Dry skin during breastfeeding in a mother - why does the skin dry during lactation

Most women, while waiting for the miracle of having a baby, are faced with such an unpleasant problem as dry skin. She becomes very sensitive and prone to irritation. This organ in this state cannot fully perform its protective functions. This causes a woman to experience very unpleasant sensations. The most common cause is a lack of moisture in the body. But sometimes these are also the consequences of improper care. The body is being rebuilt, and accordingly, it is necessary to change cosmetic and hygiene products. Dry skin in pregnant women is a reason to reconsider your usual care methods. Maybe even change the approach to daily cosmetic procedures.

Why does the skin become loose?

The causes of sagging body skin may be as follows:

  • aging. You will not find a person who will have beautiful skin at 80 years old. Typically, flabbiness occurs closer to the 40th birthday;
  • heredity. A person begins to age at the age of 25. This is a natural process. But for some it happens earlier, for others later. It all depends on what is in the genes;
  • insufficient muscle tone. If they are sluggish, then the skin of the body will have a flabby appearance. If muscle activity is insufficient, then the blood supply to the skin also suffers;
  • childbirth. The skin of the abdomen, which has stretched during pregnancy, should return to its original shape. But this doesn't always happen. Even during pregnancy, there is a sign that indicates the possibility of sagging body skin after childbirth. We're talking about stretch marks;
  • weight loss If a woman has lost excess weight, but very abruptly, this can provoke the appearance of “excess fat”;
  • stress, internal diseases. All this affects the body, skin, and its condition.

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, blood circulation in the skin worsens, less elastin and collagen are produced. And outwardly it manifests itself as loose skin of the body.

Skin beauty during and after pregnancy - a dermatologist answers your questions

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Beauty excites a woman at any age. The birth of a child does not cancel the desire to be attractive. Unfortunately, the metamorphoses that occur to the body during pregnancy do not pass without leaving a trace. Stretch marks remain on the stomach and chest, and age spots appear. How to restore beauty to your skin, Hotline’s “Question and Answer” guest, cosmetologist and dermatologist, specialist in laser aesthetic cosmetology, Elena Cheslavovna Mikhaleva, will tell you.

Question: Tell me ways to “fight” stretch marks on the chest after childbirth (the baby is already on the willow): ointments, oils. When can laser resurfacing be done: how long should it take, what type of stretch marks should be before the procedures can begin? What procedures and when can be done on a cesarean section stitch?

Answer: Stretch marks, unfortunately, are a common problem. During pregnancy, breast weight can increase sharply, and stretch marks appear on them first. Before we talk about methods of dealing with stretch marks, let's figure out what they are. Stretch marks (striae) are scars, just like a suture after a cesarean section. Only mature, formed scars can be treated, that is, 5-9 months should pass after formation. Scars after cesarean section are denser, they can be polished only after 9 months, and stretch marks form faster, they can be treated after 5-6 months.

An effective method in the fight against stretch marks is laser resurfacing. But! This method cannot be used until breastfeeding is completed, and during active sun exposure.

Contrary to popular belief that stretch marks are forever, you can still get rid of them. Shallow, timely treated stretch marks can be completely removed. But you need to understand that you will have to do 5-6 procedures about once a month.

It is also good to use oils, for example, Bio-Oil. This oil has proven itself well; it can smooth out stretch marks a little. Bio-Oil can be combined well with laser resurfacing, this way you can reduce the number of procedures.

Resurfacing a cesarean section scar is a slightly different procedure. It uses two lasers. But here too you can use Bio-Oil, it will soften the skin and promote rapid healing.

Question: Sensitive and problematic skin, acne and post-acne. After pregnancy, many pigment spots appeared - entire zones. I tried using whitening cosmetics - it was painful and unpleasant. It seems to me that the pigment appears on the site of post-acne. When the sun is active I become very spotty, during this period I use sunscreen 50+ and apply foundation. Is there any way to remove pigment spots? How to care for skin with acne+post-acne+pigment? Where should I go?

