Seduction zone: how to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté area

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: December 05, 2022

Review date: November 17, 2022

Hands are the girl’s business card, neck is her passport, chest is her international passport. This phrase is attributed to the great Coco Chanel. Now it’s difficult to say whether she really said that, but the fact that the arms, neck and décolleté area reveal a lady’s true age is 100% true.

Unfortunately, while paying special attention to facial care, women often forget about the décolleté area. But one day, putting on a dress or blouse with a cutout, they notice that the skin on the upper chest has become flabby, covered with wrinkles and age spots. Therefore, this part of the body needs to be looked after no less carefully.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna

Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Maintain hygiene

The neck and décolleté are the areas that regularly come into contact with clothing. They are subject to friction from the fabric and also sweat more than the face. Therefore, when showering, be sure to pay enough attention to these areas. Use gentle, moisturizing products and avoid over-stretching the skin in this area. Sometimes you can take a contrast shower - it has a very good effect on the condition of the skin.

Every morning and evening, while washing and applying care cosmetics to your face, do not forget about your neck and décolleté. First, rinse your skin with cool water. To cleanse, use alcohol-free cosmetics - milk, tonic, foam or gel. Do such procedures daily - and your skin will breathe freshness and youth.

How to maintain tone

Let's start with seemingly general, but very important facts:

  • First of all, pay attention to your sconce. It should not be too narrow and oppressive.
  • Rethink your diet. Strict and tough, with a million restrictions - not for you! You need a balanced diet with fats and proteins.
  • Check whether you are properly protecting yourself from ultraviolet radiation (we have even prepared a special article for this!), because it is the main provocateur of aging!
  • Never forget to include the neck and chest area in your beauty routine! Everything you do to your face (cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing) should also apply to it. After all, the most offensive thing is when you have brought your face to the state of 30 years old, and your neck demonstrates that you are 40!

Don't forget about peeling

Peeling and scrubbing are cosmetic procedures aimed at removing dead particles of the epidermis. To maintain the youth of your neck and décolleté, perform such manipulations once a week. This will be quite enough, because you shouldn’t overuse peeling either.

It is important that you choose the right exfoliator. It is necessary to use gentle products so as not to injure thin skin. Choose mild products based on low concentrations of acids.

Scrubs should also be light and suitable for sensitive areas. As for “homemade” scrubs based on sugar or brewed coffee grounds, they are not suitable for the neck and décolleté. The fact is that such products contain hard particles that can damage the integrity of the already delicate epidermis.


Rejuvenating lotion for décolleté and neck area

  • sour cream – 4 tablespoons;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – ? PC.;
  • vodka – 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Place the chicken egg yolk and sour cream in one bowl. Grind the resulting mixture thoroughly. For lotion, it is advisable to use full-fat sour cream.
  • Pour vodka in there. If this ingredient is unavailable, you can use cologne.
  • Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and add it to the total mass.
  • Lastly, add the grated cucumber. Mix everything.

Place the prepared product in the refrigerator for 2 days. After the specified time, you can begin the rejuvenation course. Wipe your skin with lotion every morning instead of washing your face. Do not forget that the composition is suitable for use within a week only if it is stored in the refrigerator, and in a tightly closed container. When you need it, be sure to take it out with a clean spoon.

Mask that smoothes wrinkles on the neck and décolleté

  • dandelion leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • nettle leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon balm leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • mint leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tablespoons;
  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Place fresh dandelion, mint, nettle and lemon balm leaves in a blender and grind to a paste.
  • Then add cottage cheese and honey to the chopped herbs. Mix everything.

Distribute the composition over cleansed skin of the décolleté and neck. When a quarter of an hour has passed, rinse it off with slightly warm water. This product will give a positive result if you use it 2 times a week.

