Plasmolifting and biorevitalization: comparing popular procedures

  1. Similarities and differences between biorevitalization and plasmolifting
  2. Indications for biorevitalization
  3. Indications for plasma lifting
  4. Contraindications
  5. What is better – biorevitalization or plasma lifting?

Injectable anti-aging treatments are very popular, but choosing the right option on your own can be difficult. In order to make a decision, you need to know the features, indications and contraindications of various procedures.

It is best to entrust the final choice to a cosmetologist: after the examination, the doctor will recommend suitable techniques. However, it never hurts to get a general idea of ​​the most popular procedures for skin rejuvenation - biorevitalization and plasma lifting.


Any injection procedures are contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy, lactation;
  • With diagnosed oncological, autoimmune, and some endocrine diseases;
  • With a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • During the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • If there are rashes in the treatment area, inflammatory processes occur;
  • For bleeding disorders.

In addition, plasma lifting cannot be done within 3 to 4 weeks after an illness or surgery, in the presence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Fractional thermolysis

Fractional thermolysis of the face:
— Ablative laser (Erbium)15,000 rub.
— Non-ablative laser (Neodymium)12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the forehead5,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the eyelids of both eyes6,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the cheeks10,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the neck - promotion!!!8,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the décolleté15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face and neck - promotion!!!18,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face, neck and décolleté - promotion!!!25,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the mammary glands12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of abdominal skin15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the shoulder - inner part (both arms)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of hand skin10,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the buttocks (two sides)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the thigh - inner part (both legs)20,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the thigh - outer part (both legs)15,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the knee areas (both legs)12,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the intimate area New!!!5,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of scars (1 sq cm)1,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of scars from 2 cm or more (1 sq cm)500 rub.
Laser (carbon) peeling6,000 rub.

Discounts when paying for the course (3 procedures):

Fractional thermolysis of the face:
— Ablative laser (Erbium)40,000 rub.
— Non-ablative laser (Neodymium)30,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of face and neck45,000 rub.
Fractional thermolysis of the face, neck and décolleté60,000 rub.

What is better – biorevitalization or plasma lifting?

This question can be answered this way: the best procedure is one that satisfies the actual needs of the skin. That is, according to testimony. If the epidermis is overdried, then the choice will fall on biorevitalization. Almost all women need this procedure; it allows you to “revive” tired skin and give it radiance. If you need to tidy up young, problematic skin, it is better to choose plasma lifting. Treatment with your own plasma is suitable for patients of all ages and helps to successfully fight inflammation. The cosmetologist will make the exact prescription of the procedures, guided by the indications, contraindications and the result to be obtained.

Many alternate courses of plasma lifting and biorevitalization to comprehensively improve the condition of the skin and prevent age-related changes.

Which technique is better?

Both rejuvenation technologies are quite safe and effective; it is not easy to choose the most suitable one. Let's compare plasma lifting and biorevitalization according to eight main criteria.


Both plasma lifting and biorevitalization involve the introduction of a drug into the skin, so they are not too different from each other in ease of implementation. A small obstacle before rejuvenation with the help of plasma is a blood test for biochemistry. The analysis is necessary to check the condition of the blood and make sure there are no hidden contraindications to plasma lifting. Biorevitalization turns out to be even simpler than plasma therapy, therefore you can influence the skin with hyaluronic acid not only with injections, but also using a laser.

The ability to refuse injections will allow people who are afraid of syringes and needles to make an appointment with a cosmetologist for a rejuvenation procedure without any doubt.


The equipment for plasma lifting is more specific, and the procedure itself is more complicated due to the fact that it requires isolating plasma from the blood immediately before the session. For the greatest effect, plasma lifting sessions may require more. For these three reasons, a course of plasma lifting turns out to be more expensive than a course of biorevitalization.

Session duration

The time required for procedures varies slightly. A facial skin plasmolifting session usually takes only 30 minutes, while a cosmetologist performs hyaluronic acid injections for about an hour.


Both biorevitalization and plasmolifting are quite effective procedures, but they differ in how quickly the results appear and how long the youthful appearance of the skin lasts.

