Christina Ros de Mer peelings - the healing power of the Dead Sea

Peeling Rose de Mer from the famous company Christina is made on the basis of unique natural ingredients.

This Israeli cosmetics company, known throughout the world, has released a line of innovative products designed to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

The main achievement of the manufacturer is unique peelings that effectively cleanse the skin, remove dead cells, and trigger tissue regeneration.

Peeling Rose de Mer will be a real find for every woman who wants to look great in any situation. Cosmetics are made from natural ingredients that are safe for delicate facial skin.

About the manufacturer

The Christina brand was created in 1982 in Israel by cosmetologist Christina Miriam Zehavi. The main activity of the company was the production of products for salon and home care.

Initially, the main goal of the company was to increase the effectiveness of existing cosmetic products. That is why they were the first to use hyaluronic acid and developed a line of professional products based on it. Next, retinol was studied and applied. This happened in 1995. Very soon the products conquered the cosmetology market of many countries around the world, and Russia was no exception.

Today, Christina cosmetics occupy a special niche in 60 countries. High-tech production produces more than 20 thousand different products every day. The catalog contains almost 300 items, most of which contain active components of the Dead Sea.

Directions for using coral formulations

Peeling with corals is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention.

The procedure is designed to solve the following problems:

  • Acne marks. You can fight scars and cicatrices during the period of remission of the disease. As a result, small flaws are completely removed, and pronounced ones become less noticeable.
  • Increased pigmentation. Skin spots appear for various reasons. Deep impact helps to make them less noticeable or get rid of them completely. One course of peeling is enough to achieve noticeable results.
  • Decreased or loss of tone. The impact on the deep layers of the skin triggers restoration processes in the cells. Injury to the surface tones the facial muscles. Thanks to this, a lifting effect is achieved.
  • Stretch marks and enlarged pores. Defects are removed if the coral scrub contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin supplements. In advanced cases, additional procedures may be required.
  • Acne. Improvement of the skin occurs due to the antiseptic effect that the composition has.

  • Age-related changes. At the first signs of aging, it can completely polish the skin. In advanced cases, it is only possible to make folds and wrinkles less pronounced.
  • Vascular damage. The unique composition of coral powder strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the procedure, there is an improvement in blood circulation.

Peeling, like any other procedure, may not bring the expected effect. In addition, in some cases, cleaning can be harmful.

Situations when cleaning should be avoided:

  • Active form of acne. In cases of latent inflammation with suppuration, the procedure cannot be performed. During cleaning, a rash localized in one place will spread over the entire surface. Sensitive skin after scrubbing is vulnerable to infections. Severe irritation can occur, which can lead to the formation of scars.
  • Demodecosis. As with the rash, peeling will distribute the mite throughout the skin. Even in an inactive form of the disease, the procedure is not recommended.
  • Acute form of herpes. The integrity of the formation must not be violated, otherwise the pus contained inside will be distributed over the skin. This will lead to a worsening of the disease.
  • Summer time. High solar activity leads to the formation of age spots. Therefore, even in the cold season, after the procedure, it is necessary to apply a sunscreen with an SPF filter value greater than 50.

It is recommended to avoid peeling during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Infectious and colds are also contraindications.

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Tools Overview

Innovative drugs for restoration and rejuvenation are divided into series.
They are designed for different skin types and solve specific problems. The compositions are based exclusively on natural organic components. Christina's herbal peelings are represented by the Ros de Mer line. All preparations have 100% natural content: sea corals, salt and herbs.

Corals delicately exfoliate dead cells, salts dehydrate them and promote rejection, herbs have a calming and healing effect.

The antiseptic properties of the components ensure the strengthening of blood vessels and the resorption of blood clots.

Coral (Sea Herbal Deep Peel)

Medium peeling is aggressive and requires additional training. Recommended for regular use - for oily skin or once - for normal skin.

The product can dry out the skin, so it is used only as prescribed by a specialist.

Release form: two plastic jars of 250 ml. Price: 1,500 rub.

The dark-colored powder must be diluted with a special liquid.


