Face mask with black clay: 5 rules of use and review of popular recipes for wrinkles and acne

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They say that proper skin care at home replaces a cosmetologist and over time can even prevent a trip to a plastic surgeon.

Whether this is true or not, no one knows for sure. But since home care is still significantly cheaper than professional care, and the ingredients for it are always at hand, skin care procedures at home are much more popular among our lovely women than all the achievements of modern cosmetology combined.

In home facial care, in addition to fruits, berries and vegetables, clay is also used. This is a real salvation for dry and aging skin, because it contains many micronutrients.

The mixture helps not only cleanse the skin, but also smooth out wrinkles. Clay face masks are suitable for both dry and oily skin. But before using such masks, it is worth understanding the different types of clay that they contain and their specific properties.

Clay is sold in pharmacies, where it can be purchased in powder form. It comes in several colors: white, pink, red, black and blue.

White, red, blue - choose, which one do you want?

If you have skin problems, or even if you just want to provide your normal skin with additional cleansing and nutrition, try making clay face masks at home, the effects of which have been proven by science and many years of practice.

Which product is used for what?

  • For acne, blue, yellow and white are used.
  • For pigmentation and to smooth out wrinkles - blue.
  • For dry skin – green, red and gray.
  • To eliminate shallow wrinkles - blue, red and green.
  • For oily skin, blue and white clay is used.

In order for the mixture to have a positive effect, you should take these indications into account, and also further study the information on the use of cosmetic clay placed on the bag of dry product that you buy at the pharmacy.

Masks can be made from any clay, but it is important to choose the material depending on the effect on your skin type. In general, such masks have a wide range of actions: the mixture absorbs oil and dirt that accumulate on its surface, tightens enlarged pores, eliminates skin shine and clears acne.

How and where to apply masks

There are no contraindications for use, because clay is a natural material that, as a rule, does not cause any allergic reaction. To get a result you like, you should consider just a few nuances:

  • The facial mixture should be applied exclusively to a clean surface of the face, having previously cleaned it of dirt with cleansers for your skin type.
  • The clay itself does not cause allergies, but ready-made mixtures may contain other components - carefully read the composition of the product to find out if you have an allergic reaction to any ingredient.
  • Do not apply the mixture to the area around the eyes or lips.
  • If you have couperose, sensitive and redness-prone skin, you should reduce the exposure time of the mask (let it dry only slightly, without letting it tighten your face and turn into a dry crust).

What not to do

In order for clay masks to bring a cleansing and nourishing effect, you should carefully follow the rules for using masks based on this product.

Read carefully what insidious features such a mask may have:

  • Clay reacts with metal, so a mixture of this product, even after lying in a metal plate for several minutes, is no longer suitable for use as a mask. That is why glass or ceramic containers should be used as containers.
  • This mixture is very heavy, so when you have made the mask, you should lie down with it and not move. Otherwise, if you sit or stand while the mask is in effect, the frozen clay pulls the skin of your face down and fixes it in this position, which is extremely contraindicated by cosmetologists.
  • You cannot “rip” the mixture off your face, even if it has not had time to harden. It is washed off only with water.
  • It dries your face very much, so you can’t keep the mask on for a long time. For dry skin, the mask can be kept for 2-10 minutes, for oily skin – 15-20 minutes. On dry skin, the mask can be applied no more than once a week, and on oily skin – 4-6 days.

Blue and white clay

Blue clay prevents the appearance of acne, helps cleanse the face, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It will also help smooth out wrinkles, even out the skin, and also significantly improve its tone.

You can use any recipes based on white clay, replacing it with blue.

Here are a couple of recipes for smoothing wrinkles and cleansing the face using blue clay:

  • 1 tbsp. dilute the powder with 3 drops of apple cider vinegar and 0.5 cups of boiled water so that a porridge appears when stirred. The mask should be applied to the face and washed off with cold water after 10-15 minutes.
  • 1 tbsp. mix powder with sour cream, add 1 tsp. watermelon pulp, as well as grape pulp. Apply the mask to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Red clay

Red clay is not only great for sensitive skin, but also helps break down wrinkles. It improves blood circulation. Below are a few recipes:

  • A mask that helps calm an irritated face: 0.5 tbsp. dilute the powder with cream until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Add 2 tsp. juice from aloe leaves. Stir again and apply to face for 15-25 minutes. After this, the mask should be washed off with warm water.
  • Mixture intended for irritated face: 2 tsp. mix the powder with sour cream. Add a drop of orange essential oil.

You can also use yolk instead of sour cream.

Pink clay

The pink variety of this product is clay obtained by mixing red and white. It is suitable for every skin type.

The powder should be diluted with water to a mushy consistency and applied to a clean face for 12-17 minutes. If you want to get rid of small wrinkles, then clay should be mixed with products such as milk, yolk, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream.

Different goals - different masks

As mentioned above, any clay is used in preparing the mixture. The main thing to remember is that before applying it to your face, apply a small amount to your wrist. If there is no allergic reaction, the mixture can be applied to the face.

Pharmacies are hiding a cheap anti-wrinkle trick! -15 years instantly, if green...

Rotaru admitted why at 68 years old she has no wrinkles! It turns out the singer...

The masks themselves may vary depending on the additional components and the desired result.

