Which pimples are effective against acne and how to make them

What is a talker

Chatter is a mixture consisting of drugs that have various effects (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, etc.) to combat inflammatory skin processes. This mixture can clean, dry and disinfect problem areas of the epidermis.

The composition of the medicinal mixture may be different; it depends on the individual problems of each individual person and is individually prescribed by the attending dermatologist.

Mainly found in the mixture:

Alcohol - it disinfects the skin, but it is not recommended for dry skin types. There are three types of alcohol in the mash: medicinal, ammonia, camphor.

Boric and salicylic acids - the first acts as an antiseptic and cleanses the skin well, the second promotes the healing of existing wounds and also reduces the secretion of sebum.

Zinc oxide - dries the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Various antibiotics and antibacterial agents cope well with inflammatory processes that arise due to existing pathogenic microbes on the surface of the skin.

Sulfur is an excellent antimicrobial substance that actively and effectively fights subcutaneous mites.

Aspirin - cleanses the epidermis of microbes, an anti-inflammatory agent.

Dimexide - helps to penetrate all medications into the epidermis.

Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent that perfectly absorbs impurities and cleanses the skin.

Herbal tincture - removes inflammation.

The dermatologist will prescribe individual components for the talker after conducting a complete examination. Then you will need to purchase all the drugs separately and mix them in accordance with the proportions specified in the recipe. You can buy a ready-made mixture at the pharmacy, but often the composition differs from what is needed, so it is easier and cheaper to make it yourself.

How to prepare and use them at home?

Recommendations for use

In order for the use of one or another talker to lead to the desired result, you must follow the recommendations for its correct use:

  1. Clean the skin using tar soap or a product containing milk casein (it is strictly not recommended to use alcohol-based formulations).
  2. Shake the container with the mash thoroughly. This must be done before each use of the product.
  3. Using a cotton pad, apply the mixture onto rashes or entire areas of acne-prone skin. Do not apply the mash to healthy areas, as well as the area around the mouth and eyes.
  4. 5 minutes after application, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer to protect the epidermis from drying out.

The composition should be used no more than once a day. It is recommended to use the mash 1-2 hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment with this remedy is 1–2 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course after a break of 1–2 months.

Tar soap will cleanse the skin well before applying the mash

What mixture options are there?

With chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

Turn chloramphenicol tablets into powder and mix 5 g of powder with 5 ml of 2% salicylic acid. Pour 50 ml of boric acid and 50 ml of 90% medical alcohol into everything.

This product is used for acne in adolescence and to remove acne on oily skin.

Any mash should be prepared in a glass container.

Video: How to make lotion for problem skin?

With chloramphenicol, sulfur and boric acid

Grind 2 tablets of chloramphenicol into powder, mix with 2.5 g of sulfur and dilute in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and boric acid (take 50 ml of each component).

The product is used to get rid of inflammatory rashes.

With sulfur and streptocide

Combine 7 g of sulfur and streptocide, pour in 100 ml of a solution of salicylic acid and boric alcohol, combined in a 1:1 ratio.

The composition will help with pustular rashes, subcutaneous acne and demodicosis.

To grind the tablets into powder, you do not need a coffee grinder: this can be easily done with two tablespoons or a mortar.

Video: Anti-acne treatment with streptocide on the advice of a cosmetologist

With zinc and erythromycin

Mix 4 g of erythromycin and 4 g of zinc oxide (or oxide), pour in 50 ml of boric acid and the same volume of salicylic alcohol.

The mash is used for purulent formations, inflammation, advanced forms of acne, as well as pimples that occur during menstruation.

This composition copes well with increased oily skin, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

With trichopolum

Grind 4 Trichopolum tablets into powder and pour in 250 ml of 90% medical alcohol. Leave everything at room temperature in a dark place for 3 days, thoroughly shaking the container with the mixture every day.

The product is used to treat inflammatory rashes and dry out acne.

It is recommended to store the mash in a dark glass container.

With streptocide and camphor alcohol

Grind 4 tablets of chloramphenicol and 10 tablets of streptocide into powder. Pour 80 ml of camphor alcohol and 30 ml of 2% salicylic acid into the mixture.

This composition is used for the treatment and prevention of acne.

With acetylsalicylic acid and clindamycin

Powder 4 aspirin tablets and the same amount of clindamycin. Combine 50 ml of ethyl and boric alcohol and add the dry mixture to the solution.

