Why do pigment spots appear on the skin after sunbathing?

Hyperpigmentation is a focal or diffuse deposition of pigment on the skin, which leads to darkening of individual areas or the entire surface of the body. The formation of melanin, which is responsible for the appearance of pigmentation, occurs as a result of the body's protective function in response to sunlight. But excessive release of melanin is not always due to physiological processes. This is often evidence of the presence of pathologies.

Causes of hyperpigmentation

There are more than a dozen reasons for hyperpigmentation. The main reason is tanning, which causes photoaging. When the skin is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, melanin begins to be actively produced in melanocytes, which are cells in the layers of the epidermis. And excess pigment deposition leads to darkening of the skin and the appearance of spots on it.

Tanning is a relatively harmless cause of external skin changes. But besides him, there are others.

Table 1. Causes of hyperpigmentation and its pathogenesis.

Name Brief rationale
Vitamin deficiency A lack of vitamin B12 leads to darkening of the skin. It prevents the appearance of blemishes by regulating the synthesis of the pigment melanin. Vitamin A is responsible for dark color bleaching. Vitamin E deficiency increases the risk of skin damage due to overexposure to the sun
Skin injuries Damage in the form of: acne, burns, furunculosis, surgery, fungal or infectious diseases can trigger post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The same thing sometimes happens after blepharoplasty. This is due to active cell division in the affected areas. New skin is more sensitive to direct sunlight, so it darkens quickly. And intense tanning can cause hyperpigmentation.
Diseases of the gallbladder, liver In this case, lipid metabolism is disrupted. As a result, pigment spots may form on the face, stomach, back, palms and other parts of the body.
Age-related changes Hyperpigmentation can appear at a young age. But for older people this is a common occurrence. External changes are associated with long-term exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, as well as the presence of chronic diseases
Housing and communal services diseases Intestinal dysfunction provokes disruptions in the functioning of metabolic processes in the body. This may result in hyperpigmentation.
Hormonal disorders Functional disturbances in the functioning of thyroid hormones and the endocrine system as a whole sometimes lead to the appearance of lesions in the form of dark pigment spots on the face (lips, eyelids, around the eyes, on the forehead near the hair, on the nose, cheeks), shoulders, chest. The same thing happens during menopause, pregnancy, puberty, when melanin synthesis increases markedly. This also applies to taking oral contraceptives
Kidney disease If there are problems with the kidneys, the skin often acquires a yellow-brown tint.
Stress, nervous system diseases Under stress, pigmentation may also appear due to a weakening of the body's protective functions.
Intoxication When taking medications, some of the active components contained in them accumulate in the body. They are able to provoke an increase in melanin synthesis. But not only medications can cause hyperpigmentation, but also natural ingredients, herbs, and plants.
Heredity The disease can manifest itself in the presence of a genetic predisposition. In this case, melanosis occurs, that is, a pathology associated with a disorder of pigment. Melanosis can be acquired, but most often it is transmitted genetically
Cosmetics and care Photosensitizers included in some cosmetics provoke an increase in the skin's susceptibility to solar radiation, causing hyperpigmentation.

It can also occur after depilation (unsuccessful, incorrect), including after sugaring. The use of cosmetics often causes spots on the body

Varicose veins Because of this disease, a rash often appears on the lower extremities.

Other causes of hyperpigmentation include alcohol abuse, poor diet, and smoking.


Pigmented spots on the back are skin formations that have a brown tint. The size of the spots may vary. In some cases, a continuous pigment spot is formed, and in other situations a large number of small spots are formed.

To the touch, such formations on the back can be smooth or rough. In order to make sure that the defect is directly a pigment spot, as well as in order to identify the cause of its formation, you need to find out the doctor’s recommendations.


Age spots can appear on any part of the body, regardless of the cause. There is a whole group in the international classification of diseases dedicated to different types of hyperpigmentation. The ICD disease code is L81. The group is called “Other pigmentation disorders”; it is further subdivided into subsections in accordance with the type of hyperpigmentation and its location.