  • Cleansing. Mix the powder with a small amount of rice flour and dilute with water.
  • Bleaching. Mix the product with a small amount of oatmeal, honey and lemon juice (1 tsp).
  • For acne. Mix the powder (3 tbsp) with talcum powder (1 tsp). After this, add alcohol and glycerin (1 tsp). Stir with mineral water to a paste consistency.
  • Peeling. Mix the product with alcohol (20 ml), add lemon juice (1 tsp).

If the mask is too thick, add a little mineral water.

A few subtleties for the best effect

  • It is recommended to apply the mixture in a fairly thick layer - the skin should be completely covered, except for the area around the eyes and lips.
  • Cover the mask with a plastic bag, after making several slits for the lips and eyes.
  • After washing off the mask with water, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the skin - with all their advantages, such mixtures dry out the skin quite a lot and after the procedure it needs additional care so as not to get a couple of new wrinkles instead of a positive effect.

Some experts believe that the mixture should be kept until it is completely dry, others suggest using such masks more often, but keeping them for only 2-5 minutes, as a preliminary step before applying day or night cream.

Listen to your skin and it will tell you the best recipe.

Healing properties of black clay

Black clay has an oily consistency and contains a number of useful salts and minerals: calcium, nitrogen, potassium, quartz, magnesium, iron, which improve metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen. Depending on the content of these substances, the color of clay can be different shades - from gray to black. The healing properties of this clay make it popular in the fight against most skin problems. In addition, products with black clay:

  • have an antimicrobial effect, relieve inflammation;
  • dry out acne and tighten pores;
  • nourish, restore tone and improve complexion;
  • remove dirt, greasy shine, remove toxins;
  • saturate the skin with beneficial minerals and vitamins;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • have regenerating and rejuvenating effects;
  • effective against acne and pigmentation.

Composition and properties of black clay

Black clay is a sedimentary rock. It is an almost black or dark gray powder, which when moistened with water turns into a plastic mass. The main components are carbon and iron compounds, which determine its color. In addition, the composition includes the following ingredients:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • quartz.

Black clay is an excellent natural peeling.

The unique properties are largely due to the fact that it contains radioactive elements such as strontium and radium in limited quantities. This selection of components gives the natural composition many positive properties:

  • skin cleansing;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • ability to regenerate cells;
  • relieving inflammation.

These qualities of the mineral allow it to be used in medicine, in particular in cosmetology.

There are relatively few natural deposits of black clay, so the cosmetic product is often counterfeited. The authenticity of the composition can be confirmed by a certificate of conformity.

Indications for use

Black clay by itself or as part of masks is intended to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • oily skin prone to rashes;
  • sensitive skin prone to irritation;
  • inflamed skin, redness;
  • increased production of sebum;
  • acne, comedones;
  • freckles and pigmentation;
  • aging skin, decreased tone;
  • “orange peel” on the body;
  • impaired water metabolism, peeling of the skin.

Black clay helps with many skin problems

Benefits for facial skin

Cosmetic black clay has a complex effect, which can be easily enhanced if regulated with additional components. It is this property that is often used to prepare ready-made and homemade face masks.

Benefits of clay for skin:

  • Provides deep cleansing and removes toxins from cells;
  • enhances metabolic processes and tissue regeneration;
  • removes inflammation and redness of the skin;
  • soothes pores, dries the epidermis;
  • rejuvenation of the skin occurs, small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin is toned and tightened.

One of the main advantages of black clay is the elimination of oily shine, the production of sebum is normalized at the cellular level, so the product is suitable for prevention. Black clay can also be used effectively if you have skin problems - it can be used to fight pimples and acne. You can find out how to properly treat acne in teenagers here.

What are the benefits of black clay?

It’s not for nothing that black clay is called a universal product – the substance in the products actively copes with various skin problems. The value of the component for preparing homemade compositions is in the abundance of useful substances. The product combines minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Each of them plays a special role aimed at eliminating problems of the dermis or improving its appearance.

Main properties of black clay:

  • anti-inflammatory qualities (elimination of irritations, inflammation, acne);
  • cleansing (removing impurities, clogged pores, blackheads);
  • regeneration (the upper layer of the dermis is rejuvenated at the cellular level);
  • antiseptic property (bacteria and microbes that provoke inflammation are destroyed);
  • protection (active components protect against the harmful effects of climatic conditions, ultraviolet radiation).

Do you know? The use of products based on the substance is recommended for all types of dermis - the active components normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Those with oily skin will be able to get rid of the oily film, while women with dry skin will be able to eliminate flaking.

Properties and principle of operation

The benefits of black clay for the skin are due to the rich content of mineral elements. It contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are important for the epidermis.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

The silicon present in clay helps cleanse the upper layers of the skin from toxic accumulations, thereby accelerating the processes of cellular regeneration and rejuvenating the epidermal tissue. And radium and zinc slow down cellular processes that lead to senile changes in the skin and the appearance of facial folds.

Natural material helps get rid of many dermatological problems. Some of the beneficial properties of black clay include:

  • suppression of inflammation;
  • preventing the reappearance of inflammatory formations;
  • intensive cleansing of skin pores;
  • accelerating the healing of scratches and other injuries;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • strengthening skin immunity;
  • increasing skin tone;
  • tightening the facial contour;
  • improving facial tone, giving a pleasant matte finish;
  • elimination of excess pigmentation;
  • control of the secretory work of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthening collagen synthesis.