Answer: There are two types of age spots: post-inflammatory (after acne) and as a result of hormonal imbalances (often observed during pregnancy and breastfeeding). Pigment spots caused by acne must be treated. The method of treatment will be determined by a dermatologist, it depends on the patient’s condition. For mothers undergoing breastfeeding, only external treatment is suitable. For cosmetics, I can recommend Acnecinamide, it is approved for breastfeeding. If the mother does not breastfeed, then she may be prescribed antibiotics so that the treatment is comprehensive.

You can also get rid of age spots using laser procedures in the autumn-winter period. It will take 5-10 procedures depending on the depth of the pigment. You can use combination treatment by taking medications, for example Neoton serum, which is used at night and always in combination with Neoton Radians SPF 50+ day cream.

There is no need to apply a shade of sunscreen that suits you. Its filter will protect you, it is important to choose a good product. In everyday life, it is enough to apply cream with SPF 50+ under makeup. When we are in the open sun, we do not apply foundation, but we take a product with SPF 50+ with us and apply it at home.

Unpleasant sensations when using sunscreen cosmetics are caused by acids in the composition of the products. Neoton series creams work on a slightly different principle. They affect melanin synthesis and give good results.

Question: After pregnancy and childbirth, the skin on my hands began to become very dry; this had never happened before. And a spot appeared between the fingers. It has been going on for a long time, about 2 months. If it is not possible to see a dermatologist, what remedy can I use if I am breastfeeding?

Answer: You can use Bill-Oil oil after each hand washing. Well moisturizes and quickly absorbs. It is advisable to scrape the stain to check for fungal infection; if there is none, you can use glucocorticosteroid ointments for 5-7 days. Try to limit hand washing. Water dries out the skin very much.

Question: Before pregnancy, I always had the problem of uneven tanning and age spots. I used cream with SPF 30 and the tan was more or less the same. After giving birth, this degree of protection was no longer enough, I started using cream with SPF 50, but pigmentation is still visible ((( please tell me how to use sunscreen correctly and how to wash it off the face?

Answer: In the open sun, reapply the cream every 3-4 hours. You can use Neoton Radiance cream SPF50. At night you can use Neoton serum for whitening purposes. It all depends on the quality of the cream. Rinse off as usual.

Question: Tell me, what is the best way to remove crusts on the heads of infants? Hair gets greasy quickly. Can you give any advice on how to avoid this?

Answer: You can use vegetable oil an hour before bathing and wash it off with regular shampoo. You can use Mustela film-shampoo for seborrheic crusts. But they can form again.

Oily hair is caused by a violation of sebum regulation. An integrated approach is required; at the first stage, you can use shampoos for oily hair. It is recommended to wash your hair 3-4 times a week; daily washing helps increase sebum secretion. You should be examined by a dermatologist.

Question: Does it make sense to take a vitamin complex after childbirth during breastfeeding? Will it really help improve skin condition?

Answer: Any medications during breastfeeding must be used with caution. It is better to normalize nutrition, which should be balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Question: How to prevent hair loss after childbirth?

Answer: You can use strengthening hair shampoos, for example Revision. If you are not breastfeeding, take an additional multivitamin. Try to find time for rest and good sleep.

Question: I have neurodermatitis, it worsened after childbirth and does not go away. How can you alleviate the condition of hepatitis B?

Answer: Try to limit the contact of water on the lesions; in case of exacerbation, you can use glucocorticosteroid ointments for 5-7 days. And then - emollients (creams that retain fluid inside the skin)

Question: Why do acne and inflammation constantly appear on the cheeks and beard at the age of 28, while maintaining hygiene and without bad habits?

Answer: The onset of acne does not depend on age. This is a serious disease and requires complex treatment. Try using Acnecinamide medicinal cosmetics and consult a dermatologist. Consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

Question: What method do you recommend for eliminating scars in the décolleté area? There was a scratch, then a scar formed, it is already 10 years old. I tried the procedure with liquid nitrogen, it was very long and painful.

