Remedy for stretch marks. How to get rid of stretch marks using folk remedies

Stretch marks (striae) are an unpleasant cosmetic defect that plagues most women. Usually our skin is endowed with a certain margin of strength, which is quite enough to ensure that it remains smooth, even, elastic, and beautiful. But the female body often undergoes incredible stress, which leads to stretch marks on the body. First of all, these are pregnancy, childbirth and sudden fluctuations in body weight.

How to get rid of such an unpleasant defect? The most successful approach is comprehensive. The fact is that stretch marks are actually a rupture of the skin, in which the tissues atrophy, disrupting many internal processes. To restore the skin, a full study with the selection of individual therapy methods is required.


During treatment, one of three types of laser can be used:

• for tightening (laser lifting);

• erbium (CO2): gives the effect of smoothing out unevenness, after which the surface of the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

• factional. It is considered the most effective of the three types of laser. It selectively affects the skin, penetrating deep into the layers of the dermis. Performs safe laser resurfacing and activates the secretion (production) of collagen.

Quite often, laser stretch mark removal is combined with any injection treatment.

Why do they appear and how to get rid of stretch marks after losing weight?

Most often, stretch marks form on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and chest.

The main cause of stretch marks is low skin elasticity. In problem areas, micro-tears form and connective tissue grows. Visually it looks like this: different-sized stripes of purple or red color. They can be either vertical or horizontal. Over time, stretch marks turn from bright red to white.

There are two types of stretch marks:

  1. Red . They are formed due to overstretching of the dermis, due to which the underlying layer of the epidermis with capillaries becomes visible.
  2. White . In this case, the color is due to fatty deposits under the dermis that appear in place of the capillaries.

What causes stretch marks?

Of course, there can be many reasons, here are the main ones:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • low skin turgor;
  • endocrine system failure;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • taking hormones or steroids;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • low immunity;
  • poor nutrition.

Doctors are inclined to believe that longitudinal stretch marks appear most often in overweight people, while transverse stretch marks are a sign of hormonal abnormalities. However, it is impossible to determine the cause by the type of striae alone, because it can also be due to body care, bad habits, unbalanced diet or taking medications.

It is worthwhile to dwell on the common causes of stretch marks associated with weight loss. In pursuit of fashion trends and the desire to lose pounds, we often forget about preventing the formation of stretch marks . But they are easy to avoid if:

  • exercise at least once a week;
  • follow a diet with sufficient amounts of protein and fatty acids;
  • take care of your body while losing weight - body wraps, massage, moisturizers.


This is a natural biological method of getting rid of stretch marks. Consists of using platelet-rich plasma. After injection, it activates metabolic processes at the intracellular level. Stimulates the removal of excess fluid and toxins. Enhances cell regeneration. Improves the uniformity and color of the skin. Returns cells the ability to synthesize elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, causing fresh stretch marks to lighten and disappear, and old ones to gradually dissolve.

How to prevent stretch marks from appearing?

To protect your skin from stretch marks, follow these recommendations:

  • Clean water every day is good for your body. And a good way to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Stretch marks do not appear on skin that is sufficiently moisturized, even if you are actively building muscle mass or losing weight.

There is a misconception floating around the Internet that you should drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day. But this is not entirely true. The amount of fluid you consume depends on your body weight, eating habits, physical activity, and so on. Nevertheless, scientists have derived a general formula for calculating water, regardless of the listed factors: for men - multiply body weight by 35, for women - by 31.

And remember: the more fluid you lose (increased sweating, vomiting, high temperature), the more you need to drink clean water, it will replenish the electrolyte deficiency.

  • Eat right to ensure you have the proper balance of vitamins and minerals. A well-regulated diet helps avoid rapid weight gain, which can cause stretch marks. Excessive fat mass leads to the formation of stretch marks on the thighs and abdomen.
  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol-containing drinks dehydrate the body. The skin becomes thin and dry, like parchment. Such skin is primarily susceptible to stretching.
  • Keep your skin moisturized. Regularly use moisturizers (oils, creams) enriched with vitamins A and E.
  • Take dietary supplements (only after consulting a doctor). Some of the favorite supplements by cosmetologists are: Omega 3 and vitamin D. They give the skin elasticity and maintain collagen levels.
  • Apply sunscreen. The sun's rays will make stretch marks on the body more noticeable. This occurs due to the body’s increased production of melanin, a substance responsible for skin pigmentation.
  • Exercise. In addition to weight support, as a bonus you get high elasticity of the skin, which means the risk of stretch marks is significantly reduced.