To care for your facial skin, you can use both a regular and a scrub mask based on black clay. The usual composition is intended to cleanse the skin of toxic accumulations, narrow pores, and normalize metabolism in epidermal cells.

The scrub mask effectively removes superficial keratinized tissue, makes the skin smooth, healthy and radiant, and reduces the likelihood of inflammatory formations.

Instructions for use

Basic Rules:

  • prepare a fresh portion of the composition each time;
  • keep the mask on your face for 10–15 minutes;
  • lie down in silence (as the composition dries, it may crumble when talking, smiling, or moving facial muscles);
  • Be sure to rinse off the dried product with cool water;
  • After a pleasant, useful procedure, apply a light cream.

Note! This variety is suitable for girls and women of all ages. Look for the right recipe, add certain components for increased oiliness or, conversely, dry skin.


  • MIRACLE CLAY!, women's social network MyJulia.ru
  • Cosmetic clay, social network for losing weight Diets.ru
  • Cosmetic clays: benefits and types of cosmetic clays, social network for losing weight Diets.ru
  • Clay, its types, application, social network for losing weight Diets.ru
  • Clay can be different - blue, yellow, red, social network for parents Stranamam.ru
  • Cosmetic clay - a natural remedy for beautiful skin, social network for parents Stranamam.ru
  • Different clays are important, all kinds of clays are needed..., beauty portal MyCharm.ru

Compositions for combination and oily skin

To improve the condition of the epidermis, carry out a course of 15 procedures, then a month break. You will definitely notice the result. Simple mask


clay – 2 tsp; purified water. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a thin layer to your face. Three times a week is enough.

Nourishing mask with herbs


parsley – 3 tablespoons; clay - a couple of teaspoons; boiled water. Grind the greens in a blender, add powder, pour in water. The product perfectly nourishes, whitens, tones. Do it once every three days.

Nutritional composition with strawberries

It's simple:

fresh or frozen berries – 5 pieces; clay – 3 tsp; boiled water. Add crushed berries to the powder and add water. The product refreshes, tones and nourishes the epidermis.

Gentle cleansing


powder - tablespoon; decoction of medicinal herbs - the same amount; lemon juice – a teaspoon (for enlarged pores). Mix the ingredients until you get a thick mixture. Don't wait longer than ten minutes!

Black clay mask for acne


chamomile decoction – 1 tbsp. l.; clay – 3 tsp. Connect the components. Be sure to apply the thick mixture in a thick layer. Rinse off and moisturize your face.

The ingredients in masks directly depend on skin type

In order to enhance the positive effect of using the black clay procedure, some additional components are added to it. Most often these are products of plant and animal origin. The most commonly used additives are the following:

  • milk or whey;
  • egg white and yolk;
  • lemon juice;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • honey;
  • mustard powder.
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Those with dry skin types are advised to use clay with caution, especially black clay.

Typically, decoctions of mint, rose hips, chamomile, calendula and string are used. In some types of masks, several components are mixed at once.

It is not allowed to combine additives to masks yourself. Only a cosmetologist can give recommendations on the use of a particular component, since the composition of the mask depends on the skin type.

Anti-acne mask

If you suffer from acne and profuse rashes, try preparing a mask based on an infusion of medicinal calendula flowers, which can be purchased in dry form at the pharmacy.

You will need:

  • 20 grams of black clay;
  • 5 grams of dried calendula;
  • 20 ml boiling water.


  1. Pour boiling water over dried calendula and leave to steep for half an hour.
  2. Strain the cooled flower infusion.
  3. Pour the liquid into the clay powder and stir until smooth.

This product can be applied to the entire face or just to problem areas. The recommended frequency of use is 1-2 times a week, and the course should include at least 10 procedures.

Basic rules of application

In order for the positive properties characteristic of black clay to fully manifest themselves, so that there is no harm instead of benefit, you should use the cosmetic product correctly and follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  1. Before applying the composition, the skin of the face should be free of makeup and cleaned of accumulated dirt.
  2. In order for the pores to open and let in beneficial substances, the skin must be steamed before the procedure. To do this, use a steam bath and hold your face over it for several minutes. If the goal is to get rid of inflammatory formations and improve the health of the skin, then it is better to use decoctions of chamomile and sage instead of water for steaming.
  3. The mask should be prepared according to special instructions, since black clay is difficult to dilute due to its density. To speed up dilution, use not cold, not hot, but warm water.
  4. Do not prepare the composition in metal containers. When clay and metal come into contact, useful substances are destroyed. You can make the drug in containers made of glass, porcelain, ceramics, and wood.
  5. It is advisable to apply a thick mask with a cosmetic brush or cotton pad. You can apply the composition with your fingers, but you should not rub or press it into the skin too much. The black mask is not intended to be applied to the area around the eyelids.
  6. Keep the applied composition on the face for no longer than 15 minutes, trying not to smile, speak, or influence facial expressions in any other way. If some area dries out before the rest, then it is carefully moistened with water. Do not allow the mask to dry completely and tighten your face. If a feeling of tightness appears, you should immediately wash the composition off the skin.
  7. After removing the mask from your face, apply moisturizer.
  8. The frequency of the procedure is determined by the type of skin. If your skin is oily or combination, you should use clay 2 times a week. If the skin is dry or normal, then one procedure per week is enough. After a course of 10 procedures, you need to take a 2-week break.
  9. The clay itself is a hypoallergenic product. However, it is rarely used without additional ingredients, which can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using a black mask, it is advisable to do an allergy test: apply a little of the composition to your wrist or the inside of your elbow. If after a few minutes there is no negative skin reaction, then you can apply the mask to your face.