  • crushed Red Sea corals - gently exfoliate dead cells, strengthen and restore elasticity;
  • Dead Sea salt crystals - heal and activate cellular nutrition, normalize microcirculation;
  • Shea butter - prevents the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, fights the first signs of aging;
  • vegetable proteins - actively moisturize and increase elasticity;
  • microelements - increase turgor, eliminate wrinkles, participate in regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • chlorophyll is a strong antioxidant that protects against the effects of free radicals;
  • plant acids renew the skin, improve the absorption of care products;
  • vitamins A, E ensure cell renewal, stimulate blood circulation;
  • provitamin A affects collagen synthesis.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Cosmetic products that contain provitamin A require adherence to certain rules - to provide protection from ultraviolet radiation, as they can cause skin burns.

The exfoliant eliminates a number of imperfections:

  • acne, post-acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • scars, stretch marks;
  • premature skin aging;
  • increased dryness or excess fat content;
  • flabbiness;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • damage caused by sun rays;
  • enlarged pores;
  • rosacea;
  • uneven relief, roughness of the dermis.

The properties of coral peeling are:

  • dehydration of dead cells and their rejection;
  • strengthening blood vessels and stabilizing blood flow in them;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • reducing the depth and severity of wrinkles, bumps and scar formations;
  • restoration of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • lightening pigmentation, freckles;
  • getting rid of acne and comedones.

Cleaning steps:

Apply the peeling mixture to cleansed skin evenly. Rub it in with light massage movements for about 5 minutes.

There may be unpleasant and slightly painful sensations (burning, itching, tingling) - such intense symptoms are explained by the effect of coral chips, which aggressively cleans off keratinized particles of the epidermis.

Cover the face with a damp cloth and leave the mixture on for up to 15 minutes.

The product is removed and a cooling compress is applied. It is necessary to reduce discomfort.

Next, a special gel is applied to prevent infection and preserve coral particles for further exposure.

Using a foundation cover cream will protect the tissue and hide redness and swelling.

Peeling Soap

Peeling soap is dark in color with noticeable inclusions of crushed algae and coral chips. Guarantees gentle superficial cleansing for all ages.

Used for oily and problematic skin, as well as as a preparation before mid-cleansing.

Release form: bar of soap weighing 30 g. Price: 1,650 rubles.


  • coral powder - polishes the relief, improves microcirculation, strengthens capillaries;
  • crushed algae - removes toxins and oxidants, saturates with nutrients;
  • silicon dioxide - gently evens out skin, prevents inflammation, whitens age spots, returns natural color;
  • salts of fatty acids of oils (palm, olive, castor) - collect dirt and sebaceous secretions, have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • sea ​​sponge - cleanses and neutralizes unhealthy shine, helps restore firmness and elasticity;
  • glycerin is a stabilizing component that retains moisture well and protects from external influences;
  • polysorbate-80 - moisturizes and soothes, maintains the uniformity of the cosmetic product.

After the procedure:

  • pores narrow;
  • the production of sebaceous glands decreases;
  • the relief of the covers is leveled;
  • improves complexion;
  • pigmentation whitens;
  • gives tone;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • penetration of active components improves;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • comedones, blackheads, acne are eliminated;
  • prepares the epidermis for subsequent care;
  • lipid production decreases.

Rules of application:

The first step is to cleanse the skin of impurities and cosmetics. To enhance the effect, steam your face with a hot towel.

Beat the soap and spread the resulting foam onto damp skin. You need to rub the composition for no more than 2 minutes, strictly along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Afterwards, rinse everything off and wipe your face with a towel.

Apply moisturizer or sunscreen.

Cleaning can be done twice a week, preferably in the evening. During the care process, you cannot rub your face directly with the bar; you only need to use foam.

Peeling Gommage with vitamin E

A natural product of dense consistency with a specific odor and a slight surface effect. Suitable for all skin types at any age.

Release form: plastic jar with a volume of 250 ml. Price: 1700 rub.