Answer: Only laser resurfacing in the autumn-winter period. The procedures are repeated – every month. 5-8 procedures may be required. Come to the Linline clinic. We will be glad to see you.

Question: 2 months have passed since the birth (ks). I take vitamins (femibion2) and have a fairly varied diet). All this time my cheeks are terribly peeling. What to do with them? And can you recommend which cosmetic products, which brand is best to buy?

Answer: Good peeling can be observed with seborrheic dermatitis and with allergic dermatitis and perioral dermatitis - of course, you need to see the patient to make the correct diagnosis. For now you can use Bio-oil oil 2 times a day

Question: During pregnancy, a growth similar to a wart formed on my hand (on the inside of the little finger, which is adjacent to the ring finger); after childbirth, another growth formed on the same finger. They are flesh-colored, callus-like, painful when pressed, and dry. After 2.5 years, the second growth began to go away. I contacted surgeons and they said they didn’t know what it was, but it had to be removed. No analyzes were done. Tell me, what could this be and what should I do with them?

Answer: Most likely these are warts. This is a virus and therefore more elements appeared. It needs to be removed with a laser - the most effective and painless method. Come to us at the Linline clinic.

Question: Pink spots appeared on my back and chest, I went to the doctor. Previously they said it was pityriasis rosea. A salicyl-resorcinol solution was prescribed at the pharmacy. I started processing it, and only then I read that these components are not recommended for pregnant women at all. Confused about whether to continue treatment?

Answer: Most likely it is lichen versicolor, then the treatment was prescribed correctly, there is no concern. External remedies during pregnancy can be used for no more than 2 weeks. If you have pityriasis rosea, you cannot apply this product; avoid contact with water, friction, and irritation for 6-8 weeks; if there are symptoms (itching), antihistamines and external moisturizers are used.

Question: How to deal with stretch marks that appear on the chest during pregnancy, during pregnancy and after?

Answer: During the period of breastfeeding, you can use Bio-oil oil, after which we add laser resurfacing in the autumn-winter period

Question: I'm concerned about the pigmentation above the lips (a la mustache). I use protective cream 30 SPF. How can I get rid of it? I have been breastfeeding for 8 months.

Answer: SPF30 protection is not enough. You can use neoton radiance cream SPF 50 and neoton serum at night for 2-3 months. While you are breastfeeding, your choice of products is limited.

Question: My baby is 11 months old. Now I am breastfed with complementary foods, I don’t give formula. After six months, red, rough spots sometimes appeared on the bend of the legs at the bottom and under the knees. I didn’t notice any particular allergies to foods. At 10 months There was a very strong rash all over the legs and locally on the body and arms. They suspect that this is atopic dermatitis, now everything is gone, only in some places the skin is rough (legs), is it possible to identify why this is and is there any point, if so, what should we do? Is atopic dermatitis a lifelong disease or one that goes away with age/treatment?

Answer: Most likely this is atopic dermatitis, a chronic disease, but if you follow a diet regimen, exacerbations may be avoided. Allergy tests at this age are not very informative. Dry skin needs to be moisturized with emollients (Mustela Stelatopia, Bioderma Atoderm, Lipikar bp+, Topicrem)

Question: Before pregnancy, I also had moles or papillomas, mainly on my neck and armpits. Was a bit. It became much larger during pregnancy, but I did not risk going to the clinic while pregnant. The dermatologist did not examine me. We still have GW. Is it possible for me to somehow get rid of them now or only after completing the GW? And my legs above the knees are also very itchy. Especially in the shower. Not related to cold or heat or the presence of clothing. I comb it into flaky red patches. Can I go to a dermatologist with this question, or is it better when I finish breastfeeding?

Answer: It is not recommended to remove papillomas during breastfeeding; after breastfeeding for a year, their number may decrease significantly and in the future - laser removal. The spots on the knees should be examined by a dermatologist now in order to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Question: I would like to know how many facial cleansing procedures are needed on average to get a visible result (skin without any special problems)?

