What to do if after peeling there is a red face, swelling, peeling and other skin reactions?

Benefits of the procedure

It is very important to cleanse your facial skin regularly. Peeling helps to do this more thoroughly, which has a beneficial effect on the skin as a whole. So, thanks to the procedure:

  • Stimulating the metabolic process in epidermal cells.
  • Normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Elimination of excess oiliness or dryness of the skin.
  • Smoothing the relief.
  • Correction of scars, scars and post-acne.
  • Evens out skin tone, fights pigmentation and freckles.
  • Giving the skin unprecedented elasticity and tightening.
  • Comprehensive skin health, reducing the risk of acne.

Cleaning is an excellent prevention of early aging processes, sagging tissues and the appearance of deep wrinkles.

Jessner peeling in the center

Bionika beauty and health center cosmetologists perform a peeling procedure using safe preparations and carefully monitor the skin's reaction during the session. The condition of the dermis, the nature of the existing problems and their severity must be assessed in advance. A professional approach allows you to restore beauty, health and youthful appearance to the skin when signs of aging, acne, oily seborrhea, age spots, post-acne and other indications appear. After chemical exfoliation, the specialist gives detailed recommendations for home care, which will allow you to achieve the most pronounced results and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for possible consequences

Consequences may or may not be acceptable. Acceptable ones arise almost always and in everyone due to invasive manipulations as a reaction to chemical or mechanical stress.

Unacceptable consequences primarily arise due to the low professionalism of the cosmetologist, violation of aseptic and antiseptic rules by the client, incorrect facial cleansing technique, etc.

The possibility of dangerous consequences also depends on the correct determination of facial skin characteristics.

How to remove the effects of peeling

You can remove the unpleasant consequences of a cosmetic procedure by finding out their cause:

  1. If the redness factor is severe erythema, then you can remove the redness using the drug “Bepanten”, anesthetic gel “Psilo-balm”, ointment “Syntomycin”.
  2. Irritation that causes acne is quickly eliminated with Advantan cream or Metrogyl gel.
  3. If chemical burn spots appear after peeling, it is best to use Panthenol spray. Until the burn goes away, you need to drink as much water as possible and avoid being in direct sunlight. If the spots begin to fester, the skin is treated with Chlorhexidine. To quickly remove a burn from your face, you can use Solcoseryl gel.
  4. In case of an allergic reaction, if it is not severe, antihistamines are taken in tablet or injection form. For an itchy face, you can use any antiallergic ointment. If the allergy is severe, the face itches very much and the face burns after peeling, then the doctor will prescribe steroid hormonal drugs. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, especially if the allergic reaction is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Medicines are prescribed only by a medical specialist, and in some cases hospitalization is required.
  5. The method of treating swelling is determined by the cause of the pathological condition: individual intolerance to the chemical or impaired blood circulation. Massage can help get rid of the problem. But therapy in each specific case is prescribed only by a doctor.

Acceptable Consequences

After deep laser peeling, facial resurfacing or dry cleaning, the following processes are considered quite normal:

  • Redness of some areas of the skin. The severity of erythema depends on the aggressiveness of the effect on the skin. If the patient follows all the rules of facial care after the procedure, the problem will resolve itself within the first few days.
  • Peeling. This process indicates the rejection of damaged dermal fibers and their regeneration. To make peeling end faster, it is recommended to use ointments or creams with a healing effect.
  • Slight swelling of the skin around the eyes and mouth. This is explained by the excess permeability of small capillaries and vessels in these areas of the face. In a couple of days there will be no trace of swelling left.
  • Feeling of tightness of the dermis. This unpleasant feeling can be eliminated with the help of toners and moisturizing creams. It is important that the products used are hypoallergenic and recommended by cosmetologists.
  • Uniform darkening of the skin. This phenomenon on the face disappears within 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Excessive sensitivity of the dermis. This consequence of the procedure lasts the longest (1 week – 1 year). Excessive sensitivity of the skin is characterized by an uncomfortable reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, and mechanical influences.

All these effects are temporary, so there is no need for any treatment. It is important to follow the basic rules for caring for the dermis after the cleansing procedure.


