How to remove stretch marks on the chest - effective methods of solving the problem

Stretch marks on the chest of a teenage girl

Stretch marks on the skin of the mammary glands after childbirth may not cause psychological discomfort, because the woman already has a beloved husband and children. Because of this, the need to show off a beautiful décolleté area is reduced. The occurrence of stretch marks in a teenager can lead to complexes and a feeling of aesthetic inferiority. Therefore, with rapid breast growth during puberty, you should not wait for the first stretch marks to appear. It is better to prevent their occurrence using the following techniques:

  1. Provide the girl with adequate nutrition, rich in proteins.
  2. Support metabolism in the winter-spring period with vitamin complexes.
  3. Buy supportive underwear so that young, growing skin does not experience stretching loads.
  4. Avoid sudden weight gain and obesity.
  5. Use a special cream to increase the elasticity of the skin.

Active breast growth in girls is often accompanied by itching, slight pain and discomfort in the mammary glands. It is during the manifestation of these symptoms that it is worth using these techniques to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the chest in adolescents. When the discomfort in the mammary glands disappears, preventive procedures can be stopped.

Question to the expert

What can cause stretch marks on the chest of a teenage girl? When my daughter was 15 years old, small red stripes appeared on the sides of her breasts, although she is only a size 2. Maybe there is some remedy for this or special exercises. Please advise.

My daughter's stretch marks could have occurred due to rapid breast growth. In your case, special treatment is not required; the home remedies described above for eliminating stretch marks will be sufficient. They will also help you avoid stretch marks in the future.

What are stretch marks?

Dermatologists call striae or stretch marks reddish, with a purple tint or completely white scars that form on the upper layers of the epidermis. They appear in places where the skin is subject to constant pressure or tension.

A scar on the skin is formed due to constant tension, depletion of cells and tissues. The mesh layer is slowly torn, destroying the collagen and elastin fibers that keep the upper layers of the skin elastic and intact. The gap between the collagen fibers soon becomes overgrown with lighter connective tissue, then the stretch marks gradually turn from red to white. Since connective tissue cells are not saturated with melatonin, the pigment that gives skin color, they will be visible even against a tan. Because they are depressions in the skin, they are very difficult to disguise with makeup.

Stretch marks are considered fresh and difficult to remove if their gradual appearance lasts 6 months. Older stretch marks are called “inveterate” and can only be treated with surgery.

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy

During pregnancy, several factors influence the growth of breast volume and the appearance of stretch marks. The main reason for breast enlargement is an increase in the level of sex hormones, which stimulate the development of glandular and adipose tissue. The second factor in breast growth is an increase in total body weight due to women’s fear that the fetus may not receive enough necessary substances.

Before the baby is born, there is no need to be afraid to smear your breasts with special creams for stretch marks and give them a light massage. It is not recommended to tighten the mammary glands too much, thinking that this will prevent the appearance of stretch marks. After all, it is better to make sure that the skin stretches gradually, independently feeling the need for the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Stretch marks on the chest after childbirth

The appearance of stretch marks after childbirth can be caused by a large volume of milk. If lactation is sufficient and the child eats well, then from the first hours of his life daily fluctuations in the volume of the mammary glands begin. With small breasts and delayed feeding, these changes can trigger the appearance of stretch marks.

Not everyone develops stretch marks after childbirth, but for them to appear, a few days of violation of the feeding regime and rules of breast care during the lactation period are enough. The first weeks after childbirth, women usually do not have time to solve cosmetic problems, so it is necessary to plan measures to prevent stretch marks in advance.

Question to the expert

Please tell me, does breast massage help with stretch marks after breastfeeding? A year has passed, and the stretch marks have only become a little lighter. What else should I do to get rid of them?

Massage in its pure form will have virtually no effect on the appearance of stretch marks that are already several months old. You will most likely need hardware procedures, but only cosmetologists can determine which ones after examining your breasts.


  • Stretch marks - what are they?
  • The main causes of stretch marks
  • Prevention
  • Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles
  • Methods for treating stretch marks
  • Cosmetical tools
  • Salon treatments
  • Folk remedies
  • Fighting stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women tirelessly fight for their beauty and youth, eliminate defects in appearance, striving for the ideal, and visit cosmetologists. On the way to an ideal body, many ladies face such a problem as stretch marks. Often this unpleasant phenomenon can be seen on the sides, stomach, shoulders, hips, buttocks, and, of course, chest.