On the face

Age spots most often appear on this part of the body. The face is constantly exposed to the sun's rays. They can have different sizes, colors, shapes. They appear under the eyes, on the forehead, eyelids, wings of the nose, chin, and in the upper part of the cheeks.

The location of hyperpigmentation is not associated with age. In young and old people, the predominant location of spots on certain areas of the face remains.

On the body

On the legs (thigh, lower leg), hyperpigmentation may appear as a result of:

  • varicose veins;
  • taking medications (as a side effect).
  • hair removal, which causes irritation and ingrown hairs;
  • lack of vitamins A, C or PP;

Spots on the feet appear from calluses.

On the upper extremities, the rash most often occurs due to age-related changes. The same can be said about the back and chest area. It will not be possible to completely cope with the problem, since hyperpigmentation will still make itself felt again and again. The intensity of the manifestation can be reduced through cosmetic procedures. This also applies to those with red hair.

What are pigment spots on the back?

Such formations on the back are areas on the skin of various shapes and sizes. Flaws are rarely single, often multiple. Outwardly, it looks like a large number of minor formations or one continuous spot.

The reasons for the appearance of spots of different pigmentation on the back are usually heredity, hormonal and immune disorders, allergies, excessive ultraviolet radiation, and vitamin deficiency.

Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist to determine the cause of the spots.

If the need arises, the stains are removed using cosmetic procedures: cryotherapy, laser therapy, mesotherapy, peelings; Keratolytics are used locally.

Their shade is dark or light, like a discolored area, with a smooth or rough surface. To exclude any adverse effects, you should consult your doctor.

Types and symptoms of age spots

Hyperpigmentation on the body does not cause physical discomfort. Neither itching, nor burning, nor any other unpleasant symptoms are usually observed (but not always). Only compaction, change in color of spots or their convexity should be alarming. In this case, you should consult a dermatologist to exclude the possibility of developing malignant neoplasms. For self-control, you should know about the common types of stains, their location, features, and reasons for their appearance.


This type of pigmentation is not a pathology. Freckles are genetically determined. Their appearance is explained by a special combination of genes in the DNA of skin cells. Freckles tend to intensify in the spring and summer due to ultraviolet irradiation of the skin. In winter they are usually not so noticeable.

This kind of hyperpigmentation of the skin is expressed in the form of patches of different shades of brown. Freckles appear on the face, shoulders, arms, and back. Appearing in childhood, they can disappear without a trace with age. But this does not always happen.

It is not recommended to try to get rid of freckles on your own. This procedure requires the development of an individual program. Typically, genetic hyperpigmentation takes a long time to resolve.


This pathology makes itself felt in the case of an excess of female sex hormones. Melasma can also occur when taking medications, using certain cosmetics, and exposure to sunlight.

Melasma is hyperpigmentation, expressed in the form of spots of different shades with uneven contours. You can get rid of it by eliminating the cause and simultaneously using bleaching compounds. As a result, melasma disappears without a trace.

Types of melasma:

  • central-facial, or centrofacial. In this case, the spots are localized on the forehead, nose, chin, and above the upper lip;
  • mandibular. Suggests the spread of spots on the arch of the lower jaw.
  • painting With it, pigmentation mainly affects the nose and cheeks;


With this disease, spots appear on the hands, face, neck and other open areas of the body that have an uneven color. This pathology is chronic. Subsequently, hyperpigmentation can spread to other areas of the skin.

Melasma can be acquired or hereditary. Most often it occurs during pregnancy, when taking oral contraceptives, as well as when the functionality of the ovaries is impaired and there is a lack of vitamins C and PP.

Pigmentation may also be accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • general malaise;
  • peeling, dryness;
  • progression of the disease (modification of spots, increase in their number).

Melasma passes with a change from a period of remission to exacerbation. Can be corrected.

Becker's nevus

It is characterized by the appearance of pigmented spots with hair growing on them. The pathology is shown in the photo below. Becker's nevus is characteristic of male adolescents, but it also occurs in adults. The exact cause of the disease is not known. It is assumed that the main factors are heredity, stress, and ultraviolet radiation.

