Check if you are applying your face day cream correctly

“At 20 you have the face that nature gave you, at 30 you have the face that life sculpted, at 50 you have the face you deserve.” A true but cruel phrase from the legendary Coco Chanel. It was popular in the last century and remains relevant today. A well-groomed and beautiful face for many years is not just “good genes”. This is love and self-care .

We all know that skin care starts with cream. Almost every woman has a tube of this universal product on her bathroom shelf. But is it enough to just anoint your face before bed and in the morning? Perhaps its effectiveness depends on the correct application of the cream? Experienced cosmetologists note: any product, even the most expensive, can become a dummy if you do not take into account the recommendations for its use .

Cleansing face before application

In order for the skin to receive the maximum amount of nutrients from the cream, it must be cleansed.

Even if you apply the product in the morning, you still need to clean it.

How to properly cleanse your face:

  1. To begin, wash your hands well and wash your face with warm water.
  2. Apply a toner suitable for your skin type to a cotton pad and wipe your face. The toner helps restore skin pH and tighten pores. If it is dry or sensitive, then choose a toner without alcohol.

How does a nourishing cream differ from a moisturizing cream in application?

Do not confuse the features and methods of using moisturizing and nourishing products, because they are completely different from each other. Differences are observed in the following parameters:

  • Compound;
  • Functions;
  • Consistency;
  • Absorbency;
  • Time of use.

Moisturizing products contain many substances that act as barriers to the rapid evaporation of moisture. Nutrients contain many vitamins and minerals that help quickly eliminate acne, wrinkles and other unwanted damage to the skin and cosmetic defects.

General recommendations for applying cream to the face

Let's first figure out why you need to use face cream? At least in order to:

  • Protect skin from sun, cold or wind
  • Nourish
  • Moisturize
  • Soothe, relieve irritation or inflammation
  • Improve quality
  • Slow down natural moisture loss
  • Prevent dehydration
  • As a base for makeup
  • Prevent dryness and cracking
  • Maintain smoothness and elasticity

The skin operates according to its own biological clock.

From four o'clock in the morning to eight, it loses a large amount of moisture. Therefore, after waking up, be sure to drink a glass of water to restore its healthy color. In the morning, she is at her best and ready to absorb vitamins and nutrients.

From 12 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon, active sebum production occurs. And here matting agents or powder will help.

From 16 to 17 pm you should not apply any products, as the skin simply will not absorb the nutrients. But at this time you can start cleaning it.

From 17:00 to 22:00 you can carry out absolutely any skincare procedures again.

And now the recommendations:

  1. We have already talked about cleansing. First, we wash off all makeup, then wash our face and apply toner.
  2. It is recommended to apply the cream to damp skin, this way it retains moisture better. After application, pat the skin dry.
  3. Don't squeeze a ton of product onto your face. A large amount of the product will not make the skin smoother or give it more vitamins. You'll just have to rub it into your skin longer. The cream should nourish it and not make it sticky.
  4. Spot application. It is best to first apply the product pointwise to the face and then distribute it over the entire surface.
  5. Face cream should be used regularly, even if you don't plan to wear makeup.
  6. Find the product that suits your skin type.

And one more tip: you should not store cream or other skin care products in the bathroom, as water can get into them, and this provokes the spread of bacteria.

What to do if I made a mistake?

When applying any cosmetics, it is important to do everything correctly. But sometimes mistakes happen, and the question arises: “How to reduce their consequences?”

We suggest looking at examples:

  • If you do not calculate the amount of cream and apply too much, your face will be oily and sticky. The feeling is unpleasant. To restore comfort and remove excess oil, just wipe your face with a cotton pad. If this does not help (for example, it is not possible to remove excess nourishing cream with a dense consistency), then cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure after 30-40 minutes or washing your face with plenty of warm water.
  • It happens that after applying the cream under the eyes, active lacrimation, redness of the eyelids, irritation or itching appears. In such a situation, urgent rinsing with water is necessary. In this case, the affected area should not be rubbed forcefully with your hands.
  • Sometimes the cream gets into your eyes. In this case, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. If it is not possible to see a doctor right away, it is recommended to rinse the eye with tap water and apply a small amount of vegetable oil to the eyelid (it will relieve irritation).
  • Expired cosmetics are a dangerous enemy that has no place in the bathroom or on the dressing table. However, some women neglect this rule. Meanwhile, expired cosmetics can cause either slight redness or a serious allergic reaction or burn. Even one accidental application of spoiled cream is fraught with trouble. If this happens, experts recommend rinsing off the makeup with plenty of water and drying your face with a soft towel. If there is redness and slight itching, the skin can be treated with an antihistamine . If the effects persist for more than 2 hours, you should see a doctor.

