Acne on the face after alcohol and other consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages

Read in the article:

  1. Causes of acne after drinking alcohol
  2. Places where acne appears
  3. How to cure acne
  4. Allergy to alcohol

Even if your skin is perfect, a single dose of alcohol can lead to the formation of acne, rashes, and redness. Ethanol washes out collagen, vitamins A and E. After drinking alcohol, the skin becomes dull, dries out, and loses protection from the environment. The more often a person drinks, the higher the likelihood of rashes.

Dehydration and swelling73

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to dehydration. Fluid from the cells is released into the intercellular space, accumulating in it. This explains why facial swelling appears in the morning after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Swelling mainly occurs under gases. There is most subcutaneous fat fiber here, which attracts moisture. Just a couple of seemingly harmless glasses of red wine can lead to morning swelling not only of the face, but also of the legs and fingers. By the way, dark circles under the eyes are also explained by dehydration.

Why do acne appear on the face after drinking alcohol?

It is no secret that after drinking alcoholic beverages, toxins accumulate in the body. To protect it from the harmful effects of harmful substances, the liver devotes all its strength to their safe neutralization. However, its resources are not always enough to completely protect the body from the negative effects of alcohol. In case of severe intoxication and dehydration, acne forms on the skin.

There are other reasons that explain the formation of acne from alcohol on the face:

  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • violation of blood microcirculation;
  • excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in cells;
  • dysfunction of the sweat glands;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic disorder.

Drinking alcohol provokes a temporary surge in testosterone. This hormone can increase the oiliness of the skin, which will ultimately lead to clogged pores, the formation of comedones and inflammatory elements.

Ethanol causes blood vessels to constrict, making them vulnerable. Because of this, the skin turns pale and the complexion may become gray. Due to the disruption of the protective barrier, it is easier for bacteria to penetrate into the pores. The skin also becomes defenseless against them due to a decrease in the level of leukocytes caused by alcohol consumption.

People often eat a lot of snacks while drinking alcohol. Therefore, not only alcohol, but also fatty, spicy, smoked foods can have a negative effect on the skin.

When you discover new pimples* on your face, do not rush to diagnose yourself. Contact a specialist for advice. He will not only find out the cause of the rashes, but also give recommendations on how to combat them.


After drinking alcohol, the face turns red. We are not talking about a cute blush, but about stretched blood vessels, the appearance of a web of capillaries. This is explained by the fact that alcohol leads to disruption of microcirculation in small vessels. Among dermatologists there is a term “alcoholic face”. It appears in people who have disturbances in water-mineral balance. In this case, dehydration of the upper layers of the skin occurs, vasodilation, fluid retention in areas prone to this (for example, under the eyes).

What to do if alcohol causes acne*?

Acne* on the face may not appear immediately from drinking alcohol. But if you are sure that it was the consumption of an alcoholic drink that caused the rash, you need to completely give up alcohol. It will be useful to adjust your diet in general, for example, avoid eating fatty meats, desserts, and baked goods. Reducing foods high in glucose, bromine, and iodine is beneficial for problem skin50. But a specialist should adjust nutrition and prescribe a diet.

Thus, for mild to moderate acne, topical antibiotics, for example, Clindovit®18 gel, can be prescribed. It helps reduce the level of free fatty acids and exhibits antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes 6.


Premature aging73

Alcohol has diuretic properties. Loss of water leads to skin becoming dull, dry, and wrinkles becoming more pronounced. Due to a decrease in the level of vitamin A, which is a strong antioxidant, collagen synthesis decreases. The face looks sagging.

Dehydration is explained by a decrease in the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. Urine production increases and water absorption is blocked. As a result, new wrinkles appear and skin oiliness increases.

How does skin change after quitting smoking?

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Is there a chance to regain natural beauty by quitting smoking?

After you quit smoking, your body begins a large-scale “cleansing” and a whole series of restoration processes that affect all organs and systems, including the skin.

Every smoker has heard that addiction to cigarettes has a bad effect on your appearance. But unfortunately, the person himself is not able to notice these changes - they appear gradually, and one gets the impression that “it has always been this way.”

However, these changes (by the way, not for the better) are more noticeable to others. If you meet a childhood friend whom you haven't seen for several years, he will notice at first glance that you look much worse. Youth, freshness, and natural radiance leave, giving way to a painful grayish-yellowish color, dryness, sagging and wrinkles.


