Homemade masks for dark circles under the eyes: a simple solution to a complex problem

“The eyes don’t lie, they will tell you everything,” says a well-known expression. And indeed, the eyes reflect a person’s character, temperament, emotions and mood, his mental state. Unfortunately, dark circles under the eyes are considered a common problem today and make the face look tired and haggard. Many women try to fight them with foundation, powder or concealer. However, such measures are aimed at combating symptoms, not eliminating causes. Homemade masks for dark circles and bags under the eyes can solve the problem and guarantee you a long-term effect.

Panda effect: why are there dark circles under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is much thinner than on the face as a whole. It is sensitive to external influences and changes in the state of the body. Blood that does not receive enough oxygen stagnates in small blood vessels and, due to the small thickness of the skin, appears translucent in the form of dark circles. High facial activity in this area causes stretching of collagen fibers in the skin and the formation of swelling and bags. In addition, a genetic factor cannot be ruled out: the predisposition to dark circles in some people is determined by heredity.

Any means are good in the fight against dark circles

What is the effectiveness of an anti-edema mask?

When swelling occurs on the eyelid, it is very important to determine the cause of its appearance. Usually, the formation of puffiness is caused by improper diet or sleep, or bad habits. Sometimes its development is a consequence of cosmetic procedures. This could be eyelash extensions, eyebrow tattooing, or anti-aging injections. The swelling that occurs after these procedures usually disappears quickly. If it appears due to disturbances in the functioning of the body, chronic diseases or recently developed pathologies, then treatment should be comprehensive.

Common causes of eyelid swelling are diseases such as:

  • glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, renal failure, renal amyloidosis and other diseases of these organs;
  • arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, obesity and other endocrine system disorders;
  • blepharitis, conjunctivitis, hordeolum, dacryocystitis, endophthalmitis, etc.;
  • urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock and other allergic pathologies.

If there is a disturbance in the functioning of the body, the cause must be identified. If she has developed one of the diseases, then it is necessary to cure it or take measures to achieve remission. Once the desired effect is achieved, the swelling of the eyelids will go away on its own. The basis of disease therapy is taking medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease, one of which is the occurrence of swelling. Anti-edema masks are a good way to combat excess fluid accumulation in the tissues of the body. They reduce the external manifestations of this condition.

The root of the problem

The causes of dark circles should be sought in our daily habits and lifestyle. Overwork when working at a computer, stress and chronic lack of sleep (less than 7–8 hours a day) are, unfortunately, constant companions for residents of the metropolis. Remember that due to stress and lack of sleep, the complexion becomes unhealthy pale and the capillaries become more noticeable against the background of such contrast. This is especially true for people of the winter color type with light, sensitive and redness-prone skin, for whom shadows under the eyes may appear as early as adolescence.

Normalize your daily routine, allocate enough time for sleep and rest, try to put your thoughts in order and relax. These primary measures will be the first step in combating the cause of the problem.

Cheap cosmetics, allergic reactions caused by their use, excessive tanning and visiting a solarium not only lead to the appearance of circles under the eyes, but also contribute to the early appearance of fine wrinkles and pigmentation. Alcohol abuse removes water from the body, thereby causing dehydration and, consequently, bruises under the eyes. Please note that if the skin under the eyes is not sufficiently hydrated, it will become more permeable and transparent, and the eyes will appear sunken. Try to limit your alcohol intake and drink enough water throughout the day.

What do circles under the eyes mean - video

What masks are suitable for teenagers

Teenage girls, trying to imitate their mothers, use different face masks. They should not be prohibited from doing this, especially when there is a skin flaw in the eye area. You just need to check that the ingredients included are safe and as effective as possible.

The body in adolescence is at the stage of restructuring, which is accompanied by a hormonal surge. This is one of the main causes of bruises and bags under the eyes in children. A deficiency of nutrients and vitamins can provoke the problem. Therefore, to eliminate flaws, you need to use products based on herbal ingredients that are enriched with valuable microelements. Among the recommended products for preparing a mask:

  • raw potatoes;
  • egg;
  • citrus;
  • liquid honey;
  • oatmeal (ground to powder);
  • avocado, etc.

