Septoplasty for deviated nasal septum

In any surgical operation, the recovery period is considered very important, since during this time the final result is formed. But in plastic surgery, restoration occupies a special place, since plastic surgery implies high demands not only on physiological, but also on aesthetic results. The quality of the final aesthetics depends on the characteristics of rehabilitation.

Although septoplasty is not aimed at correcting aesthetic defects, the issue of appearance cannot be relegated to last place. Noticeable marks after surgery are one of the common fears of patients considering plastic surgery. To exclude such a complication, it is enough to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period and observe the prohibitions.

Who needs septoplasty?

Septoplasty is an operation to correct a deviated nasal septum. The causes of curvature can be different, including, for example, a congenital anomaly, a previous injury, or the consequences of a disease.

People of all genders and ages experience side effects due to a deviated septum. In most cases, patients under 18 years of age are not allowed to undergo plastic surgery. But septoplasty is one of those operations that can be performed on a minor patient - if there are serious indications.

The most obvious side effect of a deviated septum is breathing problems. Due to respiratory disorders, other negative phenomena also often develop, including:

  • night snoring,
  • insufficient oxygen supply,
  • headache,
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract,
  • persistent runny nose and much more.

Septoplasty of the nasal septum: advantages of our clinic

See also Treatment of ENT diseases Correction of the nasal septum Deviation of the nasal septum Resection of the nasal septum

Patients often delay deciding on surgery, fearing the upcoming intervention to correct the nasal septum; In addition, it is quite difficult to choose from a large number of clinics and doctors in them. To make a decision in our favor, we list the main advantages of the clinic:

  1. Extensive experience and high qualifications of our ENT doctors. Every year, our clinic performs several hundred such operations.
  2. The operation is performed under endoscopic control, on an outpatient basis - that is, there is no need to take sick leave, ask for time off from work and change your lifestyle.
  3. Local anesthesia is used for pain relief.
  4. The use of high-tech equipment makes it possible to reduce trauma and shorten the postoperative rehabilitation period for the patient.
  5. Observation of the patient after the operation is free for 3 months.

If you want to restore normal breathing, restore your sense of smell, get rid of snoring and other ENT problems, improve your quality of life - come to Dr. Korenchenko’s clinic, we will be happy to help you!

How does plastic correction work?

The operation is performed using a closed or open technique. The open technique looks like this: the doctor makes incisions on the columella and along the mucous membranes of the nostrils, then carefully removes tissue from the nasal frame and begins to work directly with the cartilage tissue. After the formation of a new, even partition, all covers are returned to their place and fixed with thin, neat seams.

Recovery depends on the technique used to perform septoplasty.

The closed technique involves only one incision on the columella. The work is being carried out virtually “blindly”. Unlike the open technique, during closed surgery the doctor does not have full visual control over the working area. For this reason, the closed method is not suitable for eliminating serious defects.

After suturing, the patient is sent to the ward for a day. In fact, from this moment the recovery period after septoplasty begins.

Progress of the operation

The operation involves sequential work in two directions - with the nasal septum and in the area of ​​the inferior nasal turbinates. The intervention tactics and sequence of actions in each individual case are determined individually based on the patient’s medical history and the surgeon’s preferences. Both septoplasty and vasotomy are performed through a closed approach in the nasal cavity. If necessary or possible, the progress of the operation is monitored using an endoscope.

Straightening the nasal septum is performed by resection of deformed areas of bone or cartilage tissue. In difficult cases, the surgeon excises fragments of cartilage, gives them the required shape, and then reimplants them back with fixation with a special mesh placed in the submucosa.

At the stage of vasotomy, the inferior nasal concha may be affected on both or one side. In the layer between the epithelium and bone structures, vascular plexuses are destroyed. The impact can be carried out with a traditional scalpel, as well as through vacuum resection, ultrasonic disintegration, and laser irradiation. As a result of the reduction in the size of the hypertrophied mucous membrane, the activity of the glands becomes less active, swelling and nasal congestion go away.

During the rehabilitation period, you will have to endure some inconveniences associated with wearing tampons, temporary swelling, and the appearance of blood clots. Gradually, the nose will take on its usual shape and size and begin to breathe normally. The surgeon will tell you in detail about the restrictions in the first weeks after surgery.

Do you have problems with nasal breathing? Our experienced specialist will determine the most effective option for completely restoring nasal breathing. Come for a consultation!

First days of rehabilitation

Recovery from septoplasty in the first days is characterized by the greatest difficulties. Although modern medicine does everything to reduce these difficulties to a minimum, the patient will have to come to terms with some nuances. For example, with the forced, albeit temporary, wearing of silicone splints and a plaster cast.

Splints are inserted into the nasal passages. Previously, turundas were used for this, which completely closed the nasal passages and deprived the patient of the ability to breathe through the nose. Modern splints have channels for breathing, so the patient will not feel severe discomfort.

But wearing a plaster cast can bring pleasure to few people. However, this period must be endured. Under no circumstances should the bandage be removed or moved, as this will weaken the fixation and worsen the result. The bandage will be removed after 7-15 days, the splints will be removed even earlier - after 5-10 days. Self-dissolving sutures do not need to be removed.

After 1-2 weeks, the patient gets rid of splints, bandages and stitches.

Irrigation therapy: what is it and what is it for?

Irrigation means watering. A simple and effective method of irrigation therapy is a nasal douche. Why is this important?

Any, even minimally invasive, surgical intervention results in tissue damage, which leads to impaired blood supply, swelling and pain. The nutrition of the mucous membrane deteriorates, which leads to its dryness. And this provokes a violation of mucociliary clearance - the mechanism of self-cleaning of the respiratory tract, which is carried out by directed movements of the villi of the ciliated epithelium.