The product blocks inflammation, dries out acne and prevents the proliferation of microbes.

With tar soap and ammonia

Mix ammonia and camphor, hydrogen peroxide (take 4 tablespoons of each ingredient). Dilute the solution with 2.5 tablespoons of distilled water. Add 20 ml of salicylic acid and 20 g of grated tar soap.

With calendula

Calendula tincture will provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Dilute calendula alcohol tincture (40 ml) with distilled water, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. Add powdered tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and chloramphenicol (5 pieces each) into the solution. Leave in a dark place for 2 days.

Video: Recipe with paracetamol and calendula tincture

With glycerin, sulfur and lactic acid

Prepare a solution of camphor alcohol, glycerin and water (take 10, 15, 120 ml, respectively). Add 1 g of lactic acid and 5 g of sulfur.

Mechanism of action

The effect of the product depends on the medications that are in it. Depending on what is the basis of the composition, the suspension can be:

  • Water;
  • Oil;
  • Alcohol-water.

When the bottle is standing, the components in it are subject to separation. The powder part of the mixture settles to the bottom of the bottle, and the liquid part rises to the top. Regardless of the components used, the proportions will be the same: 70% - liquid foundation (oil) and 30% - powder.

The face wash does not have a systemic effect, but the basic principles of operation are as follows:

Advantages and disadvantages

Both home and pharmacy remedies have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this tool include the following:

  • Low price. The medicines included in the composition are inexpensive. Basically, the finished mixture costs no more than 100 rubles.
  • Easy to prepare. You can prepare the product in a few minutes; you just need to mix all the medications according to the recipe.
  • Easy to use. It is easy to use the mash; you just need to apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin that have been previously cleansed with soap.
  • Helps quickly and effectively get rid of acne and superficial inflammatory processes. The effect, although not great, will be visible after the first use.
  • Several drugs can be added to the mixture, which will be most effective when interacting with each other.

It also has the following disadvantages :

  • It is not stored for a long time; generally, the shelf life of the finished mixture is 1 day. If the product is purchased at a pharmacy, the pharmacist prepares the dosage form before dispensing it to the buyer.
  • The product does not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis; it acts only on the surface layer of the skin.
  • If there are inflammatory processes of moderate or greater severity, then this suspension will not have an effect; it must be used in combination with drug therapy.
  • It is necessary to use the product for an average of 2 weeks, the skin is treated 2 times daily. Some users note that using the mixture for such a long time causes inconvenience.
  • If the drugs in the suspension are chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk of a negative reaction; there will be no effect from such a mixture.
  • If a person has a dry skin type, then this product is not recommended due to the fact that some medications contained in the suspension dry out the skin.
  • The existing disadvantages are mainly associated with the incorrect selection of drugs for the suspension. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.


Before using the talker, you should familiarize yourself with the available list of contraindications:

  • Skin diseases characterized by rashes, spots (psoriasis, eczema, etc.), allergic rashes;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Intolerance to the components contained in the suspension;
  • If the drug contains strong antibiotics, then use of the mixture is contraindicated for pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding;
  • People with dry skin types are not recommended to use this product at all.

In addition to the main contraindications, the suspension can cause negative reactions that occur with prolonged use of the product:

  • Increased dryness of the skin;
  • Bacteria can develop immunity to the antibiotic, which leads to the ineffectiveness of the drug, and can also provoke increased acne.
  • Before use, it is necessary to conduct a test that will help identify an allergic reaction to the components in the composition.

Contraindications and precautions

Talkers are not recommended for use during pregnancy, in case of individual intolerance to one or more components included in the composition of the products, or in case of open skin lesions.

For dermatological diseases, the product is used only with the permission of a doctor.

It is better to avoid wearing makeup while using the talker.
Since the composition of the talker contains quite aggressive substances, it is important to take precautions.

  1. The use of the product must be agreed with a specialist.
  2. Before using any composition, you need to check the skin's reaction to it. A small amount of the mixture needs to be wiped on the inside of the elbow or the skin on the wrist. If after a day there are no undesirable reactions (itching, burning, peeling, redness), you can use the composition in the future.
  3. During treatment with mash, it is important to refrain from using decorative cosmetics.
  4. If any side effects occur, you should stop using the product.
  5. If using the mash causes excessive dryness of the skin, you should stop applying the product for a while.

