Red pimples on the face of a newborn

Allergic rash in a newborn

An allergy in an infant is an unfavorable immune response of the child’s body to a potentially dangerous substance. Most often, an allergic rash occurs when a nursing mother consumes foods that can act as an irritant. This group includes:

  • cow's milk;
  • soy [1] and egg white;
  • fish;
  • strawberry;
  • nuts.

The first sign of a developing allergic rash is peeling. Pathological lesions with dry skin on the face of a newborn form symmetrically and are localized on the cheeks and forehead. It is necessary to consult a doctor if the appearance of rashes affects the general condition of the baby. Irritability, restless sleep, gastrointestinal disorders, fever and vomiting are dangerous symptoms that should be stopped immediately under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Newborn acne

Neonatal acne can appear in the first weeks of a baby's life on the forehead, nose and cheeks. In appearance, they resemble pimples with purulent heads, characteristic of teenage rashes. It is assumed that the cause of acne is increased production of sebum , which clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands and provokes an inflammatory reaction. The pathogenesis of the appearance of small pimples in newborns is also associated with the formation of the hormonal system. The body gets rid of the transplacental influence of maternal androgens [2], and adrenal hormones begin to be produced more intensively, which affect the condition of the skin. Newborn acne does not require treatment [9] - standard daily care using delicate soap or baby cosmetics is sufficient. In most cases, pimples that appear on the face go away on their own by the age of 4 months.

Causes of acne

Most often, acne in adolescence appears due to hormonal imbalances. Since during puberty the body produces a large number of hormones that affect the activity of the sebaceous glands. As a result, excess sebum clogs the pores, forming a comedone, which can become inflamed over time. Also, recent studies show that inflammation is the primary link in the pathogenesis of acne, which precedes hyperkeratosis 12. The causes of acne on the face of a teenager include 29, 50, 4:

  • Poor nutrition. Large amounts of salty, spicy foods and dairy products affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, enhancing it.
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system. Increased hormone production leads to hyperproduction of sebum, which causes breakouts.
  • Improper care, lack of hygiene. Using a large amount of decorative cosmetics clogs the pores even more and worsens acne. And the use of cosmetics with alcohol and salicylic acid dries out the skin, damages the hydrolipid mantle, and stimulates increased sebum production.
  • Use of cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients. Wrong choice of cosmetics, use of products with components that provoke acne.

Factors that cause acne also include stress, taking hormonal medications, genetic predisposition, and diseases of internal organs. A dermatologist can tell you how to treat acne on the face in teenagers after determining the cause of the rash. 29, 50, 4

Prickly heat

Miliaria is a skin lesion that is associated with hyperfunction of the sweat glands and irritation of the excretory ducts . The disease can develop as a result of improper care of the newborn’s skin, prolonged stay in hot rooms and the wrong choice of clothing (the child is wrapped tightly). Miliaria resembles an allergic rash, but differs from it in localization. Signs of an allergy most often appear on the skin of a child’s face, and with prickly heat, rashes form throughout the body - most often in natural folds, on the neck, lower abdomen and upper chest. What does prickly heat look like:

  • small blisters with transparent contents, prone to burning and itching;
  • in difficult cases – reddish nodules with an inflamed rim;
  • with extensive skin damage - weeping areas.

Miliaria itself is not dangerous to a child’s health. But damage to the skin is fraught with the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection. In this case, purulent processes develop, the skin becomes swollen, and a putrid odor appears. Red pimples associated with heat rash cause discomfort in the child - he becomes capricious and irritable, refuses to eat and sleeps poorly.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Not only red pimples, but also yellowish scales may appear on the skin of a newborn. These are signs of seborrheic dermatitis, a disease associated with increased secretion of sebum. Scales form in the first month of life on areas of the body with a large accumulation of sebaceous glands - on the scalp, upper third of the back, face, chest and in the ear area. Seborrheic dermatitis is sometimes called “milky crusts”, which may be associated with the use of inappropriate cosmetics for the care of infant skin. In fact, the disease is caused by high levels of maternal hormones in the blood or changes in the biochemical composition of lipids on the surface of the skin [4].

