Ascorutin for rosacea on the face: take orally or make masks?

About rosacea on the face

A network of capillaries can be found on the cheeks, chin and wings of the nose. Spider veins can be colored in different colors: from pink to purple. Couperosis often appears on dry, sensitive skin, which is easily injured. Over time, capillaries lose their former elasticity. Deposits on the walls will contribute to their deformation.

The first signs of the disease are redness of the dermis and a burning sensation. They arise due to deformation of blood vessels. Then a network of blood vessels appears on the skin. The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • skin injury due to sudden temperature changes;
  • physical stress;
  • liver diseases;
  • menopause;
  • high level of production of sex hormones;
  • pregnancy;
  • unhealthy diet (abuse of chocolate, coffee or spicy foods);
  • chemical peeling;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • depression and stress;
  • heart disease;
  • genetic inheritance.

When treating rosacea, an integrated approach is used, the tasks of which include:

  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • correction of the blood circulation process;
  • relieving redness.

Treatment consists of regularly performing certain procedures:

  • facial skin care;
  • taking medications that strengthen and tone blood vessels;
  • nutrition adjustments;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • use of sun protection products (SPF no less than 20).

Benefits of Ascorutin for the skin

"Ascorutin" is a drug containing vitamins P and C. Each component is presented in a dosage of 50 mg. It is prescribed for general strengthening of the body and the fight against various diseases. The drug is released in tablet form. Packages of 10, 50 and 100 tablets are available for sale. "Ascorutin" is often used to make cosmetic masks. Its benefits for the skin are as follows:

  • reduction of capillary fragility;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • activation of the protective properties of the skin;
  • skin whitening;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • improving the patency of the sebaceous ducts;
  • rejuvenating effect.

Thanks to the listed qualities, “Ascorutin” prevents the development of rosacea and helps get rid of age spots. It gives facial skin freshness and helps fight age-related changes. To obtain the desired result, it is applied as part of cosmetic products directly to the skin surface. Additionally, you can use the drug for oral administration.

The product is often used to maintain skin in good condition and prevent age-related changes. Its use ensures smoothing of the skin texture and elimination of visible imperfections. The anti-aging effect is due to the stimulation of collagen and elastin production. This occurs as a result of normalization of blood circulation.

Comment! The drug can be bought at any pharmacy at a price of 30 to 60 rubles.

Ascorutin and its use

Ascorutin is a medicine that stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing them from deforming. Its unique properties are directly related to its composition. The active substances here are ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P).

In addition to its main function, Askorutin performs the following:

  • increases local immunity;
  • improves the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • cleanses capillaries of deposits;
  • restores the oval of the face;
  • erases redness;
  • removes inflammation;
  • whitens the skin.

The medication is used both internally and externally. In the first option, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Usually prescribed to drink 1 tablet three times a day with meals. Treatment course – 3 weeks. In the second, the tablet is added to regular store-bought creams, lotions or masks. It is not recommended to use the drug if you are prone to the formation of blood clots, if you are allergic to vitamins C and P, or if you have diabetes.

Main indications for taking Ascorutin

The drug is prescribed to prevent the development and treatment of pathologies accompanied by insufficient blood circulation, blood disorders or vitamin deficiency. Among them:

  • tendency to increased platelet formation;
  • vascular damage by salicylates;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • hemorrhage in the retina;
  • violation of intraocular pressure;
  • atherosclerotic changes;
  • rheumatism;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • some forms of hypertension;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • varicose veins: lower extremities, rectum;
  • trophic ulcerative lesions;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • consequences of severe scarlet fever, measles;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • changes in blood composition as a result of radiation exposure.

In most cases, Ascorutin is indicated in combination with other medications or vitamin-mineral medications.

As an adjuvant, Ascorutin is used in vitamin therapy for menstrual disorders: for heavy or irregular discharge. Its regular use helps to normalize pancreatic function and the absorption of glucose by cells. This helps stabilize the condition of diabetic patients at an early stage.

For diseases of the joints and spine, the product improves metabolic processes in the tissues of cartilage and skeleton, prevents the leaching of calcium, supports the formation of intra-articular lubrication, and slows down inflammatory reactions.

Masks from Ascorutin for rosacea

Treatment procedures using the drug are easy to carry out at home. Masks with ascorutin for rosacea are applied to cleansed skin so that the substances penetrate deeper into the epidermis. First, the remaining makeup is removed, and then a gentle peeling is done. After this, you can apply the mask.