Answer: If you have unproblematic skin and a small number of comedones, you can remove them in one procedure, at the discretion of the cosmetologist.

Question: How to get rid of age spots that appeared during pregnancy. Or will they go away on their own? Does breastfeeding affect them too? (Child is 10 months old, breastfeeding)

Answer: After breastfeeding for a year, the spots may decrease in number and size. Additionally, you can now use neoton radiance SPF50 and neoton serum.

Question: I have terrible calluses on my feet (both on the steps and on my toes). A dermatologist looked at it and said that they can only be cut out. In the center of medical cosmetology. I’m afraid to even imagine it; it’s painful to even touch them. How does this even happen, maybe it can be done somewhere with pain relief? Or are there any other options to combat this scourge?

Answer: Most likely these are plantar warts; they can be removed with a laser with lidocaine completely painlessly. Several treatments may be required.

Question: How to treat psoriasis during breastfeeding?

Answer: You can only use external treatment, avoid stress. Baths with sea salt, creams with a high percentage of urea (Akerate 30 avene, Relastil 30%)

Question: My six-year-old daughter has some kind of formation near her eye. What is it and what should you do with it?

Answer: It looks like molluscum contagiosum and can be removed with tweezers. You can try cauterization with iodine 2 times a day for a month and a course of the antiviral drug Groprinosin. Perhaps it is milia, then it is removed by a cosmetologist. Ideally, if you are examined by a dermatologist, you need an in-person consultation.

Question: How to care for a stitch after a CS so that it is less noticeable?

Answer: You can use Bio-oil 2 times a day for up to 9 months, and then laser resurfacing.

Question: Please tell me why you can’t do mechanical facial cleansing in the summer? I want to remove blackheads. What is the best cosmetics to choose for combination skin if there is a rash on the face?

Answer: Cleaning can be done in the summer; after it, be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 50. For problem skin, it is good to use medicinal cosmetics from the appropriate series, for example Acnecinamide, Pharmaceris, Bioderma, La Roche-Posay

Question: After giving birth, a sore popped up on my shin, it looks like a wen when you press it like a ball. Nine months don’t pass, what to do with it and what is it? 0.5 cm approximately.

Answer: Most likely it is a fibroma; it must be removed surgically.

Question: My child is 2.3 years old. At the Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology, we did a biopsy and were diagnosed with mastocytosis. How to treat this disease? Is treatment with Nalcrom practiced in our country? To date, we have completed all vaccinations according to age. Is there a medical outlet for polio and mantu?

Answer: Nalcrom is widely used and gives good results; with matocytosis, it is important not to irritate or injure the child’s skin. As a rule, mastocytosis completely disappears with age. Vaccinations are also important; if there are no severe rashes, you need to get them.

Question: The child is 2 years and 1 month old. How can mastocytosis be cured?

Answer: You can use ketotifen, nalcrom, moisturizing creams. Treatment should be selected by the doctor individually depending on the number of rashes. As a rule, with age, by the age of 5, mastocytosis completely disappears.

Question: Even before pregnancy, I had problem skin, constantly acne (hormones are fine). It turned out that this is a reaction to sweets. Now I'm breastfeeding, the situation has improved a little. Tell me how to take care of your skin at this time? The pores become clogged.

Answer: In your case, you can use acnecinamide medicinal cosmetics, which are allowed during breastfeeding. When using this cosmetics, sebum regulation occurs and the pores become narrower.

Question: I encountered a problem. After giving birth, due to the lack of time for salon procedures, I decided to use an epilator; apparently I did the procedure for caring for the skin of my legs incorrectly. As a result, there are ingrown hairs under the skin, pustules, redness of the skin... Are there ways to solve the problem at home or in cosmetology? Where to start so as not to aggravate the situation?

Answer: In this case, the issue can only be solved by laser hair removal; the hair inside the skin is destroyed and comes out, as a result of which the inflammatory process goes away. Most likely, you will always have such a reaction to hair removal using an epilator. If you are breastfeeding, laser hair removal is prohibited; in this case, use depilatory cream or shaving. You can relieve inflammation with alcohol and antibiotic ointments. It is better to consult a specialist, you need a dermatologist.

