Stretch marks on the chest: causes and treatment of stretch marks on the chest

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body are changes in the structure of the skin. They got their name because of the very reason for their appearance: the skin stretches, and a lack of elastin or collagen contributes to the formation of damage.

Their second name is striae. Connective tissue heals microcracks, but does not grow smoothly: an atrophic scar appears, that is, a scar. Over time, these lesions turn white, and if you touch them, you can feel elongated convex stripes.

What other salon procedures will help get rid of stretch marks?

In addition to laser removal of stretch marks, there are many other effective methods in cosmetology to combat stretch marks. These high-tech methods include:

  • Mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy is an effective skin care procedure for the face and body, which is the introduction through injection of microdoses of cocktails consisting of homeopathic remedies and vitamins. The composition is administered intradermally or subcutaneously to a depth of 2 to 4 mm.

With the help of mesotherapy, it is easy to deliver the medicinal substance to the right place without exposing the entire body. For example, when correcting a figure, obesity, getting rid of the “orange peel”, the drugs are administered into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, due to which fat deposits are removed in those areas of the body where it is difficult and almost impossible to burn them either with the help of training or with the help of proper nutrition.

  • Ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy, like laser stretch mark removal, is used to treat stretch marks. It is also used to prevent various diseases, cleanse the skin, strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolic processes.

  • Chemical peeling – polishing the skin using trichloroacetic and fruit acids.

Read the material on the topic: Chemical peeling of the face: your skin will breathe a new breath!

  • Hot and cold wraps are procedures aimed at removing stretch marks using chocolate, seaweed, honey, essential oils and various medicinal plants.

  • Microcurrent therapy is a procedure that stimulates the synthesis of connective tissue fibers.

Electrochemical processes continuously occur inside our body, ensuring its normal functioning and vital activity. Using hardware microcurrents, biological impulses are simulated, thereby catalyzing natural electrochemical reactions. Therefore, this procedure is considered one of the safest, but no less effective than laser stretch mark removal.

Hardware microcurrents have an anti-inflammatory and lymphatic drainage effect, stimulate regeneration, tone weakened muscles, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and metabolism in cells, and strengthen the immune system. In addition to all of the above, microcurrent therapy improves the penetration of substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.

  • Microdermabrasion (micro-resurfacing).

Microdermabrasion is the resurfacing of the skin using microcrystals. This procedure is considered one of the most gentle methods of mechanical peeling. It is an absolutely safe, delicate, but at the same time quite effective method of combating age-related changes, stretch marks and other skin defects. The result is not inferior to laser stretch mark removal. During the procedure, the skin is not injured, inflammatory reactions do not occur, which means the risk of infection is reduced to zero.

Microdermabrasion has a stimulating effect on the superficial epidermal layers, due to which blood circulation improves in the treated areas and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells increases. As a result, they begin to actively share and update. This procedure also helps exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin, remove stretch marks, tighten pores and reduce wrinkles.

As a result of microdermabrasion, the skin becomes incredibly smooth and takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. This rejuvenating procedure tones the skin and restores its structure by stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers.

Microdermabrasion also helps get rid of age spots, scars and scars resulting from surgical interventions and injuries, removes post-acne and helps remove stretch marks.

  • Radiofrequency lifting is a procedure that stimulates the production of elastin and collagen by applying electric current to the skin.

Skin treatment with radiofrequency energy is one of the newest and most popular achievements of modern cosmetology. The result after the procedure can be compared with the effect of plastic surgery, and in some cases it even surpasses it. This technology has found the same wide application in the treatment of “orange peel” and stretch marks as laser removal of stretch marks.

  • Plastic surgery , namely abdominoplasty, is one of the newest techniques used to treat many cosmetic defects if laser removal of stretch marks and other methods listed above are ineffective. It is used to remove stretch marks in the abdominal area by excision of damaged tissue.

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the rehabilitation period is complex and lengthy. There are situations when abdominoplasty is performed in conjunction with laser resurfacing. After the operation, many complications may arise, a suppurative process may develop, and scars may form. Therefore, the decision to perform an operation must be well thought out and balanced. Is it worth jeopardizing your own health, since stretch marks do not affect your quality of life?

Before performing laser removal of stretch marks or any other of these complexes, you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor who will draw up an individual treatment program, taking into account your characteristics and the presence of contraindications. You cannot prescribe such procedures for yourself, but you can use cosmetics without fear for your health.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time on complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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, and you will see for yourself!

Why do stretch marks appear on the chest?

