The skin on the beard peels and hair falls out in men

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose fungal infections, you need to see a dermatologist. A dermatologist will conduct an initial examination of flaking skin and prescribe tests to determine the nature of the infection.

Skin scraping . This analysis will show what kind of fungus has affected the cover; the flaky surface is subjected to microscopic examination.

A trichogram will help evaluate the structure of lost hair and help understand why this pathology occurred. The specialist may also prescribe general clinical examinations and tests: urine tests, stool tests, general and biochemical blood tests.

Dry skin in the corners of the mouth: should you worry?


An uncomfortable feeling on the face caused by dryness in the corners of the mouth - this is called “jamming”. They appear at any time of the year, both in adults and children. They bring discomfort, burning, pain when opening the mouth . Sometimes dry small cracks appear that can bleed. Where do they come from and how to deal with them?

Causes of dry corners of the mouth.

factors contributing to the formation of “jams” , but the main ones are the following:

  • staphylococcal infection
  • herpes infection caused by the herpes virus
  • candidiasis of the oral
  • bacterial stomatitis
  • adverse weather conditions
  • vitamin deficiency, that is, lack of vitamins A, C, B2
  • syphilis
  • diabetes
  • eating spicy, very sour foods, also with regular consumption of sweets
  • irritation to toothpaste
  • excessive drooling (in children)

It is worth noting that “binges” more often appear in people prone to excessive consumption of sweets. Those who suffer from diabetes periodically experience dryness in the corners of the mouth , as they have high blood sugar levels . In addition, “jams” can appear after a course of treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs that can provoke the appearance of fungal and yeast infections in the mucous membrane.

Also, dryness and micro cracks can form after visiting the dentist due to medical procedures or contact of the patient’s skin with gloves. If a white coating appears on the tongue during “seizures,” this indicates that the person is infected with candidiasis and treatment is necessary.

Ways to care for lips with mild forms of “jamming”.

First you need to saturate your body with vitamins A, E, B. To do this, your diet changes. You should eat more nuts, chicken, dairy products, oatmeal, lettuce, and pomegranate. a doctor's prescription, you can take one tablet of the vitamin complex. However, fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet (sweet, sour, smoked foods are removed first). These products can provoke the proliferation of bacterial flora on the lips. For the time being, cosmetic procedures in salons are being abandoned. To relieve dryness, lubricate lips with regular Vaseline. You are required to use your own personal hygiene items. It is important to change your toothbrush to a new one.


If bleeding cracks appear, or there are wounds under the formed crust, you need to lubricate them with salicylic acid or treat your lips with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a solution of iodine or brilliant green to the wounds. You can also use antiviral ointments (Acyclovir, Zyrtec) from a doctor You can also lubricate dry areas with Bepanten. There is no need to take any pills without the advice of a specialist. The first aid for children will be tetracycline ointment, Miramistin solution.

Folk remedies.

At home, you can prepare the following types of remedies to treat “jam”. To make an ointment, you will need to mix a spoonful of honey and a few drops of fish oil. Apply this mixture to the corners of your mouth until it heals. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. A mixture of honey, olive oil and aloe juice will also help overcome seizures. The product is prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Gauze is smeared with the solution and applied to the infected area. After lubrication, discard. It is important to use disposable lotions.

Propolis is an undoubted helper for such a disease. It is rich in its healing properties against infectious diseases. Has an anti-inflammatory agent. You need to mix silent propolis with butter. Heat in a water bath. Then strain. You need to lubricate the wounds with this oil for several days. Cracks in the corners of the mouth will begin to disappear. But you should not rely on any folk remedies. It is very important to seek treatment from a doctor . Ointments prepared at home are often suitable as additional care during therapy .

So, an illness in the form of a “jam”, on the one hand, is a common sign of a lack of vitamins. But, at the first symptoms, you need to consult a therapist or dermatologist . Get tested for microflora and find out the reason for their formation. diet, treatment for “jam” will end in 2 weeks.

Published in Articles without category Premium Clinic


If hair begins to fall out of the beard, therapy is prescribed depending on the symptoms, forms, cause and diagnosis of the disease, treatment is selected individually.

To treat fungal mycoses, antifungal drugs are used, iodine tincture, chlorhexidine and special ointments are used externally.

