How to remove crow's feet around the eyes: the most effective methods at home

Crow's feet around the eyes are the first sign of the onset of aging processes in the body. In addition to the aging process, numerous factors influence the appearance of wrinkles:

  • Difficult environmental situation.
  • Heredity.
  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Poor quality cosmetics.
  • Improper skin care.
  • Bad habits.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Spending many hours at the computer, reading and other activities that lead to eye strain.
  • Stress.

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive area of ​​the face. The skin in the periorbital area is very thin and delicate. There are almost no sebaceous glands in this area - they are located along the eyelash line, there is little fatty tissue and blood vessels. The skin of the periorbital zone loses moisture faster - this negatively affects the condition of the area around the eyes. The very first to appear are crow's feet - facial wrinkles, the appearance of which is caused by the constant movement of the muscles of the periorbital zone. Blinking, laughing, crying - all these actions cause involuntary muscle contraction, small folds appear on the skin, which quickly smooth out at a young age due to good skin turgor. In older age, skin folds stop smoothing out - crow's feet and facial wrinkles in the periorbital zone appear.

Causes of crow's feet around the eyes

Why do such wrinkles appear? And the reason lies in frequent smiles. These rays in the corners of the eyes look quite cute and show that their owner has a happy life filled with positive moments.

But with age, wrinkles deepen and become static. Moreover, the skin on the eyelids is very thin and dry.

Other factors that influence the appearance of crow's feet:

  1. Incorrect care or its complete absence - admit it, do you use a special cream for the area around the eyes or apply the usual one for the face? Or maybe you don’t use anything at all?;
  2. The influence of sunlight (photoaging) - pay attention to women who live in sunny countries. Their skin turns into raisins much faster due to constant exposure to open sunlight;
  3. Lack of sleep - how many hours a day do you sleep? What time do you put all your equipment aside and go to bed? Not only the condition of the eyes, but also health in general depends on such little things;
  4. Work associated with constant eye strain - office workers who constantly work at computers most often suffer.

Reasons for the formation of facial wrinkles

Why do crow's feet appear?

  • Lack of sleep has a bad effect on the entire body, including the skin under the eyes. As a result of sleep disturbance, the dermis becomes dry and flabby because it does not receive normal rest.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Reluctance to take care of your face and use cosmetics.
  • Excessive facial expressions.
  • A sharp decrease in weight, when the skin all over the body sags unsightly.
  • There is a deficiency of water in the body; without water, the skin dries out, rewarding you with early wrinkles.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Bad habits, reluctance to spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Washing with chlorinated, hard water and soap.

If you remove the causes, you can slow down the process of formation of rays under the eyes.

Is it possible to remove crow's feet using cosmetics?

Yes, cosmetics can help fight wrinkles, but they definitely can’t do it on their own. Proper care can make the skin denser and more elastic, but it will not remove deep creases. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your eyelids (and more) from a young age in order to delay the appearance of defects.

The choice of care depends on age:

  • At 20-25 years old, the first wrinkles begin to appear. And some girls suffer from puffiness, dark circles and bags. These are all the first signs - the skin is starting to fade! You should think about purchasing a lightweight eyelid care cream;
  • After 30, heavier artillery comes into play - serums and nourishing creams with active antioxidants. They help restore skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles from deepening;
  • After 40 years, the natural production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid decreases to a maximum. The skin becomes thinner and weaker. In this case, you need products that thicken the skin and intensively nourish it.

Facebook building - what is it?

building is facial exercises that will help tighten the skin and delay its aging. There are several Facebook building techniques, but all of them are useful and effective.

If you want to stay young or become even younger, then start doing the exercises. After daily training for two weeks, your face will noticeably transform. And after exercising for 3-4 months, you will look 5-10 years younger!

At what age should you start classes? Preferably from the age of 25, when the process of cell aging begins.

How to deal with crow's feet at home?

If you decide not to buy professional products to care for the area around the eyes, then you can use folk remedies. But in this case, you should try only proven recipes.

Even natural ingredients can harm your health and beauty. This is why it is so important to conduct allergy tests before applying any mixture to such sensitive skin.

Products that are definitely not harmful:

  1. Potatoes - raw and boiled (don't forget to cool);
  2. Cucumber - you can grate it and make a compress or apply circles directly to your eyes while you make a face mask;
  3. Peach - grated pulp can be added to homemade masks or used in its pure form;
  4. Bananas are healthy in their entirety, but especially the peel. Removes signs of fatigue in a few minutes;
  5. Tea - do not immediately throw away the tea bags, but apply them to your eyelids;
  6. Eggs - added raw to masks;
  7. A variety of herbal infusions - use as a tonic or copres.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles

Now there is propaganda of face-building as the best remedy against wrinkles. But this is far from the best technique, quite the contrary. One of the reasons why wrinkles appear is muscle spasms. And through Facebook building you will only intensify these spasms. This means that new creases appear.

But there are special exercises that are aimed at relieving spasms and smoothing the skin. You can learn about them at advanced intensive courses from Melannette. By the way, there you will work not only the area around the eyes, but also the entire face - you will get rid of the eyebrows, deep wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial and jowls. You will tighten the oval of your face and the corners of your lips, and lift your drooping eyelid. With regular practice, you will look several years younger.