Despite its valuable properties, people need to be careful with black clay powder:

  • with severe dry skin;
  • with rosacea and vascular network;
  • with various types of dermatitis;
  • with infectious and viral skin diseases;
  • with furunculosis;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use black clay if your skin is excessively dry, or if you are intolerant to it. Therefore, before using any cosmetic product containing black clay, it is necessary to test its tolerance on a separate area.

Indications and contraindications for black clay masks


1. Inflammation of the skin, cracks and wounds 2. Cellulite 3. Comedones (blackheads) 4. Acne 5. Skin withering, wrinkles 6. Disruption of the sebaceous glands 7. Disruption of metabolic processes in the body's cells 8. Oily skin 9. Dry skin 10. Combination skin


Black clay for the face is a natural product, so there are no medical contraindications for its use. But in order for the effect of a clay mask on the skin to be as positive as possible, it is important that they are absolutely clean, that is, previously cleaned of decorative cosmetics with special means. It is not recommended to apply black clay masks to the skin around the eyes. A black clay mask during pregnancy will not harm either the expectant mother or the child in her womb. An exception may be a woman’s individual intolerance to other components included in the mask (aroma oils, vinegar, honey). If a woman is allergic to any ingredients, then they should not be included in a homemade cosmetic product.

Black clay masks for different skin types

Healing clay mixtures for the face can be tried in a salon or made at home yourself.

We recommend reading: Using blue clay for the face

To do this, just buy clay powder at the pharmacy and add the missing components to it.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, various ingredients are added to the clay:

  • aloe for hypersensitive skin;
  • cosmetic and olive oils for dry skin;
  • fruit and vegetable juices for normal skin;
  • kefir, milk and egg white for oily skin;
  • honey for all skin types;
  • herbal infusion for problem skin.

Among the frequently used products with black clay, some mask recipes are popular.

Black clay and honey against oily skin


  • clay;
  • honey;
  • water

Dilute the clay powder with water, add a spoonful of honey to the mixture. Treat the entire face or only problem areas.

Action: removal of waste and toxins, reduction of sebaceous shine, increase in elasticity.

This recipe can also be used for wraps.

Cleansing mask with gelatin


  • clay powder;
  • gelatin;
  • tea tree oil;
  • water.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in water (about 3 tablespoons), let it swell, and bring to homogeneity using a water bath.
  2. Gradually add clay powder into the mixture and add a little oil.
  3. Bring it to a paste, spread it on your face in several layers and let it dry.
  4. Remove the mask carefully from below. Rinse your face with water.

Action: relieves inflammation, evens out tone, removes dead skin, cleanses pores.

Nourishing and whitening mask


  • clay powder;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • milk.

Take equal amounts of clay, cottage cheese, sour cream and milk. Dilute the clay mixture with heated milk, add sour cream (preferably full-fat) and cottage cheese. Treat your face, leave for a quarter of an hour, remove the mask.

Action: cares for dry skin, improves water metabolism in tissues, evens out and brightens the complexion.

Purifying mask for combination skin


  • clay;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • lemon or orange oil.

Dissolve the clay mixture in calendula tincture, add a little lemon or orange oil. Apply the product to your face and leave until dry.

Action: cleanses, dries pimples, eliminates acne, disinfects.

Black clay mask for acne


  • clay powder;
  • infusion of succession.

Brew dry string herb. Dilute a little clay with a glass of hot infusion of the string, treat the face with the mixture, especially in problem areas.

Action: drying and antibacterial effect.

Black clay and aspirin against acne and comedones


  • clay powder;
  • aspirin;
  • water.

Crush 2 aspirin tablets into clay powder diluted with warm water. Mix thoroughly and treat problem areas. Keep until completely dry.

Action: against acne, comedones and pigmentation. Has a whitening effect, eliminates excess fat and greasy shine.

Beneficial features

Black clay is a universal remedy that saves from various skin problems: pimples or acne, wrinkles, laxity of the epidermis, chapping of the face, etc. The benefits of clay for the face are due to the valuable mineral composition, which contains a lot of microelements that have a stimulating effect on metabolic processes. processes that occur inside cells.

Due to the interaction of mineral powder with skin cells, enhanced exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis begins, deep cleansing of pores from accumulated waste and toxins, skin nourishment, as well as its general rejuvenation. Clay is also capable of debugging the processes of sebum secretion, as a result of which oily shine disappears and pores narrow. With regular use, you can get rid of acne and inflammation .

Cosmetologists often recommend using black powder in the form of masks and peeling for oily skin with acne. However, in addition to masks, the cosmetic product can be used for a cleansing massage.

Cosmetic clay for wrinkles: the best recipes for face masks

With the onset of a certain age, every woman notices the appearance of the first signs of old age on her face. To eliminate them at home, clay masks with various combinations of components are used. Which clay is best for wrinkles, and what are the features of applying such products?

How does clay affect wrinkles?

Cosmetic clay has a number of valuable properties that have a beneficial effect on the youthfulness of facial skin. Due to the content of magnesium, silicon, and copper oxides, products prepared on its basis help to increase the tone of the dermis by strengthening the walls of blood vessels. As a result, there is an optimal supply of oxygen to the tissues, along with which valuable substances are supplied that are responsible for beauty and youth. The skin takes on a blooming appearance, its elasticity increases, wrinkles and other defects are smoothed out.