Mask for the décolleté and neck area with a lifting effect

  • baker's yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • milk – a small amount.
  • Pour baker's yeast into a deep container with warm milk. Please note that you need to add so much milk so that the mixture eventually becomes similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  • Now add honey there. Mix everything well. Then close the lid, wrap and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
  • After half an hour, mix sea buckthorn oil and egg yolk with the mixture.

Apply the resulting paste to the skin of the neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, wash with warm water. Using the described product 2 times a week, you will be pleasantly surprised by the results. The skin will noticeably transform – it will become fresh and youthful.

Anti-aging mask with avocado for neck and décolleté

  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • peach oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • cream – 1 tablespoon.
  • Remove the pit from the avocado and peel it. The product will be most effective if you use ripe fruit.
  • Add vegetable oil and cream to the fruit pulp. The mass must be stirred until its consistency becomes completely homogeneous.

Apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin. Leave it on for one quarter of an hour, then remove it by washing with lukewarm water. The main ingredient of the mask activates the production of elastin and collagen fibers, which significantly slows down the process of skin cell withering. Recommended frequency of use is 2-3 times a week.

Potato compress for neck and décolleté

  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • glycerin – 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil – 1 teaspoon.
  • Peel the pre-boiled potatoes in their skins. While it is still hot, mash it until it becomes a puree.
  • Then combine the mashed potatoes with the remaining ingredients.

Place the resulting mixture on a gauze napkin. Place the napkin on the skin of your neck and décolleté. Place a thick cloth on top. Leave the fixed compress for a third of an hour. Then remove it and rinse your skin with warm boiled water. It is advisable to finish the procedure by wiping the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a cool infusion of oak bark or chamomile flowers. Grease with rich cream. Compresses should be made at least once every 7 days.

Oil mask for skin rejuvenation of the décolleté and neck area

  • apricot oil – ? teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 3-4 drops.
  • Pour the oil into a bowl and place it in a water bath to heat. Once it is slightly warm, remove it from the stove. An excellent alternative to apricot oil is sesame, almond, olive, rose hip or flax oil.
  • Add lemon juice to warm oil. Mix the mixture well.

After lubricating the skin with the product in the neck and décolleté area, wait 25–30 minutes. After the specified period of time, rinse the lubricated areas with warm water. This mask perfectly copes with wrinkles, brightens and refreshes the skin, and also tones it. Rejuvenation sessions using this composition should be carried out 2 times a week.

Mask for nourishing the skin of the neck and décolleté

  • banana pulp - 3 tablespoons;
  • avocado oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon.
  • Mash the mixture of banana and avocado oil thoroughly.
  • Next, add the yolk of a chicken egg and honey. Stir the mixture until smooth. If its consistency is too thick, add a small amount of cream or milk.

When applying the composition to the skin of the décolleté and neck, make sure that it lays down in an even layer. After the 20-minute period, remove it with warm water. A banana mask is recommended for use both for aging skin and for skin that is extremely dry. The first results can be seen after just a few procedures. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to use the product every 3-4 days for 1-2 months.

As you can see, prolonging the beauty of the skin in the neck and décolleté area is not such an impossible task as it seems. The main thing is to carve out half an hour a day and devote it to self-care. After all, the absence of laziness and a great desire to look chic at any age work amazing miracles.

The skin has few enemies as serious as harmful ultraviolet radiation. In addition to regular creams with SPF, please note that almost all cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, have sun protection parameters.

Provide hydration and nutrition to the skin

Face creams are also suitable for treating the décolleté and neck area. They have a delicate texture, nourish well and fill with moisture. For young girls, such care is quite enough. However, for aging skin it is necessary to choose special creams for the care of the skin of the neck and décolleté.

In sunny weather, additionally use cosmetics that create a reliable barrier and do not allow UV rays to pass through. You can apply creams with antioxidant effects underneath them. This will help prevent the destruction of skin cells and premature formation of wrinkles.

