Vulvovaginitis in children: causes, prevention, treatment.

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  • Vulvovaginitis in children: causes, prevention, treatment.

One of the common reasons why a mother and baby turn to a pediatric gynecologist is vulvovaginitis.

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, vulvitis is an inflammation of the vulva or external genitalia, that is, the perineum, labia majora and minora. Since these areas are nearby, the disease often occurs together, which is why the name “vulvovaginitis” exists.

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Groin rash in children

- a common phenomenon. Almost always, the main reason for the appearance of formations is the regular wearing of a diaper, which does not allow air to pass through well, therefore, if the child is at home, it is better to wear a diaper as little as possible and less often; in advanced cases, the groin rash turns into frequent small purulent pimples.

Weak children's immunity cannot resist all harmful fungi and viruses that can get on the baby's skin. Therefore, rashes often bother young children, and if your baby has a rash, they will help you with solving the problem.

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Caring for a newborn: intimate hygiene

Almost every mother of a newborn boy has three main questions:

  1. To wash or not to wash your baby after every diaper change?
  2. Should I open the foreskin of the glans penis while washing?
  3. Is it harmful for a child to wear diapers?

Let's answer them in order:

To wash or not to wash – that is the question

Caring for a newborn boy necessarily includes washing. Boys should be washed no less often than girls! That is, every 2-3 hours or with every diaper change. Unlike girls, boys can be washed in any direction, even from front to back, even vice versa, you can’t just do it in the pelvis (after defecation). Residues of enzymes and undigested food can cause infection of the genitourinary organs and irritation of the perineum, leading to diaper rash. Therefore, you only need to wash the boy with running water. And after washing, do not rush to put on a diaper and dry the skin properly. The more air baths your baby takes, the better for his skin! It is not recommended to use soap, solutions of soda and potassium permanganate and other detergents when washing, so as not to deprive the baby’s skin of the protective glycolipid mantle. After washing, inguinal folds and irritated areas can be lubricated with hygienic oil - olive, almond (sold at the pharmacy). The scrotum and penis do not need to be lubricated.

This is important to know!

If the appearance of the penis makes you wary: for example, it is red, swollen, or inflates when urinating, contact a pediatric urologist immediately.

Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene in a newborn boy can lead to balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis) and a stage of phimosis (growth of the foreskin), which can only be corrected surgically. Inflammation of the genital organs suffered by a boy in childhood can result in infertility, impotence, prostatitis and other unpleasant problems in adulthood. Proper care of a newborn boy is the key to his good male health in the future.

Foreskin: to open or not to open the head of the penis?

Modern, progressive doctors strongly recommend leaving the foreskin of boys until they are 5–6 years old alone. At an earlier age, the inner surface of the foreskin is still firmly connected to the head of the penis. This phenomenon is absolutely normal; in medical language it is called physiological phimosis. Premature shifting of the baby's foreskin leads to the formation of small wounds, which, when healing, leave scars, which leads to an even greater narrowing of the foreskin.

This is important to know!

If your baby has been circumcised, the penis will be red and produce a yellowish secretion for the first week. Make sure that the redness gradually disappears and that a weeping yellow crust does not form on the head of the penis. If this happens, contact a pediatric urologist immediately.

Diapers: yes or no?

There is an opinion that constantly wearing diapers overheats the baby’s genitals, disrupting their natural formation and the process of sperm production. Studies were conducted at the Scientific Center for Children's Health, which showed that an increase in temperature by 2 ºС due to the use of diapers does not affect sexual function and the formation of the genital organs. This is also supported by the fact that a generation of children has already matured who grew up in diapers, but at the same time successfully have their own babies (although the percentage of primary male infertility has definitely increased these days, no matter what causes it). But experienced experts still recommend not keeping your baby in diapers all the time.

Sometimes a baby becomes allergic to a diaper, or rather, not to the diaper itself, but to the materials from which it is made. This doesn't mean you need to give up diapers altogether. Just change the manufacturer and always make sure that the diaper matches the baby's weight. For allergies in newborns, it is very good to use “natural baby swaddling systems.” At the first stage of their use, they require a little more time to learn than regular disposable diapers, but later, once you get used to them, you will appreciate that, firstly, they are more environmentally friendly, and secondly, in the end they are cheaper to use than disposable ones.

Causes of groin rashes in children

Groin rash in children

Most parents blame it on an allergy to an unfamiliar food or irritation from a new detergent. Few people think that the child’s constant presence in a diaper is to blame. Due to the occurrence of diaper rash, harmful bacteria begin to multiply on the baby's body.

Also common is prickly heat, which is similar to the case described above, but occurs due to overheating. The sweat glands of children work quite unstable, which leads to clogging of the epidermis, the skin ceases to receive enough air, which is why prickly heat appears.

Often a child can get candidiasis. The pathogen that causes the disease is found in the stool. Candida bacteria spread throughout the baby's skin and mucous membranes, causing a rash.

A fragile organism can be undermined by other internal problems that will serve as the starting impetus for a rash:

  • chronic or congenital pathologies;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • previous influenza or other severe viral disease;
  • disruption of the hormonal glands;
  • taking strong antibiotics.