Clay masks for wrinkles:

  • saturated with natural mineral salts;
  • have a beneficial effect on skin of any type;
  • increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin due to rapid penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • gently scrub the skin, removing dead cells from the surface, which leads to increased smoothness and elasticity;
  • even out the color of the dermis, lightening and removing pigment spots;
  • increase protective properties by actively removing toxins from the body.

Types of clay and its properties

It is impossible to answer the question which clay will help better against wrinkles without considering each type separately. All of them have the ability to cleanse and dry the skin, resulting in a rejuvenating effect. But the degree of its effectiveness and direction depend on the color of the clay.

White clay

In cosmetology it is better known as kaolin. It is used to narrow enlarged pores, which are a sign of oily skin, effectively dries and eliminates oily shine. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it removes ulcers and other pimples on the face. In addition, it perfectly tones and tightens sagging facial contours.

Blue clay

It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of silver molecules in the composition. Penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, blue clay for the face helps get rid of wrinkles, and also actively brightens and tones. The speed of absorption allows you to get almost instant results after application, which increases the value of blue clay against wrinkles.

Black clay

In cosmetology it is used as a soft scrubbing agent. When applied to the skin, it removes the dead layer of cells that clog the pores. The dermis is cleansed, protective mechanisms begin to work in full force. In addition, clay saturates tissues with a number of valuable microelements, which also promote active rejuvenation.

Yellow clay

Regular use of masks based on it can solve the problem of acne. By removing unsightly inflammation, the complexion improves and unevenness is smoothed out. Accelerating metabolic processes helps reduce the negative impact of external factors (insolation, wind, frost).

Green clay

In addition to the standard properties of any cosmetic clay (cleansing, drying, whitening), the green variety restores the disturbed moisture balance in the facial skin. Due to this, additional toning and rejuvenation of delicate tissues occurs.

How to use anti-wrinkle clay correctly

In order for the mask to acquire a uniform, creamy texture, the powder must be diluted in cool water. During preparation, you need to ensure that the product is not too hard, since a dense structure will not bring the expected effect due to insufficient penetration of the components into the skin.

A clay face mask against wrinkles is prepared immediately before application. Otherwise, it may harden and become unusable.

You can use a container made of any material, with the exception of metal.

To obtain optimal results, anti-wrinkle clay masks must be applied in accordance with professional recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, the face should be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants, including decorative cosmetics. In addition to washing, the skin is steamed over a hot decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage). You can also take a soothing bath to open your pores.
  2. Clay masks are suitable for any skin type, but they are not recommended for use on the areas around the eyes and mouth. Delicate skin can easily become dry, leading to worsening wrinkles.
  3. The mask must be applied evenly and in a thick layer. For better distribution of the product, it is recommended to use a special spatula.
  4. After application, you need to lie down and relax for the time specified in the recipe. It is not advisable to make any facial movements with the facial muscles, so as not to damage the integrity of the mask.
  5. You should not wait for the product to dry completely - this can lead to excessive drying of the skin. As a result, the number of facial wrinkles will increase and their depth will increase.

It is necessary to remove the blue clay anti-wrinkle mask gradually, just like other similar products, so as not to cause microtrauma to the skin. Before this, a damp cloth is applied to the face to soften the clay layer. You can also wipe off the product with it, and then rinse off the residue with warm water.

Recipes with kaolin

Kaolin, diluted with water, is successfully used as a mask against wrinkles and other age-related changes on the skin of the face. But to enhance the effect and consolidate the result, it is recommended to use white clay in combination with other components.

Sea buckthorn oil mask

Ideal for older women whose skin has lost its elasticity and smoothness. To prepare, you need to mix white clay and sea buckthorn oil in equal parts in a small container, as well as a few drops of neroli and frankincense essential oils. Then add a small amount of milk to the mixture and use it to bring the consistency of the mask to the desired state.

Apply the product in a thick layer using a spatula. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water without rubbing the skin.

Mask with essential oils

The product helps eliminate acne, unclog pores, eliminate skin inflammation and brighten the face. To obtain a serving you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. kaolin with water at room temperature so that an elastic paste is obtained. Then add a few drops of lavender or geranium essential oils, half a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The mask is applied to the entire face, but especially carefully to problem areas. The procedure lasts from 15 to 20 minutes, after which the product must be washed off with a decoction of calendula or chamomile. To obtain a lasting effect, the mask must be used at least twice a week.

Cucumber mask

Thanks to the presence of kaolin among the main components, enhanced by cucumber pulp, the mask helps lighten the skin. With regular use, the dermis is smoothed and refreshed, its tone is evened out. To prepare, a small cucumber is grated, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp, to which lemon juice is added. Next, a small amount of white clay is diluted using the resulting mixture until a paste without lumps is formed.

It is recommended to apply a clay mask against wrinkles twice a week in a thick layer over the entire face, except for the area around the eyes and lips. After 20 minutes, the product is washed off with a napkin, and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Recipes with blue clay

Blue clay for the face against wrinkles is an excellent remedy for solving age-related skin problems. With its help, the dermis is nourished and moisturized, and also acquires the elasticity inherent in young tissues.

