What health problems can dry skin on the elbows indicate?

The modern beauty market offers a large number of skin care products, including for different areas of the body prone to peeling. For example, lips, feet and elbows. Meanwhile, contrary to popular belief, normally the skin of the entire body should be equally moisturized, says dermatologist, candidate of medical sciences Irina Skorogudaeva . According to the doctor, dryness of a certain area of ​​the skin, for example, the elbows, may indicate diseases and disorders in the body.

Article on the topic Eczema under control. How to deal with dry hands


The cause of dry skin on the elbows is hyperkeratosis: thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin and disruption of the keratinization process. It may be accompanied by increased skin pattern, pigmentation, and peeling. Irina Skorogudaeva notes that hyperkeratosis can occur as a result of mechanical stress on the skin, for example, frequent pressure on the elbows when sitting at a table.

“Skin is the first barrier that protects us from the external environment. If we somehow influence it, damage it, this is compensated: the regeneration process starts. As a result, local changes in the skin occur: it thickens, becomes drier, and an emphasized skin pattern appears. For example, the skin begins to thicken in the area where the shoes rub. The same goes for treating heels with a pumice stone or file: the more you remove the stratum corneum, the more it grows,” says the dermatologist.

Stages of eczema on the elbows

The disease can occur in the following stages:

  • Acute
    . It in turn is divided into:
      erythematous – redness and swelling of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • papular - the appearance of papular rashes;
  • vesicular – the appearance of vesicles on the surface of papules;
  • weeping - the formation of erosions and the release of serous fluid;
  • cortical – drying of the vesicles and covering them with crusts.
  • Subacute
    - the skin thickens, the pattern intensifies, and peeling appears.
  • Chronic
    - the skin becomes bluish, lichenized, peels, and pigment spots appear. Periodically developing relapses are characterized by the appearance of a small number of bubbles.

Dermatological diseases

Often, dry skin on the elbows indicates the presence of a skin disease. “It could be atopic dermatitis (a chronic inflammatory skin disease). Dry skin is always characteristic of atopic, i.e., allergic conditions: dermatitis, bronchial asthma, vasomotor rhinitis, and sometimes food allergies. Psoriasis may also appear on the elbows. With this disease, rapid development of cells occurs, they do not have time to mature, the stratum corneum is not built, and the skin looks drier,” explains Skorogudaeva.

What can cause itchy skin? More details

Treatment of eczema on the elbows at the Paramita Clinic

Our clinic specializes in patients suffering from chronic skin diseases. Doctors were trained in the world's best medical centers. They own:

  • all types of drug therapy;
  • modern Western therapeutic techniques;
  • traditional oriental methods - all of them were trained in these methods in China and Tibet.

The distinctive features of the clinic are an individual approach to the treatment of each patient, comfortable conditions and friendly attitude of the staff. The clinic’s specialists relieve patients from eczema on the elbows for a long time. And with regular maintenance treatment, patients forget about their illness forever.

To completely eliminate the causes and symptoms of eczema, we use not only creams, ointments and tablets, but also modern European and traditional Eastern methods:

  • PRP therapy is a method that allows you to activate the body's defenses. Based on the ability of platelets to restore damaged tissue. The patient is injected with his own blood plasma enriched with platelets.
  • Autohemotherapy – stimulation of the immune system by intramuscular injection of blood taken from the patient’s vein;
  • Reflexology: acupuncture – needles are inserted into special acupuncture points (AP) on the patient’s body;
  • moxotherapy - warming up the AT with wormwood cigarettes;
  • acupressure.
  • Herbal medicine – prescribing herbal medicines; selection of medications is carried out individually.
  • Sign up for a free initial appointment

    Endocrine disorders

    The cause of excessive dry skin, including on the elbows, can be a hormonal imbalance. In turn, it can be caused by endocrine diseases, taking hormonal drugs, age-related changes or congenital characteristics.