A baby can also get candidiasis from his mother. The pathogen passes during feeding or regular contact, without personal hygiene.

Orchitis in adolescents and young children

Orchitis in children and adolescents manifests itself in the same way as in adults. That is, it is an inflammatory disease of the testicles, which can occur either independently or simultaneously with inflammation of the appendages (epididymitis). The nature of the disease is bacterial or viral. It often occurs between the ages of 10 and 12 years, but can also occur in newborns.

The disease is quite easy to treat, but in each individual case, methods and treatment regimens depend on the stage of development, symptoms, causes and general health of the child.

Complications and consequences of testicular inflammation in a child

It should be noted that complications occur extremely rarely, since the disease is easily diagnosed in the early stages. Only advanced cases, cases with complications of other diseases and chronic forms have serious consequences.

Orchitis is dangerous due to such consequences as:

  • infertility (in rare cases, when “sterility” develops after inflammation of both testicles);
  • testicular atrophy (in chronic form);
  • accumulation of pus in the testicle and epididymis (with improper treatment or lack thereof).

Symptoms of diseases

It is very easy to distinguish candidiasis from prickly heat or dermatitis by a number of symptoms:

  • all rashes are rich red in color with clear boundaries;
  • inside the vesicles there is pus;
  • the rash in the groin area merges into large lesions and spots;
  • you can notice a grayish or white coating on the formations;
  • genitals become swollen;
  • urination is accompanied by pain.

This is significantly different from the usual redness or small pink spots in the case of heat rash, which go away quickly and do not cause any discomfort to the baby.

In the case of candidiasis, it is necessary to start treating the baby before the blisters burst, because then the thrush will penetrate deep into the skin. The child will become restless due to itching and burning of the skin, and if treatment is started, boys will eventually develop balanoposthitis. Rash in children's groin

can be prevented, and if it doesn’t work out, it needs to be treated quickly.

What is the type of testicular orchitis in children and teenagers?

Orchitis is divided into the following types:

  • specific and nonspecific (according to the type of pathogen);
  • necrotic, granulomatous, congestive, traumatic (due to occurrence);
  • acute, chronic, ischemic and recurrent (according to the nature and course of the disease).

As already mentioned, orchitis can be cured quite successfully if parents take their child to the doctor on time. It is very difficult not to notice changes in a child’s behavior with this disease, since (especially in the acute form) it has vivid symptoms.

Symptoms of testicular inflammation in a boy

The most basic signs of the disease are sharp and severe pain and increased body temperature. The disease is also manifested by the following symptoms, which develop gradually over several days:

  • dense testicular tissue;
  • painful and frequent urination (with inflammation of the urinary tract);
  • inflammation of the parotid salivary gland and enlarged lymph nodes (with viral diseases);
  • redness and enlargement of the scrotum (in whole or in part);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the pain can be sharp or dull and aching (more often in adolescents);
  • discharge from the urethra.

Sometimes the pain can radiate to the kidney area. The chronic form is practically asymptomatic; only slight pain is possible when touching the testicle or pain in the testicles when walking and running.

Prevention and treatment of irritations

Rash in the groin

this is a reason to think about bathing procedures: start regularly washing the affected area using medicinal infusions, for example, chamomile or celandine. Do not forget that the baby needs to blot the folds on the body with a napkin, and with a soft and dry cloth. After water procedures, it would not be superfluous to let the child be naked; this will not only help in the prevention of prickly heat and diaper rash, but will also strengthen his immunity.

When using cloth or cotton diapers, be sure to use powder. The skin of babies is very delicate, to such an extent that sometimes the powder collects in the diaper and rubs in the groin area, leading to irritation, pay attention to this. If your baby has an allergic rash, then you need to wear diapers only at night, and only after treating the baby’s skin.

If you cannot independently determine the cause of the rash in your baby, contact a specialist, they will not only help determine the cause of the rash, but also help neutralize it.

Prices for appointments in Moscow
Initial appointment900 rubles
Repeated appointment700 rubles
Blood tests for RW600 rubles
Calling a dermatologist to your home2800 rubles
Prescription of treatment regimen600 rubles

This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis

Treatment of vaginitis depends on the reasons that caused it.

If it is a helminthic infestation, then antihelminthic therapy is prescribed.

If there is severe unbearable itching in the perineal area, sedatives (calming) and antihistamines are prescribed.

If, during a laboratory examination, yeast-like fungi Candida are detected in a smear analysis, antifungal drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments and creams.

There is such a thing as specific vulvovaginitis, that is, vaginitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms (gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia). This disease requires the prescription of antibiotics, possibly the prescription of vaginal sticks and ointments.

In addition to drug therapy aimed at destroying the infectious agent, it is worth noting that the treatment complex necessarily includes vitamins in the form of synthetic forms or products enriched with vitamins (fruits, vegetables, legumes). And, of course, the disease is considered cured when the vaginal microbiocenosis is restored.

Restoration of microflora is carried out by taking probiotics (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generations), prebiotics, eubiotics or fermented milk products

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