Before a teenager begins to perform procedures on his own, the basic rules for applying masks need to be explained in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

  1. When using any ingredient for the first time, you should test it on the back of your hand. If 7-10 minutes after application there is no redness and itching (burning), the component can be used.
  2. It is recommended to immediately apply the prepared mass from fresh products to the skin in the eye area with light finger movements or using a spatula. The settled product loses its properties, which reduces the effectiveness of the mask.
  3. Before distributing the mass, you need to clean your face with lotion or clean water. This helps to open the pores, which allows microelements unhindered access to the tissues and cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  4. The frequency of procedures should not exceed 2 times a week.
  5. The product is prepared strictly according to the recipe. It is not permitted to make adjustments to the quantity of components or make substitutions at your own discretion.
  6. The mixture can be left on the skin for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  7. At the end of the time, the remaining mixture is removed with a damp cloth. The procedures are completed by washing the face with cool water.

Gentle care - a simple solution

Remember, to eliminate dark circles, you first need to improve blood circulation in this area, as well as pay increased attention to nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


Cosmetic products that affect lymph circulation and cell metabolism will help protect yourself from fine wrinkles. Such products perfectly tone and restore the structure of the skin around the eyes. Choose water-based gels with plant extracts and vitamins, including roll-on ones. They are less greasy than regular cream and are absorbed within minutes.

Women over 40 years old with mature skin, on which wrinkles are visible not only with animated facial expressions, require moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, antioxidant complexes and natural oils.


Mature skin cannot do without additional nourishment, compensating for the lack of natural lipids and stimulating the formation of collagen. Such products have a rejuvenating effect, which is also called lifting. Age-related cosmetics usually include:

  • macadamia oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • avocado oil;
  • biostimulants;
  • phytoestrogens.


In the fight against dark circles at home, cold compresses come first. Chilled herbal infusions are perfect for them: for example, infusions of chamomile, cornflower, sage, rosemary.

Chamomile is often used to combat darkening of the lower eyelids.

How to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes - video

How to get rid of “bags” under the eyes using cosmetology?

It is faster and more expedient to remove pronounced fatty hernias of the lower eyelids if they have been present for a long time, as well as with excess stretched sagging skin and wrinkles (folds). Even several sessions with a cosmetologist may not lead to the desired aesthetic result. However, if puffy or fatty “bags” and “circles” under the eyes have been bothering you not so long ago, as well as the first signs of age-related skin changes (wrinkles, loss of tone), then you can fight them in the cosmetologist’s office. Let's talk about the most effective methods.

Injection cosmetology - MesoEye C71

What problems does it solve?

  • Copes with persistent swelling;
  • Removes noticeable “bags” (hernias) under the eyes, including eye bags;
  • Removes dark circles;
  • Removes wrinkles, including crow's feet;
  • Noticeably refreshes a “tired look”;
  • Effectively fights signs of age-related skin changes.

How many procedures will be required?

On average, 4-6. The result is visible after the first procedure.


Depends on skin sensitivity. Injections in the delicate and sensitive periorbital area, of course, cannot be called pleasant, but the micropapular technique allows you to not be a red panda after just 1 day

Lymphatic drainage massage

What problems does it solve?

  • Removes lymph and excess fluid, thus relieving swelling;
  • Strengthens the skin around the eyes, enriching it with oxygen and stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles;
  • Returns tone to sagging skin.

How many procedures will be required?

A lasting and pronounced effect requires more than 4 procedures. Can be combined with home eye care.



Home care Follement Professionnel (France)

What problems does it solve?

  • Noticeably reduces swelling under the eyes, has a drainage effect;
  • Normalizes water balance;
  • Prevents skin aging;
  • Reduces the number of wrinkles and makes them less pronounced;
  • Fights dark circles under the eyes;
  • Fights signs of age-related skin changes, improves its tone.

How many procedures will be required?

Products from the Follement Professionnel line are recommended as additional regular skin care at home. Best combined with lymphatic drainage, microcurrent, or if you discuss this problem with a doctor. However, if puffy “bags” and dark circles under the eyes are not very pronounced, then you may be satisfied with the effect without procedures. Cosmetics contain special active ingredients. 78% of women and men note a visible effect after 1 month of use.



In our clinic you can consult with both a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon (free of charge and even online). The doctor will select an individual option for facial beauty or an effective home care product with active ingredients. You can also purchase them in our clinic. And don’t forget to look at our website in the “promotions” section.

Microcurrent therapy

What problems does it solve?

  • Remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • Noticeably tightens the skin around the eyes, increases tone;
  • Activate the production of their own collagen and elastin;
  • Reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat - hernias at an early stage;
  • Remove swelling;
  • Returns skin tone.

How many procedures will be required?