Salon treatments

When the process of age-related changes has begun, home procedures are no longer enough. Cosmetology comes to the rescue, which has good tools to combat a wrinkled neck and chest:

1. Mesotherapy. Gives excellent results. The most effective ingredients for our zone: hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E, C, B, K, amino acids, organic acids, minerals, coenzymes, lipoic acid, nucleic acids, DMAE. 2. Radio wave lifting. The effect comes from controlled thermal exposure. The stretched connective tissue partitions of subcutaneous fat and the skin itself are reduced - the neck and chest become more elastic and strong. 3. Fractional laser rejuvenation. Works great for severe flabbiness. The laser, passing through the epidermis, removes old cells and “expired” collagen. And the skin patches up the resulting voids with new high-quality cells. For visible results you need 5 procedures. And yes, it doesn't hurt!

Agree, it’s not all that difficult! Especially when the price of your efforts is a beautiful appearance and minus a few years of age!

By the way, check yourself: Test: do you look older than your age?

Make masks

Yes, masks can and should be applied to the skin of the neck and décolleté. You can purchase nourishing, moisturizing, anti-aging masks at the pharmacy or try to prepare a “homemade” mask yourself. But remember that some foods can cause allergies. To prepare masks you can use:

  • fat sour cream;
  • egg yolks;
  • honey;
  • fresh raspberries, viburnum, strawberries;
  • dill, parsley.

What factors influence the aging of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands? Are they the same for all areas of the skin?

There are many factors of aging. The most dangerous of them is the sun. Added to this is environmental aggression, poor ecology, food, and stress. In addition, aging is influenced by physiological processes that never stop. The first area of ​​aging that is always targeted is the hands. At the same time, it’s paradoxical that only a few take care of the skin of their hands.

For example, we apply sunscreen mainly on the skin of the face, less often on the neck, and usually forget about the hands. At the same time, the neck also ages earlier than all other areas: the skin on it is very thin, without pronounced subcutaneous fat. Essentially, the neck is muscles and skin. This is why the neck and arms are most susceptible to aging.

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Posted by Teoxane Distributor Ukraine (@teoxane.ukraine) Apr 23, 2022 at 10:28 PDT

Reconsider your lifestyle

Skin care is not just about using cosmetics. Nutrition and lifestyle play a big role. Get rid of bad habits, try not to lower your head too low, for example, while reading. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics (synthetics irritate the skin, which causes dryness, flaking and loss of elasticity). Include in your diet as many plant-based foods as possible that contain vitamins A, C and E. After all, it is these substances that ensure elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Taking care of the skin of your neck and décolleté is much easier than it seems. The features of this process are practically no different from those that are relevant for facial care. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and the correct choice of cosmetics.

