How to remove blackheads in ears at home

Blackheads or comedones are a common problem not only among young people growing up, but also among adults. Most often, the cause is an imbalance of the hormonal system or improper hygiene. The greatest accumulation of comedones is observed in the nose, cheeks and chin. But in some cases they can also be found on the ears. How to get rid of blackheads in the ears at home, what is the reason for their appearance?

Why do ear pores get clogged?

The reasons for the appearance of blackheads or comedones in the auricle are very different:

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Poor nutrition. Fast foods and sweets lead to an increase in insulin. The hormone, in turn, increases the production of testosterone, which affects the speed of the sebaceous glands. Sebum clogs the ducts, after which unpleasant rashes appear.
  • A child may also develop dots, but this is due to poor hygiene or reduced immunity.
  • Low-quality cosmetics containing chemicals also contribute to the appearance of sebaceous plugs.
  • Traffic jams appear with low consumption of foods with vitamins E and A.
  • Sex hormones are another cause of acne.
  • Colds and allergies.
  • Excessive cleanliness, when the ear canals are cleaned every week.
  • Headphones of dubious purity that are inserted into the ears.

Plugs in the ears can be closed or open. Open black pimples can be squeezed out, but white or closed pimples are dangerous to squeeze out.

Why do white comedones appear? Subcutaneous sebum accumulates in the pores, but does not find a way out, since the pores remain closed. Pus and sebum accumulate there, causing white bumps to form.

Provoking factors

Sebaceous glands can become overactive as a result of:

  • hormonal imbalance. At the same time, the properties of the secreted secretion change, which leads to blockage of the gland ducts;
  • unbalanced diet. Indulging in fast food and sweets helps to increase the amount of insulin, which in turn provokes increased production of testosterone. This hormone can influence the activity of the sebaceous glands, increasing the likelihood of acne formation;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, insufficient cleansing of the skin after their use;
  • violations of general and local immunity. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply more actively, contributing to the occurrence of acne. And the bactericidal properties of sebum are reduced;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, steroid hormones, anti-tuberculosis drugs, immunosuppressive drugs, antiepileptic drugs);
  • mechanical injuries that provoked infection;
  • regular contact with headphones, phones, and other dirty objects.

Poor hygiene can also cause rashes. Insufficient cleansing of the ears leads to the fact that dirt begins to accumulate in them and the pores become clogged.

Ways to get rid of comedones

Many people do not even notice that they have such problems in their ears. Acne in these places does not make itself felt for the time being until it becomes inflamed. Once inflamed, they become painful, preventing you from touching your ears. This is where a person begins to wonder, what to do with these ugly rashes?

There are many medications and medical treatments that only a doctor can prescribe. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can pop out all the pimples using special tools.

The doctor may also prescribe the following medications:

  • Differin fights inflammation by exfoliating the top layer of the dermis.
  • Skinoren reduces the level of lipids and acids in subcutaneous fat, reducing its viscosity.
  • Retinol perfectly dilutes the secretions of the glands, clearing the plugs.
  • Ichthyol ointment cleanses the skin even of those plugs that lie deep in the layers of the epidermis.
  • Salicylic acid promotes the release of sebum, thereby helping to get rid of blackheads.
  • The antibacterial agent Zenerit cleanses the skin of acne well.

Preventing the formation of blackheads in the ear

The main preventive measures to prevent the formation of blackheads include:

  1. Ear hygiene is the main procedure to prevent the occurrence of open comedones. When washing, you need to thoroughly wash out the contents of the organ shell. Low-quality soap, cheap shampoos, and rinses clog skin pores.
  2. After washing off any remaining cosmetic products, the ears should be wiped dry. In a humid environment, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate and multiply. They provoke the occurrence of inflamed acne.
  3. If black, inflamed spots on the ears often occur, you should regularly use tar soap and antiseptics to prevent pathology.
  4. If the occurrence of open comedones is associated with hormonal and endocrine diseases, the underlying disease must be treated.
  5. Proper nutrition prevents many pathologies. Reducing your carbohydrate intake helps combat the problem.
  6. If pimples constantly pop up, it is better to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. He will find the true cause of the disease and help remove comedones.

The correct approach to the treatment of unaesthetic blackheads will help restore purity and beauty.

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Folk remedies against comedones

The most accessible folk remedies will help you get rid of blackheads. The first remedy is hydrogen peroxide. With its help, you can remove even those acne that is located deep in the ear canal.

If the acne is visible, then you need to apply a cotton swab soaked in peroxide to it. If the acne is inside the ear canal, then peroxide can be instilled inside. Then take a cotton swab and clean the ear canal. It is recommended to lie down with the sore ear down so that the excess peroxide drains off, disinfecting the acne.

