Brewer's yeast for acne - application and effectiveness
Acne can appear in anyone, regardless of gender, age, or causes.
Clay for oily skin - which one is suitable for a face with enlarged pores, for narrowing
Oily skin has one undeniable advantage - signs of aging appear much later.
What to do if a pimple hurts very badly photo
Painful pimples* on the face: the cause of acne pain
What Causes Severe Pimple Pain? What to do if a pimple hurts very badly? Drugs
Meso cocktails
Mesotherapy for the face: how to do it correctly at home, instructions, results
Mesotherapy is a procedure for introducing medications into the skin in low doses to stimulate
How to quickly remove an internal pimple at home
How to squeeze a pimple without leaving a scar or causing an infection
Is it possible to pierce pimples with a needle? Possible negative consequences of piercing pimples How to know when a pimple appears
What is sensitive skin
Sensitive skin: how to achieve daily comfort?
Due to the deteriorating environmental situation, especially in large cities, it is not surprising that patients
10 Ways to Use Aloe Gel
TOP 10 best aloe vera gels for face, body and hair
Aloe gel for face is one of the indispensable products for home skin care.
Why does the skin on the scrotum peel and what to do about it?
Redness of the scrotum may be a sign of some dangerous disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Reasons
Fibroadenoma (lump on the chest) - causes, symptoms and treatment
Home Surgery Surgery for breast abscess Breast abscess is an inflammatory disease, with
Peeling eyebrows
What is the best way to get rid of dandruff on eyebrows and prevent its occurrence in the future?
Author: Pushkina Natalya Vladimirovna, dermatovenerologist of the first category, practicing trichologist, member of the Union of Trichologists
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