With green tea

The mask will not only cope with rosacea, but will also refresh the complexion, protect against puffiness and increase local immunity. To prepare it you will need the following substances:

  • flour – 1 tbsp;
  • ascorutin – 2 tablets;
  • green tea – 1 tbsp.

Tablets of the drug are crushed into powder, which is added to flour. Green tea is brewed as usual. When it cools down, all parts of the mask are connected using it. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous paste forms.

The mask is applied in several layers. The first is distributed in a thin layer over the entire face, and the second - only in the place where rosacea develops. The layers should be washed off after 20 minutes. In this case, you need to try not to damage the epidermis with sudden movements.

With gelatin

This mask is suitable for sensitive skin that is easily injured. After its use, the skin of the face is smoothed, looks fresher and more youthful. The composition of the mask is as follows:

  • ascorutin – 10 tablets;
  • food gelatin – 1 tbsp;
  • jojoba oil – 15 drops.

Soak gelatin in warm water. Crush the tablets into powder. Add ascorutin and aroma oil to the swollen mass. Distribute everything over the face with massage movements. Wash off the mask after half an hour.

With lingonberries

This mask solves several problems at once. It eliminates rosacea, smoothes wrinkles, and cleanses the skin and pores well. Complexion improves, pigmentation decreases. The mask includes:

  • lingonberries – 1 handful;
  • ascorutin – 2 tablets;
  • flour or starch - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk – 1 pc.

Mash the berries with a fork until pureed. Add crushed tablets, flour (starch). Beat the yolk first, then pour into the mixture. Leave the mask on your face for about half an hour. Then you should carefully wash it off. Lingonberries can be replaced with another berry: wild strawberries or strawberries.

With clay

The mask will cope with any skin inflammation, rosacea, acne and more. In addition, it will perfectly cleanse the epidermis and even out its color. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • clay – 1 tbsp;
  • ascorutin – 2 tablets;
  • any oil - a few drops.
  • milk – 1 tbsp.

Use the clay that suits your needs. If your skin is prone to oily skin, then black is perfect. The white or pink appearance will not harm those with sensitive dermis.

Distribute the treatment mixture over the entire face. After 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water and then wash with cool water. After cleansing the skin from the mask, lubricate your face with olive or coconut oil (clay dries out the epidermis and it needs to be moisturized).

Chamomile tonic

The ingredients of this product accelerate skin restoration. They remove rosacea, bruises and pimples. In addition, signs of fatigue disappear from the face and the epidermis is toned. The composition here is as follows:

  • chamomile – 1 sachet;
  • ascorutin – 2 tablets.

First you need to make a decoction of chamomile. To do this, lower the filter bag into a glass of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, add crushed tablets. Shake the resulting liquid and pour into a glass container. Use the solution as a tonic 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications for use

Vitamins P and C have great benefits for the face. When used correctly, they can make your skin look fresher and more radiant. But you need to take into account that they cannot always be used for cosmetic purposes. Contraindications to the use of the drug are as follows:

  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • increased blood clotting.

Important! After long-term use of medicinal masks, cosmetologists advise taking a short break.

Skin care tips for rosacea

This disease affects delicate, dry skin, which requires regular and careful care. There are some rules you should know:

  • It is not advisable to steam this type of epidermis in a bathhouse, sauna or with hot compresses;
  • It is not recommended to do chemical facial cleansing (peeling);
  • Creams that contain salt or any citrus fruits should be avoided. These components act very aggressively on the skin;
  • should not sunbathe;
  • you need to spend as little time as possible under the scorching sun;
  • use protection from ultraviolet rays (SPF at least 20);
  • Avoid using various fruit acids on your skin. These substances make the epidermis thinner;
  • use cosmetics made from natural ingredients;
  • When going outside in winter, smear your face with a rich cream;
  • It is advisable to add aromatic oils (jojoba, almond, avocado and others) to caring cosmetics. 3-5 drops are enough for one tube. Such substances strengthen blood vessels well, toning them;
  • adhere to the correct daily routine;
  • eat quality food;
  • use cosmetics that are designed to combat rosacea.

general description

In fact, this is an inexpensive and fairly well-known vitamin preparation, which was previously often prescribed by pediatricians to speed up recovery from colds and flu. It contains vitamins C and P, which are the active components. The name of the drug itself consists of two syllables: “asco”, that is, ascorbic acid, and “rutin”, vitamin P. This combination allows the drug to participate in metabolism and help increase the body’s resistance to disease. In addition, this drug ensures optimal hormonal balance.

