How does depilatory cream work and how to use it?

Despite the fact that many girls prefer to remove body hair on their own at home rather than in a salon, many still do not know how depilatory cream works. In fact, this method of eliminating unwanted vegetation is considered one of the simplest, but it is important to pay attention to some of the restrictions and precautions that are prescribed for it.

What is depilatory cream for?

Depilatory cream is a special chemical composition that is applied to the treated area and affects the outer length of the hair, destroying it. The product is a superficial method of removing unwanted hair, since hair follicles are practically not affected when used.

Before we figure out how depilatory cream works, let’s consider which areas it can be used on:

  • Face (above the upper lip, eyebrows);
  • Hands;
  • Legs;
  • Armpits;
  • Classic bikini.

Despite the fact that there is a special cream for intimate depilation, it should be used as carefully as possible. It has a rather aggressive effect on sensitive skin in the treatment area, and if it gets on the mucous membrane it can cause severe irritation.

A depilatory cream is similar to a regular razor, but the effect of its use lasts a little longer - up to 2-4 days, then the hairs begin to gradually grow back.

Is it possible to permanently remove hair or slow down its growth using depilation?

Depilation does not imply destruction of the hair follicle. Using this method you cannot get rid of hair forever.

Manufacturers write on some products that they contain ingredients that slow down hair growth. The kit may include a cream that needs to be applied to the area after the procedure. It is needed to moisturize the skin, nourish it and slow down hair growth.

The effect of the procedure lasts up to 5 days. The result may differ from what is stated; hairs may begin to appear within a day.

Composition of depilatory cream

To find out how a depilatory cream works, let’s pay attention to its composition, since only a few active ingredients contribute to the destruction of the integrity of the hairs and their elimination.

Typically, depilatory cream contains the following three substances:

  1. Calcium thioglycolate. The main component contained in all depilatory creams, which promotes the destruction of disulfide bonds in the hairs and their detachment from the hair follicles.
  2. Sodium hydroxide. The bond is a complement to the main active substance, preparing the tissue for it and increasing its permeability.
  3. Emulsifier ceteareth-20. The substance neutralizes sebum and promotes a more effective effect of calcium thioglycolate.

As a standard, depilatory cream also contains additional components that ensure its pleasant smell, uniform consistency, and also extend shelf life:

  • Esters;
  • Silicones;
  • Plant extracts;
  • Oils.

In any case, before using the product, it is important to make sure that it is safe and that there are no toxic or aggressive components in its composition.

Also make sure that there is no individual intolerance to any components of the cream, since an allergic reaction to it can be quite strong.


Smooth beautiful skin is the dream of every girl. The hair removal procedure in salons costs a lot of money. And after it, unpleasant stubble will soon appear again, even with the use of a cream that slows down hair growth after hair removal.

Why torture yourself with hot wax, grueling shaving, or spend money on salon treatments? We recommend using depilatory cream at home. It will quickly and safely restore your body's smoothness and attractiveness.

The principle of operation of the composition

The main active component of the cream contains alkali, which aggressively affects the structure of the hairs, or rather, their bases, splitting and dissolving them.

While the composition is on the hair, it gradually penetrates the skin, due to which not only its outer part is destroyed, but also 2-3 mm located under the skin. Due to this, the result of such depilation lasts slightly longer than after using a conventional razor.

However, keep in mind that a high concentration of alkali makes the cream not only more effective, but also increases the aggressiveness of its effect on sensitive skin. Because of this, it should be used carefully, following all recommendations and precautions to avoid irritation of the treated area.

Is there any harm from the cream?

Despite the popularity of depilatory creams, you need to be as careful as possible when using them. It is better to consult with a cosmetologist first so that a specialist can help you choose the optimal composition that will not only be effective and safe for you.

Sometimes depilatory creams cause a skin reaction:

  • Irritation;
  • Redness;
  • Swelling;
  • Rash;
  • Increased skin sensitivity.

Similar side effects occur when using low-quality or aggressive formulations, individual intolerance to any components of the cream, or non-compliance with recommendations for its use.

The composition has a particularly aggressive effect on the mucous membrane, so it should not be used in areas of increased sensitivity.

In other cases, the cream does not cause much harm, but on the contrary - with its regular use, the hairs gradually become thinner and softer, making it easier to depilate.