    The sebaceous glands located on the skin are responsible for the protective function. “The production of sebum occurs under the influence of sex steroid hormones, primarily androgens and estrogens. Accordingly, if you produce less of these hormones, your skin remains dry. The cause may be endocrine diseases. For example, pronounced changes in the skin occur with diabetes mellitus. Hormonal levels can also change the use of hormonal medications. There are also individual congenital characteristics: weak sensitivity of receptors to the actions of hormones, resulting in low sebum production, resulting in drier skin. In addition, with age, sebum is produced in smaller quantities, again due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones,” the doctor notes.

    Causes of eczema on elbows

    Eczema is an allergic disease with an acute, subacute or chronic course. Its main manifestations are a variety of inflammatory skin rashes, accompanied by severe itching and burning. The name of the disease comes from the Greek word ekzeo - boiling, since the most common elements of the rash are bubbles with transparent contents.

    Eczema on the elbows has different causes, so treatment must be selected individually. The main role is played by hereditary predisposition, expressed in the characteristics of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. This leads to increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of various external and internal triggers. As a result, an allergic reaction develops in the form of skin inflammation.

    External (exogenous) causes

    • long-term mechanical impact – skin irritation;
    • exposure to ultraviolet rays;
    • damage from chemicals - household chemicals, chemical and biological substances at work;
    • allergenic creams, body care gels;
    • insect bites;
    • wearing synthetic fabrics;
    • fungal and bacterial skin infections;
    • open skin injuries;
    • medications;
    • food allergens;
    • animal fur.

    Eczema of any localization can spread throughout the body, so do not delay treatment.
    See how easily the disease can be cured in 10-12 sessions.

    Internal (endogenous) causes

    • toxins and antibodies formed against the background of chronic diseases and foci of infection;
    • Especially often the cause is hormonal imbalances, diabetes and diseases of the digestive system.

    Lack of vitamins

    Dry skin on the elbows may indicate a lack of vitamins A, D3, and group B (mostly B1, B2, B3 and B6) in the body. “These vitamins are needed to build the stratum corneum of the skin and renew its cells. Accordingly, they affect the quality of this layer, how it retains moisture so that the skin is not dry. The cause of a lack of vitamins may be impaired absorption of the gastrointestinal tract. This is already a gastroenterological syndrome,” says Skorogudaeva.

    Question answer

    Where do white patches of skin appear on elbows and knees?

    How and with what to treat rough elbows?

    Before starting treatment, it is important to diagnose the cause of the roughness on the left hand:

    • It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and endocrinologist (laboratory tests).
    • Blood test and thorough examination of the skin.
    • Confirmation or refutation of the progression of eczema, psoriasis.
    • Checking cosmetic products for expiration dates.

    After finding the cause, it is important to urgently begin to solve the problem. First, you need to purchase products that exfoliate your skin well.

    They are combined with the use of moisturizing and softening preparations. The most effective is salicylic ointment. You can apply nourishing creams to the skin.

    These products help with insufficient care of the elbows and epidermis, if a rough spot appears and the skin begins to dry out.

    Note! You need to regularly take a course of vitamins.

    You must first consult with a therapist who will study the indications and possible contraindications.

    More often, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E (for example, Aevit). They need to be drunk as a whole course. The daily diet is enriched with fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs.

    If the endocrine system is disrupted, medications are prescribed. The skin is additionally moisturized with ointment or cream. They need to be applied several times during the day until complete remission or recovery occurs.

    If the body's water-fat balance is disturbed, the epidermis quickly loses the necessary moisture, and the skin becomes rough and bumpy.

    In such a situation, it is important to limit the use of soap and other aggressive products. It is replaced with a special foam that contains oils.

    When you can't do without medical help

    Rough elbows are a problem that is not immediately noticed. Many signs of disease are manifested by dryness and roughening of the skin on or around the elbows. The tissues do not heal, dry and thin skin itches, microcracks and inflammation appear.

    If you have such symptoms, you should sound the alarm and consult a specialist. The doctor will order an examination and take appropriate treatment measures.

    Ultrasonic lifting

    Focused ultrasound affects the deep layers of the dermis. Under the influence of the device, the tissues “warm up” and the production of new collagen is launched, and at the same time the natural process of rejuvenation and cell regeneration begins. Ultrasonic lifting is a procedure with a cumulative effect: the result increases over 3 to 4 months.

