What disease do small itchy pimples on the body indicate?

Why do pimples appear and itch on the body?58

If small pimples all over your body itch, this may be a manifestation of one of the following dermatological diseases:

  • Atopic dermatitis. It is a multifactorial inflammatory skin disease characterized by itching. The clinical picture of the disease may differ, including manifesting itself in the form of papules and vesicles.
  • Bullous pemphigoid. The disease, as a rule, begins with the appearance of an erythematous, urticaria-like rash, papules, which are accompanied by itching.
  • Vasculitis. The eczematoid type is characterized by the appearance of hemosiderosis, petechiae, eczematization (swelling, redness, papulovesicles, crusts), and the affected area is itchy.
  • Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. The disease manifests itself from birth or from an early age. It is characterized by the formation of bubbles. In adults, the disease manifests itself in the form of plaques, lichenoid papules on the legs, and onychodystrophy. Severe itching provokes the appearance of milia and excoriations.
  • Contact dermatitis. In addition to swelling, vesicles, and bullous rash, itching is also evident, sometimes the lesions hurt, and a burning sensation occurs.
  • Hives. It may appear as small pimples on the body, they itch, and less often there is a burning sensation.
  • Scabies is a parasitic dermatological disease

Treatment of acne in men

Most representatives of the stronger sex are careless about their health and do not always agree to a comprehensive examination of the body. However, without determining the exact cause of acne, it is impossible to effectively treat it.

To remove acne in men, local agents with an antibacterial effect, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve skin irritation, are most often used. In case of endocrine origin of the rash, you may need to take hormonal medications.

In some situations, it is necessary to evacuate the contents of purulent lesions. In this case, manual skin cleaning is performed. It is not recommended to perform this procedure on your own, since the pus and infection it contains can penetrate into the surrounding tissues and cause more severe inflammation.

Mechanical removal of ulcers is performed using a needle, which is pre-disinfected. The skin in the area of ​​the purulent focus is punctured, then the contents are evacuated out using special medical instruments. The acne site is treated with an antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory agent is applied.

In some cases, autohemotherapy is indicated. The procedure involves taking blood from the patient and then administering it intramuscularly. This method activates the body's protective functions and helps cleanse the skin.

In what cases is Clindovit® prescribed?

Clindovit® gel is an anti-acne drug containing clindamycin phosphate, which upon contact with the skin is hydrolyzed to clindamycin6. This antibiotic lincosamide exhibits antimicrobial activity against a large number of strains of propionibacteria. Clindovit® also helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin6.

The base also includes auxiliary components:

  • Allantoin. Helps the skin regenerate, has an anti-inflammatory effect4.
  • Emollient. Helps soften and moisturize the skin5.

Clindovit® is recommended for use in combination therapy, combining with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide28. This improves the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.

Internal factors for the development of acne in men

Skin rashes can signal malfunctions of internal organs, in particular those that affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Acne can appear as a result of:

  • poor nutrition, alcohol abuse. Spicy and fatty foods, as well as sugar, activate the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum in excess, which leads to clogging of the ducts and the appearance of acne in men;
  • hormonal imbalance. It may be a consequence of endocrine disorders or taking hormonal drugs. For this reason, sebum becomes thicker and clogs the ducts;
  • dysbacteriosis, constipation and other disorders of the digestive system. Typically, these pimples are firm to the touch;
  • psychosomatic disorders. The appearance of acne on the body can be associated with the mood and emotional state of a man. If rashes appear after stress or nervous breakdowns, you should consult a neurologist;
  • diseases of the spine, intercostal neuralgia. In this case, acne on a man’s body is located along the spinal column or in the area of ​​the ribs;
  • weakening of the immune system. For example, against the background of frequent respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reaction. Most often, allergies in the form of rashes are the body’s reaction to components of washing powders, body care products, and food;
  • a larger number of hair follicles, which is typical for the male body as a whole. The excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, located in the area of ​​the mouth of the bulb, become clogged with sebum and particles of the epidermis, which causes inflammation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver. If it does not cope with its task of cleansing the body and neutralizing toxins, then pustules may appear on the skin.

What does the skin have in common with the liver?

One of the many tasks of the liver is to remove waste products from the body. If for some reason the liver cells stop doing this job, the secretion increases through the skin. This manifests itself as rashes, changes in skin color, etc.

