The use of natural oils in skin care for newborns and infants

Many pregnant women worry about what they will look like after giving birth. And, of course, they want to know how long recovery after childbirth will take, how the birth of a child will affect their health, and how quickly they can return to their previous physical shape. In this article we will talk about the changes in the female body that occur after childbirth and give advice on recovery after the birth of a child.

Treatment of hair loss after childbirth

During pregnancy, most women note that their hair becomes thicker, stronger and healthier, grows much longer than before, and practically stops falling out. This fact is associated with hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy and an extension of the hair growth phase.

However, after childbirth, usually at 3-5 months, there is a sharp onset of hair loss, sometimes leading young mothers to panic. Hair falls out in clumps. In order to prevent hair loss, women sometimes stop combing and washing their hair, but this does not bring results.

During this period, a woman can lose 20-40% of her hair. This behavior of hair is associated with a sharp one-time transition of all hair that did not fall out during pregnancy into the telogen phase (loss). Despite the scale of hair loss, this process is temporary, and the hair will be restored completely or almost completely, so young mothers just need to get through such a difficult period.

To smooth out the severity of hair loss, strengthen the roots, and also stimulate the growth of new ones, excellent results are achieved by procedures such as mesotherapy and plasma lifting of the scalp. Don't forget about vitamins, microelements, as well as medicated shampoos and lotions. Complex treatment is always more effective.

Rules for caring for children's skin

The baby is very vulnerable, and his skin is delicate and sensitive, reacting to both the external environment and internal developmental factors. For example, under the influence of hormones, baby pimples may appear on the body, and during adaptation, dryness and flaking may occur. Although this is not a reason to assume illness and worry too much, the skin and mucous membranes will need care. This way, natural processes will cause less discomfort to the child, and the likelihood of developing skin problems will decrease.

  • An adult should care for a child with clean hands and cut nails so as not to injure him.

  • If there are rashes, infectious foci, wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions on the parent’s hands, it is better not to contact the child, but to entrust his care to another person or use gloves.


The child should be washed with boiled or filtered water every morning. Parents who don't want to boil water regularly can use inline filtration systems. Washing helps the baby wake up and cheer up, cleanses the skin.

The child’s face and head should be treated according to an approximate algorithm of actions:

  • Use cotton pads or balls soaked in warm boiled water to wipe your eyes from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye you need to use a different cotton ball;
  • treat the outside of the nose with the same cotton wool soaked in warm water, but do not overuse it: the more you clean off the natural secretion, the more actively it is produced [1];
  • Wipe the ear from wax, but only from the outside: the inside of the ears is not treated, so as not to push the wax deeper.

After this, you can wipe your face and the area behind the ears with a cotton swab. Water temperature – 36–37 °C.


. After each bowel movement, the baby should be washed so as not to irritate sensitive skin. You also need to wash after every diaper change. You will need to take the baby with one hand, so that one of the legs hangs down, and wash it with the other. To better understand the principle, you can watch training videos or pictures. Washing is carried out under warm running water. Girls are washed from front to back, so as not to introduce infection into the genitourinary system; for boys, the direction is not so critical. You can use special baby soap or use clean water after a minor need [2]. Sometimes you can use wet wipes, but you should be very critical of their composition so as not to irritate the baby's skin.


In the first weeks of life, the baby’s skin has almost no secretions, so at first you can even do without soap when bathing, and later start using baby products with a hypoallergenic composition. Bathing time is determined for each baby individually. If after washing he falls asleep, it is recommended to do this at night; if, on the contrary, he is awake, it is better to wash the child during the day. Sometimes you can add soothing herbs to the water if the baby is not allergic to them [1]. The optimal water temperature is about 37 degrees. Bathing can be done daily, but if the child does not feel well, it is better to avoid the bath.


Dry skin in the first days after birth is normal: this is how the baby adapts to the world around him. But, if several days have passed and the skin is still dry, it is possible that the baby is too hot or the humidity level in the room is not suitable for him [3]. It is recommended to monitor the air quality and, if necessary, treat the baby’s folds with oils or rich baby cream [2]. Treatment should also be carried out after bathing: water dries the skin.

