What cosmetic procedures cannot be done for rosacea?

A gentle blush and glowing skin are the result of self-care and good blood circulation on the face. But rosy cheeks are not always a sign of health. Unfortunately, sometimes unpleasant red dots and spider veins begin to appear on the skin. This is rosacea. It can appear all over the body. But such “stars” on the face (in fact, these are dilated blood vessels) worry us most of all. And then we turn to medical cosmetology to remove the capillary network on the face. This redness is caused by dilated blood vessels that extend almost to the surface of the skin. Most often, this pathology overtakes those with thin and delicate skin. They should be especially careful when carrying out many procedures, chemical peels and using strong scrubs. Sensitive skin reacts most acutely to such intervention. And besides this, such a vascular network on the face does not have the best effect on our perception of our own appearance.

Modern cosmetologists offer an effective means of combating the manifestations of rosacea, allowing you to restore a healthy natural glow and an even, fresh complexion. Removing blood vessels with a laser is a painless and safe way to get rid of spider veins.

In this article, we will study in detail what rosacea is, why it manifests itself, what methods besides laser therapy exist to remove it and achieve ideal skin, and is it easy to remove the vascular network on the face?

Cuperosis and vascular network on the face

As we mentioned earlier, this is a superficial manifestation of blood vessels on our skin. Many things can provoke this effect. An elementary increase in temperature, a contrasting transition after a winter street and frost into a warm room, excitement, stress or another reaction of the body when blood circulation increases and blood vessels lose their elasticity and expand. All this can appear on the surface of the skin in the form of unpleasant reddish “patterns”. They are often accompanied by side effects that further negatively affect the condition of the skin: the skin “burns” and dries, peeling and itching appear. Sometimes such irritation even leads to skin injury. All this is very sad and does not contribute to a good mood and confidence in one’s beauty.

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Expert commentary

Elena Oleinichenko, cosmetologist, dermatologist, dermatovenerologist

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, expert at the Premium Aesthetics Academy of Cosmetology Elena Oleinichenko comments:

“Cooperosis can be corrected, but, alas, it is not completely curable. This must be taken into account when starting a course of therapy. If we consider the problem as a whole, success is based on the patient’s efforts to eliminate provoking factors: exposure to solar radiation, high and low temperatures, wind, alcohol, spicy foods, emotional stress, endocrine diseases, cosmetics and detergents that have an irritating effect. Treatment measures are based on the principles of adequate daily skin care. It includes the use of sunscreens and preparations containing chemical ultraviolet filters. Of the hardware techniques, only IPL radiation from the M22 device can solve this problem quickly and without leaving a trace.”

You can sign up for the procedure by phone: +7 (499) 370 45 96.

Vascular network on the face: causes and treatment

The manifestation of rosacea is a fairly common phenomenon that affects both women and men all over the planet. The latter, perhaps, do not show this so much, which is why the weaker sex often turns to doctors and cosmetologists, because for a woman a woman’s appearance plays an important role in her inner sense of self.

Internal reasons for the appearance of such a mesh include:

  • state of the vascular system;
  • diseases and pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • genetic predisposition and heredity;
  • pathologies of internal organs (for example, the liver, gastrointestinal tract and even the heart);
  • use of hormonal drugs and contraceptives;
  • high blood pressure.

Even stress can provoke an intensification of these causes and a worsening of the situation: strong feelings are not the best tool for stable and smooth functioning of our heart and blood pressure. It has been proven that nervous situations have no less weak effect on the stomach and pancreas.

For those who smoke and drink alcohol (both of which also greatly affect the vascular system), the manifestation of blood vessels and the appearance of “stars” is a common occurrence. It’s not surprising that bad habits affect the functioning of our body and appearance. Nicotine and alcohol get inside and slowly destroy a healthy body. It's really sad when the effect of this exposure affects the skin.

Let's now touch on the external factors that cause vascular networks to appear on the face. How to get rid of their influence and help your vascular system work better - this topic deserves a separate discussion. Previously, we have already briefly listed the external causes of the appearance of “stars” and unnatural redness of the face, now we will study them in more detail. After all, if you eliminate them or reduce them to a minimum, you can, together with special cosmetic procedures, get rid of rosacea and visible blood vessels on sensitive skin.

It's no secret that both hot and cold water have a strong effect on our blood circulation and blood vessels. Many have been taught that a contrast shower is wonderful and useful. It is true, but not for everyone. For thin, delicate skin, it can become stressful and provoke unhealthy manifestations such as spider veins. Surely you are familiar with the feeling of heat on your cheeks when you enter a warm room from the cold? In essence, this effect is very similar to a contrast shower and also contributes to the appearance of rosacea.

If you are exposed to active sun too often and stay in direct sunlight for a long time, you, unfortunately, can also get spider veins. “What,” you ask, “shouldn’t sunbathe at all?” You can sunbathe, get natural ultraviolet light and vitamin D - all you need is:

  • apply protective agents;
  • soften and moisturize the skin afterwards;
  • cover your face;
  • Avoid the sun when the sun is at its zenith.