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Treatment options for stretch marks on the skin

  • Glycolic acid. The use of glycolic acid restores elastic fibers and produces new collagen fibers. After applying a series of 6-10 procedures, you can notice a normalization of tissue color and an increase in skin elasticity. This method of treating stretch marks is not very effective for changes in white color, since its effect is too superficial.
  • Trichloroacetic acid. Another acid used to treat silver streaks. Due to its structure, it has great penetration capabilities through skin structures. However, the method has side effects: the formation of atrophic scars or hyperpigmentation is possible.
  • Needle mesotherapy. It consists of supplying nutrients to the dermis: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and microelements. This is a fairly safe method, which is very often used in aesthetic medicine. There are two mechanisms used in this method. The first is the effect of the substances (moisturizes, nourishes and leads to skin regeneration). The second is the repair process caused by skin damage. When treating white stretch marks, mesotherapy is often used as an additional therapy. Gives good therapeutic effects in the treatment of fresh (red) changes.
  • Dermapen. This is a small pen-like device that is used to mechanically puncture the skin. Thanks to its convenience and ability to adjust speed, it makes it possible to perform precise punctures and administer medications to any area of ​​the body.

Microneedle mesotherapy of the area covered with stretch marks is aimed at mechanical damage, causing the process of restoration of the altered skin. Due to inflammation, growth factors are released from blood cells, which leads to the production of new collagen fibers and elastin. This stretch mark treatment can be done every 3-5 weeks in a row. Skin remodeling improves the structure and color of the treated area and ensures gentle restoration of stretch marks.


Not all types of fight against striae may be suitable for you. For example, you should not use massage if you have the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • rosacea

It is forbidden to use iodine if:

  • you are pregnant and want to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach;
  • you are allergic to the product;
  • your skin is very sensitive.


If you follow certain rules, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks:

  • watch your diet (otherwise, metabolic disorders occur, which can result in sudden weight gain);
  • massage yourself more often (it is recommended to go to a professional massage therapist or do pinching at home);
  • take a contrast shower;
  • visit the pool regularly;
  • during pregnancy, wear special bandages;
  • Use skin care products containing vitamins A, E, C.

Normal skin reaction after stretch mark removal

To a large extent, the response to laser depends on the patient's predisposition and the area of ​​treatment. For people with low pain tolerance or sensitive skin, it is recommended to reduce the settings and cool the area receiving laser treatment.

Undesirable reactions when treating stretch marks with laser are divided into direct and indirect. The former include pain, swelling, punctual bleeding or itching and are directly related to the operation of the laser. They are common, but can be easily alleviated.

Normal skin reaction after laser treatment of stretch marks with eCo2 laser:

  • Swelling and redness. May persist for 1-4 days after surgery. For relief, use cooling and moisturizing medications.
  • Pinpoint bleeding. This is a natural reaction that is associated with the depth of laser penetration into the dermis, where vascular damage occurs. If bleeding does not stop spontaneously, use a clean gauze pad to dry the injured area.
  • Darkening and peeling. The detachment of epidermal debris causes darkening of the skin on the second day after the procedure. This lasts 3-7 days and then peeling occurs. During this time, regeneration cream should be used.
  • Deterioration of skin condition. Some skin types may experience temporary dimples and wrinkles. This occurs during the period of skin regeneration and disappears after its completion.

Each specialist applies procedures based on their knowledge and experience. They must be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, which are described in detail in the technical documentation of the equipment.

Causes of stretch marks

Scientists know many factors that cause such skin changes. The influence on their appearance is directly related to the physiology of the body and disease states. Pregnancy or sudden weight gain are only stereotypical reasons for their appearance.

People at risk also include:

  • prone to stress;
  • with a genetic predisposition;
  • patients with a rapid increase in muscle mass, such as bodybuilders;
  • patients with chronic diseases - Cushing's syndrome, HIV carriers.

The main causes of stretch marks:

  • Increased levels of cortisone (adrenocortical hormone), leading to dysfunction of fibroblasts. The process affects the properties of elastin and collagen fibers. They are characterized by lower tensile strength and fragility, which leads to their rupture, and the thinning of the epidermis affects their visibility;
  • Increased estrogen levels. Therefore, the use of contraceptives and pregnancy contribute to the appearance of stretch marks;
  • Taking medications containing glucocorticoids (also topically). Leads to inhibition of collagen synthesis, fiber degeneration, which causes thinning of the skin;
  • Genetic conditions;
  • Wrong diet. The foods we consume have a big impact on the appearance of our skin. Take more vitamins (E, A, B5), microelements (silicon, zinc) and proteins. Deficiency of these ingredients leads to various types of diseases that subsequently affect the skin;
  • Hormonal disorders during puberty.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures include various types of massage, wraps, baths, contrast compresses and ice rubbing. These also include physical exercise.

