Black pimple: features, principles of treatment, advice from dermatologists and causes of appearance (125 photos and videos)

Acne can ruin even the most pleasant appearance. No one is immune from them, and even after getting rid of them, a little inattention to diet or personal hygiene can provoke their return. There may be some unusual guests on this front. For example, black pimple - what it is and how to deal with it. Today we will examine this question in detail.


Taking into account the individual characteristics of this process, several types of such neoplasms are distinguished:

  • Cork. If the pores become clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells and dirt, a plug forms. When the mouth of the sebaceous ducts expands, the fat begins to oxidize from contact with air and darken. A black pimple forms.
  • White growth. When such a plug is under the skin, oxidation does not occur. The pores narrow too much, so the pimple becomes like a white bump. Such cosmetic defects often become inflamed.
  • Red rash. Due to the penetration of harmful microorganisms under the skin, an inflamed red growth is formed. It may be subcutaneous, but in some situations its head may come out.
  • Purulent pimple. With the subsequent development of inflammation and further activation of the virus, it is noticeable that the ordinary rash becomes purulent.

When such neoplasms appear, it is necessary to monitor them, and if unpleasant symptoms subsequently appear, you should seek help from a doctor.

Types of acne

There are several types of acne. Each of them is handled well at the Private Practice clinic - our doctors have accumulated vast experience in solving this unpleasant problem.

Types of acne

Generally speaking, acne can be classified into one of two types:

  • With an inflammatory process;
  • No inflammation.

The reasons for both of them lie in blockage of the sebaceous glands. Pimples without inflammation - comedones, are:

  • Open type. They look like black dots. These black pimples, or blackheads, are often located on the nose, forehead or chin. They clog pores at the very surface and are painless until bacteria gets there.
  • Closed type. They are called white pimples, milia or wen. They clog the bottom of the pore, making it difficult for sebum to escape. Such small pimples may not be too noticeable on the skin, but when infections occur, they become truly dangerous.

In turn, acne with an inflammatory process is divided into:

  • Red pimples, or papules. They are formed from comedones if pathogenic microbes begin to accumulate there. As a rule, they are small in size and protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. They do not leave noticeable marks behind if you carry out the treatment and do not squeeze them out yourself. Otherwise, they leave dark spots.
  • Purulent pimples, or pustules. They are filled with purulent contents, with a white or yellow head. Do not try to treat them yourself - squeezing such pimples can cause infection in the blood.
  • Large pimples, ranging in size from 1 to 3 mm, are called nodules. They can be bluish or burgundy in color. These internal pimples are located in the deep layers of the epidermis and are painful to the touch. They leave behind long lasting dark spots or scars.
  • Cysts are another deep formation. Subcutaneous pimples tend to merge with each other, are difficult to treat and cause significant damage to appearance.

Depending on the degree of spread, doctors divide acne into:

  • Light (up to 10 formations);
  • Medium (20-40 rashes);
  • Severe (more than 50 pimples).

Regardless of the type of acne or the stage, it is important to remember that acne is primarily a disease that needs to be treated by doctors and cannot be overcome with cosmetics. Don’t despair if it seems to you that nothing is helping with acne - in our clinic we will select an individual treatment for you that will definitely bear fruit. Our specialists will offer you the most modern procedures and the latest drugs. We work every day, seven days a week!

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In certain situations, a rash on the surface of the face and body appears in large quantities. This phenomenon is called acne, which is common in adolescence and young adults.

A black pimple is a plug of dirt, sebaceous secretions and dead skin cells of the epidermis, which clogs the pores of the skin.

Most often, the rashes are located on the face. Symptoms: blackheads, sometimes accompanied by itching, cause cosmetic discomfort.

Self-squeezing leads to scarring and infection.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor: measures to cleanse the skin, use of local products that improve blood flow, diet, exfoliating agents, topical retinoids.

The disease is chronic and conventional methods for eliminating black acne are often not enough.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

Patients who develop acne and a black rash begins to appear on the body should monitor their diet, reconsider their lifestyle and properly care for their skin. There are several stages of this disease:

  • Easy. A small number of neoplasms are formed.
  • Average. In addition to black and whiteheads, pink rashes are formed, which are sometimes characterized by inflammation.
  • Heavy. A large number of different pimples, as well as suppurations.

Establishing the severity of the disease facilitates the selection of optimal therapy.

Treatment of black acne

Each of the described types requires serious treatment. This concept includes both medications and proper diet with proper personal hygiene. It can often take quite a long time to get rid of the problem, symptoms and traces of the disease.

In addition, girls should know about the effectiveness of masks against black pimples and spots on the face. This applies more to cosmetics, which is why it is used more in cases of poor hygiene. Masks help cleanse both the skin and pores on the face, thereby gently getting rid of black pimples.

You can also use ointments, tablets and even syrups. There are so many different options on the market now. It is best to consult with your treating dermatologist so that he can choose the right option for you.


A rash that can appear on any area of ​​the body. But often they are located where there are a large number of subcutaneous glands and hair follicles.

A black pimple is a plug of dirt and dead skin that clogs the pores. Therefore, it is mainly found on the surface of the nose, back, head, and in males - in the chest area.

If a woman experiences the appearance of comedones, this is a reason to seek advice from a gynecologist.
Very often, the cause of the appearance of skin formations of this type is an imbalance of sex hormones, which is expressed in the form of hyperproduction of estrogen.

Additionally, consultation with an endocrinologist is recommended.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

4 years of experience

On the face

This area is the most common location for black pimples.

They form in the forehead, nose, and chin areas. Areas with a significant number of subcutaneous glands are concentrated there. In addition, the patient often touches these places with unclean hands.

Also, a large number of cosmetic preparations are regularly applied to these areas. That’s why pores often start to clog here.