Other uses of Ascorutin for the face

The unique properties of the drug allow it to be used when caring for any type of epidermis. It can improve the properties of cosmetic products (cream, tonic, serum, gel and others). Ascorutin is used not only for rosacea, but also in the following situations:

  • enrichment of skin care cosmetics. Tablets are added to creams or gels before use. For mixing use a separate container. The dragees are turned into powder. Take a little cream and mix it with the tablets. You should not add the latter to a whole jar of product. Otherwise, Ascorutin, due to its chemical composition, will change the shelf life downward. Use cosmetics with the drug twice a week, and for rosacea - four times;
  • improving the characteristics of the tonic. Chamomile is a universal antiseptic. The plant gently cleanses the skin of impurities, destroying pathogens. If you add Ascorutin tablets to the chamomile decoction, the epidermis will recover much faster. It is recommended to use the medicinal solution several times a day. Pay special attention to problem areas;
  • preparing an infusion for washing. Cosmetics made from natural ingredients care for the skin without harming it. It is not difficult to make the solution yourself. To do this, take one filter bag of sage and infuse it in a glass of boiling water. Add 200 grams of milk and 3 crushed tablets of the drug to the decoction. You can use the solution every day. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and restorative properties;
  • preparing compresses for express care. To make it, you will need a bunch of parsley, from which a decoction is made. The same amount of milk and several Ascorutin tablets are added to it, which were crushed before this. Gauze, which is folded in several layers, is dipped into a warm solution and applied to the face. The compress will refresh the skin, brighten it and moisturize it well.
  • Taking the drug orally. This medication is used to eliminate vitamin deficiency, as well as to treat vascular diseases. If the skin is affected by rosacea, it is necessary to use one tablet three times a day for 3 weeks.

The development of rosacea on the face is associated with the weakness of the blood vessels located in this area. With age they become deformed. First, the skin turns red, and then the dilated capillaries themselves become visible. The disease “nests” on the cheeks, wings of the nose or chin. In this case, the epidermis often becomes inflamed. It is difficult to disguise rosacea with cosmetics. It will still be noticeable.

To get rid of the capillary network, doctors recommend using Ascorutin internally and also adding it to various masks, creams or lotions. With regular use of the drug, the blood vessels are toned and strengthened. The capillary network disappears from the face. The medication itself will also help get rid of fine wrinkles, even out the skin color, giving it a healthy appearance.

What can cause varicose veins?

The main provoking factor is the genetic predisposition of varicose veins, i.e. heredity. The main triggering factor is pregnancy. This is why spider veins and protruding veins in women most often appear during pregnancy. But pregnancy itself is not the cause of varicose veins, it is just a trigger moment. The next factor is hypodynamic office work. People who spend many hours in a sitting position and are unable to move are naturally at risk. As for smoking, it does not affect varicose veins, but provokes arterial pathologies.

Pharmacotherapy of rosacea

Rosacea is a polyetiological chronic recurrent disease (usually of the facial skin), characterized by a staged course.

This disease affects patients aged 30 years and older, predominantly fair-skinned.

Despite the presence of numerous works by domestic and foreign researchers devoted to the study of rosacea, the etiology of this disease is still not completely known, and the pathogenesis is not fully understood.

Factors in the occurrence of rosacea include the detection of the Demodex folliculorum , disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, changes in immune status, and primary pathological vascular reactions.

For a long time, Demodex folliculorum was considered the main cause of rosacea, until, as a result of numerous studies, new data on the pathogenesis of the disease emerged. However, there is an assumption about an indirect effect of Demodex folliculorum on the formation of rosacea. However, the possibility of clinical recovery in patients with rosacea when prescribing therapy that does not include acaricidal agents indicates that demodex is not involved in the occurrence of rosacea. At the same time, favorable soil for the life activity and reproduction of the tick contributes to the deterioration of the clinical picture of the disease, increasing, in particular, various subjective sensations.

Exogenous causes of rosacea are nutritional (alcohol, hot drinks, spicy, smoked foods), meteorological factors (solar radiation, high or low air temperature), and the presence of foci of chronic infection. However, the role of insolation in the development of rosacea remains insufficiently studied to date, since the literature describes cases of the onset of clinical remission of the disease after a patient’s prolonged exposure to the sun.