  • If a film appears on the face after medial peeling, it is better to eat pureed, soft food in order to strain the facial muscles less.
  • It is forbidden to remove flaky layers of skin or formed crusts - this is one of the reasons for the appearance of scars after peeling. The skin should cleanse itself of dead cells, even if it takes a long time - a week or more (it all depends on the type of peeling and the degree of its effect on the epidermis). Washing and applying moisturizer is all you can do to help your skin during this period.
  • During the period of skin restoration, you cannot use decorative cosmetics; in extreme cases, only light tinting of the eyes and lips is allowed. You can switch to your usual facial care products when the skin gets rid of the primary effects of peeling: redness, swelling, peeling.
  • It is advisable to plan the medial peeling so that 3-4 days after it can be done at home and not go outside in order to avoid any environmental exposure.
  • In the first 3 months after chemical peeling, it is strictly forbidden to visit a bathhouse, solarium, sauna, or go outside without a cream that reliably protects against sun rays (with an SPF effect of 30 or more). The same applies to trips to hot countries. The consequences of violating these requirements can be quite disastrous - scars or age spots will appear on skin that has not completely healed, and serious inflammatory processes will begin in the layers of the dermis, which can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. That is why all peelings are recommended to be carried out during periods of low sun activity - in autumn and winter.

Ingestion of vitamins has a positive effect on the regeneration process and the elimination of possible inflammation. By the way, vitamins A and C will enhance the effect of whitening products, if they are prescribed by a specialist.

In case of unusual situations, for example, with a strong and persistent burning sensation, persistent redness, signs of allergies - this can be caused by both the peeling itself and the products used during the recovery period for skin care - you should immediately contact your doctor and get recommendations for further actions. Sometimes it may be necessary to prescribe a whole range of drugs and special procedures that will help avoid possible complications.

Thus, the result of chemical peeling largely depends not only on the skill of the cosmetologist, but also on your efforts. A little patience - and as a reward you will receive a refreshed and rejuvenated face.

Find out the cost of the Chemical Peeling procedure

What to do if red spots appear?

Redness after cleansing your face is normal. In most cases, it goes away within the first hours after the procedure, in extreme cases – after a few days. In order to remove redness, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Take proper care of your skin after cleansing your face.
  • Switch to proper nutrition, while giving up fatty and sweet foods, as well as carbonated drinks.
  • Drink enough clean water per day.
  • Use only proven and hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  • Try not to wash your face with hot water and use a scrub.
  • Avoid foundation and powder.

If the redness still does not go away, then seek help from a specialist.

Mild swelling

Swelling is also considered a natural consequence of the peeling procedure, which occurs due to the strong effect on the sensitive fibers of the skin.

Minor swelling appears only a day after dry cleaning. To avoid such a problem, the cosmetologist must accurately determine the concentration of the acidic agent used.

Dark spots

Some women may be concerned about pigmentation that appears after cleansing their face. But under no circumstances should you be upset or worried. Dark spots are produced by areas of the dermis that have been exposed to an exfoliant.

How to get rid of this problem? It is enough just to carefully care for the skin, because darkening is due to outdated skin cells. After some time, the skin will begin to peel off, after which the spots will disappear completely. This takes about a week.

Face itches

Most often, itching after peeling is accompanied by an allergic reaction. In addition to itchy skin, allergy symptoms include:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • red spots on the face;
  • rash;
  • labored breathing.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to an allergist.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

Quincke's edema should be distinguished from ordinary post-procedure swelling. Usually, due to increased permeability of the vessels located in the skin layers, sensitive areas of the face (near the eyes, neck) swell. Most often, such a reaction of skin tissue is observed after TSA and retinoic peeling.

Quincke's edema does not go away, increases without taking therapeutic measures, spreads to areas of the face not affected by aggressive drugs, and can provoke serious complications that require hospitalization.

Unacceptable consequences

You should only worry and sound the alarm if the following defects are observed on your face:

  • An allergic reaction, which is manifested by itching, severe swelling and multiple rashes.
  • Persistent and prolonged erythema. This is most often encountered by people suffering from rosacea. This type of redness can be observed on the face for about 1 year. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, avoid visiting a bathhouse or sauna, as well as avoid alcohol, spicy and spicy foods.
  • Herpes on the face. You need to start fighting it immediately after you discover it. To do this, use medications with an antiviral effect.
  • Marble dermis effect. It may appear after deep cleansing of the face due to massive destruction of melanocytes. It is impossible to completely eliminate the shade of marble; only correction is possible.
  • A clearly defined dividing line. Women with dark skin types may face this problem. The only way to get rid of the demarcation boundary is through superficial cleaning.
  • Multiple acne. To eliminate them, you need to use vitamin complexes and antibiotics.
  • Scars of hypertrophic and keloid types. Their appearance depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body and skin. This problem can only be solved surgically, using laser resurfacing, etc.