Such “tanning” is especially dangerous in countries that are closer to the equator. The influence of the sun is most dangerous there, and the consequences can be sad and result not only in the “stars” of blood vessels on the face and body, but also in blisters and burns. You need to be more careful with the bathhouse and steam room - places where external heat also accelerates the blood in our body.

We described the external temperature effect and partially answered the question of why vascular networks appear on the face. However, that's not all. Even the use of a strong and active scrub if used incorrectly, chemical peeling can injure the skin, make it thinner and weaker, severely disrupt the top layer, allowing red blood vessels to come to the surface. But the risk of rosacea may also occur for those who protect themselves from the sun and scrubs. The group of potential “victims” also includes those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are overweight, or, conversely, expose themselves to excessive physical activity. All this has a direct connection with blood circulation, the heart and the load on blood vessels.

Why are capillaries damaged?

There are a number of reasons for this, which can be divided into external and internal.

Doctors consider external threats to include:

  • Alcohol and cigarette abuse
  • The predominance of hot, hot, spicy foods in the diet
  • Hot coffee and tea more than 2 cups per day
  • Poor quality care and use of “bad” decorative cosmetics
  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, especially without the use of high SPF protection products
  • Visiting baths, saunas

Among the internal risk factors are:

  • Autoimmune spectrum diseases
  • Pathologies of the digestive system
  • Atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases
  • Rosacea
  • Hormonal imbalance

It is important to understand that people with fair, sensitive, irritation-prone skin are more likely to suffer from rosacea.

Capillary mesh on the face: tolerate or remove?

You probably know and have seen where such a mesh pattern on the face is most pronounced. Most often, patients come to us who have thin red lines of blood vessels appearing on their face. The cheeks, nose, and sometimes the chin or forehead are especially affected. This not only complicates the health situation and makes you think about the state of the cardiovascular system, but is also an aesthetic problem.

When thinking about removing capillary mesh on your face, you must understand that procedures and doctor’s advice alone will not be enough. It is important to minimize the impact of internal and external irritants to help your skin recover, strengthen and glow.

Modern clinics offer various ways to remove venous mesh on the face:

  • photocoagulation (laser exposure);
  • electrocoagulation (exposure to electric shock);
  • phototherapy (there are different techniques);
  • ozone therapy (exposure to ozone gas)
  • sclerotherapy (introduction of special compounds directly into the vessels);
  • radio wave surgery.

All methods and techniques have their own specifics. If you decide to remove the vascular network on your face, you should choose them together with a qualified specialist, preferably one who has a medical education and experience in working with similar cases. Don't be afraid to ask questions, because we are talking about your health and appearance.

In our clinic, all cosmetologists are educated in the medical field and know how to select the right treatment for spider veins. We practice laser removal. The method of using a laser to solve the problem of vascular pattern is called effective, powerful and safe.

Atypical forms of rosacea

  • Lupoid or granulomatous. Accompanied by the development of granulomas - yellow papules that leave scars on the skin after opening.
  • Conglobat. Accompanied by large nodes, fistulas and the development of a purulent process.
  • Halogen. Develops while taking bromine- or iodine-containing drugs.
  • Steroid. Develops while taking steroid drugs.
  • Gram negative. Develops against the background of uncontrolled or improper use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Fulminant, or lightning fast. It most often occurs in young women and is characterized by the rapid development of all three stages of the disease. Accompanied by swelling and the formation of papules with purulent contents.

How to remove capillary mesh on the face with maximum effect

Firstly , any doctor will tell you that one procedure will not be enough. And the point is not at all that the “stars” will not disappear the first time. You will see positive results after the first session. Depending on the intensity of rosacea, skin sensitivity, and individual characteristics of the body, you may be prescribed not one manipulation, but several. Even when you seem to have already gotten rid of the line of blood vessels appearing on your face, you will be advised to repeat the sessions after some time to consolidate the effect. The duration of the procedure is only a few minutes; you can first do a gentle peeling to remove excess epidermal cells and the fatty layer. A repeat session will be scheduled for you no earlier than in 3-4 months.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the procedure, swelling and redness of the skin may persist for 1-3 days.

To consolidate the result and speed up recovery, it is recommended:

  • Refrain from sunbathing, visiting bathhouses, saunas and solariums for a month
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes
  • Use sunscreen and nourishing cream selected by a dermatologist according to your skin type
  • If possible , refrain from wearing decorative cosmetics for 1-3 days after the procedure.
  • Phototherapy eliminates the aesthetic consequences of vascular problems; to strengthen capillaries and prevent recurrent problems, it is recommended to use vascular strengthening products

Treatment of rosacea with M22 is an effective way to achieve beautiful and healthy skin!