The skin takes the most powerful blow, because the destructive habit “hits” it not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Whenever a person goes out for a smoke break, cigarette smoke (including second-hand smoke, which contains more than 4 thousand toxic chemicals and compounds) is constantly in contact with the body. This is most noticeable on the skin of the fingers with which you hold the cigarette - characteristic yellow-brown spots form on them.

Negative effects also occur at the internal level: nicotine activates in smokers a gene responsible for the production of an enzyme that destroys collagen, a protein responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin. In order to preserve collagen, vitamins C and E are needed, but nicotine interferes with their normal absorption. As a result, sagging skin and wrinkles in smokers may appear 10-20 years earlier than nature intended.

But that's not all.

Smoking constricts blood vessels. Absolutely everything, including small capillaries, which are responsible for delivering blood to all tissues. At the same time, the content of oxygen and nutrients in the blood decreases, skin cells are in a state of constant starvation.

Regeneration processes are disrupted - for example, the width of the scar after laparoscopy in smokers is on average 7 mm, while in non-smoking women it is only 3 mm.

Having realized the colossal harm that addiction to cigarettes causes to one’s appearance, many are interested in how a person’s skin behaves after completely quitting smoking. Will it begin to recover, or is it impossible to change anything? How long does this process take, and is there any hope of returning natural beauty?


Fortunately, the human body is an amazing mechanism that always tries to get rid of everything unnecessary and heal itself. Therefore, within 2-3 weeks after quitting smoking you will notice significant changes in your appearance, and after 6 weeks the skin of your face and body will be restored almost completely:

  • collagen and elastin fibers will stop breaking down, and therefore the surface of the skin will become much softer and more elastic;
  • the sickly pale complexion with a yellowish or gray tint will disappear - rosy cheeks and a natural, even tone will await you in the mirror;
  • cellulite on the thighs and buttocks will become almost invisible;
  • you will forget about constant irritation and pimples;
  • small wrinkles will be almost completely smoothed out, and large ones will become less noticeable.

It is worth emphasizing that how quickly these changes will occur and what the final result will be depends on many factors. First of all, this is, of course, genetics - if you are prone to the early appearance of wrinkles or dryness on their own, then your skin will not become perfectly smooth. It also matters what kind of lifestyle you lead, what you eat and drink - fast food, chips, crackers and canned foods also do not have a very good effect on the skin, and therefore, if you are not averse to enjoying something similar, radical changes in appearance may not happen.

And yet, quitting smoking is a huge step towards beauty and youth, because you will eliminate one of the most destructive factors. This means that positive changes, at least minimal, will still begin to occur. If you don’t believe me, take a photo now and in a few weeks and see how much you have changed. We promise - the result will pleasantly surprise you!


You need to understand that new cells are formed in the inner layers. And until those who were born during the nicotine attack come to the surface and live for some time, the new ones will remain inside.

The most common skin care procedures will help speed up skin restoration:

  • peeling - it is best to use natural masks and scrubs made from fresh ingredients;
  • massage;
  • washing with cool water, green tea or mineral water mixed with citrus juice;
  • proper nutrition with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.

After quitting smoking, the body needs some time to eliminate nicotine from metabolism and adjust to a new operating mode. Therefore, in the first 2-3 weeks, the skin condition may worsen: it will begin to peel, rashes and pimples will appear, dryness, and a feeling of tightness. Don’t worry: this is absolutely normal, and most importantly, a temporary phenomenon. Wait just 1-1.5 months - and you yourself will admire that healthy person, shining with freshness and joy, who smiles from the mirror!

The effect of alcoholic drinks on the body

All strong drinks contain ethyl alcohol, the breakdown products of which gradually destroy the body. First of all, the mucous membranes of the stomach suffer from this addiction.

Ethyl has a detrimental effect on the liver. This can also happen with large amounts of alcohol taken at one time. And with regular drinking of alcohol in moderate doses.

The impaired functioning of this organ contributes to a more intensive removal of toxins through the epidermis. As a result, ulcers form in the area of ​​the nose and bridge of the nose.

This helps to reduce the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and slow down the metabolic process. In this case, rashes begin to form on the chin, shoulders, chest and back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Auxiliary components included in some types of beer or wine often cause the development of allergies. Then, subcutaneous ulcers or small red spots that itch first form on the body. They then begin to grow and spread throughout the skin.

