How to improve sperm quality: recommendations from urologists

Face masks made from sperm have been known since ancient times. The beauties of ancient Egypt, including Queen Cleopatra, noticed that they had excellent rejuvenating properties. But nowadays this natural remedy is rarely used for cosmetic purposes. Most ladies are squeamish about seminal fluid and do not know how to use it correctly at home. Many fables and speculations are made about the seed as a natural cosmetic product. After all, a man’s ejaculate has a specific smell. However, it can be easily repelled by other components added to the mask. In addition, the remedy taken from your sexual partner will not cost any money.

What should sperm be like?

Sperm is a concentrated biologically active substance on a hormonal basis.
If used incorrectly, it can have negative consequences for the skin. It is especially harmful for the thin epidermis of young women (up to thirty years old). In them, the seed can cause acne and allergic reactions. In modern beauty salons they make masks with male sperm. But their quality is questionable. It is unknown from which sperm donor she was taken. Instead of human sperm, you may be given bovine or artificial sperm.

The ejaculate for masks must meet certain requirements. Everything in our body is interconnected; the quality of seminal fluid depends on the food a man eats for several days before ejaculation. The sperm donor's diet a week before ejaculation should be healthy, rich in vitamins and free of irritating substances (such as hot pepper). Fatty, salty, and canned foods are also excluded from the menu. A man should not drink alcohol, smoke or take medications at this time. Contagious diseases can be transmitted through the seed. It is recommended to taste the ejaculate before use. It should taste salty or bitter, but not overly bitter or sweet.

When preparing masks with male seminal fluid, proportions must be strictly observed. A large amount of semen can cause a burn and severely tighten the skin.


  1. Clarke H., Harrison S., Perez MJ., Kirkman-Brown J. UK guidelines for the medical and laboratory procurement and use of sperm, oocyte and embryo donors (2019). // Hum Fertil (Camb) - 2021 - Vol24 - N1 - p.3-13; PMID:31169420
  2. Germán Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos Riveros. Aspectos Conductuales de la Competencia de Esperma en Aves [Electronic resource] // Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 2003.
  3. José Manuel Puga Arriaga, Tatiana Poznyak, Laura Martínez Tabche, Elena Kiseleva. EFECTO DEL CROMO HEXAVALENTE SOBRE LA CINÉTICA DE MUERTE DE ESPERMATOZOIDES HUMANOS [Electronic resource] // VERTIENTES Revista Especializada en Ciencias de la Salud, 2002.
  4. Ashok Agarwal, Ahmad Majzoub, Saradha Baskaran. Sperm DNA Fragmentation: A New Guideline for Clinicians [Electronic resource] // The World Journal of Men's Health, 2022.
  5. Steven A. Ramm, Lukas Scha¨rer, Jens Ehmcke, Joachim Wistuba. Sperm competition and the evolution of spermatogenesis [Electronic resource] // Molecular Human Reproduction, 2014.

What is this

A man's semen is a viscous, grayish-white mass that is released when a man ejaculates. It consists of seminal fluid and sperm. Male ejaculate contains a large number of useful substances. A seed consists of more than seventy components.

Protein substances found in sperm, during ejaculation within thirty seconds, under the influence of enzymes, are decomposed into amino acids (glutamic, lysine, serine, histidine, aspartic, leucine, isoleucine, glycine, tyrosine). Ejaculate fats are represented by: cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids. There are also free amines in the seed: spermine and spermidine. Citric acid, rich in vitamin C, is present in semen in an amount of 0.5% of the total content.

Sperm don't live long

It's time to debunk the most common myth about sperm.

When a man ejaculates, he releases about 300-500 million sperm. However, most of them die within an hour. Only five to ten “lucky” ones will survive and be able to reach the fallopian tubes. But even they will not be able to survive for long under the influence of the acidic environment and the woman’s immune system. Theoretically, sperm can live up to five days, but the uterine environment is not conducive to this.

