Are blackheads on the chest dangerous, and how to eliminate them?

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Discharge from the nipples, of course, does not clearly indicate that you definitely have cancer, but in any case it is a cause for concern, especially if you are not a nursing mother, and the discharge bears little resemblance to colostrum or physiological colorless discharge

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The choice of one or another technique depends on the result of preliminary diagnosis and after consultation with a breast oncologist.

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How do blackheads on the chest form?

Morphologically, blackheads on the skin can be divided into two large categories:

  • associated with blockage of hair follicles;
  • formed as a result of local excess melanin synthesis.

Normally, sebum is secreted from the corresponding gland into the hair funnel, and from there it comes out.

With its excessive formation and increase in viscosity, fat accumulates in the epidermis around the hair, and small hard papules appear on the skin. This is how two types of comedones arise:

  1. Closed. They have the appearance of whitish papules that are prone to infection with subsequent formation of pimples.
  2. Open. They look like widened mouths of the hair funnel with a large amount of fat and dead epidermal cells. Due to excess melanin in the secretion of the glands, such comedones look like dense blackheads.

Any formations on the chest in the form of black dots must be monitored, because they can become infected and inflamed, and age spots can also degenerate into neoplasms.

Question to the expert

After 40 years, a rash in the form of 10-15 black dots appeared under my breasts. They do not protrude above the skin, but they do not disappear either. I tried to remove them and cleanse the skin with scrubs and creams, but to no avail. The mammary gland does not hurt. Is it possible to somehow squeeze out such black dots on the chest?

It is possible that you have pigment spots due to hormonal changes. If their number is not growing and they do not bother you, then you should not try to remove them. If there are suspicious changes in blackheads in the future, contact your oncologist.

Discharge from the nipple of the breast

The breast is a gland and, like any other gland, it can secrete fluid, so even a healthy woman in the absence of lactation may notice the presence of discharge. Physiological discharge can disappear on its own, without any intervention. Try not to stimulate them additionally - do not put pressure, do not wear underwear and clothes that injure the nipples and, quite possibly, the discharge will disappear on its own.

So should you be scared if you find discharge from your nipple? Yes and no. No - because discharge from the nipple is in no way a cancer or tumor, yes - because discharge can be a symptom of other mammological diseases that are no less serious than cancer and also require treatment.

What kind of nipple discharge might a woman notice?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you may occasionally leak colostrum, a thick, sticky, yellow fluid that can range in color from deep yellow to whitish. Also, a colorless, odorless liquid may be released from the nipples, and the discharge can come from either one or both breasts. Discharge can occur on its own, sometimes as a result of trauma to the breast, sometimes from compression or stimulation of the nipples (for example, during sexual intercourse). The color of the discharge should alert you - if it is brownish, dark yellow, greenish or bloody, this is a reason to contact a mammologist, and under no circumstances should you delay the visit.


For what reasons might you notice nipple discharge? Discharge from the nipples may indicate that some pathological process is developing in the breast tissue, and in order to identify its cause and prescribe proper treatment, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis by a specialist, preferably in a specialized mammology center. Doctors at the breast center identify several diseases that can cause nipple discharge.

First of all, these are pathologies of the milk ducts - the so-called ectasia, which is an expansion of the lumen of the duct, which can become inflamed, as a result of which the discharge becomes thick and rich in color. Mostly, women of a more mature age - 38-52 years old - suffer from ectasia of the milk ducts. Treatment of ectasia must be comprehensive and carried out after a comprehensive detailed diagnosis - for example, identifying the causative agent of the disease and using specific medications to treat it is of great importance.

Black spots on the chest - what to do?

If black comedones appear on the chest, there is no need to worry, because this cosmetic problem can usually be solved without drug treatment. If rashes occur all over the body, and not just on the chest, then this is a reason to consult an endocrinologist and dermatologist.

If there are internal causes of black spots on the chest, you cannot do without medical advice, because they will appear again and again until the disease that caused them is eliminated. If you have a few dark spots that don’t bother you, you can eliminate them yourself with the help of hygiene and cosmetic products.

If black spots appear on the breasts of pregnant women, it is better to consult a mammologist. After all, the skin of a growing female breast in this period is thinned, permeable and sensitive to external influences. Cosmetic creams, ointments and scrubs may not help against black comedones, but they can easily harm the susceptible mammary gland.

If the occurrence of comedones is of an allergic nature, their elimination boils down to stopping skin contact with the allergen. You can take antihistamines for several days to speed up the restoration of the skin to its normal state.

If black spots on the chest often appear among relatives, then it is quite difficult to influence their occurrence in a girl. It is almost impossible to combat the formation of comedones, which are caused by heredity. In such cases, all that remains is to prevent infection and regularly clean the skin.

Question to the expert

During my seventh month, black spots appeared on my chest during pregnancy. They cover the entire right breast above the areola. For some reason there are no rashes on my nipples. I squeezed out one of these - a thick white substance came out, but not pus. How can I treat my problem at home?