In most cases, childhood seborrheic dermatitis goes away on its own. Parents just to take care of proper care , but it is not recommended to diligently remove the crusts - you risk damaging the delicate skin and causing infection. It is better to use specially developed products - such as Foam Shampoo for “milk crusts” for newborns. It facilitates the removal of scales in 90% of cases , and in 95% of babies it soothes the scalp [5.2]. The product contains 99% ingredients of natural origin. The shampoo is fragrance-free and has a “tear-free” formula. If you have thick, dense scales, which are located not only on the scalp, but also in other areas, a “milk crust” cream , which helps to completely remove “milk crusts” in an average of 7 days [5.3].

For what reasons does atopic dermatitis occur on the eyelids?

Numerous studies have found that the main cause of atopic dermatitis is heredity. If at least one of the parents has the disease, then with a probability of up to 50% it can appear in the child. However, to start the pathological process, a certain triggering factor is required that provokes inflammation of the skin. They are individual for each patient.

One of the common causes of atopic dermatitis on the eyelids is considered to be an excessive reaction to various irritants. These may be chemical components in cleansers or detergents, food products, cosmetics or skin care products, some medications, dust contained in the air, pollen, insect secretions, and the like.

Atopic dermatitis around the eyes is more common in children.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and identify the cause of exacerbations. Therefore, when the first signs of atopic dermatitis of the eyelids appear, you should consult a specialist.

Contrary to the fears of parents, atopic dermatitis does not occur in the eyes; the rashes are located near the eyes on the thin sensitive skin of the eyelids. But with severe inflammation, redness of the eyes and watery eyes may occur.

The photo below shows how atopic dermatitis occurs on the eyelids.

Photo 1. Atopic dermatitis on the eyelids.

  • When atopic dermatitis affects the eyelids and the area around the eyes, redness of the skin, tissue swelling, severe itching may appear, sometimes the sclera may even become red and swollen, and the blood vessels in the eye may dilate. In some cases, atopic dermatitis of the eyelids is not accompanied by such a pronounced reaction; only peeling and roughening or thickening of the skin is noted.

To choose the right treatment for atopic dermatitis in the skin around the eyes, you need to be able to correctly diagnose this disease. Often, other types of skin diseases are “masked” under atopic dermatitis under the eyes and in the periorbital area:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Characteristic signs of this pathology are peeling of the skin, the appearance of yellow crusts in the eyelashes and eyebrows, itching, and loss of eyelashes.
  • Drug dermatitis. It occurs as a result of taking certain medications (not only after using certain eye drops, but taking drugs orally) and physiotherapeutic treatment (for example, electrophoresis).
  • Eczematous dermatitis. It is not so common, the rashes have their own characteristics, usually itching. In addition to inflammation, rash, itching and flaking of the skin, patients may additionally complain of eye pain.
  • Herpetic dermatitis. Viral herpes can be localized not only on the lips, genitals, but also on the eyelids. It can be distinguished from other forms of the disease by the presence of small bubbles with watery contents. Herpetic dermatitis is one of the most dangerous lesions in the eye area; ulcers can spread to the eye area and lead to deterioration or loss of vision. The disease often occurs with fever and headaches.
  • Contact dermatitis. It is allergic in nature and occurs due to direct contact with an irritant. Most often these are decorative or caring cosmetics.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a disease of an allergic nature, which is accompanied by chronic inflammation of the skin. The causes of an uncontrolled allergic reaction in infants are:

  • food allergens – animal protein, soy products, some types of vegetables;
  • airborne allergens - household dust, pollen, pet hair, tobacco smoke, etc.;
  • pathogenic microflora - fungi, viruses, bacteria.

In newborns, the erythematous-squamous form of atopic dermatitis with signs of an acute inflammatory reaction is most often diagnosed:

  • skin hyperemia;
  • peeling;
  • flat small papules.