Clay-egg mask

20 g of clay powder must be mixed with 20 ml of warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained without clumpy inclusions. Then a chicken egg is added to the mixture, which should be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Next, the mask is supplemented with 5 ml of olive oil, 5 g of liquid honey and brought to the required consistency in a water bath.

After cooling, the mask is applied to the face for up to 20 minutes. After this, the mass is washed off with warm water, and the face is additionally nourished with any cream. To consolidate the result, the procedure must be carried out once a week for two months.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Thanks to its rich mineral composition, blue clay helps get rid of wrinkles just as well as cleansing the skin of impurities deeply embedded in the pores. To do this, just prepare the following mask. A teaspoon of dry celandine leaves is infused in 20 g of boiling water under a closed lid. Then 30 g of powder is diluted in 20 ml of warm broth. Add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

The mask is applied to problem areas, as well as to the rest of the face with gentle movements. If there is severe contamination, the procedure can be carried out every other day for a week, or once every seven days to prevent inflammation.

Recipes with other types

You can answer which clay is best for age-related skin changes by trying different types of homemade masks based on them. Yellow, green or black clay have their own characteristics that help eliminate various dermatological problems.

Mask with green clay and milk

Clay powder and talc, combined in equal parts, are diluted with a small amount of warm milk. After the lumps disappear and a uniform texture is obtained, the mask is applied to the face and left for 15 - 20 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with a damp cloth. Regular application helps eliminate greasy shine and dry out oily skin.

Mask with yellow clay and oils

A tablespoon of powder is poured into a shallow container, diluted with 20 ml of warm water to a uniform consistency. Afterwards, a teaspoon of steamed vegetable oil and 5 drops of tea tree, neroli, and orange oils are added to the mass.

The product is applied to the face until it hardens, left for 10 - 15 minutes and washed off with warm water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. To effectively smooth out wrinkles, it is enough to carry out the procedure once or twice a week.

Effective masks at home

Cosmetics based on black clay can be found in stores, but it is better to prepare effective masks yourself. Preparation does not require exotic and inaccessible ingredients, and the result is no worse than when using store-bought formulations.

From greasy

To prepare a black mask to tighten pores, intensively cleanse the skin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, take:

  • a tablespoon of clay;
  • 10 rose hips;
  • 3 drops of peach seed oil;
  • a glass of boiling water.

The berries are poured with boiling water. Infuse under the lid, wrapping the dishes in a warm towel, for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered. Add a tablespoon of rosehip infusion and peach oil to the clay powder. After removing the mask, it is advisable to wash your face with the remaining rosehip infusion.

For acne

Take 100 g of clay, beat one chicken egg into it. Pour enough olive oil into the mixture to form a mushy mass. To get rid of acne, use the mask twice a week until the skin condition normalizes.


This mask intensively cleanses the epidermis of sebaceous and fatty accumulations.

The mustard present in the composition stimulates the natural processes of burning subcutaneous fat, as a result the oval of the face becomes more neat, even, beautiful, and the double chin gradually disappears. However, the black mustard composition is quite stinging, so it should be applied to the face with caution, and if a strong burning sensation occurs, wash it off immediately.


  • 2 tablespoons of clay and the same amount of water for dilution;
  • half a teaspoon of powdered mustard;
  • a tablespoon of liquid natural honey.

The clay slurry is combined with mustard powder. Stir thoroughly. Add honey.


The mask saturates dry, normal and irritated epidermis with nutrients, relieves inflammation.

To prepare a black mask, take:

  • a tablespoon of clay;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • a small amount of milk.

Combine sour cream and clay powder. If the gruel turns out to be too dense, it is diluted with milk. Stir well.


The product eliminates signs of fatigue, tightens and smoothes the skin, and supplies mineral elements to the epidermis.

Component composition:

  • 2 tablespoons clay;
  • the same amount of milk;
  • 6 drops rosemary oil.

Combine clay powder and milk, stir until smooth. Rosemary oil is dripped. If your skin is oily, then it is advisable to choose camphor-borneol rosemary oil.

To tighten pores

Take 20 g of black clay powder, add 20 ml of water, stir. Squeeze the juice from two lemon slices. Grind 2 tablets of pharmaceutical charcoal. Mix the ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth.

It is not advisable to apply the mask to sensitive skin: there is a high probability that lemon juice will cause irritation.


The mask helps get rid of excess pigmentation, make the skin color even, and remove both light and red spots. In summer, the product promotes the formation of a beautiful, even tan.

A small bunch of fresh parsley is finely chopped. Combine 20 g of powdered clay and 20 ml of low-fat milk. Stir and leave for 10 minutes. Mix the green and milk-clay mass, add 10 ml of low-fat sour cream. Stir until smooth. After removing the mask, it is advisable to wash your face with a herbal decoction or warm mineral water. You don’t have to apply the cream after the procedure, as the mask is rich in nutrients.


The mask improves color and normalizes the structure of the epidermis. The activated carbon included in the composition acts as an absorbent: it actively pulls dirt and fat accumulations out of the pores.


  • 2 tablets of pharmaceutical charcoal;
  • 2 teaspoons clay;
  • 2 teaspoons – gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons - milk.

The tablets are ground into powder. Clay and gelatin are added. The mixture is poured with milk heated to 40 °C, stirred thoroughly so that the lumps disappear and the mass becomes homogeneous.


To make a black mask to extinguish inflammatory processes and accelerate skin tissue regeneration, take:

  • 2 tablespoons clay;
  • the same amount of squeezed aloe juice;
  • 3 teaspoons of natural honey;
  • 2 teaspoons – fresh applesauce.