Question: Baby is 4 months old. There is a spot on the cheek next to the ear, above the lobe. It is periodically not visible, periodically red and very flaky, periodically it becomes white and slightly flaky. It started after birth, the whole thing peeled off, and after 1.5 months only the eyebrows, bridge of the nose and places next to the ears remained. At the moment it's gone everywhere, only about one ear remains. Over the last week, I began to notice that I was trying to sort of scratch it. Doesn't touch the other ear? What could it be? As for care, I only apply Bepanten cream periodically.

Answer: Most likely this is allergic dermatitis, diphenhydramine is prescribed, it will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Question: After giving birth, my body skin became prone to dryness, but before that it was normal. What hormones is this related to? Are there any other products, besides moisturizing creams and oils, that can intensively and effectively moisturize the skin? How long does it take for the skin to regain its natural moisture?

The same goes for my hair, it has become brittle and difficult to comb, even though I make masks and use conditioner. What can you do to help your hair? And the question of age spots and depigmented areas that appeared on the forehead under the bangs. I'm breastfeeding. Is it possible that the skin color will become even without mosaic spots after breastfeeding is completed or does this remain for life? What can you do to even out the color?

Answer: While you are breastfeeding, you can only use external products. Try using emollients (Mustela Stelatopia, Lipikar bp+, Topicrem, Bioderma Atoderm). As a rule, within a year after breastfeeding ends, skin moisture is restored and hair fragility goes away. It is important to drink enough fluids and provide yourself with a balanced diet and enough sleep.

For age spots you can use neoton, neoton radiance Spf 50. It is important to evaluate depigmented areas, this could be vitiligo, post-traumatic depigmentation, scar. Depending on the diagnosis, different approaches to treatment. In the case of vitiligo, you can use vitiskin - it promotes the formation of pigment. For post-traumatic depigmentation, scar – laser resurfacing. You should be examined by a dermatologist.

Question: How to care for the skin of the abdomen after childbirth so that it recovers faster? There are no stretch marks, but I would like the skin to become more elastic and tighten to its previous size. Is it possible to use fat-burning creams on the stomach and massage with a spiked massager a month after giving birth?

Answer: A month after childbirth is a short time; the skin recovers within 6 months. If the child is not breastfed, any methods of influence can be used.

Question: What procedures can be done a month after giving birth to remove the belly and subcutaneous fat on the abdomen? Wraps, massage, creams, tightening bandage, dry brush massage, scrub every day? What can be done from this?

Answer: A month after childbirth is a short time; the skin recovers within 6 months. If the child is not breastfed, any methods of influence can be used. Scrub every day is not recommended, 2 times a week is better. If you are on breastfeeding, you cannot use fat burning cream. Wraps - with caution.

Question: Tell me, how dangerous or contagious is lichen versicolor for a child (the course of treatment passes), if one of the parents has it?

Answer: Tinea versicolor affects patients with a certain structure of the sebaceous sweat gland. If such a structure is inherited by a child, then there is a possibility of infection from the parent. The disease is not dangerous, but requires treatment: mash, risorcylsalicylic alcohol and antifungal creams (the dermatologist will tell you). It is better to treat a sick parent.

Question: During pregnancy and after childbirth, small red dots began to appear all over the body, like small moles, they can be felt like grains, what could this be? They are on the stomach, back and collarbone.

Answer: Most likely these are ruby ​​nevi - they are not dangerous, can be removed by laser, and occur against a background of reduced immunity and with age. There is a certain predisposition to this disease, it is not contagious, you need to protect yourself from the sun (creams with SPF 50 and 100). Their location does not matter.

Question: At the 7th month of pregnancy, seborrheic dermatitis first appeared (on the face and scalp), and after giving birth, an allergy to dairy products also appeared, which aggravates the dermatitis. (There were no allergy sufferers in the family.) Tell me what to do? What tests or examinations need to be done?