The number of procedures is individual, on average 5-6 sessions. Can be combined with additional home care for the skin around the eyes.



Contour plastic surgery (filling) of the nasolacrimal groove with fillers

What problems does it solve?

  • Allows you to fill the nasolacrimal groove and visually smooth the surface of the skin around the eyes;
  • Reduce dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smooth out small wrinkles;
  • They improve skin quality and promote rejuvenation, since the main component is hyaluronic acid.


How many procedures will be required?

Depending on the drug and the individual characteristics of the skin, the effect lasts for a period of 6-12 months.


Like mesotherapy, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin. For 7 days, you need to protect your skin from heat and ultraviolet radiation, and follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for the use of decorative cosmetics.

Laser resurfacing Deka SmartXide (non-surgical blepharoplasty)

What problems does it solve?

  • Marked rejuvenation of the skin of the periorbital area - the skin of the eyelids tightens, becomes toned and elastic at the cellular level;
  • Makes the nasolacrimal groove less pronounced, visually removing “bags” under the eyes (but not fatty hernias);
  • Evens out skin texture, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • Promotes rapid skin regeneration;
  • Noticeably refreshes the look.

How many procedures will be required?

Depending on the scale of the problem, approximately 2-4 sessions. However, after the first grinding, the result will pleasantly surprise you.


7 days

Homemade masks

It's no secret that not all cosmetics can boast of a natural composition. Often, creams and masks contain many artificially synthesized chemical components: silicones, parabens, preservatives, fragrances. While creams with completely natural ingredients are expensive and not everyone can afford them. If you are not ready to spend money on expensive cosmetics, you can always resort to folk recipes. In our case, to recipes for homemade masks.

Cucumber mask

Perhaps the most popular is the cucumber mask. It’s easy to prepare: squeeze the juice out of the vegetable, blot cotton pads and place on your eyes. If possible, add whipped egg white, a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of vitamins A and E to the cucumber juice. If the consistency of the mask is not thick enough, add a little flour.

Cucumber helps fight puffiness under the eyes

Parsley mask

A parsley mask can give clarity to your eyes. To do this, prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of parsley and wait until the mixture cools slightly. Soak cotton swabs in a warm infusion, place under the eyes and lie down - in this position the disc is better fixed on the skin. The application time of the compress is 20 minutes.

Benefits of cottage cheese

Fresh cottage cheese will help remove the hated bags and circles under the eyes. Rub it thoroughly and apply to the problem area. After 15–20 minutes, remove the slurry with a cotton pad soaked in cooled black or green tea.

Express mask for dark circles under the eyes - video

Potato mask

A proven home remedy for dark circles is potato. To prepare the mask you need:

  • 1 medium potato, finely grated
  • 1 teaspoon olive, flaxseed, coconut or other vegetable oil.

Instead of vegetable oil, you can use oatmeal, mixed 1 to 1 with grated potatoes and diluted with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream.

You can also try a boiled potato mask: all you need to do is prepare regular mashed potatoes with milk. The exposure time of this mask is 20 minutes.

Soda mask

Few people know, but baking soda is a universal weapon in the fight against signs of fatigue, which is why, perhaps, all skin care products contain it. To get rid of puffy eyelids, you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of soda,
  • 1 cup of freshly brewed chamomile tea.

Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and apply patches to the swelling. Within 15 minutes you will notice a positive effect.

Baking soda will get rid of signs of fatigue

Starch mask

A mask made from starch has a lifting effect. To prepare it, take:

  • 2 tablespoons starch,
  • a little cream
  • a couple of drops of vitamins A and E.

Before application, you can add chopped parsley to the mixture.

Bread and milk mask

A mask with a lifting effect is also made from bread and milk: the pulp of white bread is soaked in warm milk and applied under the eyes for at least 15 minutes.

Egg mask

Another simple recipe for a nourishing egg mask:

  • 1 yolk,
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil.

As soon as you feel slight tightness on the skin, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing can remove facial swelling

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a painless method that can deal with the problem quickly and easily. Here, the facial skin is exposed to ultrasound. This procedure can be performed in any salon. The most important thing is that it is carried out by a professional who knows all the indications, contraindications, and subtleties of the work. Then we can talk about effectiveness, high-quality results and the absence of complications. Minor swelling on the face in the morning will disappear for a while. You will need to undergo several sessions to consolidate the results.

Myth No. 5: Dark circles under the eyes can be easily lightened with lemon juice.