Clay powder is diluted with aloe juice. Add apple pulp and honey. Stir.

For acne

To prepare a black mask that is effective against acne, comedones, inflammatory formations, skin cracks, take:

  • 15 g of pharmaceutical calendula;
  • 20 g clay;
  • 100 ml boiling water.

Calendula is poured with boiling water, left for 30 minutes, filtered. The clay powder is poured with warm infusion and stirred until smooth. After removing the mask, it is advisable to wash your face with the remaining infusion.

Black healing clay is a wonderful facial skin care product. When used correctly, it helps get rid of many dermatological problems. The composition not only intensively cleanses and rejuvenates, but can also become an effective adjuvant for the treatment of infectious skin pathologies.


Recipes for dry and normal skin

Treat fading, overdried, dull skin with a clay mixture with fatty ingredients - butter, sour cream. Dilute the powder not with water, but with milk or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Nutrition and whitening

You will need:

sour cream and powder - 2 tbsp. l.; warm full-fat milk – as needed. Combine all components, keep for no more than 15 minutes, rinse.

Honey-clay mask for aging skin

Use the composition in the spring, during the period of greatest vitamin deficiency. Apply the mixture in a thick layer.


clay – 4 tbsp. l.; liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.; milk - as much as needed. The procedure time is a quarter of an hour, frequency is twice a week.

Softening mask


high-quality butter – 50 g; black clay powder - a tablespoon. Heat the oil in a water bath and prepare a thick clay mass. Wash with water or herbal decoction. Suitable are string, chamomile, sage, calendula.

Yolk-milk nutritional mixture


powder – 2 teaspoons; mashed yolk – 1 pc.; warm milk - as much as needed. The composition nourishes the epidermis well and is suitable for mature skin.

You can also find recipes for other face masks on our website. Recipes for moisturizing masks are described here, whitening masks - in this article. Homemade masks for blackheads are described at this address.

Remedy for dry skin

For women whose skin suffers from excessive dryness or sensitivity, it is advisable to choose a different type of clay - white or blue. If you still decide to use black clay, check if you have liquid honey and rich sour cream in your kitchen - these components will soften the mask and prevent damage to the skin.

You will need:

  • 20 grams of black clay;
  • 20 grams of sour cream with 20% fat content;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 5 grams of honey.


  1. In advance (at least 1 hour in advance), remove the sour cream and chicken egg from the refrigerator and keep them at room temperature.
  2. Then put the sour cream in a suitable bowl, add clay there and mix.
  3. Break the egg, separate the yolk and add it to the clay mixture.
  4. Lightly heat the honey in a water bath or in the microwave, add to the rest of the ingredients and mix everything thoroughly again.

Keep the mixture on the skin for no more than 10 minutes, and after finishing the procedure, wash with warm water and generously lubricate your face with nourishing cream. It is advisable to repeat the mask no more than once every 10 days.

Wraps with black cosmetic clay for weight loss

Black cosmetic clay is an excellent product for weight loss. To prepare a clay fat-burning wrap, dilute 0.5 kg of black cosmetic clay with still mineral water. The result should be “thick mud”. Before starting the procedure, take a shower and do an exfoliating massage of all problem areas with a loofah washcloth using a salt or coffee scrub. After this, the warm clay mass is spread on a dry body with a layer of 2–3 cm (in the area of ​​the buttocks, hips, waist, forearms, shoulder blades, etc.). From above, the problem areas are tightly wrapped in cling film, wrapped in woolen cloth and placed under a blanket for half an hour. Then wash off the clay mass under a contrast or cool shower, after which it is recommended to use an anti-cellulite or nourishing cream. If you carry out 10–12 procedures 2–3 times a week, even the oldest “orange peel” can be noticeably reduced. Black clay regenerates and smoothes the deepest layers of the skin, causes a lymphatic drainage effect, stimulates the breakdown of fat cells and causes cells to produce elastin and collagen in an enhanced mode, thereby smoothing out scars and deep grooves. To enhance the smoothing effect, you can add crushed algae (spirulina, for example) to the clay composition in a 1:2 ratio.

Black clay for the body

Black clay mixture is used not only as a product for the face, but also for the whole body. Black clay wrap is one of the effective procedures for losing weight and fighting cellulite. In addition, the beneficial components contained in black clay improve blood circulation and metabolism in tissues and subcutaneous tissue. After just a few sessions, the skin becomes more toned and the “orange peel” disappears. A huge advantage is that clay wrapping can be done at home.


  1. Black clay is a completely natural substance that is extracted from the Black or Dead Sea. It has a dense and greasy consistency.
  2. Has a wide spectrum of action. Has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. Actively nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin.
  3. Black clay is used in ready-made care cosmetics for the face, body and hair. This is one of the best components for anti-cellulite wrapping and preparing masks.
  4. Rarely causes allergies, can be used for regular skin care. Suitable for any age and type of epidermis.
  5. Clay is used to create rejuvenating, cleansing, toning and nourishing masks for the face at home and the neck area. Combines with honey, dairy products, herbal decoctions and natural essential oils.


In the depths of volcanoes and after magma hardens on the surface of the earth, interesting chemical reactions occur in the clay. Thanks to these processes, it turns black and acquires special properties. It was the volcanic qualities that made black clay beneficial for our skin. Its amorphous structure and saturation with beneficial ions make it possible to achieve the cleansing effect of cosmetic procedures.