Choice of clothes.

You should approach it wisely:

  • Some doctors advise the use of swaddling, others speak out against it. It is believed that the final choice is made by the parents themselves, depending on their preferences and comfort;
  • no matter what you choose - diapers or clothes, you need to make sure that the fabric consists only of natural materials, is not dyed, and does not cause allergic reactions in the baby;
  • The child should be comfortable in a diaper or vest. Do not swaddle too tightly so as not to interfere with the baby’s breathing; try to ensure that he maintains a comfortable and physiological position for him.

To dry your child after bathing, you will need soft towels or special napkins. You cannot dry small children - only get them wet.

Air baths.

It is useful for a child to sometimes be in the fresh air and have skin contact with it, so doctors recommend keeping the baby naked for some time. It is important to monitor the temperature: since the baby’s subcutaneous fat layer is very thin, it easily overheats and, conversely, freezes. Overheating is no less harmful for a baby than hypothermia. Also monitor the environment in which the child is kept. His skin is more vulnerable to infections than that of an adult.

Weight loss and figure restoration after childbirth

Pregnancy is often a risk factor for weight gain for women, which is associated both with hormonal changes in the body and with overeating and decreased physical activity. Some people manage to lose weight almost immediately after giving birth, but most young mothers face problems with excess weight after childbirth and during lactation. Normally, weight should be restored within 6-10 months after birth, subject to diet and healthy lifestyle.

If the weight continues to increase even after the end of lactation, then you should definitely contact an endocrinologist. Do not forget that pregnancy can serve as a trigger for the onset of many endocrine diseases that lead to weight gain. First of all, you should pay attention to thyroid hormones, sex hormones and adrenal hormones. Let us separately recall the increased risk of diabetes mellitus after childbirth, especially against the background of gestational diabetes.

How can an osteopath help?

One of the best recovery methods is to visit an osteopath. It is this specialist who is able to improve the functioning of internal organs, help the spine recover, and also reduce the negative impact of scar-adhesive changes after operations.

And if the birth was complicated and required surgical intervention, then you definitely cannot do without an osteopath. Previous gynecological operations can disrupt the outflow of blood from the pelvis, and venous congestion leads to chronic pelvic pain.

The same condition is observed with adhesions that can form due to epidural anesthesia. Osteopaths know how to create a new healthy balance in the pelvis, reduce adhesions, and remove venous stagnation. And after 3-4 sessions the pain goes away forever.

When to start procedures to restore your figure after childbirth?

It is most rational to begin procedures at the end of the lactation period after complete restoration of hormonal levels. During breastfeeding, procedures such as manual or hardware massage are recommended, aimed at a tonic and lymphatic drainage effect. Active lipolytic procedures such as mesotherapy, acupuncture, ultrasonic liposuction and others are contraindicated during lactation. You should also be careful about wraps during breastfeeding, select and carry them out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The most popular procedure after childbirth is thermolifting of the body, which allows you to tighten the skin after childbirth and also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

How to choose skin care products

It is important that care creams and ointments for a newborn help him and not harm him. Therefore, you need to carefully select funds when choosing specialized solutions for babies.

By composition.

The choice depends on what exactly you want to achieve. For example, wound healing products contain dexpanthenol; these are well-known creams like Bepanthen, which can be used from the first days of life. The composition should not contain strong fragrances, dyes or components that can cause allergies. Moisturizers typically contain beeswax, glycerin, or castor oil.

By appointment.

The required set includes several tools. For bathing, use regular baby soap: it is greasy, hypoallergenic and specially designed for delicate baby skin. The child’s head is not washed every time, but only 1–2 times a week; special shampoos are used for this. You may also need rich creams to treat creases. Some people use boiled sunflower oil, but the method of preparing it is quite labor-intensive.

