Why do men's balls itch according to the sign: right, left or both?

Outside of diseases, the scrotum itches due to changes in temperature, friction and pressure from clothing, irritation from sweating, and ingrown hairs. Common causes are infections - parasitic (scabies, pubic lice), fungal (candidiasis), as well as psoriasis (appearance of a red plaque), contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction upon contact with an irritant).

The appearance of itching in a teenager without signs of skin changes is possible with varicocele - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord. If the same symptoms are found in an elderly man, then examination by a urologist is required due to the risk of prostate cancer.

If the doctor excludes diseases, then baths with calendula, string, drying and applying baby cream will help relieve irritation. For contact dermatitis and candidiasis, Pimafucort and Triderm relieve itching; for scabies, Spregal aerosol is used, and for pubic lice, Para Plus is used.

Why is it normal for the scrotum to itch?

Normally, the scrotum itches when there are changes in body temperature (for example, returning home from the cold or after a bath), or sexual arousal. All men scratch their testicles when they are inconveniently located in their underwear, as well as when their skin is irritated on the beach due to high humidity, sand, and salt water.

The cause may also be insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, sweating during active physical work, hot weather, or playing sports. If the testicles itch outside of illness, then the itching is short-lived and disappears after a shower, and the redness and irritation go away when applying regular baby cream or on its own.

Tight clothes

Tight clothing can cause itching under the scrotum and perineum, and anal itching (around the anus). The same effect is accompanied by wearing synthetic underwear that is too thick, making it difficult to ventilate the groin area. Sometimes irritation is caused by poor-quality fabric dyes and poorly processed seams.

After shaving

Itching of the scrotum after shaving occurs when using a dull blade or a poorly washed blade. The skin in the intimate area is very sensitive, irritation may occur due to the presence of microcuts and removal of the surface layer. Ingrown hairs after shaving cause particular discomfort. Since only its upper part is cut off, and the scrotum constantly experiences friction with underwear, the consequence is the appearance of itchy and painful tubercles.

After sex

Itching of the scrotum after sex is associated with the outflow of blood through the venous network, changes in the blood supply to the testicles, as well as skin friction during sexual contact. Usually, normal hygiene procedures are sufficient to eliminate it. It should be borne in mind that the same symptoms are characteristic of pubic lice infestation.

Main signs of sweating eggs

There are several stages of hyperhidrosis:

  1. First stage. The patient may not even notice increased sweating, since it does not yet provoke any discomfort. The skin remains the same, in some places small reddened areas are noticeable.
  2. The second stage is characterized by more pronounced symptoms of the disease. Men sweat in their balls, and excessive sweating between the legs causes some inconvenience. The redness intensifies and erosion begins to develop.
  3. The last stage is associated with an increase in diaper rash. Damaged areas can become a hotbed for infection growth. Areas with erosions are grouped - ulcerative processes may develop there.

What diseases provoke itching in the scrotum

Itching in the scrotum area is associated with infection with scabies and pubic lice. Redness, blisters and itchy nodules occur with candidiasis, contact dermatitis, and spots with peeling - with psoriasis. Seals with pain and itching appear with ingrown hairs. In teenagers, itching can mean a varicocele, and in older people it can mean a cancerous tumor.

Parasitic infections

Irritation and itching of the skin over the testicles in men can be caused by parasitic infections, the most common being pediculosis (pubic lice) and scabies.

Pubic lice

Infection occurs through sexual contact. In men with pubic lice, the testicles itch mainly at night, and marks from scratching appear on the skin. With a large number of parasites and an individual increased reaction, enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature are possible.

After a bite, bluish spots remain on the skin; when pressure is applied to them, the color does not change. The diagnosis is made during examination, since infection is a sign of promiscuity in sexual relations, it is usually necessary to be tested for sexually transmitted infections.


Scabies is a highly contagious disease, its source is the patient, and infection occurs through contact (usually sexual) or the use of objects (for example, a staircase railing). The mite penetrates the skin, and during the daytime the female lays eggs, and at night gnaws holes in the skin. This is accompanied by very severe itching.

For a man, the scrotum is a typical location for itch tracts. They may be white, gray or red when scratched. The shape of the stroke is curved, and there is a small bubble at the end. Some patients have an allergic reaction to the tick's saliva, which is manifested by swelling and hardening.

With low immunity, grayish crusts form, merging with each other, they adhere tightly to the skin and when peeled off there is severe pain. The diagnosis is made after analyzing skin scrapings.

Yeast infection

Candidiasis in the groin
When a man has a yeast infection (candidiasis of the skin), his testicles constantly itch. Its cause is the proliferation of candida fungi, and the provoking factors are:

  • decreased immunity,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity,
  • chronic infections,
  • use of hormones and antibiotics,
  • increased sweating.

The typical appearance of the disease is:

  • areas of redness with slight swelling;
  • blisters, nodules with severe itching;
  • erosions (spots without a surface layer).