Ascorbic acid helps to partially lighten pigmentation, and if the appearance of dark circles is associated with excess melanin synthesis, the statement has a right to life. Lemon juice will have to be used regularly for 1.5-2 months to achieve minimal effect. Now imagine what will happen to the delicate, sensitive and vulnerable skin of the eyelids after daily smearing with a “caustic” acidic liquid.

It is likely that catastrophic dehydration, severe peeling, and the formation of sharp, deep wrinkles will be added to the dark circles that hastily returned after the experiment. And a “gift” in the form of an allergy.

A much wiser decision would be a course of injection or non-injection mesotherapy with cocktails containing adapted synthetic vitamin C.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Homemade masks against wrinkles around the eyes have a lot of useful properties :

  • prevent dryness;
  • have a rejuvenating effect;
  • help accelerate cell turnover;
  • raise tone;
  • saturate with all microelements;
  • protect the skin from harmful external influences.

You should start using masks at the age of 25-27 years, before the first wrinkles appear , in order to prevent their formation.

Important! Masks should consist exclusively of natural ingredients so as not to have a traumatic effect or irritation.

Such homemade products have a complex effect.

Preventive measures

Changes in skin color in the eye area, swelling, and a tired appearance are generally easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend systematically performing preventive measures.

  1. Adjust your daily routine so that you have at least 7 hours of sleep left. It is worth considering that the most productive sleep occurs before 2 am.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol and smoking contribute to rapid aging of the skin and changes in its color.
  3. You should start the morning by washing your face with cool water or wiping with ice cubes. To prepare ice cubes, you can use purified or mineral water, as well as herbal decoctions.
  4. Fresh air enriches blood circulation with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and cell regeneration. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce regular evening walks and active rest on days off from work.
  5. Dark circles often appear as a result of a deficiency in the body of vitamin C, A, E and other trace elements. You need to take a vitamin complex at least 2 times a year.
  6. Ventilate your home or work space more often.
  7. Review your diet and adjust it so that the menu consists of 70% fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. Use cosmetics that are appropriate for your age and only those that suit your skin type.

Myth #10: Proper makeup and concealer will mask problems.

Camouflaging a defect is not as easy as it might seem. As we age, thick layers of concealers and foundation only add to our age and highlight imperfections. And if you put them on “substantial” bags under the eyes, you won’t be able to hide the second ones. Rather, you focus the attention of others on your problem. Mature women should focus on quality skin care from a cosmetologist in order to get by with light nude makeup instead of bright contouring.

Be smart when dealing with conflicting information. Consult a cosmetologist, read scientific articles, study the problem at an expert level. Remember that many “beauty recipes” will take it away from you even sooner than inaction.

Reviews about the treatment

Bags on my cheekbones appeared for the first time several years ago . No cosmetic products helped. The salon advised me not to spend money on creams and suggested doing a facelift .

But we were warned in advance that this is not a 100% guarantee of permanently getting rid of the bags, and additional operations may be required over the years.

I agreed, as a result, the bags were almost completely removed, and although more than two years have passed, my face looks almost the same as after the procedure .”

Elizaveta Shipnevskaya, Kislovodsk.

“When I started having sufs , at first I didn’t attach any importance to it, attributing everything to age.

But over the years, my face began to look like the face of an alcoholic. It was unpleasant and ugly, and I decided to have a check-lift .

The procedure is not very expensive for me, but I am satisfied with the effect.

But the specialist warned even then that over time the bags would reappear, and then they would either have to do liposuction or consider the option of fillers.”

Marina Panyutina, 48 years old.


Know! The amount of fat under the skin in the cheekbone area increases over the years, but a number of predisposing factors can accelerate the process of formation of sufas, including:

  • sudden weight gain in general;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the formation of constant swelling, as a result of which the skin stretches and the subcutaneous space filled with fat increases.

Painting bags can visually increase due to sagging skin , which with age .

Myth No. 7: Hemorrhoid ointment is the best non-standard remedy for dark circles

As absurd as this may sound, there is some truth here. Hemorrhoids are a consequence of varicose veins. Rapid relief of its symptoms is achieved by systemic or local use of venotonics. Venotonics quickly “unload” the blood flow, remove excess fluid, and relieve swelling. Compresses with venotonics actually eliminate swelling under the eyes if they are caused by lack of sleep and other exogenous physiological reasons. But they cannot be used on an ongoing basis - only in emergency cases. As for deep edema and hernias, medications for varicose veins are powerless.

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