White pimples in newborns and infants. How to treat white pimples in children?

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely sensitive and reacts to absolutely everything - allergens, external irritants, hormones. One of the types of manifestations on the skin of a baby is white pimples on different parts of the body.

A woman’s life completely changes with the birth of a child, and, in addition to joy, the fair half of humanity is faced with a number of issues regarding the baby’s health. One of them is the appearance of pimples in the baby. It is not always possible to immediately figure out what caused the rash - the mother’s diet and an allergic reaction, or physiological processes in the developing and fragile body of the newborn.

Description of the disease

Balanoposthitis is a common problem in pediatric practice.
Almost every boy has encountered this disease. It manifests itself as simultaneous inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis. Most often, pathology develops when the rules of hygiene of the intimate area are violated. Therefore, statistically, the disease occurs mainly under the age of 12-14 years. The local inflammatory process does not pose a direct threat to the child’s health. However, the danger lies in the complications that arise against the background of the transition of an acute process to a chronic one. In the absence of targeted and timely treatment, adhesions form between the foreskin and the glans penis - phimosis develops. Sometimes the disease causes deformation of the head of the penis, which creates psychological discomfort for a man in adulthood and can worsen the quality of sexual life.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, balanoposthitis in children is divided into 3 forms:

  • Catarrhal. This variant of the disease occurs in 70-80% of cases. It is characterized by moderate severity of symptoms and responds well to treatment.
  • Erosive. A more severe form of the disease. Tissue defects form on the head of the penis. Infection penetrates into these areas more easily, causing the development of complications.
  • Gangrenous. A particularly severe form of the disease, which is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the child’s condition. Due to the massive penetration of bacteria, partial necrosis of the penile tissue occurs.

Balanoposthitis can occur acutely or chronically. The first option is more favorable, since it can be cured fairly quickly. The main thing is not to delay visiting a doctor if characteristic symptoms of the disease are detected.

Small white pimples on the face

  • Small white pimples on the face most often occur due to incomplete functioning of the sebaceous glands. They pass as soon as the baby's ducts open. Most often this happens about a month after the appearance
  • Such rashes do not require treatment. The main recommendation is to maintain hygiene for mother and child
  • You need to not only wash your baby in the morning and evening, but also wipe (or better yet, wash) his face after each feeding to remove any remaining milk or formula. If you are breastfeeding, it is recommended to wash your breasts before and after feeding.

White pimples on the face

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in children

The clinical picture of the disease is caused by the formation of a local focus of inflammation in the penile area. The severity of symptoms depends on the form of balanoposthitis, the severity of the episode of the disease and the individual characteristics of the boy’s body. The main clinical signs of the acute form of balanoposthitis in childhood are:

  • redness of the foreskin area;
  • swelling of the tissue around the head of the penis;
  • itching and pain that intensifies when touching the penis or urinating;
  • moodiness, sleep disturbance, which are the result of constant discomfort;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39°C.

It is worth noting that in 80% of cases the child’s general condition changes little.
He continues to play actively and eats normally. The severity of fever can vary depending on the intensity of the body's defenses and the activity of the inflammatory process. The chronic form of balanoposthitis is characterized by alternating episodes of exacerbation and remission. Discomfort in the area of ​​the head of the penis, swelling and redness are not so pronounced. White discharge forms in the area of ​​the preputial sac, which is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria with the subsequent formation of adhesions.

Small white pimples in newborns and infants

  • One of the types of rashes on the baby’s body are white pimples on different parts of the child’s body. It’s not for nothing that there is a lot of discussion about rashes on a child’s body, because often rashes are a sign of a health problem
  • If white pimples appear, there is no need to panic - often this is just an echo of the physiological processes that occur in the child’s body
  • Such manifestations do not bother the child, and are also absolutely safe for his health and skin. They do not cause itching and do not become inflamed, therefore, they do not leave behind scars or marks.

White pimples in a newborn

Causes of balanoposthitis in children

The pathogenetic basis of balanoposthitis is local inflammation provoked by the penetration of bacteria.
These are staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli. These microorganisms trigger a cascade of biochemical reactions that are responsible for the development of the characteristic clinical picture. The reasons for the penetration of pathogens into the area of ​​the preputial sac are:

  • Long-term wearing of diapers in newborns and infants without replacement. Due to the accumulation of urine, favorable conditions arise for the development of bacteria in the prepuce area.
  • Insufficient genital hygiene in preschool and adolescence. It is important to explain to boys that when taking a shower or bath they need to retract the foreskin and wash the area of ​​the preputial sac. Otherwise, the natural secretion of the glands stagnates in this area, which over time also becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Traumatic injuries. If the integrity of the skin in the foreskin area is damaged and insufficiently treated with antiseptics, bacteria and fungi can penetrate there.
  • Wearing underwear that is too tight. Impaired microcirculation causes a decrease in local immunity.
  • Allergy to washing powder or certain foods. The developing immune imbalance creates conditions for injury to the skin and mucous membranes with subsequent penetration of pathogens.

Some authors indicate a connection between balanoposthitis and frequent masturbation in boys during adolescence.