    Nutrition for healthy elbow skin

    You can help rough, flaky skin on your elbows by enriching your daily diet with products useful for restoring the epidermis:

    • seeds and nuts (almonds, walnuts, pine);
    • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese);
    • vegetables – spinach, carrots, sorrel;
    • chicken eggs;
    • fish liver, beef liver.

    To improve the skin of your elbows, you need to give up alcohol (especially strong drinks). It negatively affects not only large blood vessels, but also impairs microcirculation in the upper layers of the dermis.

    Treatment methods

    After the examination shows the cause of darkening and keratinization of the skin, you can decide on treatment.

    If the cause of the problem is an external influence, then use:

    • softening ointments;
    • nourishing creams;
    • lemon or acetic acid;
    • They make lotions, medicinal baths, and masks from herbal infusions.

    Pharmacy medicines: table of effective ointments and tablets

    A drugEffectMode of application
    "Radevit"It has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect, reduces itching, moisturizes and softens the skin, and has a protective function. Contains vitamins: A, D, E and ergocalfitserol. Before application, treat the skin with an antiseptic, apply a thin layer, 2 times a day. If necessary (severe peeling), use a bandage that does not allow air to pass through.
    "Bepanten"Heals wounds, skin ulcers, cracks, relieves inflammation, eliminates itching.Apply until complete healing.
    "Boro-plus"Antiseptic, heals wounds, eliminates peeling, softens the skin.Apply to affected areas until the problem is eliminated.
    Salicylic ointmentAnti-inflammatory effect, against psoriasis, calluses, acne, skin diseases.Use until the problem disappears. 10 percent ointment
    Zinc ointmentRelieves inflammation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, antiseptic, creates a barrier film against germs and infections, heals, softens.Treat the skin with an antiseptic. Apply 2-3 times a day.
    Birch tar (ointment)Acts as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation and irritation.For skin diseases, mix with lard in a 1/1 ratio. Apply to the affected areas until recovery.
    "Fexofat"Eliminates itching, anti-inflammatory effect.Take orally, dose prescribed by your doctor.
    "Complivit"Enriches the body with minerals and vitamins, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and improves general condition.For prevention, 1 tablet once a day. For illnesses, 1 tablet 2 times a day.
    "Sorbifer Durules"Eliminates iron deficiency.The dosage depends on the diagnosis. The main dosage is 1-2 times a day, 1 tablet.

    Cosmetic products for the treatment of dry elbows

    In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, there are cosmetics that will also help in the fight against problematic elbows.


    Product based on extracts:

    • sequences;
    • violets;
    • licorice;
    • chamomile;
    • walnut.

    The cream contains avocado oil, D-panthenol.

    It suppresses inflammation and is effective:

    • relieves itching;
    • eliminates peeling and redness of the skin;
    • softens and nourishes the skin;
    • fights germs.

    The cream is suitable for one-time use and long-term use. It should be applied to dry, oil-free skin twice a day.


    This cream is used for allergic rashes and skin diseases . It eliminates itching, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is antidexuative (draws out pathogenic substances, relieves purulent inflammation).

    The course of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, apply the drug to the affected areas once a day.


    The use of this balm promotes healing of the skin, it also:

    • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
    • has an antipruritic effect;
    • protects against adverse effects of the external environment.

    It is recommended to use the drug once a day. The balm has no restrictions on the duration of therapy.


    This balm has a large number of useful properties and indications for use:

    • creates a protective barrier for the skin;
    • has a regenerating effect;
    • relieves redness and inflammation;
    • has antibacterial properties;
    • softens the skin.

    Apply the cream to dry, cleansed skin 2 times a day.

    Traditional recipes for rough skin on the elbows

    Rough elbows (signs of disease can be eliminated with folk recipes) are a problem that masks and peelings can help with. After the procedure, it is advisable to soften your elbows with a nourishing cream.

    You can combat rough skin on your elbows using home remedies - peelings and masks.