My light, mirror, tell me: take care of your neck and décolleté

We all want to maintain youth for as long as possible, so starting from a certain age, we pay special attention to skin care. Most of the efforts are aimed at the face, this is our calling card. But as a rule, real age is revealed not by the face, but by the neck, which is often not given due attention. The skin on the neck is very thin and therefore prone to the formation of transverse wrinkles. Such wrinkles can appear even in young women. The formation of wrinkles on the neck is promoted by incorrect posture, hanging your head down while reading, working at the computer, etc. The second unpleasant thing associated with this area is a double chin. It may be an anatomical feature of the face, or it may appear, like wrinkles on the neck, due to incorrect head position. Age-related changes also provoke the appearance of a double chin (with age, subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate in the chin area, and the skin loses its elasticity). The décolleté area is often undeservedly deprived of attention. And this is a very important area for women, because often the eyes of men are directed precisely here! Just like on the neck, in the décolleté area the skin is thin, sensitive, practically devoid of sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fat. This area is often exposed to sunlight, and does not always receive the same protection as the face. This is why the décolleté area is especially prone to fading and loss of firmness. How to preserve the youth of the neck and décolleté, cope with wrinkles on the neck and double chin, such unpleasant phenomena for any woman? Firstly, do not forget to give yourself contrast treatments while showering. As you know, a contrast shower is an excellent, and most importantly simple, way to maintain skin elasticity. Make it a habit to always finish your water treatments with a contrast shower; 5 minutes will be enough, and your body will thank you with elastic and toned skin. You need to finish the contrast shower with cold water. Secondly, gymnastics is very useful for the neck: this is a set of simple exercises that will strengthen the neck muscles, because the problem is not only in the skin, but also in the muscles, which sag over time, because. in the neck area they are practically not used. These exercises can be done in the morning or evening after removing makeup. Stand in front of a mirror, stretch your neck forward and open and close your mouth in this position. You will feel your neck muscles tense. Do the exercise 10 times. Next exercise. Stand up straight and lower the corners of your lips down, imagine that you are a sad smiley face. Do the exercise 10 times. To perform the next exercise, you need to stretch your neck again. In this position, pronounce the vowels of the Russian alphabet: a, o, u, i. Do 3-4 repetitions. If you regularly perform this exercise, your neck muscles will be toned. But this is not enough, you must take care of the skin of your neck so that it is elastic and taut, then your neck will be in perfect condition! Neck skin care is based on the same principles as facial care: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. When choosing cosmetics for neck care, keep in mind that the skin of the neck can be dry or normal. Choose products that suit your skin type. If you cannot determine your skin type on your own, the specialists at the Solo clinic will be happy to help you with this. We can also recommend you professional cosmetic products for neck skin care. To cleanse the skin of your neck, use your regular facial cleanser, this can be cosmetic milk or oil to remove makeup and impurities. After this, it is recommended to wipe the skin with toner, removing any remaining makeup and cosmetic milk. The skin of the décolleté also needs cleansing, especially in the summer, when this area is open. After cleansing, apply skin care cream to the skin of your neck and décolleté. When choosing products to care for the skin of the neck and décolleté, it is better to give preference to professional cosmetics. The French cosmetic line Yon-Ka and the Spanish cosmetics Tegor have proven themselves to be excellent in caring for face and body skin. Yon-Ka cosmetics contain exclusively herbal ingredients, and the essential oils included in Yon-Ka cosmetics enhance the effects of active substances and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. In addition, Yon-Ka is also aromatherapy, using it, you will immerse yourself in the world of bright natural aromas that have a healing effect. The Solo Clinic is the exclusive representative of Yon-Ka cosmetics in Stavropol. You can purchase home care products from us or choose one of the Yon-Ka salon skin care treatments. To care for the delicate skin of the neck, bust and décolleté, GALBOL 190 concentrate from Yon-Ka is perfect, which contains extracts of horsetail and hops and has a moisturizing and firming effect on the skin. This is an excellent preventative against loss of skin firmness and elasticity. The concentrate is very convenient to use, as it is instantly absorbed, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin and strengthening it from the inside. It will help you restore and maintain the shape of your bust, and will have a rejuvenating effect on your skin, while its fresh aroma will give you a good mood! Apply the concentrate morning and evening to previously cleansed skin or after a shower or bath. To combat the emerging signs of aging, we recommend the “miracle remedy” OPTIMIZER - an anti-aging gel for the neck, décolleté and chest. The elasticity “activators” included