The disease progresses as follows: first, a small wrinkled dark brown spot appears. Then new ones can form next to it. Over time, they either grow separately or unite, forming large pigment halos, up to 18-20 cm in diameter. Then they are evenly covered with hair. Tanning significantly accelerates pigment growth.


The formation of spots is associated with certain damage to the layers of the epidermis.

The accumulation of melanin, which causes secondary hyperpigmentation, occurs after acne, after removal of a mole and other surgical interventions, as well as:

  • psoriasis;
  • peeling
  • wounds, cuts;
  • erosions;
  • papules, pustules;
  • sores;

This also applies to the use of cosmetics containing photosensitizing components.


Senile (senile) lentigo usually occurs on open areas of the body. That is, those who are most often exposed to solar radiation. Age-related hyperpigmentation appears as a result of a slowdown in melanin transport and, as a result, its accumulation. The causes of the disease are also chronic diseases and a general weakening of the body's protective functions.

Age-related rashes occur on the shoulders, chest area, face, arms, and back. It is characterized by uneven color and irregular shape.

Berlocc's dermatitis

It is distinguished by the appearance of dark brown spots of different sizes after the use of perfume products. Neoplasms may be accompanied by itching, and over time disappear without a trace without any therapy. The exact cause of the disease is not known. Scientists suggest that Berlocc's dermatitis may be due to hypersensitivity to certain components of perfume.


The spots with this disease are usually symmetrical and dark in color. Their outlines are uneven, but always clear. Most often, chloasma forms on the inner thigh and face. Their appearance indicates liver dysfunction.

Chloasma spots are large, at least 1 cm in diameter. Formed singly or in groups. As the disease progresses, they can merge and occupy large areas of the body. Sometimes chloasma manifests itself in the form of specific stripes passing through the stomach, forehead, and cheeks.

Hyperpigmentation in children

In childhood, spots on the skin appear much less frequently than in adults, and hyperpigmentation is usually a consequence of injury to the epidermis. Rash, diaper rash, inflammation in children - all this can leave behind areas of skin that are darker than the rest of the body.

You should be wary if a rash of unknown etiology appears for no reason. This may indicate the presence of serious acquired or hereditary pathologies.

As for freckles, they can appear by the age of 3-4 years and go away with age. Freckles do not pose any health risk.


Skin hyperpigmentation is treated by a dermatologist, cosmetologist, and sometimes an allergist, gastroenterologist and other specialists. It all depends on the cause of the disease. The doctor will tell you how to deal with hyperpigmentation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If you find suspicious spots, you should first observe them. And if they change shade and increase in number, then you should consult a doctor. If there is no specialized specialist, you can visit a therapist.

First of all, the patient is asked to undergo general blood, urine and stool tests. Sometimes it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound procedure. Based on the results of these studies, further diagnostics are predicted.

Often the patient is given a referral to visit an endocrinologist, oncologist, or gastroenterologist.

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by: itching, rash, fever, pain. It is important to inform the doctor about all the nuances in order to narrow the variability of the diagnosis as much as possible.

Diagnosis and treatment

The cause of the rash is determined by a specialized doctor. As a rule, a visual examination first follows, then tests and additional examination are prescribed. It is useless to describe the rash in words or in correspondence - it is impossible to make a diagnosis in this way, just like on your own. Therefore, if “unhealthy” spots appear on the skin, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. If there is a suspicion of a skin pathology, it may additionally be recommended to take a scraping from the affected area for further examination.

Treatment of rashes should be under the guidance of a physician. His task is to prescribe effective and appropriate therapy. In cases of chickenpox, measles and rubella, there is no need to take a course of antibiotics.