To properly resolve the problem, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Striae appear for various reasons:

  • Rapid increase in body weight. This is not necessarily excess weight: teenagers, whose bodies are growing rapidly, often suffer from this. The skin does not have time to adapt to the new volumes.
  • Pregnancy. Several points have an impact here: an increase in the abdomen and breasts, as well as hormonal changes. Connective tissues become weak due to progesterone.
  • Genetics. Unfortunately, you can inherit not only positive external features, but also a predisposition to skin deformation. If a parent's skin is prone to scarring, the child is more likely to develop stretch marks in the future.
  • Hormonal background. Often changes in the body can be caused by taking medications, especially antibiotics. Diseases of the endocrine gland also negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Stretch marks - the whole truth

What it is

Stretch marks are also called stretch marks. They appear in any area of ​​the body, but most often occur in places where there is a large amount of fat. Most common places

: chest, stomach, armpits, shoulders, thighs, back and buttocks.

Stretch marks look like stripes on the skin, and their color changes over time. “Fresh” stretch marks are pinkish-red in color, the skin on them is slightly convex. Gradually, the striae increase in length and width, become bluish-purple, and eventually become discolored. This happens because at first there are still blood vessels inside the stretch marks, which is why the stretch marks initially have such a bright color. Then the blood supply at the site of the stretch marks stops, the vessels become empty, the resulting skin defect is filled with connective tissue and the stretch marks become white. Since there is no pigment in the connective tissue, stretch marks remain white even when exposed to sunlight. Moreover, against the background of tanned skin they become more noticeable.

Why do they occur?

It seems that the reason for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is clear at first glance: the expectant mother’s belly grows, the skin stretches, and stretch marks form. Why then do they not occur in all expectant mothers? And is their appearance related to weight gain? After all, it has been noted, for example, that the likelihood of stretch marks does not depend in any way on the size of the abdomen during pregnancy.

Stretch marks may appear in a woman with a small belly, while a woman expecting twins will not have this problem.

Why is this happening? Several factors are at work here. Yes, indeed, one of the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks is weight gain, but what is important is not so much the number of kilograms gained, but how quickly the woman gained them: the faster the expectant mother gains weight, the higher the risk of stretch marks. This is why even with a slight weight gain, stretch marks can appear. The second reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal imbalance. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen and cortisol decreases, resulting in a disruption in the synthesis of skin proteins and connective tissue - collagen and elastin. Namely, with the help of these proteins, our skin can stretch well and restore its elasticity.

If there is not enough collagen and elastin, then the skin becomes fragile and thins out faster, in the end, it tears in some areas, and then scar connective tissue forms in places of tears


But here’s how the expectant mother’s body will behave during pregnancy: whether there will be sudden changes in weight and hormonal imbalance (which means whether stretch marks will appear or not is impossible to predict).

What to do?

Let’s say right away that the treatment is 100% effective

and there is no prevention of stretch marks. For example, most creams, lotions, and gels for the prevention of stretch marks simply contain moisturizing components and help soften the skin, but do not affect the balance of hormones. Consequently, these remedies cannot prevent the appearance of stretch marks if hormonal imbalances have occurred. And after childbirth, various laser procedures, peelings and resurfacing will not get rid of stretch marks completely, they will simply make them more invisible.

But this does not mean that you should give up and do nothing. You can do a lot of things: even if you don’t achieve 100% effect, there will still be benefits.

Watch your diet

and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Don't forget to eat protein foods - protein, along with zinc and vitamin C, stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity. If you don’t want meat yet, include fish, dairy products and legumes in your diet - these are also sources of healthy protein.

Avoid sweets

– sugar inhibits collagen renewal, the skin loses elasticity and water, becomes dry, sluggish, and its elasticity decreases.

– From the first days of pregnancy, constantly nourish

moisturize your skin
use creams, gels, lotions with collagen, elastin, as well as vitamins C and E. The main thing is that these drugs must be approved for use during pregnancy. Before buying this or that product, carefully read the instructions and composition of the drug. Find out the mechanism of action of biologically active substances of a cosmetic product from a sales consultant. If you have any doubts, consult your obstetrician-gynecologist. Look into your wallet and make a choice.

– If finances allow, do salon treatments

to moisturize the body, those allowed during pregnancy (algae wraps, for example), if not, limit yourself to regular skin moisturizing, it is also effective.

Take contrast showers

: it tones and strengthens the skin, and problem areas receive the blood flow they need. You can massage individual areas of the body alternately with a cold and warm stream. Just don't point the stream directly at your stomach.

– After a shower, do not wipe your body dry, but simply pat it dry with a towel. You can do light pinch self-massage

using moisturizing creams or natural vegetable oils (for example, olive or flaxseed). Massage helps remove excess fluid and activates the work of blood vessels - they quickly distribute nutrients throughout the body. Important: when massaging, go around the abdomen and chest, massage only the sides, hips and legs.


: the contrast in water and air temperature, active physical activity also help prevent stretch marks.

Wear special bras during pregnancy

, they will support enlarged breasts and prevent the skin from overstretching.