Contrast shower and bath

We take a shower or bath every day. That is why water procedures to combat stretch marks are easiest to add to your schedule.

Contrast shower helps make stretch marks less noticeable

A contrast shower is an excellent way to harden, which also improves metabolism and blood circulation and helps get rid of stretch marks.

How to take a contrast shower correctly:

  1. Pour over warm water, gradually increasing the temperature to hot.
  2. Turn on the cold water quickly for 1 minute.
  3. Alternate temperature changes five to nine times.
  4. Finish the procedure with cold water.

A contrast shower is a method that should only be used together with others, only then will it bring the desired effect.

To eliminate stretch marks, it is also recommended to take baths with various additives. A standard procedure of this type is performed using starch. For this:

  1. Dissolve a glass of starch in two liters of warm water.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a warm bath prepared in advance.
  3. Take it no longer than fifteen minutes.

In addition, using a bath with essential oils will be effective. For this:

  1. Mix ethers with bath foam or salt (add 1-2 drops of concentrate per 20 liters of water).
  2. Take this bath for no longer than 20 minutes and no more than three times a week.

To minimize the appearance of stretch marks, esters of frankincense, lavender, neroli and rosemary are usually used.


Massage is the most effective part of a set of procedures for eliminating stretch marks. It activates blood circulation, which helps to quickly smooth out stretch marks. Cupping massage works best.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. Prepare vacuum jars and massage oils (you can also use homemade products such as natural scrubs, peels and creams).
  2. Select a location for your session.
  3. Take a bath or shower.
  4. Warm up the skin with strokes (you can also do 20-30 squats to achieve this goal).
  5. Apply cream, oil or other product of your choice.
  6. Squeeze the jar tightly with your fingers and place it on the affected area.
  7. Work the desired surface using circular and zigzag movements.
  8. Remove the jar by pressing it with your fingers again.
  9. Moisturize your skin after the procedure.

The session lasts about fifteen minutes. Perform this massage once every two days. Complete 20 procedures to complete the full course. It is recommended to repeat it no more than 3 times a year.

Self-massage is a rather painstaking process, the results of which will not be immediately noticeable.

Pros and cons of using home remedies for stretch marks

First of all, we need to understand what we have to fight with. Stretch marks are stripes on the skin, usually white or pinkish in color. They are formed due to a violation of the density of the dermis, i.e. non-mechanically.

Stretch marks are raised pink or white stripes on the body.

Table: pros and cons of fighting stretch marks with home remedies

  • Cheapness. To prepare home remedies for stretch marks, you don’t have to spend money on expensive ingredients. All ingredients of the compositions can be purchased in regular stores at an affordable price.
  • Comfort. Some girls are so embarrassed about their stretch marks that they are ashamed to go to the salon. At home, you can be alone with yourself in a comfortable environment.
  • Adjustable procedure duration. In salons, specialists are often in a hurry, waiting for the next client. At home, you can pay as much attention to your skin as you see fit. In addition, if you feel uncomfortable while using a mask or other product, you can end the session immediately.
  • Save time. You don't have to spend part of your day traveling to get to the salon.
  • Confidence in the naturalness of the products used. A cream, scrub or other cosmetic product applied to the skin in a salon does not always have a completely safe composition. As a rule, salon products contain preservatives, fragrances and other minor components. The latter, with constant use, can negatively affect the health of the treated areas. At home, you can mix the products yourself, so you will know exactly their composition.
  • Inconvenience. When applying anti-stretch mark products on your own to hard-to-reach areas or large areas of the body, some difficulties may arise. The same can be said about the end of the procedure, when the composition needs to be washed off. In this case, it is recommended to ask someone close to you for help.
  • Lack of regularity. Often, at home, it is difficult to force yourself to perform this or that procedure, since it requires some effort to carry it out. In addition, you can simply forget about the session.
  • Average efficiency. Compositions prepared independently often do not have the same properties as their store-bought counterparts. Due to this, it will take longer to use home remedies to achieve the desired result.

There are definitely more pros than cons to using home remedies for stretch marks. That is why it is possible and necessary to use homemade formulations. This is especially true if there is no opportunity or desire to regularly visit a beauty salon.