Of particular interest in the formation of rosacea is Helicobacter pylori, which is important in the occurrence of gastric ulcers and the development of rosacea in 67% of patients. The appearance of hot flashes on the facial skin is associated with the activation of vasoactive peptides under the influence of Helicobacter pylori and the accumulation of toxins that have a vasodilating effect.

Data have been published on the occurrence of rosacea in women before menstruation, during pregnancy and menopause, which indicates the importance of functional disorders in the pituitary-adrenal-gonadal system. Of course, various endocrinopathies can contribute to the occurrence of relapses of rosacea, but the pathology of the endocrine glands cannot be considered as the main cause of the development of this disease.

The role of vegetative-vascular dystonia and astheno-neurotic syndrome is shown. There is a theory that the predominant localization of rosacea rashes over the inactive muscles of the face is apparently due to the fact that the swelling in these areas is not drained by muscle contractions. At the same time, dilated blood vessels accommodate more blood, promoting hyperemia. The role of disturbances in the functional activity of the brain is evidenced by the frequent combination of rosacea and migraine in women over 45 years of age.

Rosacea is predominantly observed in areas where seborrhea is localized, but no quantitative changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands are observed.

Currently, there are several classifications of rosacea proposed by different authors. In 1976, E. I. Ryzhkova developed a clinical and morphological classification of rosacea, according to which four stages are distinguished:

  • erythematous (rosacea erythematosa);
  • papular (rosacea papulosa) with a peculiar cystic form (rosacea cystosa);
  • pustular (rosacea pustulosa);
  • infiltrative-productive (rhinophyma).

The cystic form is now known as granulomatous or lupoid rosacea.

There is a classification described by J. Wilkin:

  • prerosacea - periodic hot flashes;
  • vascular rosacea - erythema and telangiectasia;
  • inflammatory rosacea - papules and pustules;
  • late rosacea - rhinophyma.

A special form is ophthalmic rosacea.

G. Plewig, T. Jansen, A. Kligman proposed a classification taking into account the sequence of stages of rosacea and atypical variants of the disease.

The clinical manifestation of rosacea is episodic hot flashes: rosacea-diathesis.

Stage I: erythematotelangiectatic (persistent moderate erythema, isolated telangiectasias).

Stage II: papulopustular (persistent erythema, telangiectasia, papules, pustules).

Stage III: pustular nodular (persistent erythema, numerous telangiectasia, papules, pustules and edematous nodes).

Special forms of rosacea: steroid; granulomatous, or lupoid; gram-negative rosacea; conglobate; fulminant; rosacea with solid persistent swelling; ophthalmic rosacea; rhinophyma and “phymas” of other localizations: gnathophyma (chin), metaphyma (forehead area), otophyma (ear), blepharophyma (eyelids).

The initial signs of the disease are characterized by transient erythema, mainly in the central area of ​​the face. Subjective sensations arise in the form of tingling, itching, burning. Subsequently, against the background of persistent congestive erythema, moderate infiltration and capillary telangiectasias appear. Itching occurs, the appearance of which is often associated with an increase in the population of the mite Demodex folliculorum . Transient erythema progresses over time, becomes permanent, acquires a bluish-congestive tint and spreads to the face and neck.

During the transition to the papular stage, against the background of erythema, isolated or grouped inflammatory pink-red papules with a diameter of up to 3-5 mm, dense elastic consistency, not prone to fusion, appear. Localized on the cheeks, forehead, chin, sometimes above the upper lip.

With further progression of the disease, papulopustules and pustules up to 1–5 mm in diameter appear. Elements tend to group in the area of ​​the nose, nasolabial folds, and chin. The rash can spread to the front surface of the neck and chest.

Under the influence of increased levels of androgens, hyperproduction of sebum develops, culminating in hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands. The emerging fibrosis of connective tissue impairs blood and lymph circulation, causing pastiness and swelling of the face. Tumor-like growths are localized on the nose and cheeks, creating a disfiguring effect; rhinophyma is formed.

In 20–60% of patients with rosacea, the eyes are involved in the pathological process. Patients complain of burning, itching, soreness, lacrimation, and photophobia. Blepharitis, chalazion, conjunctivitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis are diagnosed.