Figure 1. Structure of the sperm. Image: Kirill Borisenko / Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Beneficial substances of sperm

  1. Spermine and spermidine (antioxidants): protect the epidermis from various unwanted effects, including free radicals. Prevents the formation of lipofuscin (aging pigment).
  2. Citric acid: brightens the skin and cleanses it of dead cells.
  3. Glutamic acid: helps maintain skin turgor and elasticity. This is why masks with sperm have a lifting effect. This substance controls the natural acid-base balance of the skin and renews cells.
  4. Aspartic acid: helps reduce skin blemishes and remove freckles.
  5. Lysine: has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect on the epidermis. It is especially effective for pimples and acne.
  6. Sirin - this amino acid protects the skin from unwanted environmental influences and moisturizes it.
  7. Glycine: has antioxidant properties and helps retain moisture in the epidermis.
  8. Creatine also renews skin cells, rejuvenating it.
  9. Hyaluniradase enzyme: increases the permeability of the epidermis, promoting better absorption of nutrients.
  10. All amino acids nourish the skin and have an exfoliating effect.

Ineffective contraception

Any competent doctor will say that no contraception option will give a 100% result, but will recommend the most reliable methods:

  • Oral contraception - the guarantee of this method is 98%, it is not for nothing that birth control pills are considered one of the most reliable contraceptives, along with a condom. Combination drugs (COCs) contain hormones that suppress ovulation. COCs are not suitable for all women, and besides, these pills should not be skipped. On the other hand, in case of casual relationships, drugs will not protect against sexually transmitted infections and other dangerous diseases transmitted through sex.
  • Barrier protection - guarantees when using a condom are 97-98%. It is believed that this technique reliably protects a healthy partner from contracting STDs, but regular sexual partners rarely use condoms due to the dulling of pleasant sensations during sex.
  • Intrauterine device - IUD reliability is 99% or higher, but this technique has a lot of disadvantages and contraindications, so it is used less and less now.
  • Coitus interruptus is the most common, but one of the most unreliable methods of contraception, guaranteeing only up to 70% protection against unwanted conception.

The essence of PPA is the removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. You can increase the effectiveness of the method by using it 3-5 days before menstruation and 3-5 days after it. During this period, the risk of becoming pregnant is extremely low. This method is the most affordable, you don’t have to pay for it, there’s no need to drink “chemicals” or injure the internal genital organs with an intrauterine contraceptive, undergoing unpleasant medical procedures, and you don’t need to run to the pharmacy for condoms, which are now expensive.


probable day of ovulation

favorable days for conception

General rules for preparing masks

To avoid unwanted effects on your skin, follow these tips.

  1. Initially, no more than one teaspoon of seminal fluid is taken for the mask.
  2. To avoid unwanted reactions from the skin, you must strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the mask.
  3. Be sure to check the ejaculate for any allergic reaction, apply the semen to an inconspicuous area of ​​skin and leave for ten minutes.
  4. The areas of the epidermis around the eyes and lips are not treated; the skin in these areas is very delicate.
  5. Sperm liquefies for half an hour after ejaculation; it is during this time that all useful substances are released from it. These qualities must be taken into account when applying the mask.
  6. Seminal fluid retains its beneficial properties for no more than two hours at room temperature. You can freeze the biological substance in the refrigerator; this sperm is used within two weeks.
  7. For a permanent effect from masks with seeds, do it 2-3 times a week.
  8. Unless otherwise stated, keep the cosmetic product on the face for 20 minutes. It is washed off with warm water or a decoction of herbs with chamomile and mint.
  9. To prepare herbal decoctions, pour two tablespoons of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes.

Contraindications for use

It turns out that seminal fluid is a miraculous remedy for facial care on a par with salon procedures. But this substance also has contraindications:

  • You cannot use seminal fluid if you are intolerant to calcium or protein, otherwise, instead of benefit, the result will be disappointing - burns of the upper layer of the epithelium may occur;
  • Do not use sperm on thin, very dry or sensitive skin, as it can cause severe allergies or irritation;
  • It is undesirable to apply seminal fluid to a face that does not have visible defects and wrinkles, because it thins young skin and causes acne and irritation.

Examples of face masks

Reviews from women who use this cosmetic product indicate that after using this product, the skin becomes soft and tender, like that of a small child.

The simplest face mask: mix seed liquid with baby cream in equal proportions.

For dry and aging skin: men combine half a teaspoon of ejaculate with one tablespoon of wheat germ oil. For a teaspoon of sperm, take a dessert spoon of honey and vegetable oil. All components are mixed. Ingredients: olive oil, honey, three parts cream and one part sperm. The components are made into a homogeneous mass.