If we are talking about a rash due to the presence of scabies mites, then the treatment will be simple. Rashes of an allergic nature require taking samples and prescribing treatment to eliminate the pathogen. Non-infectious skin diseases do not go away on their own; proper treatment is required, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Any spot of unknown origin on the body should be shown to a dermatologist if there is cause for concern. Do not voluntarily take medications not prescribed by a doctor. If treated incorrectly, there is a risk that the disease will worsen and then more serious treatment will be required, including hospitalization.

Methods for removing age spots on the face and body

Not only a dermatologist, but also a cosmetologist knows how to treat hyperpigmentation. Rashes on the surface of the skin are removed in cosmetology in several ways. You should not carry out the procedure yourself, as incorrect actions can aggravate the situation and lead to irreparable consequences. To solve the problem with the appearance of spots on the body, you need to contact professionals who have graduated from the Academy of Cosmetology.


During the procedure, the skin whitens and is also saturated with nutrients. Mesococktails contain vitamins, hyaluronic acid, minerals, medicinal compounds, and natural plant extracts.

Mesotherapy procedures are usually performed on the face. But sometimes certain parts of the body, such as the neck and shoulders, are also bleached. As a result, the skin becomes not only light and uniform, but also elastic and fresh.

The duration of treatment is determined individually by a cosmetologist. The effect of mesotherapy lasts for at least 6 months.

Chemical peeling

This is the most effective method of getting rid of pigmentation. The procedure involves applying an acidic composition to the skin tissue, which stimulates exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, that is, mechanical destruction of the spot cells occurs. This is what makes hyperpigmentation disappear.

Chemical peeling can be superficial, medium, or deep. The required depth of penetration, as well as the type of product, is determined by the cosmetologist.

The most common types of peeling:

  • lactic;
  • peeling with calcium chloride or trichloroacetic acid.
  • retinoic;
  • salicylic;
  • almond;
  • glycolic;

Each of the products, in addition to whitening, has its own effect: lifting, narrowing pores, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Laser peeling

How to get rid of stains forever? Do laser peeling. The procedure is carried out by removing a significant layer of the epidermis, so after the laser the skin needs to be restored. The effectiveness of this method of removing hyperpigmentation is based on the ability of neoplasms to absorb electromagnetic radiation that destroys spot cells.

The mechanism of action of laser peeling: new cells formed at the site of laser exposure actively synthesize and accumulate the required amount of melanin. This is why the skin color of the affected area becomes lighter.

The correction procedure is carried out in at least 3 stages. The breaks between them are about 10 days.

Benefits of laser peeling:

  • This method of removing pigmentation has no side effects and no patient care is required;
  • no anesthesia is used during the procedure;
  • laser peeling gets rid of spots relatively quickly, and, most importantly, forever;
  • The first result is noticeable after the first stage of peeling.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is carried out in two ways: applications and subcutaneous injections. Ozone therapy is actively used in the treatment of foci of post-inflammatory pigmentation, as well as acne, and enlarged pores.

The procedure has an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. It also stimulates the active functioning of the immune system.

Reviews from patients indicate that a positive result can be achieved after just 2-3 ozone therapy procedures for primary and secondary hyperpigmentation. However, the duration of treatment, as well as its scheme, is determined by the dermatologist. Injection methods are not suitable for everyone.


The procedure involves influencing cells oversaturated with melanin using liquid nitrogen, which acts as a corrector. It destroys them and stimulates the regeneration process. As a result, new young cells with a normal content of the substance responsible for pigmentation are formed in place of the spots.

The procedure is usually well tolerated by patients. Sometimes they feel a slight burning and/or tingling sensation.

The disadvantage of cryotherapy is that after it is carried out, scars may appear, albeit slightly noticeable, on the affected areas. That is why the procedure is almost never performed to remove hyperpigmentation on the face and, especially, to eliminate periorbital spots.


This is the most gentle method of getting rid of age spots. But it requires more time. To achieve results with primary hyperpigmentation, you need to undergo about a dozen procedures.

Phototherapy is based on photothermalysis, which destroys cells by exposing them to heat. In addition to removing pigment, the synthesis of elastin and collagen is stimulated during the procedure.