in it, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, soy peptides, will lead to instant strengthening, tightening and smoothing of the skin of the neck and décolleté. Yon-Ka's LOTION PS lotion with essential oils, which tones the skin and restores its natural acid balance, is perfect as a tonic for delicate areas of the neck and décolleté. The lotion does not contain alcohol, has a softening and moisturizing effect and gives a feeling of freshness. Use lotion before applying your main skin care product. If your skin needs enhanced care, for example, in winter or after prolonged exposure to the sun, use the Yon-Ka salon procedures that we offer at the Solo clinic. The “Intensive Moisturizing” or “Strengthening and Tightening” procedures provide excellent results. After these procedures, your skin will again shine with beauty, youth and health! Tegor cosmetics are based on natural products, homeopathic remedies and the most advanced technologies. Cosmetics may also contain such unusual ingredients as platinum, chocolate, and coffee. Tegor cosmetics offers 12 programs that can satisfy any skin need. The Rejuven Line for skin nutrition, regeneration and rejuvenation is perfect for the neck and décolleté area. Cosmetics from this line are aimed at fighting aging and have a wide range of applications, from the first wrinkles to more serious manifestations of skin aging. In addition to herbal components, this line contains hydrolyzed collagen and elastin, vitamins, coenzyme Q, which restore skin elasticity, increase its turgor, improve facial contours and slow down the aging process. The Rejuven Line consists of several products: a gel with a lifting effect, an anti-aging cream, especially effective in the fight against wrinkles, a mask with a lifting effect, lotion to strengthen and nourish the skin, day and night nourishing cream to strengthen the skin, as well as oil in gelatin capsules . A Solo clinic specialist will help you choose a product that suits your skin perfectly. You can also choose a Tegor salon skin care procedure, in which case your skin will receive the maximum comprehensive effect, and you can maintain its condition at home using Tegor home care products. It is important not only to choose the right cosmetic products for cleansing and care, but also to apply them correctly. On the face and neck there are lines of least skin tension, the so-called massage lines, cosmetics must be applied in accordance with them. In this case, you will not harm your skin. On the face, these lines run from the nose to the ears, from the bridge of the nose to the hairline and from the lips to the chin, on the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, on the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner. On the neck, apply products from bottom to top in the middle part of the neck and from top to bottom on the sides of the neck. When applying cosmetics to the décolleté area, move from bottom to top - from the chest to the chin. Movements should be light. After applying the cream, make a few patting movements on your chin with the back of your hand, this is an excellent double chin prevention! Another effective remedy for caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté is self-massage. Regular self-massage guarantees you healthy and elastic skin. It is not difficult to master it at all. Any type of massage is carried out along massage lines - lines of least tension of the skin. Vibration massage is perfect for home use. The massage is performed with both hands. You need to massage two symmetrical points located on the massage lines. Lightly press the pads of your thumbs against the first two points under the chin. Without lifting your fingers from the skin, make a vibrating movement for a second, then quickly lift your fingers from the skin and press them to the next doom points located on this line, etc. On other lines, use the pads of your index and middle fingers. You need to start caring for your neck and décolleté at a young age, because prevention is better than fighting the effects of aging. But what if the moment was missed and drastic measures are now needed to correct the situation? Then modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine will come to the rescue, which has a huge arsenal of possibilities to solve our cosmetic problems. At the Solo clinic we offer a large number of procedures that can truly rejuvenate the skin and remove the signs of age-related changes. One of the most popular anti-aging procedures today is biorevitalization or injection of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is a natural component of our body; it holds water molecules in the skin, which makes the skin soft, elastic and firm. Unfortunately, with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body decreases. Studies have shown that the maximum amount of hyaluronic acid is in the skin of newborns, by the age of 40 its amount is already reduced by half, and after 60 years only 10% of hyaluronic acid remains in the skin. If your skin shows signs of aging, then use the biorevitalization procedure, after which the water balance of the skin is immediately restored; in addition, skin regeneration processes are launched, the activity of which remains active even after the procedure! The biorevitalization procedure involves the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid using a thin needle. The need for subcutaneous administration is explained by the fact that hyaluronic acid molecules are very large and cannot penetrate the skin barrier on their own. The procedure is painless, performed in courses, the effect lasts up to six