Severe swelling and itching

These symptoms of an allergic reaction are very dangerous for the body, especially swelling. Most patients experience an itchy face after a harsh peel. It is possible that this procedure is not suitable for your skin, so you should no longer resort to it.

The situation with swelling is much more dangerous, because in some cases angioedema may appear. If you do not seek medical help in time, death is likely.

If the face is not very swollen, it is enough to use antihistamines. If you experience heavy breathing, pronounced and unbearable itching, emergency treatment is urgently needed.

After peeling: restoration and skin care

Peels and resurfacing are popular. However, many are put off from these procedures by stories about their unpleasant consequences. What should you believe and how to recover faster after peelings? Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Medical Cosmetology at the Central Research Dermatovenerological Institute in Moscow, advises


— How true are the stories about the frightening consequences of peelings?

— In every fairy tale, of course, there is some truth. Any chemical peeling, microcrystalline dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing always damages the skin. Naturally, after such procedures a protective inflammatory reaction develops. Redness, swelling appears, and the skin peels off. All of these are completely expected reactions that go away on their own after some time.

But if the patient was not properly prepared for peeling or resurfacing, or these procedures were not initially indicated for him, “unexpected” consequences may occur.

— What exactly will patients have to face after peeling or resurfacing?

— During the first days after the procedure, the skin remains dehydrated. In addition, redness is sure to occur. Its intensity and duration depend on the depth and type of exposure. For example, after peeling with fruit acids, only slight redness occurs, which goes away after a couple of hours.

While after peeling with trichloroacetic acid, the skin remains red for up to two days. And after retinoic or medium peels, bright redness lasts up to 5 days.

In addition, after such procedures, the skin will definitely peel off. Peels with fruit acids are again the most comfortable. After them, peeling begins on the 2-3rd day and lasts only a couple of days. But other types of peelings will “delight” you with severe peeling, which can last a whole week.

Consequences such as swelling of the skin are common, which also goes away with time.

— Is it possible to somehow reduce the severity of all these phenomena?

- Without a doubt. To do this, you need to properly care for your skin. The main task is to moisturize it and restore the damaged barrier layer. In the first days, it is best to use cosmetics in the form of gels or foam. They are easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

Approximately on the 3-5th day you can switch to creams. They must contain moisturizing, restorative and protective substances, as well as antioxidants.

It is very important to strictly observe the hygiene regime. Try to touch the skin as little as possible - after peeling it is very vulnerable.

Under no circumstances should you indulge in self-medication. Some herbal mask according to your grandmother’s recipe can provoke an allergic reaction, which will increase the rehabilitation time several times.

— Is it possible to develop an allergy to the peeling itself?

- Very rarely. Allergies can only be caused by additional components included in the peeling. In addition, post-peeling masks and creams contain active ingredients that can also trigger a reaction. Here you need to act immediately. As soon as redness, itching and swelling appear, an intramuscular injection of antihistamines should be given. To prevent this from happening, you need to inform your doctor about any allergic reactions you have experienced before the procedure.

In general, it is important to talk in detail about all diseases. For example, after peeling you may experience an exacerbation of herpes. And this is fraught with the formation of scars. Therefore, if you have an exacerbation of herpes more than twice a year, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

— What should you do when one of the expected reactions after peeling lasts longer? For example, if redness and swelling do not go away in due time.

- This is a very unfavorable reaction. Essentially, it says that the peeling was not selected and carried out correctly. The important thing here is not to hesitate and take action as quickly as possible. In such cases, a whole range of drugs is used: antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs. Zinc preparations and steroid creams are also prescribed.

All recommendations must be strictly followed. Because such reactions can lead to the development of persistent hypersensitivity of the skin.

This is much more difficult to deal with. Increased sensitivity especially often develops in people with thin and dull skin. It also affects those who have undergone medium or repeated deep peeling twice on the same area of ​​skin within a year. Hypersensitivity can last up to a year. Microcurrent therapy and special cosmetics help to cope with it.

— Sometimes the face remains red for several months after peeling. With what it can be connected?

- This is also a common complication. Patients with spider veins are prone to it, for whom the type of peeling was again chosen incorrectly. Persistent redness can last from a month to a year.

To speed up this process, it is important to avoid active sun, intense physical activity, and not visit the sauna or bathhouse. It is also worth adjusting your diet and giving up alcohol, hot and spicy foods, and marinades.