Even if stretch marks appear, don’t be upset. It has been noticed that if you immediately begin a set of preventive measures (moisturizing the skin, proper nutrition, water treatments), then stretch marks often do not spread further. And if you start prevention from the first days of pregnancy, they may not appear at all.

REMINDER for mothers

Start attacking stretch marks as early as possible: the younger they are, the less money and time it will take to eliminate them.

  1. Watch your diet and try not to gain weight suddenly.
  2. Moisturize and nourish the skin daily, not only of the abdomen and chest, but also of the thighs, buttocks, and legs.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, play sports, swim.
  4. Take a contrast shower, do self-massage.
  5. Wear the right underwear: a maternity bra is especially necessary for expectant mothers with large breasts

On a note:

It is impossible to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Even if during the last pregnancy there were no stretch marks or, on the contrary, there were stretch marks, there is no guarantee that the situation will repeat in the next pregnancy

You can make your own composition for stretch marks.

Here are the oils that will suit you:

  • Jojoba oil is the most effective remedy: it is used for the prevention and elimination of skin stretch marks during and after pregnancy, as well as for weight gain and sudden weight loss.
  • Rosewood essential oil helps improve skin elasticity and also helps resolve small scars.
  • Almond oil is especially effective for caring for areas of the body where skin elasticity is reduced.
  • Grape seed oil has a strong regenerating effect and increases skin elasticity.
  • Peach oil has a regenerating, softening effect on the skin, restores elasticity, and rejuvenates sagging skin.

You can use mixtures of these oils in any combination, for example: jojoba + almond oil, or jojoba + grape seed oil.

Before using any oil, read the instructions and pay attention to contraindications. Try the oil or composition on a small area of ​​skin and monitor the reaction throughout the day. If discomfort or allergies occur, discard this product.

How to remove stretch marks on the chest: removal methods

It is difficult to prevent the appearance of this cosmetic defect. You can drink a lot of water and massage problem areas. But if the problem has already appeared, this will not help. In this case, the help of a cosmetologist is necessary. What methods are suitable?

Resurfacing with fractional CO2 laser.

This carbon dioxide laser is used for skin rejuvenation procedures and for the removal of stretch marks and scars.

The laser penetrates to a specified depth, affecting only the problem area. Untouched cells begin to restore damaged areas. Active collagen production occurs, which continues long after the procedure. Thus, new tissue with good firmness and elasticity appears at the site of laser exposure, scars are smoothed out, and the smooth texture of the skin returns. One procedure of fractional resurfacing with a CO2 laser takes about an hour.

Collost gel injections.

Without collagen, the skin becomes dry, prone to scarring and stretch marks. But its balance can be restored by injecting Collost under the skin. The drug received an award in Geneva for its unique technology.

After the test, 2 weeks should pass; if the result suits the specialist, you can begin the procedure.

The drug Collost is a unique biomaterial that activates tissue regeneration processes and promotes the production of its own collagen. Collostotherapy leads to the gradual restoration of normal tissue structure, rejuvenating the skin. The procedure eliminates not only stretch marks, but also scars and scars after cesarean sections.

Stretch marks on the chest can be removed today in specialized medical centers. At SkinLazerMed you can consult with a specialist for free before the procedure and get rid of stretch marks in a few sessions. And the prices of the clinic will pleasantly surprise you: this is one of the most affordable medical centers in St. Petersburg.

Contraindications to laser stretch mark removal

If a client has stretch marks and wants to get rid of them, he is prescribed laser stretch mark removal. The contraindications here are the same as for other procedures for which a laser is used:

  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Diabetes mellitus type I or II.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Varicose veins in areas with stretch marks.
  • Tendency to develop keloid scars.
  • Inflammatory process in the treated area.
  • Allergy.
  • Performed a chemical peel procedure less than two weeks before laser stretch mark removal.

Fibroadenoma - tests and diagnosis

During a clinical physical examination, your doctor will examine both breasts. A fibroadenoma usually feels like a moving lump.

The examination is followed by an ultrasound examination, which accurately determines the size of the fibroadenoma, its shape, the appearance of the edge, its relationship to the surrounding tissue and a rough estimate of the structure of the fibroadenoma.

When a more precise analysis of the structure is required, cytological and pathohistological examination of fibroadenoma is performed.

During a cytological puncture (biopsy), a sample is taken for histological analysis. A biopsy is used to exclude or confirm malignancy of the tumor.

Fibroadenomas can be very durable in structure. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain cells with a thin needle that can be used to make a real diagnosis. A wide needle biopsy is performed under local anesthesia.

A thick needle is inserted into the fibroadenoma tissue approximately 5-6 times. The procedure is painless, there is no risk of complications. The applied bandage can be removed the very next day.

