Acne: what diseases cause acne

Breakouts and dirty makeup brushes

There is such a sign that if you do not periodically wash your makeup brushes, then sooner or later you may encounter the appearance of rashes on the skin of your face. Women often use sponges and brushes to apply blush, powder, and foundation. But if you have oily or problematic acne-prone skin, it is better to give preference to disposable products.

For example, compact powder can be applied with a cotton pad, disposable sponges can be used for cream, and blush can be blended with your fingers. If this option does not suit you, make sure that your brushes are always clean. There are special products for washing them. Don’t forget to periodically get rid of old makeup tools.

How to remove pimples* on the cheeks: treatment features

A cosmetologist or dermatologist can tell you how to get rid of acne* on your cheeks after conducting a diagnosis and determining the severity of the disease. For mild to moderate acne, topical medications are mainly used; with average – complex treatment is necessary; in severe cases, emphasis is placed on systemic therapy [18]. Auxiliary measures may also help:

  • correction of diet and getting rid of bad habits;
  • refusal of comedogenic cosmetics;
  • stress reduction;
  • carrying out special cosmetic procedures (peelings, cleansing, polishing).

Regardless of the location of the rashes, it is not recommended to remove them yourself. This can only worsen the condition, and a scar or pigment spot may appear in place of the pimple*.

Frequent phone conversations and small red pimples*: where is the connection?

Where does your phone go? In your purse, on the table, in your hands, in your pocket. Agree, these are not the most sterile conditions. Dust settles on the gadget screen, cosmetics imprint, bacteria multiply, and when you put the phone to your cheek, they get on the skin.

It is important to wipe your phone down more often and try to keep it in a case that covers the screen so that it gets less dirty. Although this factor is not the leading factor in the formation of acne, it can also cause rashes.

What types of pimples are there in acne?

Depending on the stage of acne development, the following types of acne occur60:

  • Comedones. Open (blackheads) or closed (white pimples with purulent contents) comedones, which are formed due to blockage of the follicle.
  • Papules. Superficial pimples of pink or bluish-red color, which form as a result of inflammation of comedones or as independent rashes.
  • Pustules. Spherical rash with purulent content.
  • Indurative acne. Deep and large subcutaneous nodes that form when the sebaceous ducts are completely blocked, as well as inflammation of the surrounding tissues.
  • Phlegmonous acne. Painful formations of bright red color with purulent contents. They appear when the inflammatory process spreads into the deep layers of the skin and can group, forming red-violet nodes.
  • Conglobate acne. This type of acne refers to severe forms of acne. They are formed as a result of the merger of several inflamed acne.
  • Keloid acne. One of the rare forms of acne, which is localized on the scalp.

But it should be remembered that papules, pustules, comedones can be a sign of another disease - pyoderma, atypical dermatitis, etc. Purulent rashes can be associated with the development of staphylococcal infection.

Treatment of inflammatory acne and non-inflammatory acne requires different approaches. If we are not talking about a couple of blackheads or several comedones that periodically appear on the chin, consult a dermatologist.


Excessive consumption of sweets leads to protein glycation. Our skin contains a large amount of collagen and elastin, which, when glycated, change their structure and become unrecognizable to the immune system. It does not recognize old collagen and elastin molecules and does not destroy them, and therefore no new collagen and elastin are produced. This accelerates skin aging, reduces tone, and age-related changes accumulate quite quickly. Therefore, those with a sweet tooth need to be mentally prepared for earlier wrinkles.

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Cereals are essential for the health of our body, but they also need to be chosen and consumed correctly. Skip cereals and boiled, slimy porridges in favor of whole grain side-dish cereals with a high content of coarse fiber. Such food will be absorbed more slowly by the intestines and will prevent a sharp increase in blood sugar. Its saturation with nutrients will also occur gradually, which is much more beneficial both for the body itself and for the skin.

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Treatment according to instructions

To the question “what will help with acne?” there is no clear answer. It is difficult to single out the main “anti-acne” components: good treatments contain a complex combination of active substances. And yet there are ingredients that are better to remember (and check on occasion for yourself and your specialist):


: linoleic acid, niacinamide, allantoin, zinc salts, azelaic acid, extracts of tea tree, sage, chamomile, witch hazel, aloe vera.


: piroctone olamine, glycasil, sulfur, plant extracts of calendula, chamomile, green tea, burdock, essential oils of tea tree, lemon, clove.


(softening and exfoliating): ANA and BHA acids, retinoids, glycasil, azelaic acid, sulfur, bromelain, bodyaga.

Sebum regulators

: retinoids, linoleic acid, azelaic acid, extracts of green tea, pumpkin, burdock, cedar.


: aluminum and calcium salts, perlite, clay, kaolin, silicon.

Pharmacy brands undergo careful monitoring under the supervision of dermatologists and are prescribed by doctors, therefore they are preferable for caring for problem skin.

In addition to proper care and corrective drug treatment, beauty salons will be happy to offer a number of procedures to improve the condition of the skin. Which of them will be effective (for example, facial cleansing - mechanical or ultrasonic, various peelings) will be determined by a specialist during a consultation, taking into account the condition of the teenager’s skin.