If alcohol consumption continues, this leads to dryness of the epidermis, and then to a violation of its integrity. This increases the risk of ingesting pathogenic microorganisms that cause skin infections.

How to deal with a rash caused by alcohol?

The very first thing to do in such a situation is to completely give up alcohol. At least temporarily. But even Prohibition will not get rid of acne in a short time.

It will take a long time to fight them, and this will require an integrated approach. You definitely need to get tested. The treatment plan is tailored to each person individually.

Main stages of treatment

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins. To do this, you will need either therapy in a medical facility, or self-administration of medications at home, for example, activated carbon (only as prescribed by a doctor!).
  2. Nutrition adjustments. You need to include in your diet as many foods as possible that contain antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish, dairy products), as well as foods with fiber - cabbage, legumes. If there is no pronounced allergy, you can consume honey and pollen. Exclude citrus fruits, coffee, sweets. Drink as much water, green tea, and herbal infusions as possible. Use herbal infusions and sorbents.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. If possible, you need to give up bad habits, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, and play sports.
  4. Conduct a comprehensive examination of internal organs and undergo treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Provide proper skin care and regularly carry out cosmetic procedures.

You can also try traditional recipes. But it is important to keep in mind that they do not help everyone and not always. Any non-traditional treatment methods can be used only after consultation with doctors!

Most often in such cases it is recommended:

  • masks with cosmetic clay;
  • treating the skin with decoctions of burdock root, string, chamomile, calendula (you can take baths with these herbs if you have acne all over your body);
  • make scrubs;
  • use alcohol-free cosmetics.

It must be remembered that any skin problems due to alcohol are most often complex in nature. And treatment will require many different means and methods. But this problem cannot be left unresolved.

Human skin is a very sensitive and receptive tissue. And sometimes even the most harmless pimples can cause serious illness, even cancer!


  1. The influx of frequent addiction to alcohol on the skin and the backbone of people’s health / Dyudyun A. D., Reznichenko N. Yu. / 2015 / Medical perspectives.
  2. Cutaneous manifestations of harmful alcohol consumption. The importance of knowing symptoms by primary care doctors / Barinova A.N., Kuznetsova O.Yu., Trofimov P.N., Boyarsky S.G., Plavinsky S.L. / 2013 / Russian family doctor.
  3. A Year of Self-Care: One Habit per Month on the Path to Health and Happiness: 18+ / Jennifer Ashton, Sarah Toland; lane from English E. Kupriyanova. – 2nd ed. – Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2022. – 254 p.

Causes of rash after drinking alcohol

With regular consumption of alcohol (and even more so with abuse), all disturbances in the normal functioning of internal organs appear on the human skin. It is not for nothing that when intoxicated, the face turns very red, and the next day after drinking it often takes on a dark red appearance. Depending on the place where acne appeared after alcohol, we can conclude what exactly is the cause:

  • on the head - problems with the liver and pancreas;
  • on the back and below it – gastrointestinal diseases;
  • throughout the body - a general defeat of the immune system.

Alcohol has a strong effect on the entire metabolic system in the human body. Many people are concerned about why acne appears on the face after drinking alcohol? The main causes are liver disease (hormone imbalances), as well as loss of vascular elasticity and disruption of normal blood circulation. In chronic alcoholics, darkening of the skin becomes permanent, as well as swelling of the face.

How to choose the safest type of beer for your skin

Many people are afraid to drink beer because of its high carbohydrate content. Indeed, 100 grams of rye drink can contain up to 30 grams of carbohydrates, while a glass of white wine contains only 4 grams. Therefore, if you want to drink a little alcohol, it is better to give preference to natural wine.

In people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, acne can actually appear almost immediately after drinking beer. Excess carbohydrates also lead to an increase in insulin levels, which is a powerful stimulator of the sebaceous glands. If it is not possible to refuse a foamy drink, you must at least choose the safest variety for the skin.

It's best to eat low-carb options:

  • Amstel (2.9 g);
  • Miller Light (3 g);
  • Kronenbourg 1664 blanc (4 g).

Regular light beers contain 10-15 grams of carbohydrates, while strong dark beers can contain up to 30% carbohydrates.

But in fact, the skin suffers not from the beer itself, but from snacks, which are usually consumed in addition to the foamy drink. Chips, crackers and fatty sausages are real “carbohydrate bombs”.

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