Massage to reduce wrinkles under the eyes

The best technique for getting rid of wrinkles is massage. In order to do it, you don’t have to go to a professional; you can do it yourself at home.

Massage helps relax cramped muscles, accelerates blood flow and improves cell nutrition.

There are many massage options and in the video you can see one of them:

  1. Press the pads of your index fingers tightly together on the bridge of your nose;
  2. Run your fingers from the bridge of your nose to the inner corners of your eyes. Repeat the movements for a minute;
  3. Now find the bones under your eyes. Using patting movements, moving from them to the temples. Also a minute.

Do this exercise now and do it daily. It won't take much time, but it will give a good effect. And for better results, sign up for advanced intensive courses.

Self-massage technique

If over time those same “rays” begin to appear, this may indicate that you have a weak orbicularis oculi muscle.

It needs to be constantly strengthened and trained - this method is very effective, as it will help not only get rid of “crow’s feet” under the eyes, but also restore shine and improve weakened vision. Because massage strengthens the visual nerve.

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№1 Daily strengthening exercises for the eyes. Repeat each movement 3-5 times.

  1. Draw a green dot on a piece of paper. Place this piece of paper 1-1.5 meters away from you and peer at the point for 10 seconds. Then move your gaze, but do not turn your head closer. And concentrate on any other subject.
  2. Close your eyes as hard as you can, then open your eyes and completely relax your muscles. At the same time, look up.
  3. Move your gaze left and right.
  4. Roll your eyes clockwise several times, then counterclockwise.

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№2 A daily set of exercises to improve tone. Repeat each of them 5-6 times.

  1. Use your fingertips to massage the inner and outer corners of your eyelids, then the points at the beginning and end of your eyebrows.
  2. Raise your eyebrows and at the same time try to close your eyes.
  3. Pull the skin on the lower eyelid slightly towards the cheekbones and close your eyes.
  4. Use your finger to trace your eyes in a circle, crossing the line on the bridge of your nose.

If you regularly perform this course of simple massage, you can achieve good results. This massage against crow's feet will effectively improve blood flow by activating lymph outflow. Perfectly smoothes the skin and also increases the effectiveness of all care products.

After a massage, beneficial substances will penetrate deeper into the epidermal layers and will act much more effectively.

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Nutrition and vitamins for youthful skin

Health, and therefore beauty, depends on our nutrition. No amount of cosmetics will help hide imperfections on your face if you eat just anything.

Strict restrictions affect the supply of vitamins necessary for the body. Therefore, if you suddenly decide that it’s time to go on a strict diet, it’s better not to do it. Proper nutrition should become a part of life, and not periods of “enlightenment”.

So what vitamins and microelements do humans need and what foods contain them?

ElementWhat does it contain?Why is it needed?
ProteinEggs, legumes, pumpkin seeds, nuts.Chief for construction in the body. Necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin.
Fatty acidFish, flax seeds, olive oil, nuts.Participate in the synthesis of lipids, which slow down the aging process.
CelluloseBeans, pumpkin, broccoli, buckwheat, bananas, tomatoes.Absorbs and removes toxic substances from the body.
MelaninCherry, corn, rice.Responsible for pigmentation.
Beta caroteneCarrots, paprika, lettuce, beets.Natural antioxidant. Evens out skin tone and protects against premature aging.
Vitamin ABroccoli, pumpkin, peas.Increases skin elasticity by participating in collagen synthesis.
B vitaminsPotatoes, cauliflower, spinach, eggs.Necessary for normal lipid and protein metabolism in the skin.
Vitamin CCitrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, sea buckthorn.Another powerful antioxidant. Participates in collagen synthesis.
Vitamin EPine nuts, sea buckthorn, cabbage, peas.Combats dryness and slows down the appearance of wrinkles.
BiotinEggs, beets, cabbage, mushrooms.Makes skin radiant and healthy by dilating blood vessels.
ZincBuckwheat, wheat, beans, peanuts.Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of inflammatory processes.
CalciumSesame seeds, dates, shrimp, cabbage, beans.Participates in the synthesis of structural elements of the skin.

Preventing the appearance of crow's feet

It is easier to prevent any problem than to get rid of it later. Therefore, remember about simple preventive measures for the appearance of crow’s feet under the eyes:

  1. Wash yourself properly.
    Don't use soap around your eyes. It dries out thin skin. It is better to remove makeup with a special moisturizer. Don’t have three eyes, but make light movements;
  2. Don't sit at the computer for a long time.
    The waves that come from technology plus rare blinking dry out the eyes. Take breaks at least once every 30 minutes. At this time, you can do special gymnastics;
  3. Pay attention to your sleep.
    You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours. Also give preference to an orthopedic pillow. It has a beneficial effect not only on the spine, but also on the condition of the skin of the face.

When do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate, so wrinkles appear there most quickly. Some girls note that already at the age of 20 they suffered from small rays in this zone.