How to get rid of stretch marks at home?

Unfortunately, stretch marks do not disappear on their own. Theoretically, this option is possible, but this requires several factors at the same time:

  1. regular exercise;
  2. nutritious food rich in fats, proteins and vitamins;
  3. high-quality cosmetic skin care to ensure constant penetration of nutrients into the epidermis.

In fact, stretch marks are formed due to a lack of elastin and collagen. Therefore, to get rid of unwanted stripes on the body, it is necessary to fill this deficiency. This does not happen on its own.

Therefore, if you decide to lose excess weight, it is best to contact a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet for you. Thanks to the competent work of a specialist, the weight will decrease gradually, without sudden jumps, which will ensure long-lasting results and the absence of stretch marks on the skin. If stretch marks have already appeared on the body, use the methods listed below.

Folk remedies

The good thing about such methods is that they are quite inexpensive and can be used at home, without the help of a specialist. However, you should not expect quick results.

Use aloe vera

Aloe is a unique plant. Cosmetics based on it perfectly moisturize even aged and rough skin. Strong anti-inflammatory properties allow you to apply a cream containing aloe directly to stretch marks. You can prepare the product yourself if you have aloe growing at home. And the leaves themselves are used as moisturizing compresses.

Use mumiyo

Shilajit contains more than 80 nutritional elements, which together improve the condition of the skin. Shilajit has regenerative and restorative properties. It enriches the skin and promotes collagen production. Mumiyo makes stretch marks less noticeable, but this method is relevant for fresh stretch marks up to a year.

Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, which is important when getting rid of stretch marks. It is suitable for preventing the formation of stretch marks; with regular use, it significantly improves skin turgor.

Use a scrub

But be careful - it is very important not to harm your body! Due to ruptures, the skin is injured and sensitive, so a large abrasive can, on the contrary, do harm, but a light gommage with small particles of sugar or salt will be beneficial and renew the epidermis.

Try massage with vacuum cups

Apply tea tree oil (olive, coconut) to the skin and place the jar. It can be glass or silicone. The denser and tighter the can, the stronger the impact on the damaged area. The duration of one procedure varies from 5 to 20 minutes until hyperemia (slight redness). During a cupping massage session, superficial blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings in the skin and subcutaneous fat are irritated, and blood and lymph circulation increases. The flow of arterial blood to the tissues increases, and with it the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Do a dry massage with a brush

It is recommended to massage six months after the formation of stretch marks, when they are fully formed. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect and further injure the skin. After the massage, it is good to take a contrast shower, this will increase blood flow to the tissues and speed up metabolic processes.

Eat foods rich in amino acids

Amino acids affect collagen synthesis, and collagen is the main building material of our skin.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of folk remedies has not been proven and often they only help with small and fresh stretch marks. If you don’t really trust folk recipes and want to be guaranteed to get rid of stretch marks in a short period of time, take a closer look at pharmaceutical products. For example, to the innovative drug Fermenkol Elactin.


Thanks to cosmetic procedures, you can get rid of stretch marks relatively quickly, as well as reduce medium and large stretch marks that cannot be removed with folk remedies.

Laser therapy

The damaged layer of skin is removed with a laser, which stimulates the formation of a new healthy layer of epidermis. The procedure does not require rehabilitation, takes only half an hour, but is quite painful. To completely get rid of striae, you need to complete a course of 3 to 10 sessions.


Whatever type of procedure you choose, the essence is the same: cutting off the stratum corneum of the skin. This can be done using various acids (chemical peeling) or using a special diamond cutter (mechanical exfoliation of the skin). Regardless of the type and means used, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged - this is both painful and requires a healing period. As in laser therapy, peeling is carried out in courses of several sessions.


It involves the injection of a vitamin complex into the layers of the epidermis. Thus, the drug penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin than is possible through cream applications.

However, the procedure is painful and requires a rehabilitation period.


They are carried out using therapeutic mud, blue clay, seaweed and similar substances. The cosmetic mass is applied to steamed skin and wrapped in cling film for 20 minutes.

It is important to remember that an allergic reaction to the components is possible. Therefore, before a full session, it is recommended to start with 5 minutes.


Used in extreme cases. For example, when dozens of kilograms have been lost and excess skin is very noticeable. Then abdominoplasty is used - excision of sagging skin, most often on the abdomen. This allows you to get rid of both folds and stretch marks at once. However, the procedure has many contraindications, is performed under general anesthesia and requires long-term rehabilitation.

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