Often, candidiasis takes on a chronic course, and exacerbations are each time accompanied by an increasingly greater coverage of the skin by the infection. To diagnose, you need to take a scraping and donate blood for antibodies, and undergo a PCR test.

Athlete's inguinal

This disease is manifested by peeling pink spots in the area of ​​the inguinal fold and scrotum. It is caused by fungi trichophytes and epidermophytes, and infection occurs in a bathhouse, swimming pool, gym shower, through towels and bed linen. Contributing factors are sweating, obesity, microtrauma after shaving.

At first, spots up to 1 cm in size appear, then they grow and merge, reaching a size of 10 cm. Small bubbles are located along the uneven and wavy edge. If not treated sufficiently, athlete's foot lasts for years. Diagnosis is made after scraping, culture, and examination under a Wood's fluorescent lamp.

Contact dermatitis

With contact dermatitis, the testicles are very itchy, the skin of the scrotum turns red, sometimes slight swelling is possible, and simultaneous damage to the head of the penis. The duration of such symptoms ranges from 2-3 days after contact with the irritant to 1 week. The disease can be caused by:

  • condom (latex);
  • ointments, gels, suppositories for female contraception;
  • shampoos, shower gels and intimate hygiene;
  • bath products;
  • the use of ointments and creams for the treatment of skin diseases in the perineal area, antihemorrhoidal medications.

The reason that the right and left testicles itch is also an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear material, the presence of latex or vinyl threads in the fabric. In this case, contact dermatitis occurs in the form of redness and irritation of the scrotum. If its course is chronic, the skin thickens and infection may occur. The diagnosis is made upon examination and confirmed by blood tests.


If the testicles itch and the skin of the scrotum peels off on the surface of the red spot, then this may be signs of psoriasis. Itching does not always accompany this disease. Most often this happens after an infection, severe stress, or long-term drug therapy. The risk group also includes diabetics and patients with reduced thyroid function and obesity.

In such men, the inguinal folds usually itch along with the scrotum, and there is a burning sensation on the affected skin.

What do itchy bumps mean?

If the testicles are red and itchy, and dense, painful and itchy bumps appear on the surface, then the cause is ingrown hairs. Sometimes the hair shaft can be seen through the skin. It is strictly forbidden to try to remove it yourself, as this can cause an infection, and then the seals will fester.


Testicular cancer is a very rare disease, and itching of the scrotum is more often a sign of prostate cancer. It is usually found in men after 60 years of age. Associated symptoms may include:

  • frequent and difficult urination;
  • intermittent or weak urine stream, incontinence;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • burning and stinging during urine output and ejaculation;
  • pain in the pelvis, lower abdomen, perineum.

For diagnosis you need to contact a urologist. He prescribes a blood test for prostate-specific antigen, ultrasound of the prostate, and a biopsy (taking cells for examination).

When there is no rash in teenagers, boys

If itching of the scrotum appears in adolescents aged 14-15 years, then this may be the first sign of varicocele - dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord. Every fifth boy experiences mild discomfort, itching, and inconvenience when walking. Symptoms of a latent course include increased sweating and a tingling sensation. There are no external changes at an early stage, and to detect the disease you need to consult a urologist and have an ultrasound scan.

About the problem

If a man's groin area is subject to profuse sweating, this indicates the presence of hyperhidrosis (increased sweating). This phenomenon is associated with inconvenience, and it can also signal the development of a disease. Diaper rash appears, men's eggs constantly sweat and smell very unpleasant - all this makes a person nervous.

Treatment if a man's scrotum itches

When prescribing treatment for itching of the testicles in men, the cause of its occurrence is taken into account, for example, if the scrotum itches due to scabies, then Benzyl benzoate ointment and Spregal aerosol are used. Para Plus helps destroy pubic lice. If there are signs of varicocele, you should avoid lifting heavy objects and prevent constipation.

For skin candidiasis, Clotrimazole or Pimafucin ointment is used; for unbearable itching, combined drugs with hormones are used - Pimafucort, Triderm. If the process is chronic, then Fluconazole, Nizoral tablets are additionally prescribed, and laser treatment is used. It is recommended to avoid sweets and keep the perineal area dry.

If you have an ingrown hair, you should avoid shaving the intimate area or use wax or depilatory cream. Laser and ELOS hair removal and photoepilation help to remove hairs. The doctor may recommend a course of applying anti-inflammatory ointments, for example Gioksizon, Pimafukort, and after eliminating the inflammation, the skin is steamed and a cream with organic acids (Exfoliak) is applied. After this, the dermatologist removes the ingrown hair using sterile instruments.

For inguinal epidermophytosis, the following is prescribed:

  • baths with infusion of chamomile and string;
  • antipruritic and antiallergic tablets – Suprastin, Cetrin;
  • lotions with 1% resorcinol solution (prepared in the prescription department according to the doctor’s prescription);
  • ointments Celestoderm, Clotrimazole, Nizoral for a course of 4-6 weeks.

