An adult and a child have bumps and itches on their elbows: how to treat

The skin on the elbows is drier and thinner, constantly rubbing against clothes and the table. In addition, there is practically no fat layer in this area. Therefore, small pimples appear on the elbows and often itch.

Since this is not a face, and the overall aesthetics are not always spoiled, many do not pay attention to the slight discomfort, while the problem grows. After all, the reasons can be both minor and serious, the elimination of which requires a professional approach.


If new growths have formed on the skin of the elbows, then, apparently, the person has contracted the virus. Infection occurs through personal hygiene items. There are three types of growths on the elbows.

Purulent pimples in the elbow area can appear as a complication of any type of rash in this area - due to psoriasis, allergies, herpes.
This occurs due to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection against the background of reduced immunity in the patient.

Examination and treatment of such conditions is carried out only under the guidance of a physician.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

Minor watery rash

Caused by an infectious disease. Children are more often susceptible to this rash. If they have pimples on their elbows, they likely have chickenpox or measles. Small pimples may indicate an allergic reaction.

Pimples on the elbows are often caused by an abundance of hair follicles in this area, which can become inflamed and constantly rubbed by clothing.

Reasons that cause acne on the elbows: allergies, psyriasis, eczema, scabies mites, fungal and bacterial infections.

Diagnosis based on examination, scraping examination, laboratory blood tests.

Treatment depends on the cause, most often these are antihistamines, vitamins; for infections, antimycotics and antibiotics; local antiseptics.

This rash occurs as a result of eating certain types of foods or chaotically taking medications.

White pimples

They talk about impaired metabolism. They can form due to chronic lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, and inactive lifestyle. Such a cosmetic defect is treated without using medications. To keep the skin on your elbows healthy, you need to change your daily routine and start playing sports.

Purulent rash

It occurs on the surface of the elbows due to improper adherence to hygiene rules or due to various diseases. Squeezing or scratching such pimples is strictly prohibited. This contributes to the emergence of dangerous complications.

Mechanism of sun allergy

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In histamine-dependent reactions, allergy symptoms appear not due to contact with the allergen, but due to an increase in the concentration of histamine in the tissues. This can happen for various reasons. For example, there are certain foods (strawberries, nuts, chocolate, cheese, etc.) that contain liberator substances. These substances act on mast cells (basophils) and eosinophils, causing them to intensively release histamine. In addition, physical factors - cold, heat, ultraviolet radiation - also contribute to the release of histamine. How does histamine work?

If you have ever had skin prick tests (one of the methods for diagnosing allergies), then you remember that histamine was dripped onto the skin. This place began to itch, turn red and swell. So, a similar reaction can occur after exposure to the sun. Again, due to an increase in histamine concentration and its effect on skin cell receptors.


Pimples on the elbows are an unusual location for the rash, so they need to be given special attention. Their appearance is due to a number of provoking factors.

Allergic reaction

In some cases, it can develop into atopic dermatitis. Acne will begin to cover the skin not only on the skin of the elbow, but also above. They are small in size and itchy.

Allergic reactions can occur to food, household chemicals, cosmetics, and pets. Sometimes it is quite difficult to immediately determine what is the irritant of the skin on the elbow. In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out tests to detect the allergen.

Passive lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle, during which the elbows regularly touch any surfaces. The risk group includes people who work a lot at the computer. Due to mechanical damage, minor white pimples form on the elbow, which begin to itch or cause painful discomfort.


Psoriasis very often appears as a result of a rash near the elbows. However, after a certain period of time, the skin in this area peels off and looks more like silver-white scales.

Psoriasis is a hereditary disease. It is capable of forming inside the patient’s body for a long time, and only then reminds itself of itself as a rash on the elbows, which begins to itch.

Scabies mite

The favorite place of the scabies mite is thin and dry skin, so it can easily penetrate the elbows. The rash at this time is insignificant and is characterized by a bright red tint, and over time it turns into watery blisters.

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A similar rash on the elbows is itchy and itchy. The itching becomes more intense at night. In extremely severe situations, scabies can develop into weeping eczema.


Eczema can manifest itself on its own, without the effects of itching. Externally, it looks like a small subcutaneous rash of pink color. As time passes, the pimples begin to burst, forming a wound.

Such neoplasms on the elbows itch and, when damaged, can release fluid or blood, which will be excellent conditions for the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

Fungal diseases

The fungus prefers moist parts of the body, but when the patient already has fungus on the lower extremities or arms, and pimples suddenly appear on the elbows, then it is necessary to take a closer look. He could easily switch to them.

Initially, the rash on the elbows is minor and takes on an oval shape. Afterwards, the growths begin to itch, turn white and become covered with a white-gray crust.

Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare is a harmless disease that often affects children under 10 years of age, but in some situations it can manifest itself in adulthood. Females are more often affected by this disease.

Acne in such a situation can appear on the elbows, knees and hands. They do not cause any pain, but the aesthetic appearance deteriorates. Often, such rashes disappear on their own without any therapy.


Vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders are another common provoking factor for the appearance of rashes on the elbows. During this period, small red pimples with purulent content begin to cover the skin.

Non-infectious skin diseases

With dermatological pathologies, the cause of which is a hereditary predisposition or the internal state of the body, the first symptoms often appear on the elbows.