Today it has become very fashionable to take “vitamins” for any occasion. At the same time, humanity has never eaten as abundantly as it does now. And there had never been such counters overflowing with food before. But, nevertheless, humanity somehow survived and did not die from a lack of vitamins. In rare cases, people found themselves isolated. Modern people cannot have true vitamin deficiency. Except in cases where a person has diseases that prevent the absorption of certain vitamins in the intestines. However, these are special cases that require separate consideration and elaboration. Therefore, under no circumstances should you prescribe vitamins to yourself just in case, on the principle “it won’t be superfluous.” This will not be superfluous only for those companies that produce vitamins and sell them, but for the body it can cause allergic reactions, including skin reactions, as well as other serious diseases. Therefore, the main advice is this: try to keep your diet balanced, including more vegetables and fruits, white meat, fish, eggs, and whole grain cereals. Then the body will receive everything it needs to feel good. And if the body feels good, then so does our skin.

Meat products

I will immediately outline one fundamental point regarding meat: it is very important what exactly we use it with. Fatty meat eaten separately from carbohydrates will not cause much harm to our skin. But if we add potatoes or pasta to it, this can affect the composition of sebum and provoke inflammatory elements.

It is better to combine meat with fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed vegetables.

Also try not to overuse red meat: it is dangerous for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and especially the intestines. Therefore, people who have relatives with bowel cancer should completely exclude this product from their diet. And vice versa, enrich your diet with chicken and fish.

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Change menu

Nutrition plays a key role in skin health. Through it, the body removes unnecessary and harmful substances, so the quality and composition of food directly determines how the face will look. Here are a few rules to follow:

Less sweets

If you have skin problems, then the first thing you need to do is limit your consumption of sweets: chocolate, cookies, cakes and other confectionery delights. What did they do wrong? Sweets contain, in addition to flavor enhancers and preservatives, so-called fast, or easily digestible, carbohydrates, which means that after eating the blood sugar level rises sharply, causing a jump in the level of the hormone insulin. Such a jump promotes the activation of inflammatory processes at the cellular level and makes the body more susceptible to various infections. It follows that all traditional sweets contribute to inflammation and create conditions for the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

Let fruits and berries now take the place of the usual sweets in the diet. But here, too, moderation is required, since fruits and berries also contain fast carbohydrates (though without “chemicals”).

Avoid fatty foods

Excess fat obtained by the body from the food eaten is not only stored in the form of extra pounds, but also contributes to an increase in fat content. As a result, the pores through which the skin carries out gas exchange (“breathes”) and also removes harmful substances become clogged, and bacteria multiply in them. You need to make sure that the meat is lean. It’s good to add seafood to your diet and avoid eating smoked sausages and fatty dairy products, including cheeses.

Eliminate what is known to be harmful

Do not abuse fast food, chips, snacks, croutons and crackers. These products contain a lot of salt, spices, flavorings and oils. These ingredients hinder and disrupt the functioning of the intestines and sebaceous glands. You also need to be careful with the use of spices and seasonings (horseradish, sauces, mayonnaise, pepper, mustard). Frequent and abundant consumption of foods rich in essential oils - garlic, onions, radishes - can have a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

It is advisable to avoid spicy food - it affects not only the intestines and liver, but also affects the peripheral nervous system, which, among other things, is also responsible for the regulation of sweat and sebum secretion, as well as the tone of blood vessels.

It is worth taking a closer look at green vegetables and herbs - they are rich in zinc, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and ensures the normal functioning of the intestines due to their high fiber content.

Drink a lot, but not everything in a row

The best assistant on the path to healthy and beautiful skin is clean drinking still water. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (you can add other drinks, but the majority of this dose should be water). If this is an unusually large amount, then you can simply put a bottle of water next to you and drink small portions throughout the day.

You should be careful with various carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. They usually contain a lot of sugar and a whole list of chemicals (dyes, preservatives, taste improvers, stabilizers). Thus, these “thirst quenchers” deal a double blow - they negatively affect the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa and lead to the development of skin rashes, allergic reactions and acne, which are nothing more than the body’s attempt to get rid of unnecessary “chemical cargo”.

Among dairy products, it is better to give preference to kefir and live yoghurts. They improve metabolic processes and normalize intestinal flora.

Maintain regularity

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules. Many people no longer even notice the lack of breakfast, the replacement of a full lunch with constant snacks throughout the day, and they often overeat at dinner, sometimes just before bed. Problem skin does not tolerate such neglect.

The body requires regular nutrition with three main meals, the last of which no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Light snacks if necessary.

But you shouldn’t expect quick results, even if you start eating right and following a normal daily routine. Harmful substances have accumulated in the body for more than one day; it takes time to cleanse the body. Moreover, at first after the introduced changes in diet, it may seem that there is some exacerbation of inflammatory processes on the skin. These are the consequences of enhanced removal of accumulated toxins from the body.

At the age of up to 25 years, the epidermis is completely renewed on average in 21-28 days.

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