Long-term use of talkers containing antibiotics reduces the protective functions of the skin.

Effect of use

The chatterbox is a popular and sought-after product not only because of its low cost, but also because of the effect obtained after using the suspension.

The effect of application is as follows:

  • The skin is cleansed;
  • Existing acne goes away;
  • The skin has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect;
  • Vessels are strengthened and perfectly toned;
  • When used correctly, subsequent breakouts are prevented;
  • The structure of the epidermis is normalized;
  • The color of the skin is restored.

How to use it correctly

Before using the mash, it is necessary to take into account that this product will only help with small rashes on the skin or with the appearance of individual pimples.

Stages of use:

  1. Before applying the product, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. To do this, you can use simple soap, preferably boric soap, or a special cleanser.
  2. It must be shaken well so that all the components contained in it can be thoroughly mixed.
  3. It is better to apply with a cotton pad or cotton swab to a spot or to a small problem area to avoid drying out healthy skin. Do not rub the product in, but simply moisten the skin with it.

It is better to apply the product at night for a number of reasons:

  • The product should remain on the skin for as long as possible.
  • You should not apply the product under makeup to avoid unforeseen consequences.
  • Some components, when exposed to direct sunlight, can provoke the appearance of age spots on the skin (photosensitizing effect).

The product must be stored in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator and be sure to ensure that the stopper closes the bottle tightly; the shelf life from the date of manufacture is 30 days. You can write on the bottle so you don’t forget when it was made. Where can I get a dark bottle? A well-washed detergent, rinsed with boiled water (you can use boiling water, just be careful) and a dried dark bottle, for example from cough syrup, or boric or salicylic acid, will do.

The following recommendations will help you achieve the best results:

  • The remedy will be more effective if you combine it with proper nutrition. It is recommended to exclude spicy, fatty, sweet and starchy foods from the diet.
  • This medicine can be used in the first stages of the appearance of pimples and acne.
  • If the skin becomes very dry after use, it is better to abandon this drug or take a short break so that the water balance is completely restored.
  • During treatment with this medicine, it is highly undesirable to use cosmetics for the skin (foundation, powder, etc.).

Preparation and use of tincture

The product can be bought at a pharmacy or made at home. Universal recipe:

  1. Pour 30 grams of dry crushed calendula flowers into a dark glass jar.
  2. Pour in 300 ml of medical alcohol (70%).
  3. Leave the product for 14 days in a cool, dark place.
  4. Then strain. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Be sure to read:

Improving skin condition: ways to use tar soap for acne

To achieve a good result, cosmetologists recommend wiping the face or areas of the body with pimples with the proposed tincture 2 times a day. But it is quite enough to apply the product to problem areas only at night (some people are embarrassed by the yellow spots that remain after using the medicine).

In the first few days, the condition of the skin may deteriorate, but after this the desired effect usually occurs - the skin is cleansed and acquires an even tone.

During treatment, it is better to avoid using foundation, powder and other similar cosmetics.


You can also prepare an effective acne mash with calendula:

  1. Add 4 aspirin tablets and 4 chloramphenicol tablets to a bottle with calendula tincture (they must first be crushed).
  2. After 12 hours the product can be used. It should be shaken well before each use.
  3. Use as a tonic - moisten a cotton pad with the mixture and wipe your face. Do not overdo it, there is a chance of getting burned.

Naturally, you should not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the problem of rashes. Moreover, the product contains an antibiotic.

Consult your doctor to see if this type of talker can be used in your case.

Face masks

You can easily and simply prepare cleansing face masks with calendula tincture.

First recipe:

  1. Prepare a mixture of the following components: 2 tsp. blue or white clay, 1 tsp. calendula tincture, 1-1.5 tsp. boiled water and 3-5 drops of fresh lemon juice (can be replaced with 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil).
  2. Mix and apply to face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Second recipe:

  1. Prepare a mixture of: 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. calendula tincture, 1-2 tsp. boiled water.
  2. Mix everything and apply the prepared mask to your face.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After the procedure, moisturizer must be applied to the skin.

Remember that acne most often appears due to problems in the body itself. If the rash does not go away for a long time, consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe the necessary examinations and draw up an effective treatment regimen.