Check your liver if you see:

  • early age-related changes - fatty hepatosis, hepatitis of various origins
  • blood dew (Tuzhilin syndrome) is a sign of a number of diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas (photo No. 1)
  • vesicles and papules - often appear during an autoimmune process in the liver and viral hepatitis (photo No. 2)
  • acne – fatty liver degeneration and cell inflammation – non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
  • spider veins (so-called spiders) - frequent signs of hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, alcoholic liver disease (photo No. 3)
  • jaundice is a sign of the release of bile pigments into the blood due to a mechanical obstruction to the outflow of bile or damage to liver cells (photo No. 4)
  • liver palms - appears due to the accumulation of estrogen in cirrhosis
  • excoriation - scratching due to itching of the skin in hepatitis and cirrhosis
  • urticaria - although not directly related to the liver, it may indirectly indicate increased allergization caused by a disease in this organ
  • bruises without visible injury are a sign of bleeding disorders, pancreatic diseases
  • white spots on the nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth - a sign of vitamin deficiency, anemia, intestinal diseases
  • stretch marks (striae) - often appear with the accumulation of fluid and an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity in cirrhosis
  • enlarged abdomen and “jellyfish head” - ascites and dilation of the subcutaneous veins of the abdominal cavity - signs of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension, also found in cancer of internal organs (photo No. 5).

Types of acne and methods of treatment

The word “pimple” is a collective term that is popularly used to describe the entire spectrum of dermatological imperfections. In medicine, the following types of acne on the face are distinguished:


This is what a future purulent pimple arises from. Hair follicles (pores) become clogged with sebum, dead cells, impurities and/or cosmetics. Further development of the process is possible according to two scenarios, according to which two types are distinguished.

Closed comedones (whiteheads / milia / millet) - resemble dense, white, protruding balls (1-2 mm in diameter), covered with a thin layer of epidermis. Because of them, the terrain becomes lumpy. The contents of the pore are localized deeply and are blocked from the external environment. Therefore, the color of sebum remains yellowish-white, for which they are also called wen.

Characteristic for combination and oily skin types. There is no pain or itching from them. Inflammation occurs when tissues become infected. The result is scars, scars.

Treatment. Various types of peeling are suitable: mechanical, chemical, vacuum, ultrasonic. For care, you should choose sebum-regulating products (masks, gels, creams).

Open comedones (blackheads) - unlike whiteheads, are not covered with a layer of keratinized cells. The pores are open, and the sebaceous plug is exposed to air and oxidized by oxygen. Therefore, the fat darkens, becoming black.

Treatment. First of all, proper care taking into account your skin type, regular chemical peels and other exfoliating methods (clay masks, warming masks, gommage, scrubs, rolls and film masks).

Important! All skin care products and decorative cosmetics must be marked “non-comedogenic.”

When an infection enters a comedone, two types of red pimples are formed: papules and pustules.


This is the name of a full-fledged pimple in the form of a lump, tubercle or ball. These are monochromatic formations, the color of which varies from red to bluish. During palpation they turn pale, turn white due to compression of the vessels, and then return to their original color. When pressing, severe pain is felt - a sign of inflammation. There is pus inside the papule, the adjacent skin is noticeably swollen. If they form in the upper layers of the skin, they dissolve without a trace. When deep-seated, this type of acne leaves behind scars.

Treatment. You won’t be able to get rid of them on your own and it’s not worth it, since the purulent focus is located deep in the dermis. When squeezed out, the infection can spread to healthy areas, as well as swelling, and even sepsis is possible. The dermatologist will select combined methods: reviewing the diet, giving up certain types of cosmetics, and the correct selection of skin care products. The dermatologist will select acne spot treatments and drying lotions. They should contain components such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and zinc.


Such a pimple arises either on its own or from a papule. In contrast to the latter, it resembles a highly swollen ball, which at the base has a red, inflamed border and a head with liquid or white/yellow pus in the center. This is the result of the proliferation of bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci - in the pores. Once ripe, the pustules burst. The resulting wound makes the human body vulnerable to the penetration of new bacteria. They cause great discomfort to their owner, as they are painful even at rest. In addition, scars remain as a memory of them.

Treatment. If the epithelium is prone to forming pustules, it is worth choosing sebum-regulating creams and serums as care products. Pharmaceutical drying and anti-inflammatory drugs based on alcohol and salicylic acid are effective for treatment. Iodine also does a good job.

This is the name of a severe and painful form of acne. They look like several papules and pustules connected to each other by fistulous ducts deep in the dermis. The cause is hormonal changes, which is typical for adolescents, but also occurs in adults. If squeezed out, they spread under the skin and cause widespread inflammation. After healing, keloid scars form.

Treatment. It begins with a consultation with a dermatologist and a hormone test. Sometimes areas of inflammation are injected with cortisone to stop the inflammatory process. Cold compresses help slow down the spread of infection. It is important to maintain cleanliness and promptly exfoliate the stratum corneum using chemical peeling. In advanced cases, creams and serums with vitamin A are used.

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