How to remove

If you do not use the necessary medications for a rash on the back, also due to sunburn or diseases of the internal organs, a spot will appear on the skin of a black, brownish or yellow hue.

Such cosmetic defects will cause psychological problems and cause aesthetic discomfort.

When a certain spot appears on the back, it is permissible to remove it using one or another technique, but this should be started only when a specialist confirms the absence of oncology and contraindications.

Cosmetic procedures

In order to counteract pigment spots on the back, the beauty salon offers the following methods:

  • Cryotherapy. The skin is exposed to liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser therapy. During the manipulation process, the top layer of skin is removed.
  • cleaning . One procedure is enough to get rid of excess pigmentation.
  • Mesotherapy. Special products that have a whitening effect are injected into the pigmented area of ​​the skin.
  • Chemical cleaning. To combat pigmentation, drugs are used that include various acids.


Drug therapy is carried out after determining the root cause of hyperpigmentation. Ointments, lotions and (or) creams are prescribed by a dermatologist or dermatocosmetologist. Most of them are plant-based with the addition of modern chemicals. Self-medication is not recommended.

Pharmacy drugs

The most popular drugs whose action is aimed at whitening the skin are presented in the table.

Table 1. What to do if you have pigmentation: pharmaceutical remedies for pigmentation.

Name Short description
Belosalik The ointment contains salicylic acid, which is involved in skin whitening. The drug has: anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antifungal, hypothermic, keratolytic, antiproliferative vasoconstrictor effects.

Ideal for removing post-traumatic pigmentation

Zinc ointment Effectively eliminates redness and age spots, including freckles. Additionally, it has an antiseptic and softening effect.
Achromin This is a whitening cream for freckles, spots, scars, pigmentation. Suitable for any skin type. Contains substances that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

According to the manufacturer, the cream can eliminate hyperpigmentation completely or partially after just a month of regular use. Treatment regimen: apply the product to the affected areas 2 times a day

Synthomycin liniment The active ingredients of the ointment are: castor oil, which has a cosmetic effect and saturates the skin with vitamins, and chloramphenicol. It has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect.

Whitening occurs precisely due to the action of castor oil. However, the effect is quite weak and is noticeable only with additional treatment.

Melanative The cream fights pigment spots on any part of the body. Suitable for all skin types, safe to use.

Contains components that protect the skin from UV radiation. A positive result is noticeable after a month of use

Retinoic ointment The drug is able to stimulate tissue regeneration, enhance the growth of new cells, and also block enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen. The ointment promotes the disappearance of pigmentation, as well as acne and pimples. It is inexpensive, only 300 rubles.
Skinoren The main component is azelaic acid, which helps get rid of stains. However, the cream has its drawbacks:

· you will have to use it for a long time, a positive result can be achieved in 6 or 12 months;

· when using, you sometimes experience discomfort in the form of tingling or burning;

· The cream is quite expensive. Costs about 1000 rubles. for 30 years;

· does not protect against UV rays, but on the contrary, enhances the effects of the sun on the skin

Melan The drug blocks the active synthesis of melanin by inhibiting tyrazinase and, thereby, helps get rid of pigmentation. Melan stimulates cell renewal and has a moisturizing effect. The composition is completely natural

Creams, ointments and other products from Asia

Hyperpigmentation on the skin can also be treated using Asian remedies, which have proven their effectiveness in practice. Reviews testify to this.

Table 2. Drugs for hyperpigmentation from Asia.

Name (brand) Description
Yoko Acne-Melasma Cream The cream can slow down the production of melanin, has a whitening effect, and eliminates acne. Suitable for all skin types. The product protects against solar radiation. After constant use, a whitening but also a rejuvenating effect is noticeable.
Clear Spots Sol Eliminates any pigmentation and post-acne. The serum is made from plant materials and is safe to use. The product blocks the production of melanin and prevents the formation of new age spots.