As a result of prolonged application of highly active corticosteroid drugs to the skin of the face, steroid rosacea develops. Corticosteroid therapy for papular rosacea promotes its transition to pustular and granulomatous forms. The most common side effects of local corticosteroid therapy are telangiectasia, atrophy, skin pigmentation, and the appearance of papules and pustules. 7–10 days after the last use of external corticosteroids, a “withdrawal” syndrome may occur, i.e., a sharp exacerbation of the skin process occurs - hyperemia and swelling of the face, papules, and pustules appear.

Rosacea must be differentiated from perioral dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, Haber's syndrome, acne vulgaris, red stippling of the nose, tuberculous lupus, Besnier-Tennesson lupus pernio.

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the clinical form of the disease, severity, duration, drug tolerability, the presence of concomitant somatic pathology, age, gender, and psycho-emotional characteristics of the patient.

In complex therapy, much attention is paid to diet. Patients are advised to limit the consumption of animal fats, smoked meats, extractives, alcohol, spicy and hot foods. Patients should not stay in a room with high air temperatures for a long time; insolation should be avoided.

Before treatment, it is recommended to conduct a clinical and laboratory examination to find out the cause of this disease and risk factors.

Laboratory tests include: general blood test, biochemical blood test (determination of total bilirubin and its fractions, triglycerides, transaminase, cholesterol, creatinine alkaline phosphatase, glucose), isolation and identification of microbial flora of the skin with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics; bacteriological examination of intestinal flora, scraping from the skin of the eyelids and face to identify Demodex folliculorum .

  • The use of medicinal products from the following groups is indicated:
  • Therapeutic agents that suppress microbial colonization: - antibiotics for systemic and external use; — sebosuppressive medications: retinoids; Antiandrogens are used only in severe cases of rosacea.
  • Medicinal products that normalize keratinization processes (have a comedolytic effect). They are fundamental for anti-relapse treatment.

Therapy should be comprehensive and should be carried out jointly with a gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, and gynecologist.

At the initial, erythematous stage, local use of vasoconstrictor medications is recommended. Treatment tactics aimed solely at stopping the inflammatory process are insufficient. It is equally important to prevent the formation of new elements, since as a result of persistent inflammation, persistent cosmetic defects are formed on the skin - telangiectasia, as well as “fimas”.

For patients with problem skin prone to increased sebum secretion and irritation, special gels and lotions with keratoregulating, sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects are recommended for daily cleansing of the facial skin.

Cleanance gel cleanses the skin without disturbing its hydrolipidic film and is washed off with water.

Preparations from the “Clerasil Ultra” series, such as cleansing lotion and washing gel, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and sebicide effects. Deep cleansing gel exfoliates dead skin cells, opens pores, softens the skin.

For daily cleansing and skin care, Cetaphil series products are used - gel and lotion, applied 2-3 times a day or as needed. The lotion can be washed off with water or left on the skin.

To reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pathological scarring, use a spray with Avene thermal water. It is recommended to apply Avene cleansing lotion for hypersensitive skin to irritated facial skin and eye contours. Foaming gel "Keraknil" for daily hygiene of skin with a tendency to develop acne has a keratoregulating, bactericidal, sebum-regulating, moisturizing effect, does not contain soap. Apply morning and evening.

At the first erythematous stage, cold lotions are prescribed with a 1-2% solution of resorcinol, weak tea, and a 2% solution of boric acid, which reduce the subjective sensations of itching and burning.

In the presence of erythrocouperosis, especially with pronounced subjective symptoms, such as itching, a feeling of discomfort and burning, skin tightness, Diroseal is prescribed - a medicinal cream for local redness with a dual (preventive and therapeutic) effect. It contains a complex of complementary active substances that activate cellular metabolism, thicken the surface layers of the skin and make the network of blood vessels less noticeable; have an anti-edematous effect that improves blood microcirculation. The cream contains green pigments and has a masking effect.

At the pustular stage, antibiotics of the tetracycline group and macrolides are used.

Erythromycin ointment (10,000 units/g) is applied 2 times a day. The duration of use should not exceed 5 weeks due to the risk of developing microflora resistance.

The complex "erythromycin - zinc acetate dihydrate" has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, comedolytic effect. Available in powder form in combination with a solvent and applicator for preparing a solution for external use. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day; in the morning (before applying makeup) and in the evening (after washing) for 10–12 weeks. After drying, the solution becomes invisible.