Hyaluronic acid injections have an almost immediate effect.

On the same day of the procedure, patients notice that their complexion has become more even and their skin has begun to smooth out. You will have to wait about two weeks for the effect of plasma lifting. To ensure a guaranteed result, you not only need to attend injection sessions on time and follow care recommendations, but also eat a balanced diet and drink enough water every day.

Now it may seem that biorevitalization is much more effective than plasma lifting, but the effect of plasma on the skin has an advantage - the youth and elasticity of the skin is preserved for one to two years. Biorevitalization procedures will have to be repeated several times a year to maintain the effect.

Suitable age

Some skin diseases that actively manifest themselves in adolescence can be treated with plasma lifting. Plasma injections, for example, help get rid of acne and scars.

After 55 years, plasma therapy is contraindicated, since this procedure strains the immune system. Chronic diseases, which many people have in adulthood, can worsen.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are suitable for patients over 25 years of age, because until this age the body independently produces enough of this substance. Unlike plasmolifting, biorevitalization does not cause health problems if the patient is over fifty years old. Moreover, the intake of hyaluronic acid into the body can improve its well-being.

Disease Control

The most serious obstacle to biorevitalization is psoriasis. In the presence of such a diagnosis, the introduction of hyaluronate into the skin is unacceptable. Plasmolifting is sometimes used specifically to make the symptoms of psoriasis less pronounced - it is not yet possible to completely cure this disease.

Hyaluronic acid protects the skin from inflammation, so it rarely appears on the face after biorevitalization. A plasma lifting session, on the contrary, can cause inflammation in the treated area of ​​skin.


For the greatest safety, when collecting blood, special tubes coated with gel on the inside are used. This gel prevents blood components from mixing after centrifugation.

Most people do not know the name of each substance they are allergic to, so they do not expect an allergic reaction after injecting a hyaluronic acid product into their skin. Such problems do not arise so often after biorevitalization, but the likelihood of their occurrence is slightly higher than after the plasma lifting procedure.

Skin condition after the procedure

During a plasma lifting or biorevitalization session, the cosmetologist injects the drug with a very thin puncture, so you should not be afraid of temporary redness of the skin immediately after the procedure. If the skin remains red for a long time, this may indicate inflammation or an allergic reaction. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

The appearance of small swellings in the places where punctures were made is a normal consequence of biorevitalization. The bumps on the skin do not last long; they disappear on average two days after the session. Some patients experience hyperemia, overflow of blood vessels with blood. Symptoms of hyperemia - redness, swelling. Possible increase in temperature. All these unpleasant phenomena soon disappear.

Preparations based on botulinum toxin

This group includes Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and a number of other drugs. Their main active ingredient is botulinum toxin type A, which is injected into the facial muscles of the face and temporarily blocks the nerve impulses transmitted to them, thereby smoothing the skin adjacent to these muscles.

Botulinum toxin is effective for treating the forehead and bridge of the nose, as well as for eliminating crow's feet around the eyes. Sometimes it is used to correct the shape of the lips: by relaxing the necessary muscles, you can lift the adhesions, making your facial expression more welcoming. Botulinum toxin is also successfully used to eliminate excessive sweating.

The achieved effect lasts for about six months, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Long-term inactivity of facial muscles leads to a decrease in the rate of formation of new wrinkles. A Clinic also uses a technique for administering botulinum toxin, such as mesobotox. It combines two procedures at once - the classic injection of Botox (the drug Dysport can also be used) and mesotherapy. As a result, several effects are achieved in one procedure.

The drug is not injected into the muscles, as with classical botulinum therapy, but subcutaneously, and affects only individual muscle fibers adjacent to the skin. As a result, partial muscle work is preserved, and, therefore, the face remains with active facial expressions, but without wrinkles.

Another serious effect of the procedure is internal skin rejuvenation. The result of mesobotox is smoothed, beautiful skin without any signs of fine wrinkles. Special additives help improve its color and general condition, which help to activate blood circulation, which means they improve skin nutrition and increase its elasticity, resulting in a significantly improved complexion.