  • Dermatitis. In most cases, the child develops pimples on the elbows and itch from certain foods. In adults, illness cannot be ruled out due to professional activity if a person works in hazardous work, inhaling vapors of toxic substances and exposing the skin to them.
  • Allergy. The irritating component at the initial manifestation of symptoms can be identified if a reaction occurs to new cosmetics, powder, clothing or an unusual dish. Pimples can appear from hypothermia, sweating, or exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Hives. Irritating factors can be internal and external, as with allergies. Distinctive features are extensive convex red spots with small pimples, like after a nettle burn.
  • Eczema. This is a serious disease, the main symptom of which is skin sores. They appear most often on the elbows. At first, you might assume that the skin is simply dry and needs moisturizing. The disease often takes a chronic course, but relapses will be less pronounced if you follow the doctor’s strict recommendations.
  • Psoriasis. This is a dermatological disease that is very difficult to treat and in most cases becomes chronic. In the acute stage, scaly skin detachments appear, under which plaques with a smooth surface are visible.

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Dermatological diseases need to be treated as soon as pimples appear on the elbows and itch. Otherwise, the rash will cover an increasingly larger area of ​​skin.


Initially, the disease forms inside the body and does not provoke any unpleasant sensations. However, at a certain stage, when a favorable environment is created, acne on the elbows will manifest itself as inflammatory processes of the skin, begin to peel off, and itchy plaques of a grayish-silver hue with corresponding redness will form.

In addition to the fact that the rash can itch on the elbows and blisters appear on the skin, the patient may experience other signs of the disease, depending on the disorder within the body. Thus, acne on the elbows is often associated with itching, swelling, and pain.

If the disease manifests itself with disorders in certain systems within the body, then discomfort in the throat, runny nose, chills may appear, the temperature increases, and excessive sweating appears.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

In addition, a rash on the elbows can be accompanied by pain in the joints, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the tongue.

When pimples appear on your elbows and they itch and itch intensely, you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist.


The first thing to do when identifying a rash on the elbows or a rash from shoulder to elbow is to consult a doctor and determine why the growths appeared on the skin.

When seeking recommendations from a doctor, you should take into account that the effectiveness and speed of identifying the provoking factors of a skin rash on the elbows and prescribing the optimal treatment often depend on how clear the description of all changes in the body, general well-being and various new sensations is.

During the examination, the specialist carefully examines the patient’s medical history and assesses the degree of damage to the dermis.

When initial independent attempts to eliminate the rash on the elbows do not bring the expected result, the doctor prescribes additional consultation with specialized specialists, as well as clinical tests. Thanks to such information, it is possible to roughly determine which doctor the patient should be referred to.

If the cause of the rash on the elbows is disturbances and pathologies in the functioning of the internal organs, the patient must first eliminate the detected diseases, and the acne on the elbows will disappear after the root cause is eliminated.


Treatment of acne on the elbows must be carried out without fail, since this is a place of increased trauma to the skin, in particular, in people at risk.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

find a doctor

Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

Treatment is a specific set of measures aimed at eliminating harmful microorganisms in a given area, stopping inflammation and beginning to restore the dermis.

First of all, you should find out the factor that provoked the inflammatory processes and correctly determine why white or red pimples formed on the elbows and why they are located directly on the elbows.

Next, you need to choose the right medications and start therapy. In such a situation, it is possible to eliminate the external manifestations and the very cause of the skin disease.

Drug treatment

When compliance with hygienic rules for skin care is powerless, and household products do not bring the expected result, then it makes sense to find out the recommendations of a specialist.

He will prescribe the patient drug therapy that is directly suitable for solving the problem itself. It doesn’t really matter in which part the rash appears on the elbows: above or below. It is much more important to carry out a proper diagnosis.

Thus, the treatment of psoriasis and, for example, atopic dermatitis is carried out according to various therapeutic regimens. Only by establishing the true causes of the appearance of a rash on the skin can it be possible to prescribe effective treatment.

Therefore, it is extremely important to start using any medications only after consulting with a specialist.

Diet for acne on elbows

Pimples on the elbows often form due to an unbalanced diet. It is necessary to exclude the following products or limit their consumption to a minimum:

  • canned products;
  • foods that are rich in preservatives and dyes;
  • spicy and fatty.

The menu should be filled with fresh, healthy foods that contain vitamins and minerals. During their shortage, a rash will appear not only above or below the elbow, but also throughout the entire area from shoulder to elbow, as well as throughout the body.


Preventive measures boil down to following the recommendations:

  • You should try to position your hands while working so that there is no heavy load on your elbows;
  • it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin on the elbows, constantly use exfoliating scrubs and nourishing creams;
  • it is necessary to treat various injuries on the elbows using antiseptics ;
  • It is imperative to follow the rules of personal hygiene in order to prevent infection with scabies mites or fungi.

By following the above instructions, you can protect yourself from the appearance of such an unpleasant cosmetic defect. If the problem with the skin on the elbows remains, then in order to select the appropriate therapy you need to visit a dermatologist and other specialized specialists.

To prevent acne from appearing on your elbows, you must follow the rules of hygiene and try not to place your elbows on a dirty surface. All kinds of wounds and scratches must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent infection from penetrating the skin.

When proper skin care and following the above instructions have not helped, and the symptoms of the disease have only intensified, then this will be a reason to consult a specialist.

Doctor's recommendations

You cannot treat the rash yourself, especially for children. The doctor will choose the right course of treatment, taking into account all factors.

To stop itching and the spread of acne over large areas, you should exclude a possible allergen, wash the affected area with water or chamomile decoction, a solution of potassium permanganate and visit a dermatologist.

If the pimples appeared once and quickly disappeared without causing much discomfort, this does not mean that the next time the reaction cannot be more serious. Following simple recommendations will help reduce the risk of dermatological problems:

  • with constant stress on your elbows, you need to take care of your skin with moisturizer, cosmetic oil,
  • To exfoliate dead cells, use a scrub 1-2 times a week,
  • Treat any damage with an antiseptic; do not scratch the wound during healing.

In case of chronic diseases, it is imperative to follow a diet, maintain a sufficient supply of vitamins and microelements to the body, and visit a doctor to monitor the general condition.

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