Azelaic acid in the form of 15% gel, 20% cream is applied evenly in a thin layer 2 times a day to previously cleansed affected areas of the skin. A marked improvement is observed after 4 weeks. Local adverse reactions in the form of burning, tingling, redness disappear on their own within 15 minutes. In case of severe skin irritation in the first weeks of treatment, it is recommended to use the drug once a day.

The complex of therapeutic drugs includes vitamins B6, C, P, etc., desensitizing agents (sodium thiosulfate, antihistamines). Preparations of the retinoid group are also prescribed, such as tretinoin (Retin - A) in the form of a cream or lotion, which are evenly applied to the washed and dried surface of the affected skin 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4–6 weeks. Side effects may develop in the form of dryness, hyperemia, swelling, hyper- or hypopigmentation, photosensitivity.

Adapalene is a retinoid metabolite. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, has comedolytic activity, normalizes the processes of keratinization and differentiation of the epidermis. 0.1% cream or gel is applied evenly, without rubbing, to the affected areas of dry, clean skin once a day before bedtime. The therapeutic effect develops after 4–8 weeks, persistent improvement after 3 months of use. Side effects include hyperemia and peeling of the skin. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Avoid contact with eyes and lips and avoid exposure to sunlight; It is not recommended to use cosmetics with a drying or irritating effect (including perfumes, ethanol-containing products). Therapy begins with a gel, and for sensitive and dry skin, a cream containing moisturizing components is prescribed.

Retinoic ointment 0.05% and 0.1% has dermatoprotective, antiseborrheic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. Inhibits hyperproliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, reduces the formation of sebum, facilitates its evacuation, reduces the inflammatory reaction around the glands and enhances regeneration processes in the skin. However, the ointment should not be prescribed to patients receiving other drugs from the retinoid group. The effect of the ointment is weakened by the simultaneous administration of tetracycline antibiotics, as well as the local use of glucocorticosteroids.

Considering the role of Demodex folliculorum in the development of the disease, after the disappearance of acute inflammatory phenomena, one should proceed to treatment with antiparasitic (sulfur-tar) pastes and ointments, gradually increasing the concentration of sulfur and tar in them from 5 to 15%, with “Yam” ointment. This ointment should be applied on the first day for 15 minutes, and then removed with vegetable oil and lubricate the skin with cold cream, which eliminates the feeling of tightness and discomfort, reduces irritation caused by dryness, and restores hydrolipid balance. If there is no burning sensation, the next day increase the duration of application by 5 minutes and bring it to 1.5 hours. Then gradually reduce this time daily by 5 minutes until the ointment is completely discontinued.

For the purpose of anti-demodectic effects, a 5-10% suspension of benzyl benzoate is also prescribed or a course of treatment is carried out according to the Demyanovich method (sequential treatment of the skin with a 60% solution of sodium thiosulfate, and after 15 minutes - with a 6% solution of hydrochloric acid).

Nitroimidazole derivatives are prescribed, which enhance the protective and regenerative functions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The drugs have a bacteriostatic effect against obligate anaerobic bacteria and an antiparasitic effect against Demodex folliculorum . However, metronidazole can immobilize treponemes, leading to a false-positive TPI test (Nelson test). During drug therapy, it is possible to obtain false results when determining the activity of liver transaminases, levels of lactate dehydrogenase, triglycerides and glucose in the blood plasma. At the same time, 1% cream or 1% gel containing metronidazole (Metrogyl) is prescribed. Apply a thin layer to the skin 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 3–6 weeks. Avoid contact of the gel with mucous membranes, including the eyes (contains alcohol). Prescribe with caution to persons with hypersensitivity to sunlight and a tendency to photoallergic and phototoxic reactions (sun exposure is excluded during treatment). Use is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

"Rozamet" - a cream containing 10 mg of metronidazole, has proven itself as an effective remedy for the topical treatment of rosacea and perioral dermatitis. Thanks to its light creamy base, it penetrates well into the skin, softens and moisturizes it for a long time. The drug is applied 1-2 times a day in a thin layer after acute inflammatory phenomena in the affected areas have subsided. For blepharitis, “Rozamet” is applied to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids once a night. After 3-4 weeks of regular use, there is a significant reduction in swelling, lacrimation, and the amount of exudate in the corners of the eyes.

It is also possible to prescribe combination therapy, including isotretinoin and antiandrogenic drugs (spironolactone or cyproterone).