months! Biorevitalization is a great opportunity to prepare for the beach season, as well as restore the skin after it. With the help of biorevitalization, you can also solve the problems of age spots, which is important for the décolleté area, correct shallow wrinkles, and reduce scars. Hyaluronic acid can also be injected into the skin using such a popular procedure as mesotherapy. In this case, many short, thin needles are used, and the penetration depth is from 0.5 to 4 mm. For the procedure, special disposable syringes or a mesoinjector are used. Mesotherapy allows you to introduce several components at once; such mixtures are called cocktails. A Solo clinic specialist will select the optimal composition depending on the needs of your skin. Mesotherapy is effectively used on the face and body. This is a great way not only to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, but also to get rid of age spots and scars, manifestations of acne, which, unfortunately, occurs in the décolleté area. Mesotherapy is not only a therapeutic procedure, but also the prevention of aging. Peelings are perfect for caring for the skin of the neck and décolleté - exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin using chemical acids. There is a huge choice here, you can do a superficial light peeling or a medium peeling, in which case you will get a greater effect, but the recovery period will be longer. Among peelings, fruit acid peeling, retinoic or yellow peeling, salicylic peeling, lactic acid peeling, and TCA peeling are very popular. A specialist will help you decide on the type of peeling and the strength of its effect on the skin. Peels, especially medium peels, should be performed only in a salon or clinic under the supervision of a dermatocosmetologist. The specialist will not only perform the procedure, but also prescribe restorative care. Peels are not performed in warm weather when there is strong solar activity. Shortly before and after peeling, it is strictly forbidden to expose the skin to sunlight, as this can lead to post-pigmentation. Keep in mind that the recovery period after a peel can take up to two weeks, during which time the skin may experience redness, swelling and flaking. After a mid-peeling, it is better to take a vacation and spend the recovery period at home. This, of course, will not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle, but after that you will get renewed, fresh skin, even skin tone, improved texture, a reduction in deep wrinkles and even the complete disappearance of expression lines! Now a new procedure has appeared in cosmetology, such as laser skin rejuvenation, which is perfect for the neck and décolleté. In essence, this is an alternative to medium peeling, but the skin is exposed to a cosmetic laser. The laser beam non-contactly transfers a huge amount of energy to the skin in an ultra-short period of time, which leads to a micro-explosion in the skin cells with evaporation of the volume of tissue treated by the laser. The impact occurs so quickly that the adjacent tissues do not have time to heat up and do not burn. The amount of energy and exposure time are strictly controlled by a computer. The most current technique at the moment is fractional laser rejuvenation. With fractional exposure, the laser beam is divided into several microbeams, each of which affects a microzone of the skin, resulting in a net effect. With traditional laser treatment, a piece of the epidermis was completely destroyed. The fractional technique shortens the recovery period to one week. Laser rejuvenation is the most effective technique for smoothing skin texture, polishing scars and post-acne, getting rid of stretch marks (striae), age spots, and wrinkles. Laser exposure also promotes tissue regeneration and the formation of new collagen and elastin fibers. If you still have young skin, but unsightly wrinkles have appeared on your neck and décolleté, you can use “beauty injections” - the injection of botulinum toxins into the skin. The most popular drugs based on botulinum toxins are Botox, Dysport and Xeomin. The action of botulinum toxin is to relax and immobilize facial muscles, the movements of which lead to the formation of facial wrinkles. After about 4-6 months, muscle activity is restored and the procedure must be repeated. Botulinum toxin injections are a safe and very effective way to smooth out wrinkles, but they should only be carried out by a qualified doctor. In the fight against skin aging, the procedure of radiofrequency lifting, or, as it is also called, RF lifting or thermolifting, has proven itself to be excellent. The use of radio frequency energy is an innovative rejuvenating technique in cosmetology. The effect of radio frequency lifting can be compared with the result of plastic surgery, while RF lifting is a non-invasive method that does not require a recovery period. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to a high-frequency electric current, which causes heating of the dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue. Thermolifting stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, components responsible for the firmness and elasticity of our skin, improves microcirculation in tissues, enriches the skin with oxygen, and eliminates tissue sagging (ptosis). The lifting effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure; moreover, the achieved effect will increase within six months after the procedure. RF lifting is perfect for the neck and décolleté, and will cope with sagging skin, wrinkles, age spots and a double chin! We are waiting for you at our Solo clinic! Make an appointment by phone: 8