    Peeling recipes:

    1. Coffee and honey peeling . It's easy and quick to prepare, and the results exceed expectations. Coffee in combination with honey makes the skin smooth, elastic, nourishes and rejuvenates it. To prepare this scrub, you need to combine honey and coffee grounds in equal proportions and stir thoroughly. Apply the mixture to dry elbows and massage for 2 minutes. Rinse off. It is convenient to do this procedure during water procedures. Lubricate already dry elbows generously with nourishing cream.
    2. Citrus peeling. Fruit acid brightens the skin very well. Nourishes with vitamin C and creates a protective barrier against infections. Medium-sized fruit (grapefruit, lemon) must be divided in half. These will be improvised elbow baths. Crush the pulp of the fruit directly into it with a fork or spoon. Dip your elbows into these “baths” with juice and pulp for min. by 5-10. You should not use this procedure if there are wounds or cracks.
    3. Lemon peeling. This method will help remove unwanted dark pigment with a minimum amount of time and money. Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe your elbows with it. When the juice is absorbed, the skin will tighten a little, then you can wash it off with warm water. To achieve the desired effect, do it once a week for 2 months.

    4. Potato mask. Using potatoes as a mask is a great way to rejuvenate the skin and remove pigmentation. Very well nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Take 2 small size potatoes. Peel, wash, grate. Add 2 tsp to this paste. honey, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to your elbows, secure with a gauze bandage, and leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the bandages and rinse with warm running water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
    5. Honey and oatmeal mask . If you need to remove the stratum corneum of the skin, get rid of itching and redness, then this mask is irreplaceable. In one container, mix honey (3 tbsp), oatmeal (3 tbsp), and the yolk of one chicken egg. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards wash with water. Apply once a week.
    6. Chamomile mask. Dry chamomile inflorescences 1 tbsp, dry calendula 1 tbsp, honey 1 tbsp, 50 g butter, 250 ml water. Grind the herb, pour boiling water over it, leave for 8 hours. Melt the butter and honey in a water bath or in the microwave. Add the infused mixture of herbs in the amount of 2 tbsp to the honey and oil. Use this mixture as a cream in the evening. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, once a day.

    Therapeutic baths and lotions

    Therapeutic baths and lotions (for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases) are a fairly pleasant and effective way to eliminate dry elbows

    How to prepare and use:

    1. Olive bath. First, you need to carefully treat the keratinized skin with a brush or pumice stone. Heat olive oil (250 ml) in the microwave until warm. Immerse your elbows in a container with oil and hold them for 15-20 minutes. Such baths can be done 2 times a week. The recommended duration of the procedure is 1 month. Heals, softens rough skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    2. Rainwater bath. Baking soda creates the effect of rainwater. It can be added to the bath when bathing, and can also be used as a bath against dry elbows. Gently softens the skin, removing the stratum corneum. Half a tbsp. baking soda, pour 2 liters of warm water, stir. Immerse your elbows in a container with the solution and hold for 10 minutes. Rinse with water. Apply cream. Repeat the procedure once a week.
    3. Herbal bath. Take dry herbs in the amount of 1 tbsp. Grind chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Leave the poured broth for 40 minutes. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Add 1 tsp onion juice, 2 tsp lemon juice, 50 ml olive oil. The mixture must be whipped. Keep your elbows in this bath for 15 minutes. Afterwards, treat your elbows with pumice, pat dry with a paper towel and apply cream for dry elbows. Heals wounds and cracks, eliminates itching, softens the skin.
    4. Oil lotion. The following oils are suitable for such a compress: vegetable, olive, linseed. The procedure is done at night. Rub your elbows with oil and wrap with gauze or a bandage. In the morning, rinse with lukewarm water. Such lotions can be done every other day. Nourishes and softens the skin.

    5. Sauerkraut juice lotion. Rub sauerkraut juice onto your elbows several times a day. Suitable for everyday use. Whitens and relieves redness.
    6. Vinegar lotions . Alcohol 70% (2 tsp), glycerin (1 tsp), table vinegar 9% (1 tsp), rich cream. Mix all ingredients in one jar. Store this mixture under a closed lid. Lubricate your elbows at night. Do this for 3 nights, then clean your elbows with pumice. Removes rough layers of skin.

    Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Cracks on the fingers - causes and treatment of the skin with folk remedies, ointments, masks and preparations. Photo.

    Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

    The main symptoms of atopic dermatitis:

    • red spots;
    • pustules resembling herpes;
    • persistent itching of the affected areas and a tendency to recurrent bacterial infections.

    In children under 2 years of age, the rash appears on the head, cheeks and forehead. Infantile eczema causes scaly skin and red patches on the face, arms and legs. In addition to redness, bubbles filled with liquid form, bursting over time. Crusts form on the baby's body and the skin becomes very dry. This disease is more common in girls

    In older children and adults, symmetrical skin lesions of an erythematous and papular nature are noted. They appear on the neck, face, wrists, in the bends of the elbows and knees, but can cover the entire body. A characteristic symptom is annoying itching, which provokes scratching. The skin becomes dry, red and irritated.

    Prevention of eczema on the elbows

    Persons suffering from eczema or having close relatives with this disease should follow the following rules to prevent relapses:

    • stick to a diet;
    • avoid prolonged stress and high loads;
    • promptly treat chronic diseases and foci of infection;
    • stop using clothing made from synthetic fabrics;
    • do not overheat or overcool, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
    • avoid contact with possible allergens;
    • carry out hygiene procedures using hypoallergenic gels and shampoos; wash clothes using neutral detergents.

    How to remove dark spots with creams and ointments

    The main purpose of the product that will be used to eliminate the roughness of dark elbows should be to moisturize and nourish. Creams and ointments should be the final stage of any scrubbing procedure to protect the skin from drying out and prevent the appearance of cracks. Usually no special compositions are required for this. Apply existing creams either for the hands or for the body in general.

    For targeted lightening of the area, Zinc ointment, Hydroquinone, Revitol lightening cream, Clinicians Complex skin cleansing and lightening agent, etc. can be used. If the skin begins to itch and bother you, you can apply a thin layer of Vaseline to it.

    Using folk remedies at home

    You can treat eczema at home only after consulting a doctor. There are many traditional methods for treating this disease. In case of severe weeping, you can make applications with a cold decoction of oak bark.

    • take 4 tablespoons of bark, add hot water, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, cool, strain, add boiled water to the original level;
    • place the decoction in the refrigerator and make daily applications, applying a napkin moistened with the decoction to the affected areas of the skin.

    For dry eczema, you can apply a cut aloe leaf (with the inside) to your elbows - this softens the skin well and relieves itching.

    Oil baths for elbows

    Oil baths effectively soften rough skin on the elbows, facilitating better penetration of medications or nutrients.

    Castor oil bath


    • 160 ml sunflower oil;
    • 25 ml castor oil.

    Heat vegetable oil in a ceramic bowl, add castor oil to it. Stir, dip elbows in oil for 15-25 minutes. After time, wipe the skin dry and lubricate with cream.

    Bath with glycerin

    Required components:

    • Olive oil – 115 ml;
    • Glycerin – 25 ml.

    The oil is heated to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Glycerin is added to it and mixed well. Keep your elbows in the bath for 20 minutes or more. At the end of the procedure, the elbows are not washed, but blotted with a napkin.

    To achieve maximum results, oil baths should be done after exfoliation 2-3 times a week.


    Leah: I really liked rubbing my elbows with lemon juice - natural and effective! The most important thing is not to forget to apply cream afterwards!

    Karina: Baths seemed like too much of a hassle to me. At one time the result is minimal, but I don’t want to do this for two weeks.

    Sveta: Dark skin on the elbows is simply poorly exfoliated, so the best solution is a scrub. The honey-coffee mixture gives simply excellent results.

    Olya: My elbows turned black due to vitamin deficiency, I started taking vitamins and everything gradually went away by itself. I didn’t take any additional measures, although I systematically scrub my entire body, maybe this had some significance.

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