What is the benefit

Whether there is actually an effect from using the seed, we need to understand in more detail. Young girls often get cum on their faces. The benefits of sperm for women are as follows:

  • Dental action. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening teeth. Calcium and zinc included in the composition strengthen tooth enamel. Sperm can be added to various drinks to make it tasty, not just healthy. The usefulness of ejaculate also manifests itself when applied to the lips instead of lipstick.
  • Antidepressant effect. Melatonin and serotonin, which are present in the composition, can calm the nervous system and put it to sleep, and the hormones oxytocin and tarragon are the hormones of happiness.
  • Cosmetic effect. Seminal fluid is an excellent remedy for a woman's figure. Due to the hormone prostaglandin, which enters the woman’s body, the hormone estrogen is stimulated. It improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and keeps the breasts in good condition.
  • Reproductive action. It happens that a woman’s body perceives a fertilized egg as someone else’s body and rejects it. This is because it contains male cells that are foreign to the female body. By receiving sperm, a woman receives a certain amount of male DNA, gradually introducing it into the body. This is necessary so that during pregnancy the fertilized egg does not “feel like a stranger” and takes root in the uterus.

Composition of ejaculate

The beneficial properties of sperm are associated with its unique composition. It includes components such as:

  1. Ascorbic acid.
  2. Vitamins A, E, B12.
  3. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine.
  4. Uric acid.
  5. Cholesterol, creatine, fructose glycine and other elements.
  6. Protein mixture.

The properties of sperm to stop the natural aging process have been known to people since ancient times. This is not disputed today.

Impact on a woman’s body

How is male liquid useful for the fairer sex and whether this benefit actually exists? This question is considered rhetorical, since the answer to it depends on many factors:

  • Liquid volume;
  • The quality of sperm, which is associated with a man’s health;
  • Age indicators.

In order not to harm the female body, you need to take into account the quality of sperm and the age of the man.

Is seminal fluid good for a woman’s skin and face, since various masks and creams are made with it? Yes, components identical to sperm are included in many expensive cosmetics. Masks and creams based on male fluid are very popular among the fairer sex.

The reasons for this popularity lie in the following:

  1. They have an optimal ratio of vitamins and microelements;
  2. They slow down the aging process of the skin;
  3. Removes wrinkles better than other products by 20%.

The health of the skin depends on the amount of vitamins and microelements that enter the body. The benefit of sperm for the skin is that it, like a sponge, absorbs all the necessary substances. Due to this, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved.

Benefits for the skin

By properly preparing a mask from the semen of your beloved man, you can achieve many positive effects:

  • The skin of the face will turn white;
  • Due to the acid, dead, excess layers of epithelium will peel off;
  • The face will receive a real nutritional storehouse of minerals;
  • Due to the influence of the same acidic acid, the skin will smooth out;
  • The pores will become narrower and unsightly puffiness will disappear.

Although we can say that the most useful effect of such a mask is still psychological. It doesn’t even matter whether you use recipes to prepare the mask. Of course, if you collect your partner's sperm in some container, it is easier to use the recipes. And directly the seed will act more aggressively. But if your husband directly feels that you are not shy about his sperm, he will understand how you accept him completely. Such moments are very useful in building trusting, truly close relationships.

Sperm is better perceived by a woman’s skin after 25-30 years. Before this, there is less sense in such a mask, because its main effect is rejuvenating.

Recipes for masks from male fluid

Pure sperm cannot be used for masks ; this can cause skin irritation and even burns. Because of this, it must be diluted

Here is a simple recipe for a sperm mask: you need to take male fluid and dilute it a little with water, add olive oil so that the composition is similar to kefir and apply to the skin for twenty minutes. This composition gives a rejuvenating result, nourishes the dermis from the inside. But women under 30 are not advised to use the mask, since the young dermis can react to the seed completely unexpectedly.

Does sperm help with acne?

In order to use seminal fluid to eliminate acne and pimples, you should use one of the above masks.

At the end of the procedure, it must be washed off with warm water. To get rid of acne, you should wipe the skin with an alcohol solution of herbs. You can also wash it with a solution of sea salt.

In fact, it is not entirely clear whether sperm helps or not against acne. It all depends on your skin. For some it has a really positive effect, but for others it does not bring anything good.

Limitations in use

Men can cum on girls' faces, but sperm is not used in its pure form, since it contains aggressive components that can cause skin irritation. Therefore, it should be washed almost immediately. Because of this, when preparing masks yourself, certain proportions must be observed: the seed should not be more than half in relation to other components that are used in the mask.