How many procedures are needed to get a noticeable result in the form of rejuvenation?

One biorevitalization procedure can be considered as a treatment, but it will still be enough to stimulate cells, lightly moisturize, fill wrinkles, and reduce pigmentation. When we do a course of procedures, the effect will be more prolonged: after the first procedure, we force the cells to work actively, and then we need to repeat this effect again. That is, if we are talking about prevention, at least two procedures are needed.

If the first signs of aging, pigmentation, dryness or stressed skin are visible, three procedures are necessary.

Deep wrinkles and obvious signs of aging require four biorevitalization procedures. If the patient is against Botox and fillers, biorevitalization is an excellent treatment procedure that should be repeated every six months. In this way, we give the skin time to rest and at the same time see a noticeable effect in the form of beautiful aging.

Lifting elixir Erborian “Ginseng”

Lifting elixir Erborian “Ginseng” As you know, in Korea they love multi-stage care, which includes a bunch of intermediate, but no less important stages. The lifting elixir “Ginseng” is one of them. Essentially, it is a booster that prepares the skin for basic care, increasing its effectiveness several times. This product contains ginseng and ginger extract - this pair instantly soothes and softens the skin, tones, stimulates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles and gives a slight glow. Now imagine what effect you will get if you apply the main lifting cream or serum to such fertile “soil”?! That's right, stunning.

How do age-related changes affect

Many people prefer to blame only the passing years for the deterioration of their skin condition. They think that changes occur solely due to natural processes that actively take place in the epidermis, but this opinion is wrong. In fact, the mechanism of development of flabbiness is much more complex.

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Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

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The dominant role in it is played by the muscles, which should support this entire shell, but for various reasons they can no longer do this. In youth, they are very elastic, they fit very tightly to the surrounding structures, making the dermis look beautiful and smooth. Over time, the muscles sag, and the skin that supported them also sag, losing its attractiveness and smoothness.

Features of laser décolleté rejuvenation

In recent years, lasers have been actively used in medicine and cosmetology. Thanks to this, many have the opportunity not only to improve their health, but also to make their appearance more attractive. Problems such as pigmentation, acne scars, scars and others associated with skin imperfections easily disappear under the influence of a laser beam.

In addition, laser is an excellent assistant in the fight against signs of aging. Of all the methods for eliminating external age-related changes used in cosmetology, laser rejuvenation (smoothing wrinkles, tightening the oval of the face, getting rid of bags under the eyes) accounts for 75%. This is an effective procedure, but it should only be carried out by a highly professional and experienced cosmetologist, since, in addition to its advantages, laser treatment has disadvantages and contraindications.

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Rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, and hands using a laser beam often allows you to completely get rid of age spots and wrinkles, and remove sagging in certain areas of the body. This is a serious cosmetology technique that requires special equipment. As a rule, laser systems have adjustable parameters - the master can set the desired temperature and depth of beam penetration in each specific case. This is a very important stage of the procedure: not only the beauty, but also the health of the patient depends on the correct selection of settings; the slightest mistake can lead to burns.

The laser beam is adjusted based on information about the type and thickness of the client’s skin, the characteristics of the affected area and the severity of the imperfections that need to be eliminated. The more information the cosmetologist receives, the more accurate the impact parameters will be.

At the first consultation, the specialist explains to the client the specifics of the laser rejuvenation technique for the décolleté and other areas: one session is not enough to get rid of wrinkles; the problem can be radically solved only by going through a course of procedures. After the cosmetologist determines the range of safe and effective settings, he begins the first stage. The essence of laser exposure is that under the influence of high temperature, the destruction of skin cells (burn) occurs, after which the natural process of regeneration begins in the body, as a result, the tissues are renewed (rejuvenated).