If acne appears in the ear canals or outside, then use a soda solution: 1 teaspoon of soda per glass of warm water. This warm solution must be dropped into ears with acne. You can add another 1 teaspoon of salt and drop a drop of iodine. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and apply it frequently to problem areas, holding it there for 20 minutes.

Many people manage to remove blackheads using a tea bag. Immerse the bag in hot water, squeeze it out, apply it to the problem area, and cover with a handkerchief.

The tea contains theine, which when warm reduces inflammation, thereby helping to treat acne.

Milk can also remove blackheads. It contains substances that will help remove dead cells and cleanse pores. The compress can be left in the ear canal for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed. The procedure will have to be done 3-4 times a day to get a visible result.

Open comedones with black heads

Open comedones are the openings of hair follicles clogged with sebum. In addition to sebum, dust, residues of cosmetic products, and dead skin cells accumulate in the follicles. As all this debris accumulates, it stretches the edges of the follicle. The open part of the cork oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and turns black. It takes on the appearance of a black dot on the skin.

The top of the sebaceous plug is not always black. Its color can vary from dirty yellow and gray to dark brown. The diameter of the eel is usually no more than 2 mm. The thicker the sebum, the more enlarged the pore is. In small eels, the contents are more liquid.

The absence of inflammation and a small number of acne are considered normal. But an open comedone can become infected. In this case, inflammation will develop in place of the small dark spot and an abscess will form. Improper care can cause the infection to spread from the source of inflammation to a larger area of ​​the skin.

Mechanical acne removal

It is unlikely that you will be able to squeeze out acne in your ears with your hands.

Black fat dots can be removed this way:

  1. Steam the skin of the ears and around the auricle by applying a cotton pad dipped in hot water.
  2. Disinfect hands and tools with alcohol.
  3. Also wipe the problem area with medical alcohol, massaging the area with blackheads.
  4. Press on the blackheads with a special tool, then the steamed comedones will quickly come out.
  5. Apply alcohol to the problem area.

To prevent acne from appearing again, lubricate the treated area with tea tree oil. Its antibacterial properties will help destroy dangerous microorganisms and speed up healing. The oil is too concentrated, so it is diluted with water 1:9.

Preventive actions

To prevent black spots from ruining a person’s life and opinion, prevention should be carried out:

  • The ears should be washed as often as the face, but you should not go deep into the auricle.
  • After bathing, ears should be carefully selected.
  • Frequently cleaning the ears is not recommended, otherwise all the protective lubricant will be removed.
  • Your daily diet should include more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Try not to aggravate the situation and not lead to an inflammatory process.

Blackheads are not a death sentence, you can easily get rid of them and forget them completely, the main thing is to adhere to all preventive measures.

How to remove acne in children

An adult's skin is denser, so consequences after mechanical removal rarely occur. But it’s better to have the dark spots in the baby’s ears removed by a doctor. You can try making compresses at home:

  1. Compress with Vishnevsky ointment. Apply a little of the drug to a cotton swab, apply to black pimples, and attach with a band-aid. Sometimes it is enough to do the procedure at night and the problem will disappear.
  2. Levomycetin drops act in the same way. A compress with drops will help remove unsightly rashes. If acne has formed inside the ear canal, then these drops are instilled inside.
  3. Tar soap acts on the problem in the same way as Vishnevsky ointment. You can wash your child's ears with soap so that pimples never appear.
  4. Young children can apply aloe or Kalanchoe leaves.
  5. Lemon juice will also do the job perfectly. Also apply a cotton swab soaked in citrus juice to the rashes.
  6. Applying warm honey to acne will help get rid of them in 2-3 treatments.

If you see acne inside your baby's ear, don't dismiss the problem. Do your best to get rid of the rashes.

Acne is inflamed and painful, what should I do?

If an inflamed acne hurts, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in aloe juice and hold for 25 minutes. Perform this manipulation until healing.

An apple cider vinegar compress will also quickly help cope with this skin disease.

Tea tree oil and all antiseptic preparations will definitely help cope with the problem.

But squeezing out an inflamed comedone is not recommended. You can cause an infection and delay healing.

What to do in case of inflammation

Some people, not knowing how to properly squeeze a blackhead out of their ear, introduce an infection there or injure the tissue, causing inflammation. To eliminate the problem, you can use aloe juice and pulp.

To do this, take a three-year-old plant, cut off a leaf and divide it into two halves. The fleshy part with juice is applied to the auricle and held for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure until complete healing.

An inflamed ear comedone can be eliminated with any antiseptic - calendula tincture, eucalyptus alcohol solution. The only thing you shouldn’t do is squeeze out the pus-filled acne. This will lead to increased inflammation and the spread of infection.

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