Male semen should not be used if you have skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema or contact dermatitis. Sperm can only worsen the skin condition.

Seminal fluid perfectly moisturizes and acts as a mask for the penis itself.

An absolute limitation to use is intolerance to the components that make up the seminal fluid.

Masks containing seminal fluid should not be used by those with hypersensitive or dry skin. It is better to use cosmetic creams based on male semen.

You cannot use sperm-based masks in the area of ​​moles, papillomas and other types of benign formations. Under the influence of the active elements included in the composition, these neoplasms can become malignant.

Is it worth it?

Now many will say that “wow, how can you put it on your face and taste the sperm? and, oh God, swallowing it??? how can this be???? it’s harmful!!” But no. Sperm is not poison or other surrogate that a man simply dumps to relieve tension. Even doctors loudly claim that sperm can prevent breast cancer (although it is worth noting that if the process is not done for pleasure, then your body is unlikely to be happy with such a life-giving ingredient).

Therefore, do everything to have fun and if you want to try sperm on yourself, then you will not only purely psychologically strengthen contact with your man, but also get a variety of impressions from something new and so mysteriously passionate


What are the beneficial properties of the main ingredient?

Malafia is a unique ingredient of youth and beauty. She will make your body:

  1. soft;
  2. will increase its elasticity;
  3. moisturizes;
  4. smooth out wrinkles;
  5. It will even help get rid of acne.

This is all thanks to the ejaculate, which is a component of the stronger sex of the seed. It also contains the following elements:

Also, thanks to this chemical composition, the seed whitens, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation and rashes. That is why many manufacturers use this ingredient to make cosmetics.

However, when buying cosmetics for rejuvenation with youthful discharge after sexual intercourse, you need to understand that it most likely contains an animal element or a substitute. But only those whose donor did not use drugs, drink, smoke, and ate properly, that is, did not eat non-spicy or high-calorie foods, have beneficial properties.

The donor must abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for one week before donating his sperm. Many beauty salons offer their clients anti-aging skin treatments using sperm. The effect of a mask whose active substance is the stronger sex can be compared to peeling.

Recommendations from experts on the correct use and application of mixtures

When using sperm for cosmetic purposes, you need to be careful. A concentrated, undiluted mask based on sperm, with frequent use, will tighten and dry out the epidermis, and can also cause itching, redness and rashes on the surface of the affected area. Therefore, to avoid problems with the epidermis of your face, when preparing the mass, you need to mix malafia with some other healthy liquid or product in a 2:4 ratio.

Which substance to mix with will depend on what type of epidermis you have. If you have an oily type, then it is best to dilute the ejaculate with kefir or aloe juice. Then, after applying this mixture, the affected areas will become white, clean and moisturized. For the dry type, it is best to use butter, cream or sour cream.

For older women, it is recommended to add egg white to this substance. If the required ingredients are not in your refrigerator, the ejaculate can be diluted with plain water. Before you start applying the composition to the epidermis of the face, you need to apply it to the back of your hand and see if any redness occurs.

When using for the first time, it is not recommended to keep the mixture for more than 20 minutes from the moment of application. There are age restrictions for using this miracle mass. It is best suited for women over 36 years of age. Thanks to its high protein content, it perfectly smooths out wrinkles and cleanses pores. However, only fresh product can be used.

Girls under 25 years of age are not allowed to use a mask with the main component, which is a youth product. This use may cause heat or allergies. You can also damage the top layer of the epidermis, which will lead to premature aging.

The permissible daily dose for cosmetic procedures is one teaspoon. Before trying such anti-aging masses on yourself, you should consult with your personal allergist so as not to have unpleasant consequences for the skin of your face.

Sperm based cream

In cosmetology, seminal fluid is used to make creams:

  1. Kitov.
  2. Bykov.
  3. Sea urchins.
  4. In rare cases, you may find facial cream made from male semen.

Below is a lubricant based on whale and other animal sperm.

How to make cream from sperm?

To make such a cosmetic product at home, it only takes a few minutes. Main ingredients:

  • A man's seminal fluid is fresh.
  • Any viscous substance, for example, Vaseline, lard, liquid honey, aloe, egg white, kefir, etc.

In fact, you can read the section on creating masks from sperm to create the mass you need. After which this resulting substance can be smeared on the face or skin in other places. In essence, this will be a rejuvenating cream based on sperm that will help against wrinkles and other skin problems.

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