White pimples on the gums and tongue

  • Often appear simultaneously with pimples on the eyelids due to incompletely formed sebaceous glands.
  • May be the result of stomatitis due to untreated feeding utensils or pacifiers. Stomatitis can also appear due to numerous kisses from the baby.
  • If, in addition to pimples on the gums and tongue, you notice their appearance on the palate of a newborn, they may be a symptom of dysbiosis
  • Bon's nodules on the gums are small cysts that look like pearls. They pose no danger and disappear without a trace over time.
  • Teeth - neonatal (congenital) teeth. They can be included in a set of baby teeth or be extra in a row. In the second case, they need to be removed, so you need to consult a dentist
  • Thrush - differs from other types of pimples by the manifestation of other symptoms: rising temperature, child anxiety, increase in the number of pimples

White pimple on the gum

Expert opinion

Balanoposthitis in children is a common problem in pediatrics. The disease is not dangerous and does not threaten the child’s health. However, if clinical signs are ignored, banal discomfort in the groin area can cause serious problems for a boy in adulthood. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist if you notice redness and itching in the foreskin area. The use of traditional medicine methods without prior consultation with a doctor can contribute to the transition of an acute form of the disease to a chronic one. In the future, this condition is an indication for surgical intervention, so it is better not to self-medicate.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in children

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in children is based on an analysis of the patient’s complaints, collection of anamnesis and examination of the pathological area.
In 95% of cases, the urologist correctly determines the cause of the characteristic symptoms at the first consultation. To confirm the diagnosis and exclude other possible diseases, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • bacteriological examination of discharge from the preputial sac;
  • blood test for infections (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis B, C).

If necessary, the child is examined by related specialists (pediatrician, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist) to exclude somatic diseases.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in children

The acute form of balanoposthitis is a disease that is relatively easy to treat conservatively. However, when it becomes chronic and involves the formation of adhesions between the head of the penis and the foreskin, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Conservative treatment

The essence of therapy is to suppress the focus of local inflammation and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. For this purpose, the pediatric urologist prescribes:

  • antibacterial ointments that are injected into the preputial sac;
  • baths with antiseptics - a light solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile, furatsilin;
  • vitamin preparations to strengthen the immune system;
  • antipyretic medications for fever.

In 70-85% of cases of catarrhal forms of balanoposthitis, it is possible to eliminate symptoms with the help of such therapy within 2-3 days. The doctor teaches the child and parents the rules of caring for the genitals and points out the importance of choosing loose underwear. For erosive and gangrenous forms of the disease, healing ointments, systemic antibiotics and detoxifying solutions are additionally prescribed. The selection of medications is carried out individually depending on the characteristics of the clinical case.


In the chronic form of balanoposthitis, dense cords (adhesions) form between the tissues of the penis and foreskin, which make the release of the head impossible.
Conservative therapy does not help in this case. To eliminate the problem, the patient is recommended to undergo circumcision of the foreskin. The operation promotes complete release of the glans penis and is the optimal method for preventing future relapses. If the foreskin is excised, the risk of bacteria accumulating in the prepuce area is eliminated. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes. Postoperative recovery takes 1-2 weeks.

Folk remedies

At home, plant infusions are used for acne:

  • sequences for drying, calming;
  • chamomile for antiseptics, eliminating foci of inflammation;
  • nettle for healing, stopping the inflammatory reaction;
  • laurel, oak (bark) for disinfection, calming effect;
  • St. John's wort for healing, increasing resistance.

The pharmacy package is enough for 1 bath. It is poured with 0.5 liters of hot water and left for 12 hours. The filtered liquid is diluted in a bath of water.

Advice to mom: before the first contact with an unfamiliar product, a test on a small area of ​​healthy skin is required. Substances that are disloyal to a small organism for 1-3 hours. will cause redness and rashes.

For scabies, in addition to doctor’s prescriptions, you must:

  • boiling, high-temperature ironing of linen and clothes;
  • thorough washing of shoes, toys, treatment with disinfectants based on esdepalletrin, piperonyl butoxide;
  • compliance for 1.5 months. after recovery, a dispensary regimen with observation by a doctor.

In case of severe allergies, eczema, candidiasis, parents are required to:

  • bathing the baby in soothing, disinfecting herbs;
  • protection against scratches with mittens;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • protection from food and environmental irritants;
  • regular air baths.


  • Which doctor treats balanoposthitis in children?
    Diagnostics and medical care for balanoposthitis is provided by a pediatric urologist.
  • Is surgery necessary for balanoposthitis?
    In 90% of cases, the disease can be managed with conservative therapy. The exception is chronic forms, when adhesions form between the head of the penis and the foreskin with the development of phimosis. In this case, circumcision is indicated.
  • Do folk remedies help with balanoposthitis in children?
    Various decoctions of plants with an antiseptic effect can be used as baths for inflammation of the foreskin and glans penis. However, this approach is justified only after the child has been examined by a doctor. Otherwise, parents may miss the moment of active progression of the disease and allow it to become chronic and develop complications.
  • Is circumcision beneficial for balanoposthitis?
    Sometimes, with frequent episodes of acute balanoposthitis, pediatric urologists recommend circumcision to prevent relapses of the disease. This removes the preputial sac, which is a container for the secretions of the glands in the area of ​​the head of the penis. With the help of planned intervention, the risk of recurrent inflammation can be permanently eliminated. However, the choice in this case remains with the patient and parents.

White pimple on eyelid

Infants often develop white pimples on the upper or lower eyelid. These are milia or so-called millet. The main reasons for their appearance on the eyelid:

  • Reaction to allergens
  • Rarely, this is a consequence of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Calcium deficiency (for example, when teething)
  • Blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts

Important: In case of pimples on the eyelids, the main treatment is hygiene, but it is worth determining the cause of their appearance.

Pimple on the eyelid

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