A face without retouching or how to choose peelings to tighten pores

A special peeling to tighten pores will help bring back the attractiveness of bumpy and uneven facial skin. It is advisable for all owners of oily or combination skin to know about the properties of this cosmetic procedure. Enlarged pores are not just an aesthetic drawback associated with psychological complexes. Clogged skin ducts accumulate toxins, dust and other harmful atmospheric compounds, preventing the skin from receiving sufficient oxygen. In response to uncleanliness, the skin reacts with acne and painful inflammation.


Hormonal imbalance, unfavorable genetics, active puberty, improper care, constant exposure to aggressive external factors, some internal diseases - all this negatively affects the condition of the skin, leading to the appearance of enlarged pores, age spots, and rashes. Indications for the use of chemical peeling are the following conditions:

  • wide pores;
  • acne, comedones;
  • sallow complexion;
  • uneven terrain;
  • stagnation, post-acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • age-related changes.

All-season peeling.

These are peels that can be used at any time of the year without fear of hyperpigmentation.

Peeling Kemikum

The main feature of this peeling is the presence of ozonides, which release oxygen and neutralize the effects of acids. As a result, the skin is actively saturated with oxygen, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, resulting in a noticeable lifting effect.

Indications for using Kemikum peeling include:

  • Pigmentation and hyperpigmentation
  • Dry skin
  • Unhealthy facial tone
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne and post-acne of any complexity
  • Scars
  • Stretch marks on the skin

Peeling is indicated for all ages and skin types, because, despite the deep impact, the peeling effect is very soft and gentle.

Peeling PRX T33

This is the most popular peeling today! Positive reviews do not stop appearing and all this is for a reason!

Its incredible effect is due to three main components: trichloroacetic acid, kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide.

As a result of PRX peeling you will receive:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin at all levels
  • Activation of collagen and elastin production
  • Antibacterial action
  • Lightening pigmentation
  • Evens out skin tone and texture
  • Eliminate signs of skin aging
  • Saturation of cells with oxygen
  • Lightening pigmentation
  • Removing acne marks
  • Fighting inflammation and rashes
  • Launching regenerative functions

Peeling is suitable for all skin types and even sensitive ones. The main task of peeling is deep but gentle cleansing and healing of dermal cells at all levels.


The peeling of the Australian brand, known for its natural and super-healthy compositions, is based on lactic and salicylic acid, as well as highly concentrated vitamins A and C.

Ultraceuticals peeling solves a whole range of problems:

  • Gently cleanses the upper layer of the dermis
  • Eliminates signs of skin aging
  • Improves skin tone and condition
  • Lightens pigmentation
  • Restores water balance
  • Improves the protective functions of the dermis

Indications for peeling are problematic skin, the presence of hyperpigmentation and the first sign of skin breakdown.
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The clinic's doctors use chemical peels with different compositions. TCA (trichloroacetic acid), PRXT-33, almond, and milk peels are effective against enlarged pores. The procedure eliminates dead cells, launches active regeneration processes, peelings are well tolerated even by sensitive skin.

Glycol formulations help with enlarged pores. They exfoliate, smooth, tighten, and improve the overall appearance. Enzyme peels are superficial; they cleanse the skin well and make pores less noticeable. The enzymes in their composition draw out all the contents from the pores and have a leveling effect.

Why do pores expand?

The reasons for clogged pores are explained by their functions and anatomical structure. The network of skin pores consists of multiple tubules, to which the sweat and sebaceous glands are close. Each pore contains a microscopic hair because it begins with a hair follicle extending to the surface of the skin. The pores are designed to remove sebum from the dermis and allow unhindered growth of even hair invisible to the eye.

Cosmetologists call pores the lungs of human skin and a full-fledged organ of the body’s excretory system. They participate in the process of heat exchange, promote breathing and external hydration of the skin, protecting it from dryness and premature aging. Therefore, it is important to keep your pores clean.

An increase in pore size is a sign of contamination. First of all, the blockage and stretching of the tubules is affected by the increased production of secretions by the sebaceous glands. The skin does not have time to free itself from excessive amounts of fat, to which, over time, dead epithelial cells, atmospheric dust and hair flakes adhere. As a result, the stomata of the hair follicles become so clogged that in the mirror we begin to notice unaesthetic acne and comedones. If you ignore this skin signal, harmless blackheads become a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms and turn into painful pustules and boils.

Enlarged pores make themselves felt in the T-zone of the forehead, nose and chin. During periods of hormonal surges, such as adolescence, the ducts become wide in the cheek area. For those with oily skin, this situation may persist for many years.

The tubules do not become dilated just like that; there are internal or external prerequisites for this. Special cosmetic peelings to narrow pores will help solve the problem, but this will be a temporary measure. Only an integrated approach will help you get rid of such decorative facial defects seriously and for a long time. To do this, you need to understand which of the provoking factors is present in your life, and then try to eliminate or weaken it.

  • excess decorative cosmetics. Blockage of the skin tubules is caused by frequent and generous application of foundation, powder or other greasy and heavy concealers. Don’t be overzealous with applying makeup, wash it off before going to bed, get rid of expired and low-quality cosmetics;
  • incorrect care for oily skin. Using nourishing or moisturizing products that are unsuitable for this skin type;
  • frequent smoking and drinking alcohol provokes increased toxicity of the body;
  • unbalanced diet, high in fatty, fried and pickled foods, as well as baked goods and confectionery products. Processing complex carbohydrates and fats forces the body to get rid of excess calories in all possible ways, including through the skin;
  • genetic predisposition to oily or mixed skin type is the only factor that is unlikely to be changed. In this case, physical and chemical peelings, as well as compliance with personal hygiene rules, will help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores;
  • hormonal imbalance or disruption of the body's endocrine system. Especially at the stage of puberty, pregnancy or menopause;
  • metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • abuse of solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet radiation causes photoaging and disruption of natural collagen production. As a result, the function of the sebaceous glands hypertrophies, which negatively affects the condition of the pores.