The composition of the product is presented:

  • Dead Sea salt - tones, cleanses and soothes the dermis, relieves muscle fatigue, eliminates sagging and wrinkles;
  • crushed algae – accelerate collagen production, stimulate intracellular metabolism, tighten;
  • extracts of Brazilian herbs - nourish and restore;
  • vegetable proteins – retain moisture in the layers, preserve and enhance elasticity;
  • vitamins A, E – normalize blood circulation, ensure cellular renewal, increase resistance to external negative factors, strengthen the epithelium;
  • provitamin A (beta-carotene) - increase cell growth and collagen synthesis.

The procedure allows you to get rid of:

  • acne of varying localization and severity;
  • sun damage;
  • scars, folds, stretch marks;
  • post-acne;
  • rosacea.

The effect of herbal peeling is expressed in:

  • careful removal of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • aligning the relief and tone of the face;
  • increasing elasticity and density of the skin;
  • activation of regenerative processes;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • whitening pigmentation.


Remove makeup and cleanse the skin in the usual way (with gel or foam for washing). The gommage is applied with your fingertips or a brush and distributed in an even, thin layer. Wait for the composition to dry.

  • For oily and normal skin, remove the product like a mask and rinse gently.
  • For dry and sensitive skin, first soften it with water and then remove it like a peeling ray.

Afterwards, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing serum or cream.

Peeling Rose de Mer - the principle of action of the drugs

It is worth understanding that the top layer of the skin is renewed monthly. Old cells die off and are replaced by new ones.

Over the years, cellular restoration gradually slows down, and many foreign particles accumulate on the surface of the face: dust particles, remnants of decorative cosmetics, sebum - all this clogs the pores and creates ideal conditions for the spread of pathogenic microflora.

Rose de Mer products gently remove impurities, exfoliate dead skin cells, accelerating skin renewal.

The composition includes natural components necessary for healthy skin:

  1. Coral chips. The main component of Rose de Mer products is used to clean and polish the middle and upper layers of the skin.
  2. Sea salt. Its action is aimed at rejecting dead cells.
  3. Extracts of medicinal herbs. Each plant has beneficial properties: restoration of damage, softening, saturation of tissues with essential microelements.

During the procedure, a gentle massage of the facial surface is performed. As a result, the active components clear away dead cells and activate the natural regeneration of collagen fibers.

Reviews of Rose de Mer peelings from Christina indicate the high effectiveness of cosmetics. The gentle impact does not damage delicate skin, gently polishes and eliminates aesthetic defects.


To restore the skin after microdamage and consolidate the results obtained, the following conditions must be met:

  • 1 day - do not wash your face, avoid any contact with water, use panthenol;
  • Day 2 - strong tissue tension is felt, it is recommended to wash with water and lemon juice and treat with panthenol;
  • Day 3 - darkening and peeling of the dermis is observed; lagging fragments of the epidermis cannot be removed (they protect against the entry of pathogenic bacteria, i.e. infection);
  • 4-5 days - the skin is intensively peeling, so you need to apply a rich cream and remove the rolling particles in a timely manner.

During the rehabilitation period, you cannot use cosmetics with aggressive ingredients, sunbathe, or visit a solarium, bathhouse, or sauna.

To protect your face from hyperpigmentation, you should avoid active sun and protect yourself with products with a high SPF filter.

Question answer

Today drugs can be purchased in specialized online stores, so many women prefer to perform the procedures at home. You should first consult with a cosmetologist.

If you have previously had herpes in the lip area, then you should take a whole course of antiviral drugs before peeling. In addition, for 2 weeks it is better to protect yourself from sunbathing in the sun or in a solarium.

After one session, of course, the effect will be visible. But to get the best result and get rid of specific problems (pigmentation, scars), it’s worth taking a course. Usually cosmetologists advise about 4-6 procedures.

Precautionary measures

Ros de Mer products contain active drying components that tighten pores and reduce the production of sebaceous glands. Common consequences of cleansing are: lack of hydration, dryness and a feeling of tightness. Use according to indications and under the supervision of a specialist will avoid negative manifestations. The specialist always conducts an allergy test to exclude possible complications.