It is recommended to delay phototherapy if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Having a pronounced and intense tan
  • Some skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis
  • Acute infections, including skin infections
  • A course of use of drugs that increase sensitivity to sunlight
  • Eye diseases
  • Presence of pacemakers or other metal-containing structures

Phototherapy with the M22 device helps to get rid of even deeply located vessels, while the procedure is completely safe, approved by the FDA and used by leading cosmetologists in many countries around the world.

The M22 device does not disrupt the pH balance of the skin and the protective lipid layer of the dermis, and rehabilitation after the procedure takes no more than a couple of days.

The M22 device allows for an individual approach - the doctor can select the type of platform module and light filter for each patient in accordance with his needs.

Peeling effect for skin rosacea

If the peeling technique in the presence of rosacea is selected correctly, this allows you to solve a number of problems:

  • Destroy the connections between deformed capillaries and create conditions for the regeneration of new tissues without cosmetic defects. Chemical peeling techniques using an acid composition and laser techniques help with this;
  • Improve skin microrelief by destroying microvascular connections. As a result, the so-called stars and threads disappear on the skin;
  • Achieve skin rejuvenation, eliminate fine expression wrinkles, restore skin tone;
  • Eliminate pigment spots, prevent the appearance of acne.

Cuperosis as a manifestation of diseases of internal organs.

The most common diseases that cause damage to the vascular wall:

  • arterial hypertension, acute crisis or chronic malignant course, when systolic blood pressure is above 160 mmHg and cannot be corrected.
  • diabetes mellitus, in which the level of glycated hemoglobin in the blood increases, which leads to disruption of oxygen metabolism in the vascular wall and causes tissue hypoxia. Subsequently, microangiopathy develops, leading to trophic disorders.
  • vascular symptoms can be a warning sign indicating the presence of liver disease, an inflammatory process of an infectious or viral nature.
  • autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma, are also manifested by damage to the capillary network, which can serve as an early diagnostic symptom.
  • hormonal disorders of various origins, ranging from dysfunction of sex hormones to disorders caused by brain tumors.

Get to the root of the problem

Although there is currently no way to completely cure rosacea, treatment for the disease is becoming more progressive.
Now the doctor can choose therapy that suits the symptoms of a particular person. The package of measures includes taking medications and using topical creams, gels and lotions. If rosacea also manifests itself as a profuse rash of pimples and bumps, antibiotics are added to the treatment. People whose blood vessels are dilated and the redness on the nose and cheeks is persistent may seek help from a surgeon. For example, laser therapy or pulsed light medicine methods can be effective.

What types of gels are there for ultrasonic facial cleansing?

Modern manufacturers offer us a huge range of gels for ultrasonic cleaning, which differ in cost, principle of action and composition components.

For home procedures, instead of special products, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or simple mineral water are often used. However, they will not be able to give the same strong effect as obtained from using the gel.

Different types of gels can be used to clean the face with ultrasound:

  1. Softening. The main function is to conduct ultrasonic waves. This product also effectively relieves acne, pimples, various inflammations, etc.
  2. Steaming. This type of cosmetic gel is the most popular. The product opens the pores, preparing the face for cleansing. The effect of steamed skin is created.
  3. Bleaching. This gel is used to get rid of age spots. Most often, women who have experienced age-related changes in skin color resort to cleansing. The product effectively eliminates visible defects, whitening the necessary areas.
  4. Moisturizing. This gel is also very popular among cosmetologists. Its advantage over others is its rich composition, containing a large number of microelements. They moisturize the skin, making the face smooth and healthy looking.
  5. Anti-rosacea. Many modern women face the problem of rosacea. Its symptoms and manifestations are enlarged pores and spider veins. The gel in this case performs a conductive function and eliminates the shortcomings associated with rosacea. The blood circulation process improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and redness goes away. After such ultrasonic facial cleansing, the vascular network ceases to be visible to the eye.
  6. Delicate. This product has a gentle effect on the epidermis without causing irritation or damage to the skin. The gel effectively cleanses pores and tightens them, which inhibits the subsequent formation of acne.

Read material on the topic: Fruit peeling: in a beauty salon and at home

How much does ultrasound facial cleansing cost in a beauty salon?

The average price of ultrasonic facial cleansing is 1500–2500 rubles per session . The exact cost depends on the qualifications and experience of the specialist you contact, the type of device, as well as additional services (massage, use of therapeutic masks).

The results of ultrasonic cleaning do not last very long (3–5 weeks). In a year, you can carry out 10–15 such procedures, the total cost of which will be 15,000–20,000 rubles. However, you can save a lot of money by performing ultrasonic facial cleansing at home yourself.

Read material on the topic: Depigmenting peeling: everything you wanted to know about it


People with rosacea should have a moisturizer in their skincare arsenal.
Dermatologists advise using it daily, as moisturizing helps create a blocking barrier that prevents symptoms and irritation from appearing. However, you should take the choice of cream seriously, as the wrong product can worsen the situation. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition: it should not contain oils and fragrances, and on the packaging you should look for the “hypoallergenic” label. According to experts, the fewer items there are, the better.

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