Skin ointment

Skin ointment for irritation and itching of the scrotum is prescribed after ruling out diseases. You can use any children's cream with an anti-inflammatory effect or use ointments with:

  • zinc oxide – Desitin, Tsindol;
  • herbs – Vitaon, Calendula, Floceta;
  • glycolan - Eplan;
  • dexpanthenol - Bepanten, Panthenol.

It is recommended to add 2 drops of tea tree oil per tablespoon of the product to herbal ointment or baby cream.

Possible complications

If you notice profuse sweating of your eggs, then you cannot ignore this symptom. This seemingly inconspicuous ailment can lead to serious consequences. The constant humidity and heat in which the scrotum is located provokes the growth of bacteria. They parasitize on organic compounds that are excreted in sweat, on living skin cells. Then diaper rash appears in considerable quantities.

In the future, all the described symptoms lead to erythrasma of the testicles. This disease causes a man a lot of worries. The inguinal folds of skin rub against each other, resulting in the formation of red spots, abrasions and bruises. Without taking timely measures, purulent sores appear, which still hurt and itch.

What to do from traditional methods

Traditional methods are used in the absence of diseases - mechanical irritation of the skin, sweating, violation of hygiene rules. To do this, brew herbs with antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are used for washing or sitz baths. For 1 liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of the crushed plant and keep it in a water bath for 20 minutes, filter and cool to body temperature.

The most effective are considered:

  • calendula flowers, chamomile;
  • succession and celandine grass;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • eucalyptus leaves.

The resulting decoction is used for rinsing, and when taking baths it is added to water in a ratio of 1:4.

The scrotum may itch due to irritation from clothing, after shaving, changes in blood supply, or due to ingrown hairs. This symptom occurs most often with scabies, lice infestation, fungal infection, contact dermatitis, less often, itching appears with psoriasis, tumors, varicocele. For treatment, external remedies are usually sufficient, but they are prescribed after diagnosis.

How to Avoid Negative Predictions

You can prevent an unfavorable course of events by using the following methods:

  • morning bathing in cool water, visiting church, sprinkling the home with holy water - actions are performed in the first half of the day in the specified sequence;
  • pouring 1 cup of salt at the intersection;
  • donating a small amount to charity;
  • attaching a pin to clothing;
  • spitting three times over the left shoulder, knocking on wood;
  • making a talisman. It is necessary to place a mixture of:

St. John's wort (flowers) - 4 tbsp. spoons,

viburnum - 5 berries,

hawthorn (berries) - 2 tbsp. spoons,

peppermint - 1 tbsp. spoons.

Draw 3 triangles on the tied bag, then place it under the pillow;

  • mental “erasing” of an unwanted prediction. The scenario is drawn in the mind and erased with a visual eraser. The second method: the course of events corresponding to the interpretation of the sign is described on paper and burned;
  • saying out loud a phrase that is the opposite of the prediction. The phrase is pronounced throughout the day, and in the evening it is transferred to paper and burned over the flame of a green, white or yellow candle.

Underwear and men's health

Are you interested in why men's balls sweat? Think about what you wear. Underwear (besides the fact that it must be beautiful and sexually attractive to a partner) must be safe from a medical point of view.

Tight underpants, like trousers, affect men's health, and in a negative way. The consequences are varied: from infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, disorders of the bladder, and ending with serious diseases of the genital organs and weakened potency. It is undesirable to wear tight panties, which can emphasize your sexuality, but can worsen the quality of sperm and weaken libido.

The main threat posed by tight clothing is blocking blood access to the genitals and overheating them. Most doctors and sexologists recommend the well-known family briefs or loose boxers. “Families” provide the best ventilation for the intimate area of ​​men. When choosing linen, you should pay attention to materials that absorb moisture well - cotton, chintz and linen. This is important because even on the hottest day, your briefs will absorb sweat.

The testicles need a comfortable environment so that they can properly produce sperm and testosterone. The inside of the scrotum should be several degrees cooler than the body itself. You should not overcool or overheat the intimate area, as this negatively affects male reproductive health. In addition, if you do not want problems with libido, then wear as loose underwear as possible.

Now you know simple and accessible ways to solve the question: “Why do men’s balls sweat?” However, the most important rules are to maintain personal hygiene and monitor your health.

The most effective ways

Now you know why men’s eggs sweat, the causes and treatment of this disease. Let's look at the most effective methods to solve the problem:

  1. With the help of a daily contrast shower, you can get rid of sweating eggs. This method will help improve microblood flow and regulation of gland activity, as well as maintain the tone of the skin and muscles of the scrotum. You should take such a shower at any time of the year.
  2. If you want to try natural antiperspirants, then talc or baby powder will help. In cases of a completely deplorable condition, the problem can be solved with the help of salicylic alcohol or zinc-based ointment. These products will remove excess moisture from the scrotum and normalize sweating.
  3. You should not neglect washing your genitals every day - it is better to do this after waking up and in the evening. For the best effect, wash your groin with a special antibacterial agent or gel, laundry soap, baby soap, tar soap. Regular washing will protect you from excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, which is a product of bacterial activity.

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