Red spots are localized on the arms and legs in the folds , on the sides of the neck, on the back of the hands and on the cheeks. Children with atopic dermatitis are advised to regularly cleanse and moisturize their skin [6]. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only for extensive skin lesions that impair the baby's quality of life - in this case, you should consult a pediatrician.

For daily care, it is recommended to use STELATOPIA emollient cream . Research [5.1] has shown that emollient:

  • In 90% of cases, it reduces increased dry skin [5.1] and reduces the likelihood of clinical signs of AD by 51% [10]
  • Relieves itching sensation in 91% of cases [5.1]
  • Reduces inflammation after 32 hours[11]

How to treat chickenpox in children? (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment)

Red spots appeared on the baby's face. What is this? Allergy? Mosquito bites? What if the body temperature rises?

With questions about a disease such as chickenpox, we go to an appointment with the pediatrician at the Expert Tula Clinic, Valeria Aleksandrovna Golovko.

— Valeria Aleksandrovna, what is chickenpox and how does it manifest itself in children?

This is an infectious pathology, also known colloquially as “chickenpox”.

The symptoms of chickenpox are varied. This is the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of a specific rash in the form of spots, nodules and blisters. Elements of the rash are found on the face, scalp, body, arms and legs. They appear one after another, i.e. First a spot or papule appears, and then a vesicle. Later, crusts form in place of the opened blisters, falling off after 1-2 weeks. At the same time, the palms and soles remain clean.

Rashes on the mucous membranes are accompanied by pain, itching and the formation of erosions and even ulcers.

Fever, malaise, and decreased appetite and sleep are also noted.

— What causes chickenpox?

Varicella Zoster virus. It belongs to the herpes viruses.

What is herpes? Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenereologist at Clinic Expert Tula says:

Sheinkman Vladislav Leonidovich

— How is chickenpox transmitted?

The disease can be contracted through airborne droplets from a person with chickenpox and herpes zoster (shingles). The virus spreads when a person talks, coughs or sneezes.

— Is chickenpox a childhood disease or can adults get it too?

Children are predominantly affected, but cases of infection in adults are also common.

— Is it possible to get chickenpox again or does it only happen once?

Different situations are possible. Suppose a person was ill in childhood, but for some reason the immune system was unable to “cope” with the virus completely. In this case, the virus can remain in the so-called nerve ganglia in an inactive state. Under certain conditions, it is able to reactivate, often manifesting as shingles. This could be, for example, during exacerbations of chronic pathologies, severe stress, hypothermia, or after suffering some kind of infectious disease.

The situation described is not a re-infection. However, this is also possible in principle. This risk exists in the elderly; persons receiving chemotherapy or hormone therapy; after organ transplant operations; infected with human immunodeficiency virus. In other words, with a significant weakening of the immune system.

Is it true that unvaccinated children are the healthiest? Ulyana Vladimirovna Chemova, pediatrician, allergist-immunologist at Clinic Expert Smolensk, tells the story.

It is currently believed that the chickenpox virus does not mutate, but it cannot be ruled out that it will in the future. In this case, we can assume the occurrence of repeated infections with classic manifestations of this disease.

From personal experience: in 12 years of working in the pediatric department, I have not observed repeated cases in the same child.

— Why is it better to have chickenpox in childhood?

Because in this period of life it is much easier to bear. In people over 20 years of age, the infection is severe; after the illness, there is a high risk of complications that are dangerous not only to health, but also to life.

An example from practice: I witnessed a case of this disease in an adult woman who was sick at the same time as her child. She had a severe infection: with sharp rises in body temperature up to 40°C, severe headache, sensitivity to light and sound, hallucinations, profuse large painful rash, and swollen lymph nodes.

— Is it worth deliberately infecting a child with chickenpox?

No, you shouldn't do this. Chicken pox greatly undermines a child's immunity. Like any infection, it causes serious intoxication. The nervous system is subjected to significant stress, the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system suffer, and the respiratory system is affected.