Application technique

Want to get more benefits from simply applying cream? Then apply it according to the techniques from the “Boldly NOT” marathon. Thanks to exercise, the skin absorbs vitamins more actively, and wrinkles literally disappear.

Does it ever happen to you that you are too lazy to regularly apply cream not only once, or even twice a day? Or you just can’t bring yourself to do it, because your skin isn’t in such a terrible state yet? Think about skipping care for just a day or two? But it is in regularity that success lies. To do this you need to develop a habit. It has been proven that in order to instill a healthy habit in yourself, you need to repeat the action for 21 days. Our basic marathon “SmeloNET” lasts just that long.

Massage lines

Regardless of what products you apply to your skin, it is important to follow the main rule - apply them along massage lines. Thanks to this, the skin practically does not stretch, collagen is not damaged, the skin is toned, and cramped facial muscles relax.

Let's start with the forehead. Massage lines on the forehead come from the bridge of the nose and, like the rays of the sun, are directed upward and to the sides from the center to the hairline.

Then we move on to the eyes. Above the upper eyelid, massage lines run from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and from there along the lower eyelid back to the inner corner.

Apply cream to the nose from bottom to top. From the wings of the nose, the area above the lip and chin, we move along the cheeks up to the ears.

Watch this video

The most effective technique for applying cream, oil or serum.

  1. Apply a small amount of product to your palms.
  2. Rub your palms to warm and distribute the product evenly.
  3. First, apply a small amount to your cheekbones, moving from the sides of your nose to your ears.
  4. Then move from the middle of the forehead up to the hairline and temples.
  5. Along the neck from top to bottom.
  6. On the sides of the neck, we move our hands back, down and back. This results in a circular motion.
  7. Don't forget the chin. Also with stroking movements towards the ears.
  8. Be sure to massage the product onto your ears. Stretch your entire ear thoroughly, twirl the earlobes.

Useful video

Watch a visual video about massage lines on the face:

Everyone can afford a high-quality and effective product, because good products can be found in any price range. An inexpensive product is not always of poor quality, just as an expensive one does not always give a magical effect. But, nevertheless, well-known brands provide more guarantees than others , since they have serious testing capabilities and use high-quality materials.

Be beautiful and take care of yourself regularly!

Common mistakes when applying cream to the face

We are sure that everyone has made at least one of these mistakes at least once. But nothing, thanks to this article the situation can be corrected. Answer a few questions:

  1. Have you applied the product to uncleaned skin?
  2. Did you apply it haphazardly, without following the massage lines?
  3. Did you use the night cream in the morning and the day cream at night?
  4. Did you apply too much product to your skin?
  5. Didn’t you wait until the product warmed up a little, but rubbed it cold?
  6. Did you apply the product too often or, conversely, neglect the procedure?
  7. Did you apply the night cream directly five minutes before bedtime?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then you should immediately correct the situation.

Features of applying different types of creams

Let's now figure out how to apply each type of cream.

  1. Moisturizing. This type of cream is suitable for dry and aging skin. It should be applied to slightly damp skin to retain more moisture. This product contains water-retaining components that attract all moisture, whether from the air or from the face, and release it to the skin. The cream is distributed carefully, without rubbing or stretching the dermis. You can lightly pat it with your fingertips.
  2. Sun protection. It should be applied 15-20 minutes before leaving the house so that the components of the cream begin to act. Lips also need protection from the sun. But you should not use the same cream as for your face. There are special balms and lipsticks with SPF for lips. Every two to three hours, the cream and balm should be renewed, as they are either washed off or absorbed.
  3. Fatty. First you need to decide whether you really need a fatty cream, then pay attention to the composition. It should include: salicylic acid to tighten pores and protect against environmental influences, niacinamide to relieve irritation and disinfect, caffeine to prevent acne, retinol to smooth out wrinkles, hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles. It is recommended to apply this cream with light finger movements half an hour after washing or cleansing the skin, when it has had enough rest. Do not touch the area under the eyes under any circumstances. Remains can be removed with a napkin.
  4. Tonal. Before using foundation, you should not cleanse your face with a tonic that contains alcohol. The skin may turn red, and this will cause the foundation to apply worse. Also, after cleansing, you should apply a moisturizer first.
    There are several ways to distribute foundation:
    • With a sponge you can easily blend the product and achieve a thin and even coverage.
    • With your fingers. The product will warm up on your fingertips and become more manageable for blending.