Black pimples can also form on the cheeks, lips, eyelids or ears. This can happen due to increased activity of the subcutaneous glands, in particular when the patient’s skin is extremely susceptible to the substances they secrete.

On the back

A black rash on the surface of the back is formed due to the same factors.

Hormonal imbalance, unbalanced diet, psycho-emotional shocks or chronic diseases lead to increased functioning of the subcutaneous glands, of which there are a large number in this area.

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In addition, the occurrence of black acne is provoked by wearing tight synthetic clothing, which leads to excessive sweating and clogged pores.

Atypical places for comedones to appear

They do not form in places where there is no hair, since the ducts of the subcutaneous glands are located near the hair follicles. Therefore, they do not appear on the surface of the tongue, palms or soles.

Black pimples in these places have a different origin.

For example, these are warts or minor hematomas that appear due to compression of the foot by uncomfortable shoes.

How to get rid of acne marks

Facial rashes are a common problem that almost every person faces.

Black growths in the oral cavity indicate the formation of a fungal disease or tumor.

Black pimples on the labia, where there are a large number of hair follicles, can appear due to the same provoking factors as on the surface of the face. This happens due to hormonal changes, stressful situations, or poor hygiene.

A rash in intimate places in females occurs due to physiological characteristics, wearing tight synthetic clothing or during infectious diseases.

In some situations, black pimples form on the scalp, neck, lower limbs, shoulders and fingers. A similar condition can be observed during acne, hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders.

Description and causes of black acne

If you have not encountered this problem, you can look at photos of black pimples on the Internet. They usually appear as a result of a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, which are located under the skin. Under normal circumstances, acne is just a symptom of some kind of health problem, or lack of attention to personal hygiene or nutrition. In this case, things are a little more complicated.

Black pimples can be quite a serious problem, at least from an aesthetic point of view. An abundance of dirt and dust will only contribute to this problem. The worst thing about this is that such acne can appear on almost any part of the body.

Most often, the blow falls on the face - cheeks, neck, lips, nose. Less commonly, this happens to the back, arms and legs. As previously mentioned, one of the main conditions for the appearance of this type of acne is the sebaceous glands, of which there are quite a lot on the face. The situation is aggravated by the hormonal state of the body, which has its own stages of exacerbation.

This also includes low-quality cosmetics and household chemicals. As practice shows, they contribute to the appearance of black pimples no worse than dirty hands touching your face.


To counteract black pimples on the skin, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease. Experts identify the following factors that provoke the appearance of such a rash on the body:

  • Allergic reaction. Black pimples on the skin of the upper extremities are the result of an allergy to medications, household chemicals (for example, chemicals used to wash clothes, cosmetics).
  • Infectious diseases. A black rash will be characterized by an increase in body temperature, as well as a rash that spreads to other parts of the body.
  • Metabolic disorders . Triggered by various disorders in the functioning of internal organs or a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fungus. The formation of black acne occurs due to the activity of a fungal infection that penetrates the skin through various types of injuries or cracks in the skin.
  • Genetic predisposition. With some types of hereditary diseases, a slight rash forms on the skin. They appear suddenly, can spread along the entire surface of the body and do not disappear for a long period of time.
  • Inadequate adherence to hygiene recommendations. It provokes infection of small lesions and, as a result, the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
  • Hormonal changes. Acne during this period is a consequence of increased activity of the subcutaneous glands. A similar rash may appear on the shoulders as minor growths.
  • Nervous tension and emotional turmoil.

Having identified the initial cause of black pimples, the specialist is able to prescribe effective treatment.


In addition to the fact that black pimples can itch and characteristic growths form on the skin, the patient may feel other unpleasant sensations that depend directly on the disorder itself or the underlying disease. Thus, the rash is often associated with itching, swelling, increased sensitivity and painful discomfort.

If the disease manifests itself along with problems in various systems within the body, then discomfort in the throat, runny nose, cough, increased body temperature, and excessive sweating may occur.

In addition, there is an increased production of subcutaneous sebum, which does not have time to be released from the pores, which provokes clogging and inflammation. As a result, black pimples with a black head appear.

When, with the formation of a black rash, minor pimples on various parts of the body itch and itch, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist.

The appearance of acne

Alas, such acne may differ depending on the situation and location of occurrence. These factors directly affect what a black pimple can be.

I would like to note that doctors strongly recommend a responsible approach to the issue of choosing a remedy for black acne. This is because it should not only help you get rid of the symptoms, but also solve the problem that caused the acne to appear, because most often they only act as a sign of something larger.

Separately, we need to talk about what causes black pimples to appear on such parts of the body as the tongue, feet, palms. In such cases, their origin may be slightly different.

Uncomfortable shoes can cause small bruises and blackheads, and a little dirt can turn this into a black pimple. After all, friction can do the same on the shoulder - from the backpack strap, or on the back.

Black pimples in the mouth most often indicate the presence of a viral disease or fungal infection. In this case, it would be a good idea to contact a dentist, who will examine the oral cavity and prescribe appropriate treatment.


During the external examination, the specialist carefully examines the history of the disease and assesses the severity of damage to the dermis. If the general diagnosis does not provide an accurate clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination by specialized specialists and various laboratory tests, as this information helps make an accurate diagnosis.

If the root cause of black acne is dangerous disorders and pathologies in the functioning of organs and systems, the patient is prescribed treatment for the detected diseases. The black rash will begin to disappear when the underlying disease that caused this cosmetic defect is eliminated.


Therapy must be comprehensive. In addition to cleansing the skin, you should focus on your diet, choose cosmetic products wisely, and promptly treat chronic diseases.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

For such purposes, it is best to consult with a specialist so that he can prescribe effective therapy.

Before using any product, you must consult a doctor.

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