Treatment of stretch marks after childbirth

Stretch marks are the most common problem that reminds a woman of pregnancy for a long time, usually throughout her life. It has been noticed that young girls under 25 years of age are more susceptible to stretch marks compared to older mothers, and the likelihood of stretch marks appearing during the first pregnancy is much higher than during subsequent ones.

However, today there is a real opportunity to combat stretch marks. Procedures such as mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and thermolifting of the body should be carried out with fresh stretch marks to maximize the reduction of the skin between stretch marks and narrow the stretch marks. Since stretch marks are a type of atrophic scar, they can only be removed using a series of laser resurfacing procedures, the number of which depends primarily not on the length, but on the width of the stretch mark and the healing ability of the skin. Laser resurfacing is possible after the end of the lactation period and complete stabilization of weight.

Vascular network


To prevent the formation of vascular networks on the legs during pregnancy, you can use gels, ointments, vitamins (Lioton 1000, Troxevasin, Phlebodia).

Correction of the vascular network:

Treatment of vascular formations consists of removing the vessels with a laser or injecting drugs that “glue” the vessels together (consultation with a doctor is required). All these procedures are tolerable and give immediate results.

Fig. 6. Vascular network on the legs before and after correction with a neodymium (Nd:YAG) laser.Fig 7. Vascular network before and after correction (enlarged).

Restoration of facial skin and treatment of pigmentation after childbirth

After childbirth, young mothers often pay attention to severe dry skin, decreased turgor, and the appearance of fine wrinkles. This is especially evident during lactation, which is associated with hormonal changes and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, the most common procedure after childbirth is biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, which allows you to heal the skin and restore water balance. It is recommended to start treatment immediately after the end of the lactation period.

The second problem is hyperpigmentation (chloasma, “mask of pregnancy”), which usually occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy. The spots are most often localized on the forehead, around the lips, but can appear on any part of the face. The appearance of such spots is also associated with hormonal changes and increased photosensitivity during pregnancy. In some cases, pigmentation goes away on its own within six months to a year after birth, but in half of the cases it can persist for a long time. The most popular procedure that allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of age spots is AFT therapy, which can be found in detail in the corresponding section. Treatment can begin already during lactation.

Now fast forward to week six.

Why such a big jump? Because there are no fundamental changes.

By this time, the uterus has almost returned to its pre-pregnancy size, and bleeding stops. Most women feel energized. Now is the time to get into fitness. This will help you burn extra pounds and get in shape faster. But be sure to consult your doctor.

At the same time, a woman’s sexual desire may return. Or not - everyone has their own libido recovery period. Listen to your feelings and decide for yourself, together with your partner.

The condition after cesarean also improves significantly. Sex and exercise are allowed, and you can finally lift things heavier than a child. After the operation, there was another ban - you can’t drive, but now that too has been lifted. Enjoy life and forgotten opportunities, but don't overdo it. It is better to start physical activity with something gentle, for example, yoga or walking.

The scar is not uncomfortable, but numbness and mild itching may be felt.

What about emotionally? Six weeks is a time when the baby has not yet learned to distinguish day from night, and besides, he may now suffer from colic. Because of this, young parents often feel emotionally exhausted. This is expected. However, if you are sinking into the depths of depression, seek help from a doctor.

Intimate recovery after childbirth

Often the most important area that requires special attention for every woman. A detailed article on this topic was covered by my colleague, gynecologist I.V. Shulchina. in the appropriate section.

To summarize what has been said, we will highlight the most popular procedures for recovery after childbirth:

ProblemRecommended Procedures
Hair lossMesotherapy for hair
Excess weight Body correctionBody thermolifting Anti-cellulite massage Body mesotherapy
Stretch marksLaser treatment for stretch marks
Dry skinBiorevitalization of the face
HyperpigmentationAFT therapy Phototherapy
Problems in the intimate sphereIntimate recovery after childbirth

Author of the material: Cosmetologist, dermatologist Lachinova N.M. All rights reserved.

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