Anti-aging lifting cream SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair

SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair Anti-Aging Lifting Cream When we read the name of this highly effective anti-aging neck lifting cream with tripeptide and retinol Tripeptide-R Neck Repair, our hands reach for it. And the desire to purchase it intensifies when among its promises (properties) we see phrases such as “tightens the oval of the face,” “reduces visible horizontal wrinkles,” “moisturizes the skin” (for a long time!), “prevents the appearance of visible signs of aging.” Yes, after this we are ready to smear ourselves with this cream from head to toe, but we will control ourselves.

How can you delay the signs of aging?

It is worth introducing regular salon procedures and creams into your beauty routine according to the skin type that will solve your problems. It is very important to choose a cream “for yourself”, using it for its intended purpose, and not being guided by advice, fragrance or beautiful tubes. Remember: preventing skin problems is much easier than treating them. Biorevitalization, by the way, refers to the prevention of aging processes and can be prescribed by a dermatologist after 25 years.

Only in this case, you will not need 3-4 procedures, but only one - before the sun exposure season or after returning from vacation to moisturize the skin.

Antioxidants play a huge role in anti-aging: in the form of dietary supplements or introduced under the skin, they protect cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Antioxidants also successfully treat already damaged skin cells.

What remedies help?

An important component is well-chosen cosmetics, which also have a pronounced effect after constant use.


Typically, these products contain vitamins, natural acids, are rich in antioxidants, nutrients, minerals, that is, components that actively even out and improve the structure of the skin. An example of an effective product is the gel serum with an “anti-glycation” effect, PH Moist Firming Serum, which gives the dermis special elasticity and provides active hydration 24/7.


With their help you can quickly get your skin in order. They exfoliate dead skin cells and also smooth out the outer skin, making it more elastic, smooth and dense. However, it is not recommended to use them daily. It is better to limit yourself to 1-2 procedures per week, depending on the instructions on the package.

We recommend

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

Bb Laboratories – Placental cleansing foam

Gel mask black BB Laboratories

Placentran soap LNC with detox effect

Creams and gels

Such products are suitable for daily use. You need to choose them based on your skin type, its structure, and taking into account all the changes that have occurred. Cosmetics will help provide proper regular care without causing any harm. Remember that creams have a thicker and thicker texture, while gels are the lightest and most watery, so their effects vary.

Luvos Revitalizing Serum for Face and Neck

Luvos Revitalizing Serum for Face and Neck The scientists from the German laboratory Luvos have chosen an effective composition: marula oil, camelina oil, loess clay and the so-called “vegetable milk”. The serum supports the skin's natural lipid barrier, moisturizes, soothes and restores.

Causes of aging décolleté

It is possible to restore skin tone only through an integrated approach. However, to combat wrinkles in the décolleté area, it is necessary to first identify the causes of their formation, and then reduce the impact of negative factors.

The décolleté area can age faster under the influence of the following factors:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient hydration;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • use of low quality cosmetics;
  • natural aging;
  • bad habits;
  • heredity;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • habit of sleeping on a high pillow;
  • hormonal changes;
  • incorrect posture.

If you take these factors into account at a young age and fight them as much as possible, it is possible to slow down aging and maintain youth in the décolleté area for a long time.

Reviews about the décolleté area

“The Abrielle Plastic Surgery Clinic changed my body and my attitude towards myself. I'm checking out already beautiful. I became slimmer thanks to breast lipofilling and my breasts became beyond praise. I am a beauty and I like it! Special huge thanks and bow to the plastic surgeon M.G. Levitskaya. for understanding me as a woman and making me beautiful. Thanks to Sarukhanov G.M. for your participation and care. Thanks to the cosmetologist Svetlana for the rehabilitation and warmth! Once again, a huge, incredible thank you to everyone for changing my life! Maria Grigorievna - You are a miracle! » Alla and other reviews about mammoplasty .

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