Black clay masks are used, both undiluted and in combination with other beneficial microelements.

The main active ingredients that cosmetologists are primarily interested in are:

  • Silica;
  • Strontium;
  • Nitrogen;
  • Phosphate;
  • Magnesium;
  • Quartz.

Black clay also contains a special type of iron that is not found under normal conditions. It is charged with mineral ions, which are especially beneficial for the human body.

Video of a black clay face mask:

The interaction between the mask and the skin occurs at the molecular level. Beneficial mineral ions from clay pass into the skin. In return, the mixture “pulls out” harmful waste, heavy metals, toxins and everything that makes our face old and flabby.

In addition to ions, black clay film has several other beneficial aspects. Thanks to its light abrasive properties, the mask acts like a scrub. We don't feel this because the particles are very small. But clay produces high-quality peeling of the entire epidermis. It exfoliates dead cells. In return, new cells are regenerated on the face. The skin becomes younger after the first contact with black clay.

Drying is an important property of masks made from this clay. That is why it is primarily recommended for owners of oily and combination skin. Acne disappears after several sessions. Acne becomes smaller over and over again until the skin turns into the standard of smoothness and purity!

How to properly use honey and aspirin for the face can be found in this article.

How to make a face mask with honey and cinnamon is indicated in this article.

How to make a face mask from melon at home can be understood if you read the contents of this article here:

How to make a face mask from starch is described in detail in this article.

A black clay mask also helps against cellulite. Therefore, many ladies, having bought it to cleanse their face, successfully use it on other parts of the body. After all, increased cellular activity thanks to the hidden powers of clay is beneficial for all skin, not just the face!

The oilier the skin, the longer it is recommended to keep the mask on it. In order not to dry out already dry skin, its owners are not advised to stay under the mask for more than ten minutes. In the case of combination skin, this time increases to 15-20 minutes. The maximum film duration on oily skin is 30 minutes. It makes no sense to leave the mask on longer, because... During this time, the skin has time to exchange all microelements with black clay (useful ones go inside, harmful ones go into the clay).

In the video - a mask made of black clay:


There are very different reviews about the properties of black clay for the face. Some people don’t like its tightening effect, while others don’t like its unsightly color and consistency. However, many people confirm its effectiveness.

Anna: the problems began after a course of antibiotics, which undermined my stomach and intestines. Spots and pimples began to appear on my face, which did not go away for weeks. And I'm 35 years old. Black clay helped cleanse the skin, although at the same time I was taking medications and vitamins.

Yula: I apply the mask only on the wings of the nose, forehead and chin, where the skin is oily and there are blackheads. She dries the remaining areas.

Olga: I used it as a teenager, although those problems disappeared more with growing up than with the mask, but my mother forced me, and I obeyed. Nowadays I prefer ready-made masks from a jar, which smell delicious and do not require preparation.

Inessa: I do 2 cleansing courses a year for my skin - at the end of summer and in spring. This way I get rid of toxins, tighten my oval, and provide additional nutrition. Black clay helps me take care of myself effectively and inexpensively. But first I lightly steam my face. You can simply wash your face with hot water, but not from the tap; you can also prepare a herbal decoction. Only after that I apply the mask.

Rules for using black clay for face and body

  1. Clay powder can be dissolved in water, herbal infusion, milk or cosmetic oil until creamy. You need to stir for no more than a couple of minutes, otherwise the clay will begin to harden.
  2. To prepare a healing composition from black clay, use a glass, wooden or enamel container.
  3. Before using the product, it is better to cleanse and steam your face to expand the pores and improve blood circulation.
  4. The clay mixture should be applied carefully to the face and neck, avoiding the lip area and the area around the eyes.
  5. After applying the mask, you need to relax your facial muscles and lie down.
  6. As it dries, you should moisturize the mask with water, but you don’t need to keep it on for longer than 30 minutes, otherwise the clay will not release, but will take moisture from the skin.
  7. Rinse off the product with warm broth or water. After use, moisturize the skin with cream.
  8. Clay masks and wraps can be used no more than 2 sessions per week, in a course of 10 procedures.


  • https://krasiko.com/maski/chernaya-glina-lica-otzyvy-ney
  • https://vseokozhe.com/uhod/maski/chernaja-glina.html


Rules and conditions of preparation, how to use, how long to keep on the face

In order for the product to be as effective as possible, it is important not only to follow the recipe exactly, to properly prepare the product for applying the mask, and to know how long to leave it on the skin. Basic rules for preparation and use:

  1. You need to use only fresh products and carefully check the expiration date of the clay itself.
  2. You cannot mix the components in aluminum, steel or enamel containers, as black clay loses its beneficial properties when in contact with metal. It is best to mix the product with a wooden spatula.
  3. It is advisable to apply the mask using massaging movements, which increases blood flow and improves skin tone.
  4. Black clay is usually applied in a thick layer and washed off until the composition dries completely.
  5. Before the first use, it is advisable to make sure that there is no allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.
  6. The duration of the procedure can vary from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the composition of the home remedy.

It is advisable to use black clay masks for up to 1-2 months; apply the composition no more than once a week for dry and combination skin types, and up to 2 times for oily skin types.

Before starting the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned and makeup removed. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to steam the pores with steam or a towel dipped in hot water.

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