How to strengthen a child's immunity? Read more

After chickenpox, a child may begin to suffer from respiratory infections more often than usual. Therefore, immediately after recovery it would be wrong to go to kindergarten or school.

How long is a person with chickenpox contagious?

It becomes contagious from the end of the so-called incubation period, that is, 2-3 days before the appearance of the elements of the rash, and remains so for 4-5 days after the appearance of the last bubbles.

— Is chickenpox a harmless disease or can it have negative consequences?

How dangerous is chickenpox for children and adults? Sometimes it leads to the development of complications. Among them, for example, are the addition of a bacterial infection to the skin in areas affected by the virus; inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, larynx, trachea, lungs, meninges and brain tissue, joints, myocardium, kidneys; swollen lymph nodes; sepsis.

If a pregnant woman becomes infected a few days before giving birth, the probability of illness in her child increases to 17%, and 30% of the sick newborns, alas, die.

— Adults who had chickenpox in childhood remember that the main problem with this disease is severe itching. How can parents help their baby relieve itching? What is the best way to lubricate a chicken pox rash?

Antihistamines and some products for external use, including those containing antiviral agents, will help relieve skin itching.

The “green stuff”, known to many, does not relieve itching, but to some extent dries and disinfects the wound, and allows you to control the appearance of new rashes.

How to properly smear a rash with chickenpox? Every morning, new blisters on the body are smeared with a solution of brilliant green. Observe the intensity of their occurrence. One day the bubbles will stop forming. From this point on, after 5 days, the infectious agent will become inactive.

— How to avoid complications with chickenpox?

To do this, you must contact your doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the baby’s hands and the length of the baby’s nails in order to avoid contamination of the wounds on his skin.

— Tell us about the “dos” and “don’ts” for chickenpox. For example, is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?

“It is possible”: take water procedures even in the first days of the appearance of elements of the rash. Their absence can contribute to the transformation of the rash into abscesses due to contamination of the skin and the accumulation of bacteria on it. A short warm shower (but not a hot bath!) helps to maintain sanitary standards. After showering the baby, you should not wipe it, but gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel.

“Do not”: treat skin rashes with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine - it is irritating; violate home routine from the moment the first elements of the rash appear and for 5 days after the formation of the last blisters; use aspirin for antipyretic purposes - this increases the risk of developing Reye's syndrome (rapidly progressive cerebral edema and the development of liver complications in the form of liver failure, mortality reaches 20-30%); tear off/comb the crusts.

— Valeria Aleksandrovna, what should be the diet for a child with chickenpox?

It is recommended to drink a lot during illness. The diet should be dominated by fermented milk products, vegetables, and fruits. Fried and fatty foods should be avoided. They can contribute to increased skin itching.

— How many days does it take for chickenpox to go away?

During this disease, periods such as incubation, prodromal and the period of appearance of rash and crust formation are distinguished.

The incubation period is the period of time from the moment a microbial agent enters the body until the manifestation of the disease. Duration - 11-21 days (average 14 days).

The prodrome occurs 1-2 days before the first elements of the rash appear. In childhood, the manifestations of this period are not pronounced; in adults they are more severe (headache, pain in the lumbar and sacral area, increased body temperature are noted). Then comes a period with rashes (for both 2-5 days and 7-9 days).

In the uncomplicated classical course, recovery occurs within 10 days from the moment the first elements of the rash appear. The period of infectivity ends 5 days after the appearance of the last rash.

— Is there a vaccine against chickenpox?

Yes. Several types of chickenpox vaccine have been registered and approved for use in our country. After vaccination, lasting immunity is formed.

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For reference:

Golovko Valeria Alexandrovna

Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of Tula State University in 2004.

In 2005, she completed an internship in the specialty “Pediatrics”

Currently working as a pediatrician at Clinic Expert Tula LLC. Receives at the address: st. Boldina, 74

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