To treat seborrhea, shampoos with antifungal and hormonal components, aerosols, and zinc ointment are used. Vitamin therapy and radiation are actively used.

For the treatment of ringworm, antifungal agents and ointments are used: “Sulfuric”, “Iconazole”, “Ciclopirox”, “Sulfuric-tar”. In severe cases, hormonal therapy and antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Effective treatments

An effective treatment for hair loss is the Alerana vitamin and mineral complex.

Popular treatments:

  1. for autoimmune disorders, Anthralin is prescribed;
  2. for baldness "Minoxidil", "Generalon";
  3. In case of hormonal imbalance, dihydrotestosterone blockers are prescribed.
  4. in case of nervous disorders, restore mental balance with antidepressants and sedatives;
  5. for hair growth - stimulating drugs: turpentine, naphthalan ointment;
  6. to eliminate dandruff - clear shampoos, their active ingredients help cope with dandruff, the skin stops flaking.

Traditional treatment of alopecia

Local irritants are used: hot pepper, mustard, garlic and others.

Castor, burdock, thyme, lavender, cedar oil are used to stimulate hair growth.

Traditional methods of treatment have their advantages, but you should not overuse self-medication, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Who is guilty…

First, let's figure out what dandruff is. Unfortunately, this is not just an aesthetic problem - this phenomenon is based on a fungus that disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Small dead scales of the upper layer of the epithelium appear where the skin is covered with a large amount of hair or hair follicles and sebaceous glands. So, in principle, a beard is a very favorable place for dandruff to appear.

So, if the cause of dandruff is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, then what can trigger it? We are all familiar with the risk factors - few people can boast that they are doing well on all these points:

  1. Chronic stress, overwork, which affects the entire body. This also includes violations of the daily routine, lack of sleep, and lack of fresh air. Poor nutrition – excess fatty, spicy, spicy foods. Dandruff can also be caused by eating too hot food and drinking too much scalding coffee.
  2. Hormonal disbalance.
  3. Vitamin deficiency, as well as a lack of minerals and proteins in the diet.
  4. Excessive tanning – the sun burns and dries the skin.
  5. Inappropriate facial skin care - lack of hydration, excess alcohol products that dry out the skin. Sometimes just adding a moisturizer to your skincare routine can solve the problem. Exfoliating masks and scrubs are also welcome - they solve aesthetic problems and will help you finally get rid of the dead skin layer and remove unsightly white flakes.
  6. Inaccurate hair removal - using a dull old razor. If this is the case, try replacing the tool with something more modern: for example, the Dorco Pace 6 is complemented by a lubricating strip with natural aloe vera extract, argan oil and vitamin E, which helps get rid of irritation after shaving, and six sharp curved blades remove all unwanted hair in just one movement. The rubber micro-comb lifts the hairs before shaving and ensures a perfectly even cut.

Pace 6

Cope with any soft or hard stubble

Why do skin problems occur under the beard?

The source of problems with the skin on the chin, covered with well-grown hairs, can be anything:

  • hormonal imbalance or prolonged abstinence;
  • experienced stress;
  • hot humid weather;
  • changing the diet with a predominance of meat and hot spices;
  • incorrectly selected products for washing and caring for the beard.

For the first time, discomfort occurs at 2-3 weeks of growing a beard, when the hairs reach a length of 10 mm or more and put a certain load on the skin. If you carelessly wash and dry your facial hair with a towel, single hair “breaks” may occur, to which the skin reacts with inflammation.

Also, hair shafts provide additional area for various microflora. Particles of sebum, dead epidermis, food, and dust particles accumulate on their surface. All this is a favorable substance for bacteria and fungi. The slightest injury on the surface of the integument, and they rush into the dermis, provoking pustular inflammation.


Most often, dry skin is a temporary problem that only bothers you during a certain season, but it can last a lifetime. Symptoms of xerosis depend on your general health, age, where you live, and how much time you spend outdoors. Possible symptoms include:

  • Feeling of tightness of the skin, especially after a bath.
  • The skin is wrinkled and dehydrated.
  • The skin looks rough instead of smooth.
  • The itching is disturbing, sometimes very intense.
  • Peeling of the skin - from slight to severe.
  • Cracks in the skin, sometimes bleeding and painful.
  • Redness of the skin, usually in limited areas.
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