picked up” her from a close circle of friends through the use of shared towels, cutlery and dishes, through kisses.

Main symptoms: in appearance, the neoplasm resembles a bubble (or several of them, and they then merge with each other) filled with liquid. After a few days, the blister bursts, becomes crusty, gradually dries out, and normally after 7-10 days only a pink spot remains on the skin, which gradually fades.

The herpes virus can make itself felt through sores in the mouth and lip up to 1-2 times a year, which is considered quite normal. But if pathology bothers you more often, then you should sound the alarm and go for examination to doctors, since internal diseases of the body, against the background of which the immune system is greatly weakened, may be to blame.

Usually, before a herpes sore appears under the lip, a person experiences itching and redness of the skin. And once these symptoms are detected, it is worth taking action, namely, starting to apply antiviral drugs like Acyclovir and Docosanol to the skin. It will also be useful to start taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system.

“Almost every year I get this ugly herpetic lesion in my mouth under my lower lip. Do not smear it with creams, it still goes through all its stages from redness to the appearance of a bubble, and then a crust. Even though I take my vitamins every year, and I watch my diet, and I try not to stress too much, I still can’t get rid of this problem... At the same time, I even had an examination with a therapist, and they didn’t reveal any health problems for me...”

Marina K, review from

White spots on the lips due to human papillomavirus

To date, about 600 strains of human papillomavirus have been discovered. They have been known for quite some time and are the cause of the formation of warts. If white dots appear under the skin of the lips, which turn pink over time, then this is a sign of HPV.

At first, white dots on the lips are small, but then they can grow. They come in both flat and convex shapes - spike-shaped, dome-shaped or complex. Usually there are few of them, and a person does not experience pain or discomfort during the appearance and development of such structures.

HPV is a very dangerous disease (some strains are oncogenic), so people with symptoms of this disease should consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate test.

There is no radical therapy that can guarantee the removal of the virus. However, there are a number of measures based on the use of immunomodulators that increase the body’s ability to fight the disease. Spontaneous recovery is often observed when the immune system suppresses the virus so much that traces of its activity cannot be detected by known methods. If white dots on the lips are similar to manifestations of HPV, then it is better to consult a therapist, urologist or gynecologist.

Variety No. 5: cyst

You may have a cyst on your lip, like in the photo. As a rule, pathology appears on the lower lip (from the inside, that is, in the mouth, or from the outside). It grows very slowly and is not prone to degeneration into an oncological tumor. At first, a ball with transparent contents forms on the soft tissues, but as it grows it thickens and becomes whitish.

The photo shows a cyst

The cyst is usually painless. However, if a cyst under your lip hurts, this indicates that you have injured it, or it has become inflamed due to bacteria getting inside, which again can occur due to damage to the skin and the appearance of microcracks on them.

In medical practice, a lip cyst is also called “retention”, “mucous” or “mucocele”. The appearance of the pathology is associated with blockage of the salivary glands and various injuries to delicate tissues (burns, scratches, biting). If the sore is localized in the mouth under the lip (on the inside), then systematic damage to the tissues by poorly manufactured and installed orthopedic and orthodontic structures, chipped teeth, and malocclusion could contribute to its appearance. It can also occur in those who have pierced themselves.

Should I consult a doctor about this problem or not? Experts say that such cysts have a tendency to resolve on their own. However, if this does not happen, or the sore under the lower lip begins to hurt, has greatly increased in size, causes serious concern, and spoils the aesthetics of your smile, then be sure to make an appointment with a doctor. Usually, if a cyst has formed on the lip, then all treatment consists of surgical excision. The safest, atraumatic and painless option is using a laser.

White rashes on lips due to oral candidiasis

The common name for this disease is thrush. It manifests itself as a white rash on the lips, sometimes in their corners, inside the mouth, and can spread to the tonsils. There is a feeling of dehydration and mild pain when eating spicy and salty foods. Thrush is a fungal disease, the development of which is provoked by the following factors:

  • taking corticosteroids and antibiotics that reduce immunity;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, upper or lower lip due to wearing dentures, excessive dryness or injury;
  • anemia, diabetes, pregnancy;
  • serious diseases: HIV, oncology.

The pathogen is present in the body of most people and can be transmitted sexually and during the birth of a child from his mother. If white spots characteristic of candidiasis appear on the lips and mucous membranes, but there are no manifestations in the genital area, then you should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist. Attempts to get rid of rashes will be ineffective if you do not get rid of the underlying disease.

When can you use Azelik®?

Acne rarely occurs on the edges of the lips, since the smallest number of sebaceous glands is located there. More often, acne affects the chin, forehead, cheeks, and spreads to the décolleté, shoulders, and back.

One of the medications indicated for mild to moderate acne is Azelik® gel. Its main active ingredient is azelaic acid. It has the following properties5:

  • helps normalize disrupted keratinization processes in the pilosebaceous follicle;
  • helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin;
  • exhibits antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect due to its ability to reduce neutrophil metabolism and reduce the synthesis of free radical oxygen species.

Azelik® gel must be applied twice a day5. 2.5 g of preparations are enough to treat the entire face5. The gel is available in tubes of 5, 15, 30 g.

Features of therapy

When Fordyce granules are identified, no specific treatment is usually prescribed, but if their accumulation is large enough, the most effective method for getting rid of white spots in each individual case can be prescribed:

  1. a course of physiotherapeutic procedures (for example, Darsonval currents);
  2. hardware procedures (electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser correction);
  3. cosmetic procedures (application of jojoba oil, retinol, etc.)
  4. radical method of surgical excision.