  5. With a brush. This is the most convenient way for home use. Brushes are easier to clean than sponges, and your hands remain clean.
  6. Cleaning. These products have a thick, dense, meaty texture. They are suitable for dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin. They are applied to dry or damp skin, can be left for 1-2 minutes, and then lightly massage the skin. This cream is washed off with water or removed with tonic.
  7. Cream powder. This product combines foundation and powder. It is designed to even out skin tone and disguise imperfections. It can also be applied with a sponge, brushes or fingers, always on a day cream that has already been absorbed into the skin, and in daylight.
  8. Bleaching. It is used to get rid of dark age spots on the face that become noticeable with age. In summer it is better to use them at night, but in autumn and winter you can use them during the day.
  9. Day. Despite the name, it is best applied in the morning, but not immediately after waking up. Of course, first you need to wash, cleanse and tone your skin. Distribute the product along the lymph outflow vectors.
  10. Night. At this time, regeneration starts. At night, the skin needs special care; cells are more susceptible to substances such as retinoids and glycolic acid. Distribute the product along the massage lines. It must be applied at least an hour before bedtime.

How to combine day cream with serum?

The serum enhances the effect of the cream, so when these two work together, the effect is enhanced. It is best to use serum and cream of the same brand and preferably from the same line, since manufacturers develop products in such a way that they complement each other’s actions.

After cleansing, apply the serum to the skin, gently spread it over the skin with your fingertips and wait until the product is absorbed. After this, apply the cream along the massage lines.

Please note that there are serums that can be used independently, without applying cream - always follow the instructions in the instructions and you definitely can’t go wrong!

Features of application to the neck and area around the eyes

Avoid using heavy or moisturizing products around the eyes as they may irritate the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. This area loses more moisture than all others, so it is prone to dryness. First you need to choose your product. Do you want to get rid of wrinkles and crow's feet? Choose products with retinol or peptides. Need something to combat dark circles? Then products with niacinamide or caffeine will help.

How to apply:

  1. Squeeze some cream onto your little fingers.
  2. Distribute the product pointwise along the bony edge of the upper and lower eyelids.
  3. You can drive the product in with light patting movements along the upper zone from the inner to the outer corner and back - from the outer to the inner along the lower zone. The same can be done with stroking movements.

Never forget about your neck. She really shows her age. Even if you do exercises, self-massage and use a variety of facial products, if you don’t pay attention to your neck, it’s all in vain.

  1. Cleanse your skin.
  2. As with any other area, warm up the product. Check if the skin type of your face and neck matches. If not, you need to purchase a suitable product. You can use either a moisturizer or a special one specifically for this area.
  3. The product should be applied from the middle of the neck from bottom to top, moving the palm to the side of the neck and back. This produces semicircular movements.

Remember that using good and suitable cosmetics is only 10 percent of the success on the path to radiant, smooth skin. The main thing in this matter is regular exercise and self-massage. Without them, it is impossible to achieve an even skin tone and healthy complexion. Come to the “SmeloNET” marathon, take a photo before the marathon and after three weeks of regular classes. The difference will amaze you. Read more below.

Effectiveness of the procedure

If the cosmetic product is applied in the direction of the lymph flow, then the skin receives not only the beneficial substances contained in the cream, but also a high-quality lymphatic drainage massage.

The results of proper use of cosmetics will pleasantly please you.

  • The appearance of new wrinkles will be reduced. The skin does not stretch. Elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for the youth of the epidermis, are not damaged. This helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles on the face.
  • Preventing acne formation. Proper application of the cream on the face helps to thoroughly cleanse the pores. A light massage protects them from blockage and improves blood circulation in the tissues. The epidermis is powerfully protected from rashes, acne, and comedones.
  • The severity of existing wrinkles is reduced. Toning muscle tissue allows you to slightly smooth out longitudinal folds on the forehead, crow's feet around the eyes, and wrinkles around the mouth. The depth of the nasolabial folds decreases.
  • The skin is tightened. The delicate epidermis under the eyes does not sag. The oval of the face is tightened, the double chin is reduced, and tissue tension in the décolleté and neck area is eliminated.

Even the most effective anti-wrinkle cream will not completely eliminate deep furrows. But if applied correctly, it will significantly reduce their severity and almost completely smooth out barely visible wrinkles.

Video on the topic: A visual description of how to properly apply cream to your face

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