You most likely have open comedones. It is necessary to see a mammologist to assess the extent of the rash, its condition and prescribe treatment. During pregnancy, hygiene procedures are mainly indicated, because medical and salon methods can have a negative impact on the breasts.

The main causes of nipple discharge may be:

• Intraductal papilloma
• Galactorrhea

• Traumatization of the mammary glands

• Breast abscess

• Fibrocystic mastopathy

• Mammary cancer

• Nipple adenoma


If discharge from the nipple appears, a woman should immediately consult a mammologist. Already a clinical examination and history taking give the doctor the opportunity to establish a preliminary diagnosis. What color is the discharge from the nipple, what is its quantity, is the discharge coming from one or both mammary glands? Are you worried about other symptoms, for example, headache, pain in the mammary glands, fever, etc.? Does the discharge appear on its own or when pressure is applied to the mammary gland? Are you currently using medications? Do you have hormonal imbalances? Have you suffered a breast injury in the recent past?

How to get rid of blackheads on chest

It is important to use exactly those methods of getting rid of dark spots on the chest that will eliminate the cause of the problem. All methods can be divided into several categories, depending on the place of their application.

Medicinal methods for eliminating blackheads on the chest

For the treatment of black comedones, medicine can only offer keratolytic agents. Medicines to treat the causes that caused the appearance of blackheads should not be taken into account, because they do not affect the comedones themselves.

The most effective keratolytic drugs and chemical compounds are:

  • benzoic acid;
  • resorcinol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • glycolic acid;
  • barium sulphide;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • skinoren;
  • natural and artificial aromatic retinoids.

There are many pharmaceutical ointments and creams that contain combinations of these substances and additional components. Often, antiseptic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agents are added to these drugs.

Pashkova Alla Valerievna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

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Keratolytic substances help to liquefy the secretion of the sebaceous glands and destroy intercellular connections between epidermal cells. As a result, comedones are cleared naturally. The disadvantage of these drugs is that the effect is temporary, because when you stop using them, comedones will continue to form with the same frequency.

Cosmetic procedures to eliminate blackheads

Cosmetic salons are happy to undertake the removal of blackheads. Methods for eliminating them are divided into hardware and manual. Hardware methods include:

  1. Ultrasonic removal. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed with keratolytic creams, after which the release of secretions from the sebaceous glands is stimulated using a special ultrasonic device.
  2. Vacuum extraction of sebum. In fact, the principle of a vacuum cleaner is used, due to which the contents of the sebaceous glands are drawn out.

Hardware uses forced extraction of sebum and is used to quickly cleanse the skin. They are effective, but not available in every city.

Also, salons can offer several methods for eliminating blackheads without the use of equipment.

  1. Peeling with scrubs and masks.
  2. Squeezing out comedones using a professional tool.

It is advisable that the staff of the cosmetology salon have a medical education. Black spots on the chest can have a wide variety of origins, so a cosmetologist must be able to recognize various skin pathologies and prescribe the necessary treatment for each case.

Nipple eczema

Medical tactics are aimed at stopping the clinical manifestations of the disease and achieving stable remission by eliminating the prerequisites that contribute to the occurrence of pathology. To achieve results more quickly, complex drug therapy is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures and a special hypoallergenic diet. The treatment regimen includes the following groups of drugs:

  • Antihistamines
    . Since the mechanism of development of eczema is based on the pathogenesis of an allergic reaction, inhibition of histamine secretion makes it possible to reduce the severity of itching and exudation. By influencing one of the key links in allergies, it is possible to quickly stabilize local inflammation.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
    . Usually, to suppress the secretion of inflammatory mediators and increase the threshold of pain sensitivity, it is sufficient to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In more persistent cases of the disease, the use of glucocorticosteroids is justified.
  • Sedatives
    . To correct emotional disorders and sleep disorders, which often complicate eczema, herbal preparations with a sedative effect are prescribed. It is extremely rare to use more powerful drugs from the groups of tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Basic therapy, if necessary, is supplemented with immunocorrectors, which help normalize the immune response, antibacterial and antimycotic drugs that affect pathogenic and opportunistic flora, which help maintain inflammation. In complex clinical cases, in addition to tablet forms and ointments, parenteral administration of drugs is prescribed. To relieve acute symptoms of eczema, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, laser therapy, UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, and diadynamic currents are used.

When continuing breastfeeding, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the regimen. The intervals between feedings should be at least 2.5-3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to keep the breast skin open - aeration helps accelerate the healing of wet areas. Women with extensive rashes that make feeding difficult can use special attachments or, in extreme cases, express milk. When applying, it is important to ensure that the baby's mouth gently grasps the nipple and alveoli. Proper hygienic care of the skin of the mammary glands using mild cleansers is required.

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