Often, women, having noticed white dots under the skin on their upper lip, mask the unpleasant defect with permanent makeup, but this method of getting rid of the problem can only aggravate the situation, provoking the risk of infection. For the same reason, and also in order to prevent scarring of the affected tissues, it is not recommended to try to squeeze out, cut off, or cauterize dots or spots yourself.

If the cause of the appearance of subcutaneous neoplasms is internal pathologies, treatment should be prescribed and strictly monitored by a doctor, since the elements of the rash in this case act not only as an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also as a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Pain during contouring - myth or reality?

Thanks to unscrupulous players in the beauty market, potential clients have the impression that lip correction using fillers is a pleasant and painless procedure. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. Even the use of special anesthetic gels does not relieve pain. Subcutaneous manipulation with a needle is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, especially on such a sensitive area as the lips. Even those who have a fairly high pain threshold experience discomfort.

Manufacturers of lidocaine fillers claim that their solutions can reduce sensitivity by 35–40%. Cosmetologists also talk about positive experiences and slight swelling. But stories about serious complications that arise specifically from lidocaine-containing drugs are regularly covered in the media. Although we are mostly talking about overdoses or violations of sanitary standards.

An initial consultation with your doctor before the procedure is a wise thing to do. It is necessary to discuss with a specialist the selection of the drug, execution technique and contraindications. The doctor will take into account the individual characteristics of your body. This will help reduce the risk of side effects and eliminate allergic reactions.

Non-pathological causes

Various factors can provoke white plaque on the lips:

  • insufficient oral care;
  • an unbalanced diet when it does not provide the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals;
  • wearing dentures;
  • taking certain medications;
  • depression;
  • bad habits, in particular smoking.

To get rid of unwanted manifestations in such cases, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor.

If the problem occurs only in the morning, most likely the white coating is dried saliva that flows out randomly during sleep. When such manifestations are observed occasionally, and the plaque itself does not have an unpleasant odor, there is no need to worry. The film will disappear after hygiene procedures.

How is treatment carried out when plaque appears in the oral cavity?

To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor must first determine why plaque appears on the lips. The faster and more accurately he makes a diagnosis, the easier the therapy will be. Treatment will differ in each individual case. A universal technique is to rinse the mouth with soda and potassium permanganate.

Treatment of candidiasis can be local and systemic. Suitable therapy is selected taking into account the stage of development and form of the disease. Local treatment of the affected areas is carried out using antifungal and antiseptic drugs - sprays, rinses, gels, etc.

Systemic treatment of candidiasis is carried out in the chronic form of the disease and its spread to other organs. It involves taking special polyene antibacterial drugs, which are active against most fungi and some protozoa, or antimycotic substances. The following remedies are often prescribed:

  • "Nystatin" is a polyene antibiotic characterized by moderate toxicity;
  • Fluconazole is a highly effective antimycotic drug;
  • "Nizoral" is an antifungal agent that copes with candidiasis in a few days.

An addition to the main therapy can be rinsing the mouth with decoctions of sage, chamomile, and yarrow. To eliminate an undesirable symptom, it is important to adjust your diet, drink enough fluids, and humidify the air in the room. It is also necessary to sanitize the oral cavity and constantly maintain its hygiene at a high level.

On average, treatment takes three weeks. It is carried out until the symptoms disappear completely and then extended for another week.

Diagnostic methods

After a survey, examination and medical history, the doctor will prescribe additional tests to determine the exact cause of the appearance of white pimples.

Diagnostic methods:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis for HIV, herpes, immunogram;
  • bacterial culture of a swab from the oral cavity;
  • histology;
  • biopsy.

Bacterial culture of a swab from the oral cavity will help to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of white spots

To assess the condition of internal organs, ultrasound, MRI, CT,

HPV is an incurable disease; warts often degenerate into malignant neoplasms; the effectiveness of vaccinations against papillomavirus in the oral form of the disease has not been proven. The only way to treat is to constantly strengthen the immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Painful cracks appeared not on my lip itself, but in the corners of my mouth. This is the first time... What could it be?

Anna (10/27/2020 at 4:02 pm) Reply to comment

    Dear Anna, perhaps you are dealing with a disease such as angulitis. The pathology is also popularly called “jam”. Various viruses, fungi and bacteria can cause this problem. Often the disease occurs against a background of weakened immunity, allergies, advanced dental diseases, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For examination, identification of the form of angulitis and prescription of treatment measures, it is better to contact a dentist, dermatologist or therapist.

    Editorial staff of the portal (02.11.2020 at 09:26) Reply to comment

What vitamins should you take to prevent your immune system from weakening? My herpes may appear once a year, or it may not appear at all for a long time. It happened completely differently, one year without signs, and another up to 2 times, but besides this, he doesn’t come out alone. This is fine?

Yuri (11/20/2020 at 4:18 pm) Reply to comment

Hello! I often get herpes. I've had this problem since school. Sometimes, it remains at the initial stage of burning and redness, and goes away on its own if left undisturbed. And sometimes it develops and goes through all stages. I just can’t understand in what cases it can be avoided?

Kamila (11/20/2020 at 6:52 pm) Reply to comment

Good evening! Please tell me, can the above diseases be transmitted through the saliva of pets? Mostly interested in herpes. Is it the dentist who deals with these problems, or can I see another doctor?

Anna Novikova (11/20/2020 at 07:59 pm) Reply to comment

I thought that it was only herpes or that they cracked and became slightly inflamed due to frost. Prevention of all these diseases, first of all, personal hygiene or even a lack of vitamins can work?

Olga (11/20/2020 at 8:31 pm) Reply to comment

Good afternoon There was a small spot on the edge of my lip that looked like a body like a camera. What could it be?

Elena (06/03/2021 at 09:27) Reply to comment

Sorry, red body

Elena (06/03/2021 at 09:31) Reply to comment

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