Stagnation occurs, which creates the preconditions for the development of inflammation and a purulent process. And since microorganisms and dust particles enter the nasal cavity from the external environment, the likelihood of infection is very high.

Nasal tamponade to stop bleeding additionally injures and dries the mucous membrane.

The solution to the problem is simple: a nasal shower with sea water at least every 4 hours. Solution concentration options:

  • isotonic (0.085 - 0.9%) - the same concentration in the blood and tissues of the human body. Gently removes impurities, thins mucus, softens the scab of a surgical wound, kills bacteria, promotes tissue regeneration;
  • hypertonic (up to 2.3%) - due to the higher salt concentration, the bactericidal activity and anti-edematous effect are more pronounced. The therapeutic effect is also stronger due to the greater number of trace element ions. However, some patients note irritation of the mucous membrane.

If you tolerate flushing with a hypertonic solution, then use it. For severe discomfort and irritation, use an isotonic solution.

Further recovery

Recovery from nasal septoplasty involves a number of restrictions and rules. For example, for the first two weeks you need to sleep only on your back, preferably on a hard pillow and even in a half-sitting position. It is also necessary to treat the incision sites with disinfectant solutions.

To reduce swelling, you can use special medications. Most often they come in the form of ointments that need to be applied directly to the injured area. But you cannot choose such drugs on your own and use them without consulting a surgeon - you can accidentally harm your health and spoil the result of the operation. All medications and even non-drug medications must be approved by a doctor.

Indications and contraindications for septoplasty

Septoplasty has certain medical indications, and ignoring the recommended operation can simply cause frequent illnesses, nosebleeds, hearing loss and, moreover, diseases of the internal organs, because any ailment can disrupt the functioning of the respiratory system and cause oxygen deficiency.

A distorted nasal septum has a variety of symptoms. Firstly, it may be difficulty breathing through the nose - tolerable or completely absent. With a unilateral curvature of the septum, a change in breathing is noted on the side where this curvature is detected, if there is no other interference with the entry of oxygen.

Secondly, this is snoring - it manifests itself as a result of altered breathing. Thirdly, this is chronic sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis) - with difficulty in ventilation of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis progresses and becomes chronic. Fourthly, this is a deformation of the nose from the outside. Fifthly, this is constant bleeding - it occurs due to damage to the thinned section of the mucous membrane at the top of the nasal septum. They can appear when blowing your nose or removing dry crusts from the nose using a finger or foreign object.

Sixthly, there is a decrease in hearing ability (tubootitis or eustachitis) - the obstructed passage of air into the respiratory tract provokes deterioration in ventilation of the middle ear cavity through the mouth of the nasopharynx. Seventh, this is a common trend of long-term respiratory diseases, which ultimately lead to complications (otitis media, sinusitis, etc.).

Finally, this is chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis or laryngitis - this inflammation is formed due to the ingress of poorly purified and cool air onto the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx and tonsils.

In any case, there are a number of contraindications when septoplasty cannot be performed:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • failure to take anesthesia;
  • allergic rhinitis (acute form);
  • ARVI;
  • chronic diseases for which it is impossible to administer anesthesia.


To prevent the risk of side effects, it is important to follow the established prohibitions. These include playing sports, physical activity, bending your head, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, sunbathing, taking a hot bath or shower. Heat treatments or physical activity can cause a rush of blood to the injured area, which slows down regeneration and increases recovery time after septoplasty.

You should also not use glasses, either sunglasses or regular ones, with diopters. Wearing glasses creates additional stress on the nose, which does not have the best effect on healing. During the recovery period after septoplasty, it is better to replace glasses with contact lenses or, if possible, abandon them.

It is important to understand that all restrictions are temporary. After successful rehabilitation, you can return to normal life.

When to see a doctor if breathing has not returned after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, you must strictly follow the developed rehabilitation plan. In the first 3-4 days there will be difficulty breathing - this is the norm, so no measures need to be taken.

On the 7th day, when the splint is removed and the splints are removed. Many patients note that breathing becomes more free, but for 3 weeks they may still experience difficulty breathing. At this time, the doctor may prescribe medications that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

After 3 weeks, swelling decreases by 80%. Therefore, in the period from 3 weeks to 3 months, patients may continue to complain of nasal congestion, absence or decreased sense of smell. By the end of the 3rd month, the sense of smell begins to recover. Complaints of difficulty breathing remain in 15% of patients.

How long does rehabilitation take?

One of the frequently asked questions from patients is how long it takes to recover from septoplasty. It is quite difficult to give exact dates, since this period is individual for everyone and depends on many factors. For example, in older patients or people with thick facial skin, regeneration takes longer. Also, the speed of rehabilitation is influenced by health status, volume of plastic surgery, genetic characteristics and much more.

Restoring the nose after septoplasty will be most successful if the operation was performed by a competent surgeon, and the patient himself was very responsible about the rules of the rehabilitation period. Then you can count on quick healing, and most importantly, an impeccable aesthetic result that meets your expectations.

Is it possible to use drugs to restore breathing?

Even before rhinoplasty, your plastic surgeon will give you a list of medications to take care of your nasal cavity after surgery. As a rule, it contains drops or sprays based on sea salt, softening and regenerating ointments, etc.

Unauthorized use of means to facilitate nasal breathing is strictly prohibited!

Particularly dangerous at this stage are topical vasoconstrictor drugs, so beloved by many people (based on xylometazoline, naphazoline and other components).

Remember that self-medication can lead to unpredictable and irreversible consequences, and will never help you in the long term.

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