It is very useful to take Omega-3 during this period. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. By the way, it is also effective before peeling. For external use, a “vasoconstrictor tonic” is used, which can be ordered at a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription.

In order to get rid of spider veins, they can be photocoagulated two to three months after peeling. For the complete disappearance of burst vessels, at least three sessions will be required, which are carried out once a month.

In addition, the situation can be improved by vascular medications, such as Lyoton gel or Arnica cream. They are joined by microcurrent therapy and mesotherapy. The latter, however, is used with caution. Still, this procedure is quite painful. And patients after not very successful peeling are especially sensitive to such manipulations.

— How often can pigment spots appear after peeling and polishing?

— This question is primarily related to the selection of the procedure. Thus, after peeling with fruit acids, as well as retinoic, phytin, phenolic and dermabrasion, hyperpigmentation practically does not occur. While after a median chemical peel with trichloroacetic acid and laser resurfacing, it is quite likely.

In addition, according to our observations, some physiotherapeutic procedures after peeling can also provoke the appearance of age spots. This applies, for example, to electrical lymphatic drainage and ultrasound therapy. All this should be taken into account by those whose skin is prone to hyperpigmentation.

Such patients require special pre-peeling preparation. They are also prescribed a whole range of medications that need to be used after peeling.

If pigment spots do appear, whitening procedures will be needed. In most cases, they help solve the problem.

What to do in case of burns?

A burn after a chemical (glycolic or salicylic) peel is a reaction of the human body to protect itself from the strong effects of the substances used. If the procedure is performed correctly, only mild burns occur, which are characterized by slight redness and hardening of the dermis.

With more severe burns, the face is red, the skin may become blistered and cracked, and may also turn brown, which then turns yellow. How should burns be treated after facial cleansing?

  • Apply a restorative ointment containing panthenol to the skin to quickly heal the wound and renew skin cells.
  • Use anti-inflammatory drugs, such as antiseptic gels and ointments.
  • Avoid using scrubs, drying cleansers, and soaps with high sulfate content.
  • In some cases, doctors may prescribe antibiotics to prevent dermatological infections.
  • When exposed to the sun for a long time, apply a sunscreen with an increased ultraviolet filter to your skin.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  • Do not contact with water that contains chlorine and large amounts of salt.

Under no circumstances should you peel off post-burn crusts or rub your face too hard with a towel, otherwise the wounds will take even longer to heal. In addition, drink more clean water. This will stimulate the skin restoration process.

Superficial-medium peeling

This type of peeling involves the presence of slight peeling, affecting the stratum corneum with minimal penetration of part of the epidermis, and has a milder effect than the average.

The necessary medications for home care are the same as for superficial peeling (see below), however, additional emphasis is placed on:

  • Regenerating agents

Preparations capable of restoring deep skin barriers (DSE) to restore and protect the skin, as well as to prevent dehydration. These products contain ceramides, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, vegetable oils and others. They should be used 2-3 times a day, after cleansing and additionally if the skin feels dry and tight.

Example: Moisturizing cream for delicate skin, daily care DermaQuest - a cream based on valuable Argan, Jojoba, Rosehip oils, antioxidants and moisturizing complexes - instantly softens, moisturizes and creates a soothing barrier for sensitive skin. Relieves irritation and redness.

Is it possible to peel off the skin?

Many women try to tear off the skin as quickly as possible after the peeling procedure. Why should you never rip off the dermis? In this case, you can disrupt the regeneration process of the skin and its cells. To make peeling go away faster, follow your cosmetologist’s recommendations for skin care.

Main stages of peeling

Chemical exfoliation is carried out in several stages. Preparation includes removing makeup and surface contaminants, as well as treating with a special degreasing compound. Jessner's solution is then applied. The number of layers and duration of exposure are determined by the cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin, the nature, severity of the problem and the expected result. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed off with a special liquid that neutralizes the active components.

For serious rashes and defects in the relief of the dermis, a course of several sessions (up to 8) is required. After peeling, a white coating resembling frost forms on the face. After the procedure, you cannot use foundation or wash your face for a week, so you will have to leave the clinic in this form. The duration of the session is no more than 30 minutes. The action of the solution causes a burning and tingling sensation. Many salons use a small fan or fan to reduce discomfort. The recovery period takes about a week. After peeling, one day, redness, swelling, skin tightness and intense peeling are observed.

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