The most effective acne treatments for teenagers

June 14, 2020

Acne is a common part of growing up. It causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical inconvenience. Experts agree that teenage rashes are a temporary phenomenon, and with the normalization of hormonal levels in most people, the problem resolves itself. But even at a young age, unpleasant manifestations can not only be alleviated, but eliminated. Experts from the PsorMak clinic will tell you how to get rid of acne on a teenager’s face.

Proper nutrition

Skin largely reflects our lifestyle. When you abuse fried and fatty foods, toxins enter the bloodstream and negatively affect the condition of tissues. Doctors recommend sticking to a healthy diet, consuming enough proteins, complex carbohydrates and fiber. The latter ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the formation of constipation, which also has a positive effect on skin health.

If possible, you should avoid smoked meats, mayonnaise, chocolate, and processed foods. Both the abundance of flour products and excessive consumption of sugar have a negative impact on the appearance. Often, restrictions on sweets give quick and visible results.


Since black spots on the face of an infant arise due to hormonal changes, it is not possible to somehow influence their appearance. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about prevention. But one condition is always relevant - to avoid pustular inflammation and black comedones, it is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the child’s body, the mother and the baby’s environment.

A child in the first months of life should, if possible, be in conditions appropriate for his maintenance:

  • Underwear and bed linen must be washed and ironed;
  • diapers should be changed regularly;
  • The mother’s hands should be perfectly clean when she is caring for the baby;
  • wet cleaning in the room where the baby lives must be carried out daily;
  • the rooms are ventilated while the baby is taken out for a walk.

The rules are simple, but the benefits of following them are enormous – the health of the child.

Hormonal disorders or what to do with acne in a teenager

A common cause of acne in teenagers is hormonal changes in the body. For example, girls experience more acne before and during menstruation. Although hormonal changes are considered normal in adolescence, if the rashes are severe and related problems, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and dermatologist. The dermatological clinic “PsorMak” offers comprehensive consultation and examination. We have the best specialists who will help you cope with acne.

When should you see a doctor for treatment?

In most cases, millet is harmless and only causes aesthetic inconvenience. Acne forms gradually, without discomfort or inflammation. They can be observed in the form of individual nodules, but more often they are a scattering localized on the eyelids, temples, and in the T-zone. Since the cysts are tightly sealed and have no contact with the environment, they maintain their size. But if the integrity is violated and pathogenic microorganisms enter, inflammation with pustules can develop.

Milium is easily recognized visually by a cosmetologist. But in some cases it needs to be differentiated from fibroma, flat xanthoma, or hamartoma of the eyelids.


To effectively deal with acne in a teenager , you need to remember about skin hygiene. It is important to regularly cleanse your face of sebum and get rid of dead cells. Blackheads or comedones are formed as a result of blockage of the ducts with sebum. When exposed to air, the secretion oxidizes and becomes dark in color. If the excretory duct is not cleaned in a timely manner, the contents of the pore will accumulate and form a painful pimple.

For hygiene, experts recommend the following measures:

  • daily cleansing of the skin with cosmetics and water;
  • the use of tonics and lotions based on salicylic acid (it has a drying effect and regulates the secretion of sebum);
  • use of care moisturizers according to skin type;
  • regular use of scrubs to exfoliate dead cells;
  • facial cleansing by a specialist.

It is important to understand that solving a problem requires regularity and accuracy.


The formation of blackheads in infants can be the result of:

  • Lack of balance between the death and emergence of new skin cells. In such a situation, new cells appear in those areas where the old ones have not yet fully completed their life cycle. As a result, a layer of cells occurs and the pores become clogged.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In a baby's skin, the sebaceous glands actively work; they produce fat, which is important for the full functioning of the skin. It is this substance that creates a thin and invisible protective layer on the body. Under the influence of certain processes, the functioning of the sebaceous glands can be disrupted, which becomes the cause of blackheads. In children of the newborn period, such problems are most often explained by hormones received from the mother’s body, in particular estrogen.
  • Allergic reactions. Many children, even at an early age, suffer from individual intolerance to a variety of substances, from food (even adapted formula and mother’s milk) to hygiene products. There are many options for the manifestation of allergic reactions, and such symptoms may not always be obvious. A change in the condition of the skin and the appearance of blackheads on the cheeks and other parts of the body may be one of the signs of an allergy.
  • Proper care is not enough. Many young parents are afraid to wash their child, although they know the importance of regular hygiene procedures. If you don’t regularly cleanse your baby’s skin, there is a high probability that some manifestations of disorders will appear on it, and acne is not the worst option. Excessive hygiene, regular use of drying agents, talc, powder or excessively greasy creams can also harm children's skin.

    Having discovered black dots on your baby, you should show your baby to the pediatrician and think about the possible reason for the appearance of such a symptom. Perhaps comedones will disappear on their own if you care for your child’s skin correctly and regularly.

What to avoid

When considering the question of how to treat acne in a teenager, you should dwell on the causes of exacerbation. New rashes can be caused by the following factors:

  • abuse of fatty and sweet foods;
  • water shortage;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • infection of acne with dirty hands;
  • self-squeezing pimples and injuring nearby skin areas.