Red stretch marks on the chest

Red stretch marks on the chest can cause severe distress in women. When they appear, they can have a color from pink to blue-burgundy - it all depends on the thickness of the stretch marks and the individual characteristics of the skin. The color of striae is due to the vessels visible through the epidermis.

Red tears often appear during breastfeeding due to a sharp increase in breast volume. The skin cannot prepare in advance for this event, therefore there are practically no methods for preventing the appearance of such stretch marks.

Causes of appearance in men

The reasons for aesthetic problems in men are sometimes the same as in the weaker sex, but there are also special ones:

  • Passion for bodybuilding . This is accompanied by building up the chest muscles, that is, an increase in volume. Sometimes not only increased physical activity helps with this, but also supplements; changes occur very quickly. All this together has a bad effect on the skin, it stretches. And if you quit classes, a sharp change in the load on it will also cause stretch marks to appear.
  • Fluctuations in body weight . Here the mechanism of formation is similar to what happens in women. But this reason for the formation of stretch marks in men is less common.
  • Genetics . Features of the skin, when it does not have a good ability to recover from injuries, increased or changeable pressure, can be inherited.

To read: Which cream to choose for figure correction

How to get rid of stretch marks on the chest?

You need to think about ways to reduce stretch marks immediately after they appear. In a year, changing their size and color will be problematic.

Warning! This photo contains information not intended for viewing by persons under the age of 18!

There are the following methods for eliminating stretch marks or reducing their visual manifestations:

  1. Microdermabrasion is mechanical skin resurfacing. This is a rather traumatic procedure that requires subsequent two-week rehabilitation.
  2. Mesotherapy is the intradermal administration of compounds with amino acids and biologically active substances. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and pregnancy.
  3. Chemical or superficial peeling is the removal of the surface layer of skin with acids or an abrasive air mixture.
  4. Ozone therapy. Used in combination with creams and massage.
  5. Microcurrent therapy. Electromagnetic vibrations promote blood microcirculation and skin regeneration in stretch marks. The procedure is effective in the first weeks of the appearance of stretch marks.
  6. Thermal breast wraps with cosmetic oils and clays.
  7. Laser peeling.
  8. Creams against stretch marks.
  9. Plastic surgery.

You should resort to the surgical method of removing stretch marks on the chest only with wide scar stretch marks, because whitish seams will still be visible on the skin after the operation.

Masks to eliminate stretch marks

We all know how important face masks are for wrinkles or dry skin. The same thing happens with the whole body. The skin of the breast needs to be smooth and elastic. And it certainly shouldn’t age quickly, just like the skin on your face. You can make masks from absolutely anything you find in the refrigerator. The main thing is desire and a little imagination.

The components of masks against stretch marks increase blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. It is better to carry out procedures after a bath or shower, when the body is steamed and absorbs nutrients as much as possible.

Every day you need to rub the oil into the skin of your chest. Peach, olive and almond are suitable for this. You can mix them together, add a couple of drops of lavender, rosemary or rose oil. After applying the oil, you can wrap the breasts with cling film. The procedure itself should last about fifteen minutes. Such wraps must be performed twice a week. Such mixtures of oils give a good effect during massage procedures.

A recipe for a rolled oatmeal mask will help prevent the first stretch marks. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of dry rolled oats flakes and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then drain the remaining water. Add two tablespoons of fat sour cream to the resulting mixture and place in the refrigerator. Let it brew for one night. The next day after the bath, apply this mask to the skin of your chest. Leave for fifteen minutes.

Another option to improve the condition of your breast skin is to make a cottage cheese mask. To do this, you need to combine one spoon of cottage cheese with an egg, add a teaspoon of honey, sour cream and olive oil. Apply the mask to the stretch marks on the body and wait twenty minutes. Afterwards it must be washed off with lukewarm water.

All these procedures will not create an immediate effect, but they will help to delay skin aging and reduce stretch marks.

Effective creams for stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy

The least traumatic way to reduce stretch marks on the chest is to use special cosmetic creams. There are superficial agents with a general anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, and there are expensive creams that contain active ingredients that penetrate deep into the skin: elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. Creams against early stretch marks are produced by Vichy, Pregnacare, Mama Comfort, Mustela, Lierac and others.