Expected effect

Cosmetologists recommend coral peeling as a completely natural remedy to combat the following problems:

  • Acne and acne.
  • Post-acne, shallow scars, stretch marks.
  • Skin damage caused by sun exposure: keratosis, dryness, microwrinkles.

After peeling, the skin changes for the better:

  • Fresh complexion, getting rid of dull skin.
  • Leveling the skin texture.
  • Normalization of sebum secretion.
  • Narrowing of the pores.
  • Increased skin tone and elasticity.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • relapse of herpes;
  • damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, scratches);
  • viral or infectious disease in the acute stage;
  • taking vitamin A and its derivatives;
  • bad feeling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Care must be taken when applying products to the face. Contact with areas of dry skin is highly undesirable.

How to prepare for peeling?

If you decide to go for a Rose de Mer peeling, you should start preparing for the session. A good doctor will definitely tell you about it.

Before peeling you need to do the following:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and solarium 2 weeks before the session.
  2. If you have experienced herpes, then you need to take a course of antiviral medications.
  3. It is recommended to go for a professional facial cleansing for better results. The doctor must decide whether you need this step. If the skin is in excellent condition, then using Rose de Mer soap will be sufficient. It helps soften dead cells, which also improves the effect.

If you have pimples, don't touch them. If you injure the skin surface, then you will feel severe pain during the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition.
  • Minimum amount of synthetic additives.
  • Safe and effective when protocol is followed correctly.
  • No age restrictions or seasonal factors.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Sometimes the procedure is accompanied by discomfort and pain.
  • There is a need for a recovery period.
  • Chemical peeling in the salon has a fairly high price.

Main varieties

A coral-based product is used to eliminate various skin imperfections. Indications and methods of use depend on the specific skin type, existing problems and sensitivity to such procedures. The most popular types of coral peeling are soft (light) and classic options.


Light peeling is rich in plant extracts and extracts that form its basis. The drug is used to penetrate to a shallow depth of the skin. The main purposes of its use:

  • superficial exfoliation of keratinized skin particles;
  • stimulation of healing of damaged areas;
  • neutralization of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing skin immunity to various adverse factors;
  • improvement of skin color.

The mild version is recommended as a “weekend treatment”.


The procedure, carried out using the classic variety, involves deep penetration of the composition into the tissue and active peeling of keratinized particles. A feature of the classic version of coral peeling is a flexible approach to eliminating cosmetic flaws. This opportunity is provided by the variability in the use of the same product due to the time spent on the procedure.

It is the classic type of coral peeling that is recommended as an alternative to more aggressive chemical cleaning methods.

Is the procedure done in salons?

Cosmetologists successfully use peeling soap for professional care. The procedure is prescribed for oily, thick, problem skin; in rare cases, it is used for dry, sensitive skin.

Only a specialist, after assessing the condition of the skin, can recommend the use of the program and include additional care products. A pronounced effect is observed after visiting a cosmetologist, who selects the optimal system of procedures to solve individual problems.

Home care can also bring the desired result. But to restore oily, problematic or dehydrated skin, using one product is not enough.

Daily systematic cleansing, moisturizing, toning, periodic use of masks and scrubs will normalize the condition of the dermis. A cosmetologist can select the optimal products during a consultation, depending on your skin type.

The salon offers 2 types of coral peeling, superficial and medium. It is prescribed to eliminate pigmentation, get rid of stretch marks, stretch marks, treat acne of any degree, and rejuvenate the skin. The cost of a session is from 2000 rubles, the quantity is determined individually, on average the course consists of 5–8 procedures.


The result directly depends on the dosage of the product and the time it was on the skin. Active rubbing of the scrub leads to severe peeling. Sometimes the procedure leads to complete detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis.

After the recovery period, the skin becomes velvety and soft. Its pores noticeably narrow, blackheads disappear completely or become barely noticeable. If you follow all the rules of the procedure, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum.

Stages of facial skin restoration after coral peeling

In some cases, patients do not experience discomfort and return to their normal lives immediately after the procedure. A scrub with coral chips is suitable for people who often have an allergic reaction. After all, its composition is hypoallergenic.

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