In general, wrinkles are divided into two types depending on the reasons for their occurrence:

  • Static - associated with the biological aging of the body. Appear around 30-40 years of age;
  • Dynamic - appear due to active motor activity. They are also called mimic ones and they can appear at a very early age.

Types of peelings

To rejuvenate facial skin, one of the popular techniques is peeling. Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is performed using the following types of peeling:

  • Laser nanoperforation.
  • Laser peeling.
  • Chemical peeling.

During peeling, the skin receives a thermal or chemical burn. The layer of burned skin peels off, and young skin takes the place of the burned skin. The peeling process is painful and unpleasant; after the procedure, pain is felt for some time. The procedure is not carried out in spring and summer.

Types of peelings and methods of implementation:

  • Resurfacing (laser peeling) – using a laser device tuned quite precisely to the depth of penetration into the skin, the periorbital area is resurfaced. Setting the laser depth depends on the depth of the skin folds. The procedure can be carried out in two ways:

- In a cold way. The tissues are not heated.

- Hot method. The skin heats up, not only the surface layer of the skin is involved in the process, deeper layers are subject to heating. This effect stimulates metabolic processes and stimulates collagen production.

  • Chemical peeling is the action of acids on the skin. By adjusting the concentration of substances, you can change the degree of exposure to the skin. The degree of impact can be superficial, medium or deep. Young patients undergo only superficial peeling, when the first wrinkles around the eyes need to be removed. At older ages, after 50 years, deep peeling is used, which copes with a large number of deep wrinkles.
  • Laser perforation is a procedure based on the principles of processes similar to peeling. Using a laser set to a certain depth, micro holes are made, burning through the skin. A zone of increased tissue regeneration appears, and the rejuvenation process begins. The procedure is not performed for older people, people with excess fatty tissue, or people with deep wrinkles. The procedure is low-traumatic.

Rules for caring for the skin around the eyes

To understand how to care for the skin around the eyes, you need to know its structural features. There is a thin layer of epidermis with a large number of small vessels and a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. In addition, we constantly blink and this creates additional stress on the muscles.

The condition of the dermis is also influenced by the proximity of the corneal mucosa, sebaceous glands and hydrolipid film. This area constantly suffers from mechanical damage - applying and removing makeup, etc. All this leads to early signs of aging. Already at 20-25 years old, creases, sagging, and congestion of the venous and lymphatic network appear. Fatigue, illness, stress and lack of sleep leave their mark - dark circles and bags under the eyes.

How to properly care for your eyelids to prevent all this from happening?

  1. Use skincare products with a neutral pH and low lipid content;
  2. Apply cosmetics and care products carefully. Don't three and don't push;
  3. Remove makeup correctly - using a special product with a cotton pad. Move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. First wipe the upper eyelid, and only then the lower;
  4. If dryness occurs, apply moisturizer with your fingertips;
  5. If wrinkles begin to appear, then buy a cream to increase elasticity;
  6. To remove swelling and signs of sleep in the morning, use special patches with extracts of medicinal herbs;
  7. For facial wrinkles, use products that will help smooth them out.

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Hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology helps to carry out general facial rejuvenation, but obtaining a good effect is possible with long-term use of various procedures. The full course of rejuvenation can take about six months.

Methods of hardware cosmetology:

  • Microcurrent therapy - exposure to the skin of the periorbital zone using microcurrents allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin, makes the skin smoother, and tightens it. The course of such cosmetic therapy consists of 8-10 sessions, it is carried out once every six months. The effectiveness of microcurrent therapy (MTT) is lower than that of thermolifting.
  • Lifting (thermolifting, radiofrequency lifting) is a safe and non-traumatic procedure and is an effective method of skin rejuvenation. Using high-frequency radio waves, the skin of the problem area is affected. Under the influence of the waves, the collagen spirals twist, the fibers decrease in length - the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out. This effect stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, blood circulation in the problem area improves, swelling subsides, and bags above and under the eyelids disappear. The effectiveness of the method is visible after the first procedure; as the remaining sessions are completed, the effectiveness increases. In most cases, a standard course is carried out, which ranges from 4 to 6 procedures, with breaks of a week to ten days between procedures. There are certain contraindications for RF lifting, but unlike other techniques, it is suitable for most patients.
  • ELOS-rejuvenation – photorejuvenation of the skin. The procedure is a process of converting light into thermal energy. Thermal energy warms tissue and destroys certain types of cells, causing neocollagenesis and increased elastin formation. After the procedure, the tone of the skin increases, the regeneration process intensifies, and wrinkles become less noticeable. There are certain contraindications for the use of this procedure: it is not performed on tanned and dark skin in the summer, and the procedure is not allowed after chemical peeling. The standard course of the procedure is from 5 to 7 sessions, with a break of several weeks between sessions. The effect lasts for a year after the rejuvenation course.
  • To rejuvenate the skin, hardware is used to administer meso-cocktails, which consist of skin-nutrient substances: hyaluronic acid, minerals and vitamins, and amino acids. With the help of the procedure, swelling and dark circles under the eyes are removed, expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep folds are less pronounced. Initial skin treatment consists of 10-15 procedures, subsequently the procedure is carried out once a month.

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