During treatment, dryness, irritation, and peeling may occur. To eliminate the side effects of therapy, it is recommended to use the moisturizing soothing cream “Klin AK”, which contains thermal water, zinc gluconate, jojoba oil, and shea butter. It should be applied to cleansed skin in the morning and/or evening.

For hypersensitive skin, specially developed products are used to restore comfort: Avene cream for hypersensitive skin, which contains Avene thermal water, white petroleum jelly, polyols, and squalene of plant origin, which eliminate irritation and restore the protective function of the skin. The cream is applied to cleansed facial skin 2 times a day. Soothing cream for hyperreactive skin “Tolerance Extreme” instantly gives a feeling of comfort, reduces skin reactivity, relieves irritation, and improves the tolerability of drug treatment. Produced under sterile conditions in accordance with the standards for the production of injectable drugs. Produced in sealed packaging in sterile mini-doses, without fragrances, preservatives, or surfactants. The cream contains: Aven thermal water, cartama oil, glycerin, liquid paraffin, silicone polymer, titanium dioxide, pH = 6.

For daily care and protection against erythrosis, rosacea and a tendency to redness, Antiruger is prescribed - a cream or emulsion against redness. "Rosaliak" is a moisturizing corrective product without perfumes for skin prone to redness.

"Sensibio AR" is a cream containing anti-inflammatory and restorative components that prevent the appearance of redness and eliminate the feeling of heat already at the first application.

Sensibio AR can be recommended as monotherapy or in combination with other treatment methods (laser, electrocoagulation or cyclins, metronidazole). The cream is recommended to be applied in the morning and/or evening to thoroughly cleansed skin.

These products are especially indicated for patients during periods of increased skin sensitivity to external irritants, after surgical interventions.

Physiotherapeutic methods accelerate the resolution of inflammatory elements of rosacea.

Methods for the destruction of telangiectasia are also used: electrophoresis of chloroquine or epinephrine on the lesions daily or every other day, course - 12-15 procedures (for the erythemal stage); cryotherapy (cryomassage) - 2-3 times a week, course - 10 procedures; electrocoagulation - from 20 to 100 procedures depending on the stage and extent of the process; laser therapy.

Treatment of rhinophyma usually involves surgical excision of hypertrophied tissue.

For the treatment of secondary post-inflammatory skin changes - hyperpigmentation, pseudoatrophy, scars - microcrystalline dermabrasion is used, carried out once a week, a course of 5-10 procedures. Mandatory conditions are: complete relief of the inflammatory process on the skin, protection of the skin from insolation during and for 1 month after treatment. Superficial chemical peels with a-hydroxy acids (30–70%; pH less than 3.5). Properly performed acid peeling of the skin can achieve positive results in most cases. However, like any other procedure, various types of chemical peeling must be performed according to a strictly defined protocol, taking into account skin type, its sensitivity, indications and contraindications. An irrational desire to increase the degree of exposure of the skin to acid can lead not only to an increase in the number of complications and unwanted side reactions, but also to reduce its effectiveness.

To prevent the formation of atrophic scars that form after pustules, it is recommended to use the Contractubex gel, which has a fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory, and keratolytic effect. The gel stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia and inhibits the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts. Apply 2-3 times a day to scar tissue. The course of treatment for fresh scars is on average 4 weeks.

If the integrity of the skin is compromised and there is a high risk of secondary infection, it is advisable to prescribe the restorative cream “Sicalfate”. The regenerating effect of the drug is achieved due to the sucralfate included in its composition, and the zinc-copper complex provides an antibacterial effect.

If the integrity of the epidermis is damaged, “Epithelial A.N.” is prescribed, a restorative cream containing 0.2% hyaluronic acid and having an active regenerating effect at the level of the epidermis and dermis.

Prevention of rosacea includes protection from sun rays, diet, thorough cleansing of the skin, and temperature control.

Sunscreens from the “Angelios” series do not contain chemical filters, are odorless, are well tolerated, and are adapted to each skin type, each phototype in accordance with the received dose of solar insolation.

When treating patients with rosacea, an integrated approach to drug administration is important. Long-term pathogenetic therapy is required along with basic care.

A. G. Pashinyan , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Russian State Medical University , Moscow

Clay masks

Cosmetic clay is widely used to make homemade face masks. It can also help in the treatment of rosacea. In particular, red clay is especially suitable for girls with sensitive skin types; it can neutralize redness and irritation. Masks based on it mask spider veins and also provide gentle cleansing of the epidermis. Those with oily skin should prefer white clay, as it regulates sebum synthesis well. This remedy remarkably improves blood circulation and eliminates inflammatory processes.