Mesobotox is recommended for use in areas with orbicularis muscles that need to be worked and to remove a network of fine superficial wrinkles on the skin. In this way, mesobotox is injected under the eyes, into the crow's feet and nasolabial folds, since complete blocking of the muscles in these areas with Botox, Dysport or Xeomin in high concentrations can lead to problems with the expression of emotions. Mesobotox is also used to prevent ptosis (under the lower jaw) and hernias (under the eyes).

Mesobotox is also indicated for people with overly active facial expressions. This technology is also indicated for people suffering from rosacea. Botulinum toxin, getting under the skin, begins to affect the hormone serotonin, as well as ion channels responsible for the appearance of many signs of rosacea (the effect of dilated blood vessels) and its chronic form - rosacea. This allows you to normalize neurovascular disorders and, thereby, reduce the severity of redness and uneven skin texture.

The secret of the popularity of “beauty injections”

Today, almost no woman can do without injection cosmetology.

Why are “beauty injections” so popular? Because injections are an understandable and predictable procedure. The doctor administers the drug, and the patient can only wait for the result. At the same time, there is no need to change your usual lifestyle. Beauty requires sacrifice - this is definitely not about injections!

Injections are given:

  • exactly to the right place and to the required depth,
  • unchanged,
  • in the required quantity.

The injections also cause almost no discomfort. Modern needles allow procedures to be performed with minimal discomfort. In addition, there are painkillers that do not have any side effects on the body.

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist


Stages of plasma lifting:

  1. Venous blood sampling in a volume of 20-60 ml (the amount is determined individually). It is performed on an empty stomach (you can drink a glass of water) immediately before the procedure.
  2. The biomaterial is placed in a test tube, supplemented with an anticoagulant and processed in a laboratory centrifuge, where it is separated into individual components. The injections only require platelets.
  3. The skin is cleansed and wiped with an antiseptic solution. Anesthesia is usually not used, as the process does not cause much pain. In some cases, with increased sensitivity of the skin and at the request of the patient, an analgesic cream can be applied.
  4. According to a pre-planned scheme, the doctor injects a substance obtained from a centrifuge with a syringe with an ultra-thin needle.
  5. Treated areas are disinfected.

Biorevitalization technique:

  1. The skin is cleansed and wiped with an antiseptic.
  2. Future injection points are marked.
  3. An anesthetic substance is applied, and a special film is placed on top to enhance its effect.
  4. A sterile syringe filled with the drug is removed from the individual packaging.
  5. Injections are performed according to a specific pattern.
  6. Treated areas are disinfected.

Skin care

Whatever rejuvenation technique is chosen, it is necessary to follow the rules for skin care after the procedure.

Rubbing your face with a chlorhexidine solution or another disinfectant recommended by a cosmetologist will help prevent infection. On the contrary, visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths is not recommended, because the risk of harmful bacteria getting into wounds in such establishments increases. Tanning in a solarium or sunbathing after a rejuvenation session can cause age spots to appear, so use sunscreen before going outside on a sunny day.

Sometimes after biorevitalization, noticeable marks from punctures appear on the face, they are called petechiae. They usually disappear quickly, but if petechiae remain on the skin for too long, it is necessary to apply a special product to the skin every few hours. A specialist will tell you whether it is necessary.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts cannot say unequivocally what is more effective: biorevitalization or plasma lifting. Both methods are effective, especially in terms of anti-aging correction. To obtain maximum results, it is recommended to carry out procedures in combination, as well as in combination with other types of cosmetic services.

Simultaneous exposure

It is unacceptable to conduct plasma lifting and biorevitalization sessions one after another.

A competent combination of these techniques gives a high-quality result, because the two substances improve the absorption of each other in the body.

The combination of rejuvenation technologies occurs in two stages. First, three to four plasma lifting procedures are performed at intervals of a week, the course takes about a month. Another week is spent on skin restoration, after which the patient attends a contouring session using hyaluronic acid.

Skin care courses can be supplemented with mesotherapy procedures. This technology is also based on injections, but it is not natural components that are injected into the skin, but chemical cocktails. In some cases, mesotherapy causes allergic reactions, so consult your doctor before you begin such treatments.

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