Often, inflammatory processes are provoked by bacteria that enter clogged ducts. To avoid this, experts recommend:

  • make sure that the hair does not cover the skin of the face;
  • do not touch the inflammation with your hands;
  • do not scratch the rash;
  • Do not squeeze pimples yourself.

Neglecting the rules will make the problem worse.

What are milia?

A small formation in the place where hair begins to grow is called millet. These are dense nodules that are localized mainly on the face in areas with thin skin. They are painless, not prone to growth and inflammation. Their diameter ranges from 0.5 to 3 mm. Rarely, milia can appear on the body or in the groin area. Age category - any, but most often millet is observed in women, newborns and adolescents.

Exocrine glands are located in the dermis, their ducts are often directed to the mouth of the root part of the hair. Each of them secretes sebum, a fatty substance that is a lipid complex.

When released onto the surface of the dermis, the secretion forms a special invisible film, which consists of water and lipids, and is intended for protective functions. In addition, dead epidermal cells are shed through the base of the follicle. When the gland becomes clogged with sebum and horny scales, milia are formed. The formation is called millet because of its similarity to millet grain and its color (white, yellowish).


The most effective remedies for acne for teenagers are medications. Their appointment requires medical qualifications. The course of treatment should also be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Medicines are produced in the form of tonics, creams, ointments. The choice of drug depends on the type of rash, the intensity of skin damage, the type of epidermis and the patient's medical history.

If you want to get rid of the problem once and for all, contact the PsorMak clinic. Remember that improper treatment of acne and the advanced course of the disease lead to its exacerbation and scarring on the skin. The so-called post-acne remains for life and is a serious cosmetic defect that has to be dealt with separately.

Don't experiment with your face!
Trust yourself in the hands of professionals and follow the recommendations of the specialists of the PsorMak clinic. June 14, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Black dots

The blackheads that form on the skin are also known as comedones. It is believed that their occurrence is associated with some kind of disturbance in the processes occurring in the skin. And in fact, such marks are often found on the bodies of infants. Usually they are fixed in children from two weeks of age, and look like classic comedones in adults, and, accordingly, come out when pressed. They can be localized anywhere, most often points are found on the head - nose, cheeks and forehead; clogged pores can also be located on the back and chest.

Blackheads appear due to the accumulation of oil in the pores of the skin, which is combined with dust and particles of dead skin. Even in children, the epidermis is constantly developing and regenerating, so the presence of dead cells on its surface is completely normal.

But blackheads in children are the exception, not the rule. Why do they appear?

How to get rid of milia on the face using cosmetic methods?

There are several ways to remove millet on the skin:

  1. Mechanical. The instrumental method involves opening the capsule - a puncture using a Vidal needle. The doctor removes the shell, then takes out the keratin contents with a Uno spoon. In this way, the blackhead is removed while preventing the appearance of new nodules.
  2. Electrocoagulation. A special monopolar mode is used, which allows the eel capsule to be removed using broadband electric current generated radio waves. The nodule dries out and falls off. The method is not recommended if you are prone to the formation of keloid scars.
  3. Laser removal of milia on the face. Due to the penetration of the energy beam into the layer of the dermis where the capsule is located, it is opened and burned out. The method is painless and is used for multiple foci of millet grass.
  4. Cryotherapy. Burning with liquid nitrogen. The technique is suitable for single formations.

No more than 10 nodules can be removed at a time. A crust forms at the site of exposure, which disappears after a maximum of 2 weeks. Under no circumstances should you rip it off yourself.

Regardless of the method of removing millet, it is recommended to first undergo a chemical peeling procedure. This technique allows you to get rid of dead scales of the epidermis. Small acne can be removed, while preventing the appearance of new formations.

How to care for oily skin?

Since milia are mainly characteristic of the dermis, which is prone to excessive sebum production, proper care will help prevent their formation. Recommendations for caring for oily skin:

  1. Cleansing. It must be carried out in such a way that the protective barrier of the skin is not damaged. Products with mild formulas will help get rid of excess fat, but will not upset the balance. It is not recommended to use regular soap for cleansing; formulations in the form of foam or gel are more suitable. Products may contain calendula, chamomile, aloe, and hyaluronic acid. The main thing is to always remove makeup before going to bed.
  2. Toning. Helps restore acid-base balance and eliminate the effects of environmental exposure. Tonics against blackheads, millet and oily shine mattify well, gently cleanse the skin, moisturize and refresh. They never contain alcohol and contain thermal water and other components.
  3. Exfoliation. Oily skin needs a scrub that provides a drying, soothing, cleansing effect. The procedure is aimed at eliminating keratinized scales.
  4. Hydration. In formulas for oily skin, the ratio of components is more water, less oil. These are light cream textures with a matting effect.

Getting rid of milia is not difficult, but this procedure should be entrusted to a professional cosmetologist. You can independently carry out only preventive measures aimed at preventing the formation of millet grass.

Is it possible to remove milia at home?

Carrying out the procedure for eliminating millet on your own is excluded. Squeezing, scraping, picking out the nodule can lead to an inflammatory process. When an infection occurs, atheroma, fibroma, and so on form in place of the usual harmless millet.

In addition, after self-removal, a scar or scar may form, which is much more difficult to get rid of. The only thing that can be done at home is peeling and scrubbing, but only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist and with suitable means.

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