Only professional salon procedures provide noticeable results in smoothing the skin microrelief. There are several types of peelings for enlarged pores that cosmetologists offer women as treatment. What kind of specialist you choose depends on many factors. For example, from a tendency to allergies to fruit acids, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, inflammatory processes and injuries to the skin.

Popular physical techniques for reducing facial pores are cryotherapy, microcrystalline dermabrasion and laser peeling. They differ in the depth of effect on the skin (superficial and median), indications for use and cost.

  • Cryotherapy. The effectiveness of such peeling is based on the known ability of soft tissues to contract under the influence of low temperatures. Facial massage with liquid nitrogen is suitable for any age and helps to tighten pores equally in both young girls and older women. Cold causes the ducts to close at the level of protective reflexes. Along the way, cryomassage stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, accelerates metabolic processes in epidermal cells and slows down the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Microdermabrasion. Unlike cryotherapy, microcrystalline dermabrasion is a more aggressive and expensive type of peeling. Indications for it, in addition to serious skin porosity, are age-related changes. With microdermabrasion, the surface of the skin is smoothed by hardware grinding with a diamond tip or brushes with micron-sized diamond crystals. The procedure is painless, but requires only during the cold season. Enlarged pores are eliminated using microdermabrasion in 4-5 peeling sessions;
  • Laser peeling. The operating principle of laser peeling is based on the physical treatment of facial skin with a laser tip with a specific beam wavelength. The light beam causes a change in internal processes in the epidermis, triggering natural rejuvenation. Regenerating under the influence of laser treatment, the skin is smoothed, enlarged pores become less noticeable. The visible effect of laser peeling appears after the first session, the result of a course of 6 procedures lasts up to 4-5 years.

Almost all physical peels for enlarged pores have contraindications. Therefore, do not decide on your own which technique is right for you; consult a cosmetologist.


Chemical peeling causes renewal of the epidermis and triggers active regeneration at the cellular level. The procedure has one disadvantage - it can have an aggressive effect on the skin. To improve the results of treatment and rejuvenation, pay attention to proper care - you may have to change the standard program. At the clinic you can buy professional cosmetics for active restoration, nutrition, and moisturizing of the skin. It increases the effectiveness of salon procedures and allows you to consolidate the results.

You can also combine peelings with contouring, Botox, thread lifting - if there are pronounced age-related changes. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization will saturate the cells with moisture, vitamins and improve the overall condition of the skin, solving the problem of hydration deficiency.

Narrowing pores with home remedies

Salon peelings are certainly an effective remedy in the fight against deep pores on the face. But you can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores without leaving home. The main thing is to be patient, because it is not easy to return your face to its attractive appearance and its smoothness using proven folk remedies. It may take about 2 months to achieve a noticeable effect from home peeling against large pores.

Peeling mixture with oatmeal

  • 3 tsp oatmeal;
  • 3 tsp crushed lemon zest;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 10-15 ml. fresh lemon juice.
  1. simultaneously mix all the ingredients of the peeling mixture;
  2. apply the composition to the skin of the face;
  3. rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Strawberry peeling with starch

  • 3 large fresh strawberries;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 2 tsp potato starch;
  • 10-15 ml. olive oil.
  1. simultaneously mix the peeling components;
  2. apply the product to the skin of the face;
  3. massage with your fingertips and leave the mixture for 20 minutes;
  4. rinse off the composition with warm water.

Whatever the choice regarding the appropriate peeling to minimize enlarged pores, cosmetic procedures alone will not be enough. Even if it is a course of treatment. Only an integrated approach will help you forget about the problem of lumpy skin for a long time, which, in addition to daily and proper facial care, will include a balanced diet, giving up bad habits and unlimited visits to the solarium, and, if necessary, diagnosing hormonal levels and the functioning of the entire endocrine system of the body.


Chemical peeling gives quick, pronounced results - to evaluate them, look at the photos before and after the procedure. The effect can be immediate or delayed over time - several weeks after completing the course, active regenerative processes will continue in the epidermis. Redness and swelling occur only after deep peelings - superficial peels refresh the skin and do not impose restrictions on lifestyle; if slight redness appears, it will go away on its own after a couple of hours.

Deep peeling

This peeling works in all layers of the skin, starting from the superficial (removing it) and ending with the deep ones (regeneration processes are launched).

Yellow peeling

The basis of yellow peeling is retinoic acid, which can cope with complex problems such as scars on the skin. The peeling also contains other acids (kojic, phytic, azelaic) and vitamin C, which enhance the peeling effect.

Yellow peeling is aimed at:

  • Skin cleansing
  • Seboregulation
  • Lightening pigmentation
  • Removal of scars and stretch marks
  • Elimination of acne and post-acne
  • Smoothing out wrinkles
  • Slowing down skin aging processes
  • Increased skin tone

Yellow peeling is used for aging and problem skin, as well as for skin with severe pigmentation.

A little theory: recognizing the enemy by sight

By their nature, the familiar “craters on the face” are ducts of the sebaceous glands. Through them, the skin receives a much-needed secretion, which forms a thin film that protects the surface from the aggressive influence of the external environment. However, if the body malfunctions, the glands can begin to produce excess amounts of sebum, which leads to enlarged ducts and deformation of the skin. This causes their expansion.

And that's not so bad. Fat, dirt, epithelial scales or cosmetic residues can accumulate inside, which creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria. As a result, blackheads and pimples appear, and in the worst case, inflammatory reactions.

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