Popular recipes for chatterboxes

There are a considerable number of recipes for preparing this medicinal suspension. The mash is selected based on the nature of the rash on the face and skin type. Sometimes a dermatologist can prescribe several formulations at the same time, then they need to be alternated.

You can prepare the mixture at home, you just need to follow the proportions of the prescribed components. There are recipes that have become popular among users due to their high effectiveness; dermatologists prescribe these formulations most often. Separately, I would like to note that the tablets crumble much better if they are pressed between two spoons of the same size.

During manufacturing, the following rules must be taken into account for better mixing of components:

All crushed bulk components in the composition are mixed with each other.

If there is a bulk component, ointment and liquid, then mix in the following order: first mix the powder and ointment until smooth, then add the liquid in small portions while stirring and stir until smooth, then add the remaining liquid according to the recipe and shake.

Reviews about the tincture

In most cases, opinions about it are very positive, but there is always a chance of encountering an allergic reaction. The tincture is used either in its pure form and applied pointwise with a cotton swab, or you make various chatterboxes and tonics and simply wipe the face or other problem area (for example, the back) with a cotton pad.

Negative experience with using the tincture may also be associated with improper use or non-compliance with the dosage when preparing the product.

Reviews on the use of calendula tincture for acne on the face and body:

  • No matter what products I used, I couldn’t get rid of acne. I came across a recipe for mash and am very pleased. The only negative is that the product slightly dries out the skin. I recommended the recipe to my sister.
  • I also used a mash with calendula tincture. Within a week my face was clear of acne. But the cause of my rashes was not related to internal problems.
  • My skin is sensitive. The use of calendula tincture led to its overdrying, as well as burning and minor burns. Therefore, I use this medicine to gargle.
  • I buy this tincture only for making face masks. This is my salvation!

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Be sure to read:

How to use ichthyol ointment for acne on the face and body

Important Note

You can always enhance the recipe for the above chatterboxes with an additional antibacterial agent. To do this, read the table below, find the main antibiotic and look for a drug that is marked with one (+) or several (++) pluses. This indicates how well the two products work together.

For example: chloramphenicol combines well with erythromycin, tetracycline and sulfonamide (streptocide), which means that you can add one of these antibiotics to increase the effectiveness of the chatter several times.

Pharmacy talkers

Anti-acne creams that you can buy at a pharmacy differ from homemade ones, namely:

  • Longer shelf life;
  • Correctly calculated dosage;
  • No need to purchase large quantities of ingredients;
  • No time spent on preparation;

With a prescription from a dermatologist, you can order the preparation of the product at a pharmacy with a prescription and production department, but its price will differ significantly from those prepared at home

Suspension for external use Tsindol

An excellent pharmaceutical acne mash is a mixture of several components, which in combination have an excellent drying, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

Tsindol includes:

  • Zinc oxide;
  • Medical talc;
  • Potato starch;
  • Glycerol;
  • Ethanol;
  • Purified water.

If you wish, you can purchase components that will allow you to make it yourself at home.

Salicylic suspension BOLTUSHKA

Another talker that works well against acne on the face; you can buy this product both in a pharmacy and in a cosmetics store.

This product contains:

  • Zinc oxide;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Lactulose;
  • Willow bark extract.

Is calendula effective against acne?

The medicine is great for people with oily skin. Thanks to the vitamin A content in the product, the secretion of subcutaneous sebum is significantly reduced. This natural remedy also helps tighten enlarged pores.

When acne appears on the skin, you can safely treat it with calendula tincture, because it has the following healing properties:

  • calendula is an excellent antiseptic (the skin is disinfected, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed);
  • accelerates skin regeneration, promotes rejuvenation;
  • has a smoothing effect;
  • can get rid of acne spots, as it has a whitening effect;
  • thanks to the astringent effect, the skin becomes soft, excess oil is removed, enlarged pores are narrowed;
  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

An alcohol solution of calendula can be used for both single pimples and acne. The tincture is also often added to the compositions of various homemade masks, lotions, creams and tonics, recipes for which we will provide below.

You can treat acne not only with calendula tincture, but also with other remedies based on this plant - freshly squeezed juice, various masks and oil applications.

Find out the reasons why acne occurs on women's temples. How to use Tsindol suspension for acne on the face? Instructions and reviews.

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