When getting rid of spider veins, you can prepare several options for masks:

  • Combine a couple of tablespoons of red or white clay with fifty milliliters of warm milk or cream. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin for twenty minutes.
  • Mix a couple of tablespoons of red or white clay with fifty milliliters of warm lavender infusion and a tablespoon of olive oil. You can also use warm mineral water for dilution. Leave the product on the skin for a quarter of an hour.
  • Combine a tablespoon of red and white clay. Dilute with warm chamomile decoction and leave for two hours to infuse. Then add four drops of rosemary essential oil into the mixture. Apply to skin for ten minutes.

You should not use clay masks too often. In particular, for dry skin such procedures can be carried out only twice a month, for normal and mixed skin - once a week, and for oily skin - twice a week.

Ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid or a synthetic analogue of natural vitamin C is widely used in the treatment of rosacea. It is often recommended to take it internally, but in addition, this component is excellent for creating homemade masks. This substance is believed to be:

  • It has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and narrows them.
  • Activates the synthesis of procollagen, which then turns into collagen.

Ascorbic acid can be purchased in powder or tablet form (without additives), which must be crushed before use.

To prepare a mask for rosacea on the face you need:

  • Brew a teaspoon of quality green tea with hot water. Leave for three to five minutes and strain.
  • Combine thirty milliliters of the resulting tea with half a teaspoon of ascorbic acid and stir.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons of sour cream to the mixture.

The resulting mask against rosacea should be on the skin of the face for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water or linden blossom infusion. Next, it is advisable to apply a suitable moisturizer to the skin.

The second method of preparing a face mask for rosacea with ascorbic acid:

  • Prepare a couple of tablespoons of rose petals and pour a small amount of warm water over them.
  • Rub a couple of tablespoons of homemade cottage cheese with twenty drops of jojoba oil.
  • Place all the prepared ingredients in an enamel container, add half a teaspoon of ascorbic acid to them.
  • Mix well.

This product should be left on the skin for twenty minutes and washed off with plain water.

It is important to consider that ascorbic acid in masks cannot be used if the skin has all kinds of damage. In addition, such a remedy can provoke irritation and allergies.


Instead of tonic, I now use chamomile infusion with Ascorutin. I prepare it every other day as follows. I throw one bag of chamomile into a glass of boiling water, leave it for a couple of hours, then add an Ascorutin tablet crushed into dust. I store it in the refrigerator and use it twice a day.


Ascorutin simply cannot be absorbed externally by the skin. So we need to go inside.

Dima Pachkai

I started taking Ascorutin when slight redness appeared on my face in the cheeks and nose. I addressed this problem to a dermatologist, who prescribed me this drug.

The tablets look yellow, taste sweet and sour, one might even say tasty, the same ascorbic acid

Fox Marusya

Ascorutin applied externally is unlikely to help cope with acne scars. Try making masks from badyagi.

Sexy sprat

I drink Ascorutin all the time, the redness on my face has subsided a little, but it’s too early to get excited, I’ll continue, I’ll see what happens in another couple of months.

Ksyusha is Ilyusha's mother

Ascorutin is a complex pharmaceutical drug that can please not only with its price, but also with its versatility, as well as its effectiveness in maintaining health and beauty.

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Potato masks

Ordinary potatoes are widely used in preparing various homemade masks. It quite effectively improves the condition of the skin with rosacea, providing a soothing, anti-inflammatory and whitening effect, as well as constricting blood vessels. There are several options for preparing masks based on it:

  • Grate one potato onto a medium grater and combine with a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the skin, wait until it dries, then cover it with another fresh layer. After a quarter of an hour, wash your face.
  • Grate one potato onto a medium grater, add a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of heavy cream and stir. Too thin a mass must be thickened with regular flour. Apply the potato mask to your face for a quarter of an hour, then wash as usual.
  • Grate a couple of fresh potatoes. Place the resulting mass in gauze or a bandage and squeeze out the juice. Soak a cloth in it and apply it to your face for half an hour. Next, wash with warm water or chamomile infusion.

Potato masks not only reduce the manifestations of rosacea, but also have a positive effect on skin tone. They have an effective softening effect, remove small wrinkles and add elasticity.

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