Using depilatory cream is a good solution for girls whose hairs are thin and light. The procedure is a salvation for those who are not suitable for sugaring or waxing, but not everyone can use such cosmetics. You need to refuse the procedure if:

  • presence of rash, irritation, inflammation, wounds and scratches;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the treated area.

During pregnancy, you should choose the most gentle creams

Pregnancy is a conditional contraindication for the use of creams. There is a possibility that a rash may appear on the treated area. You need to clarify in advance whether the composition is suitable for the skin of a pregnant woman, who is highly sensitive.

General tips and recommendations for using the cream

Before performing depilation, it is important to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the composition. To do this, it is applied to a small area of ​​skin for a few minutes and then washed off. If no signs of irritation appear on the skin within 1-2 hours, you can safely use the cream.

It is quite simple to use - apply a thick layer of the composition to cleansed, damp skin, and after 7-10 minutes, remove it with a special spatula included in the kit. Additionally, you can apply a soothing lotion to your skin.

However, it is important to consider some recommendations when performing depilation with cream:

  1. Before performing the technique, read the instructions for the cream and make sure there are no contraindications to its use.
  2. When applying cream, avoid the area around the eyes, as well as mucous membranes when treating the bikini area.
  3. Wear protective gloves when applying the cream.
  4. Repeated depilation can be carried out only 5-6 days after the previous one.
  5. Do not keep the composition on the skin for too long to avoid severe irritation.

If you follow all contraindications and precautions for depilation, you can quickly get rid of unwanted body hair, preventing complications and consequences.

Carrying out the procedure

Before carrying out the depilation procedure, you must take a shower, without using gel or other cosmetics. Dry the skin with a terry towel, after which you can proceed to applying the composition.

How to use depilatory cream correctly:

  • apply the cream in a thick layer to your legs or other part of the body with excess hair;
  • using a spatula, carefully distribute the product in the direction of hair growth;
  • How long to keep the product is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer - most often the cream should be kept for no more than 5-10 minutes;
  • remove any remaining cosmetic product with a spatula, moving it against the hairline;
  • rinse off the depilatory cream with plenty of warm water without using soap, gel or other hygiene products.

After the procedure, thoroughly dry the treated areas of the body with a soft towel and apply a softening and restorative agent - cream, gel, lotion.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Depilation of unwanted hair using cream has many advantages:

  • Simplicity. To perform depilation correctly, a girl does not need any special skills, the main thing is to follow the recommendations prescribed by the cosmetologist;
  • Speed. Usually the procedure does not take more than 10-15 minutes, during which you can achieve ideal smoothness of the skin without any problems;
  • Effect. Unlike a razor, after depilatory cream, the skin in the treatment area remains perfectly smooth and velvety, there are no missing hairs;
  • Painless. While using the cream, the girl feels absolutely no sensations.

Also, if the procedure is performed correctly, the depilatory cream does not cause irritation and does not damage the skin.

However, keep in mind some of the disadvantages of the technology:

  • Low long-term retention of results. Since only the length of hair is removed, and the hair follicles are not affected, they begin to grow back within 2-3 days after depilation;
  • Risks of allergic reaction and skin irritation. When using low-quality products or their careless application, side effects may occur;
  • Creams are not universal. They do not cope well with coarse, dark and short hairs;
  • Price. The cost of one package of cream can reach 300 rubles, and it is usually enough for 3-4 zones.

In any case, many girls now use depilatory creams to achieve perfectly smooth skin at home. Despite some disadvantages, they do their job well and remove unwanted hair from the body.


Depilatory cream is a cosmetic product for removing hair from various parts of the body. Special chemical reagents included in such products literally dissolve the hair structure. This method of depilation is painless and fast, unlike sugaring or waxing. Thanks to the cream, hair is easily separated from the surface of the skin.

This method of getting rid of body hair is very superior to others. For example, shaving hair with a machine causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, often injuring the skin and leading to the problem of ingrown hairs. They then become inflamed and give the skin an unaesthetic appearance.

Removing hair with wax or hot sugar causes pain and often irritates delicate skin.

The significant difference between depilatory cream and other hair removal methods is its effect on the hair follicle

Depilatory cream is the best option for making your skin smooth. Find out what is better: sugaring or waxing in this material.

Please be aware that you should not sunbathe after using this depilatory product. This will cause skin pigmentation.

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