Answer: The occurrence of the disease is most likely associated with a weakened immune system. Depending on the degree of damage, certain medications are prescribed: multivitamins, adsorbents, antihistamines, and in severe forms, even antibiotics. Problems on the face are often associated with stomach problems, so examination by a gastroenterologist is recommended. If necessary, the dermatologist will recommend scraping for demodex. In any case, you should be examined by a dermatologist.

Question: I am 27 years old, two children (4.10 and 6 months). In the last months of pregnancy, huge subcutaneous pimples began to appear, very painful and deep. In addition, many more small ones poured out around one large one. I smeared it with zenerite. They passed for several months, but the marks on the skin in the form of red spots did not go away. After giving birth, the situation did not change. This never happened to me even as a teenager. How to fight? Maybe you need to take some tests? I wash and care for my skin according to all the rules. .

Answer: If you are not breastfeeding, you may need to use antibiotics; a dermatologist will prescribe them; for external treatment, you can recommend Acnecinamide medicinal cosmetics, followed by multivitamins and adsorbents. There is laser treatment for acne - a very effective procedure. Acne can start at any age. You can fight pigmentation with skinoren long-term cream, neoton serum and neoton radiance spf 50.

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Correction methods

Sagging body skin - what to do? Of course, you need to correct such a defect in order to give your skin a beautiful elastic state. To do this, cosmetologists can offer you several options for procedures:

  • LPG massage. If you undergo a course of such procedures, you will get rid of 20% of the skin area;
  • RF lifting. With its help you can tighten your muscles and skin. And you can see the result after just a few sessions;
  • biocybernetic therapy. Here there is an impact on various processes that can provoke sagging skin of the body. That is, the procedure helps improve microcirculation, tone muscles, and skin regeneration;
  • mesotherapy. Here, special preparations are injected under the skin that restore water balance, saturate the skin with microelements, vitamins, and improve skin turgor;
  • Laser, injection biorevitalization. With its help you can make your skin less dry and replenish the lack of moisture;
  • wraps help moisturize the skin and improve turgor. In addition, this procedure has a detoxifying effect;
  • hydromassage. During this procedure, professional equipment is used, so the effect is on the subcutaneous fatty tissue and the skin itself;
  • thread lifting with 3D mesothreads. You can remove areas of sagging with this procedure, and it can be applied to any problem area. In addition, this method will help get rid of unevenness that appeared as a result of liposuction or plastic surgery;
  • ultrasonic cleaning. The specialist uses ultrasound, which will help not only remove dead skin cells, remove sagging body skin after 30, but also make it smooth, firm and elastic.

Prevention of sagging body skin

Here are a few simple recommendations that you should follow to prevent your skin from becoming loose:

  • go in for sports, because the body must constantly be exposed to physical activity;
  • give yourself massages, they can improve muscle tone;
  • lose weight correctly. You don't have to constantly change from one state to another for your weight to fluctuate. This will not only make your skin sagging, but will also provoke cellulite;
  • take a contrast shower. If you have performed water procedures, do not forget to use special creams and oils after them that will maintain water balance;
  • don't sunbathe. The skin and its cells are damaged by the sun's rays, because the latter provoke rapid aging. When you're at the beach, don't forget to use sunscreen;
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits in your diet. They will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also saturate the body and skin with the necessary microelements and vitamins;
  • Drink a lot so that enough water reaches the skin along with the blood flow. Thus, water balance is maintained;
  • think about using special vitamin complexes (fish oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E).

How to solve a problem

Dry skin most often appears in pregnant women on the arms, legs and face. This can be dealt with if you follow certain rules:

  • maintain hygiene;
  • cleanse your skin regularly;
  • use moisturizing creams;
  • establish a balanced diet and drinking regime.

Many manufacturers make special cosmetics for pregnant and nursing mothers. Such products do not cause allergies and are made from natural products. On our website we have collected the best cosmetic and hygiene products that have been tested and are safe for pregnant women.

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