Healed white stretch marks cannot be changed with regenerative agents. To soften formed scars, she uses ointments such as contratubes and mederma. It is advisable to use creams in parallel with other physiotherapeutic procedures.

How to deal with stretch marks on the chest after childbirth?

Methods for dealing with stretch marks after childbirth depend on whether the woman is breastfeeding or not. During active lactation, a woman’s arsenal includes only external creams and oils, as well as restorative procedures: contrast showers, massage of problem areas and good nutrition. Before and after breastfeeding, products with a strong aroma or taste should not be applied to the skin of the breast - this may distract children from sucking.

After weaning your baby from breastfeeding, you can use the full range of products to eliminate stretch marks. Plastic surgery is performed only after a few months, when the mammary gland acquires its permanent new shape.

Laser removal of stretch marks on chest

Laser removal of stretch marks is not a panacea and is usually used during the stages of scar tissue formation. There are several types of laser resurfacing, but mostly fractional techniques are used for breasts. It consists in causing mini-injuries in the skin with a laser, due to which the processes of synthesis of collagen fibers and epidermal cells are activated. This restores the elasticity and natural color of the skin.

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American Palomar lasers are popular equipment for eliminating stretch marks. The duration of the course is 3-4 procedures at intervals of 3-4 weeks. The effect is achieved 3 months after the last treatment. Contraindications to laser resurfacing are pregnancy, local skin diseases and breastfeeding.

Prevention of stretch marks

Striae are a type of skin problem that is much easier to prevent than to treat. To do this, you will need to follow several norms and rules that adjust your lifestyle and promote intensive breast skin care.

A set of measures to renew, restore and maintain the health of the breast skin includes contrast wraps, cosmetic treatment methods, weight control, menu and diet, as well as physical exercise and other types of mechanical effects on the upper layers of the breast skin.

Active sports and regular exercise are a great way to increase the elasticity and resistance of the upper layer of the epidermis. When performing exercises, you should pay special attention to the muscles that support the mammary glands - the pectoral abs and shoulders. Regular physical activity will not only help keep your breasts beautiful, but will also significantly prepare them for greater stress during pregnancy and childbirth.

Advice! Among active sports, badminton, tennis and swimming will have a good effect on breast health.

Alternating exposure to temperatures is beneficial for the skin, so using a contrast shower will help keep collagen and elastin fibers intact. It helps to get rid of not only the formation of stretch marks, but also the loss of skin sensitivity, the appearance of fine wrinkles and flabby areas of the upper layer of the epidermis. It is correct to start a shower by dousing with warm water, gradually increasing or decreasing the temperature.

Breast massage is considered the best prevention of scarring on the skin. For the best effect, you can sign up for special courses where you will learn how to do a painless Garcia massage. Any type of massage effect on the breasts brings not only pleasure, but also helps to improve skin tone, maintain a healthy color and a toned appearance.

In order for the skin to maintain its integrity for as long as possible, it is imperative to use cosmetics that help moisturize and nourish the skin. The modern cosmetology market offers a large number of products aimed at restoring elasticity to the breast skin, nourishing the upper layer of the epidermis with necessary substances and maintaining skin tone. You can choose the right product by consulting a dermatologist or a specialist at a pharmacy. You need to choose such a product based on your preferences for the brand, release form (cream, milk, oil, ointment), as well as composition. It should not contain components that provoke an allergic reaction.

Maintaining beautiful skin requires consuming enough water per day. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day to sufficiently nourish all organs and tissues . In addition, you will need to diversify your menu with products containing healthy vitamins and microelements that keep your skin toned. Especially valuable are vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamins A and - building material for epidermal cells.

A bra for daily wear plays a big role in maintaining breast health. It should be supportive and as comfortable as possible. If the bra falls off, digs into the shoulders, or is made from unnatural fabrics that do not allow the breasts to breathe, then it is better to abandon it and purchase a more expensive, but safe option.

The preventive measures listed above will help even in cases where stretch marks have already appeared. Taking care of your breast skin will prevent stretch marks from becoming deeper and more noticeable, and will also prevent the formation of new ones.

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