Additional effect: the serum has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates skin regeneration, protects against UV rays

YOKO Under-Arm Whitening Cream and Deodorant Designed for skin whitening in the intimate area and armpit area. The cream stimulates the normalization of melanin production and prevents increased pigmentation. Additionally moisturizes, rejuvenates the skin, promotes cell renewal
Kedermfa This ointment is antifungal, its main action is aimed at treating skin diseases such as dermatitis, acne, furunculosis. However, in the fight against pigmentation, as well as prevention, the product can also be useful. Especially if hyperpigmentation is caused by trauma to the epidermis
Shanghai Yaozao Soap promotes regeneration, which is necessary in the treatment of pigmentation. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect and perfectly cleanses the skin.

At home

Hyperpigmentation of the skin, if its manifestation is not too active, can be treated independently by using home remedies.

Plants, fruits and herbs can help with this:

  • cucumber juice;
  • celandine.
  • parsley juice;
  • lemon juice;
  • fermented milk products;

They can be applied to areas affected by pigmentation several times a day. Parsley juice, for example, is especially effective. It has long been applied to the face to remove freckles. The same goes for lemon juice. But be careful with it, don't overdo it. Still, it is an acid that can cause harm by causing irritation.

Remember that folk remedies cannot completely get rid of intense pigmentation. Treatment for pigmentation can be supplemented with pharmaceutical creams and ointments, as well as products from Asian manufacturers. It is better to contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist who can prescribe the correct drug treatment.

What to do to prevent age spots from appearing

Prevention scheme:

Antioxidant preparations

Why we shouldn’t forget about the effects of free radicals: pigment cells also react to their excess by increasing melanin production.

Causes of excess free radicals:

  • age over 30-35 years
  • solar radiation
  • bad ecology
  • dietary violations, etc.

Residents of megacities and hot sunny regions experience a special load of free radicals, and therefore their own antioxidant defense system is depleted ahead of time and cannot cope.

Lightening agents

Starting in early spring, the use of agents that normalize and balance the work of melanocytes. These are non-aggressive lightening agents that do not thin the skin or increase sensitivity.

Example: DermaQuest SkinBright lightening line is designed specifically to work with pigmentation of any severity. Combined formulations and the absence of aggressive and dangerous ingredients make therapy not only effective, but also comfortable.

DermaQuest SkinBright serum and cream are a combination that enhances each other’s effectiveness. Advantages:

  • rich composition of safe brightening ingredients
  • do not require additional skin care products
  • moisturize, nourish, have an antioxidant effect
  • prevention of age-related changes


  • Stem cells of Lily Snow White
  • Melanostatin-5 (brightening peptide)
  • Chromebright
  • Bakuchiol A (Vitimon A simulator without the irritating effects of retinoids)
  • Hexylresorcinol – 4 times more active than hydroquinone in lightening effect
  • Emblica – plant extract
  • Kojic acid dipalmitate
  • Bearberry, licorice root and white mulberry extract
  • Arbutin
  • SkinBright preparations do not contain Hydroquinone!

They do not have an irritating effect, have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, making them a complete treatment used morning and evening for the entire face.

There is no need for local application and the purchase of additional care products!


Hyperpigmentation of the skin causes discomfort more because it noticeably spoils the appearance. Typically, the appearance of spots does not indicate any serious health problems that are life-threatening. But this does not mean that hyperpigmentation can be completely ignored.

Age-related rashes, progressing, can eventually turn into malignant formations. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor for advice.

Among the complications, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • spots may begin to peel off;
  • sometimes itching and intense keratinization of the epidermis appear;
  • Some patients experience decreased immunity;
  • the latter often leads to the development of dermatitis, infections, and inflammations.

Prevention or how to prevent the appearance of new spots

After getting rid of the disease, it is important to avoid direct contact with UV rays on the skin or to reduce the time spent in the sun to a minimum. You should not sunbathe or visit solariums. Wear hats and clothing that covers your arms and legs.

It is worth using protective products with SPF and creams to prevent the appearance of tumors. Maintaining the result involves the use of whitening agents such as salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic acid, as well as folk remedies.

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