Cosmetics for stretch marks

In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find a wide variety of products designed to remove stretch marks. We recommend buying cosmetics with natural ingredients. Pay attention to the packaging, the sequence of components used should be in this order:

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • hyaluronic acid - by the way, it is often used to enlarge lips;
  • natural oils and extracts;
  • amino acids.

Buy cosmetics only from well-known manufacturers with a good shelf life. It is prohibited to use expired products!

2.Can breast lumps occur in men?

Yes. In men, breast enlargement may occur, often with the formation of a lump under the nipple. Sometimes it occurs in only one breast, but most often the disease affects both. This benign breast tumor in men

is called
. Gynecomastia can appear, including after taking certain medications.

What to do if lumps or lumps are found in the breast?

In any case, if you notice any changes in your breasts, you should consult a doctor. A good specialist should examine you if you notice:

  • An area that is visually different from any other area in both glands;
  • A lump in or near the breasts that persists through the menstrual cycle;
  • Changes in the size, shape or contour of the breast;
  • Small, pea-sized lumps in the breast;
  • Marble-like areas under the skin of the breast;
  • Change in the sensitivity or appearance of the skin on the breast or nipple - wrinkled, scaly, flaky, or inflamed;
  • Discharge from the nipples, including bloody ones;
  • Redness of the skin of the breast or nipple.

Visit our Gynecology page

4.Prevention of breast diseases

There are a number of simple rules that, if followed, will help maintain breast health and promptly identify possible problems:

  • Women over 40 years of age should have an annual mammogram.
  • Women at risk for breast disease should have screening mammography, starting at a younger age, at least once a year. Additionally, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. In particularly high-risk cases, such as women who have a greater than 20% risk of developing breast cancer, an annual breast MRI may be required. Your doctor will help you decide on a set of specific diagnostic methods after analyzing all the information about your health.
  • During an annual preventive examination of the body, women over 20 years of age should visit a mammologist who will examine the mammary glands.

Reviews and comments

Svetlana Tanchenko, 31 years old, wrote:

During my pregnancy, I did not deny myself anything. After the birth of my child, I gained not only excess weight, but also stretch marks on my chest and abdomen. While my son was little, I didn’t think much about my appearance, but six months before going to work I suddenly realized that I had completely neglected myself. Things weren’t bad with my figure, I went to the gym and began to lose weight little by little. But the condition of the skin of the chest was deplorable: I couldn’t wear an open blouse or a dress with a beautiful neckline. It was not possible to get rid of it with creams; after 3 years, the stretch marks went into the “old” stage. After studying information about radical methods for removing stretch marks, I decided on the most effective method, in my opinion, laser skin resurfacing in the décolleté and chest area. To be honest, I felt the pain very well, and after the procedure my skin was peeling and itching. The doctor warned her not to scratch her. Unsightly scars may remain. The Contractubex gel saved my life; it relieved the itching well. In total I made 4 skin corrections. The result is a complete absence of stretch marks, a beautiful bust shape, it is elastic and lush. It’s a pity that going on vacation to the sea is not coming soon.

Marina Karpova, 28 years old, wrote:

I have had stretch marks on my chest since I was a teenager. Either the hormones were not normal, or the skin was too thin, but even at 15 years old I could not boast of beautiful skin on my chest. Already as an adult, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I decided to try ozone therapy sessions. I was pleased with the result; of course, the stretch marks remained, but they became less noticeable. I can sunbathe and not be afraid that vertical stripes on the skin will be visible through the tan.

Tatyana Starikova, 22 years old, wrote:

At the age of 20, I got married and immediately began planning my pregnancy. After reading reviews from young mothers on forums about the condition of their breasts while carrying a child, I was very afraid that my breasts would become unattractive, so I started using special creams long before pregnancy and then during it. More precisely, I use Pregnacare cream. I am now 32 weeks. There are no stretch marks on my chest, and I hope that none will appear. I recommend this cream to anyone who wants to give birth to a baby and is worried about their breasts. After all, we live in the modern world and we cannot treat ourselves without love.

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How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin?

During pregnancy, it is important to follow the principles of prevention that will protect the skin from stretch marks. First, you need to add foods rich in vitamin E and C to the pregnant woman’s diet. Legumes are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as green vegetables. You should give up sugar, it reduces the formation of collagen in the skin.

It is also necessary to monitor your water balance. If the pregnant woman is not bothered by body edema and there are no special recommendations from the supervising doctor, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. It is also necessary to monitor the nutrition of the skin, moisturize it with special creams and lotions, and use a hard-bristled brush when washing.

Moderate physical activity increases muscle tone. For this purpose there are special group classes in the gym. Women during pregnancy usually practice yoga. If physical exercise is contraindicated for health reasons, you should spend more time walking at a brisk pace.

Breast cancer: 9 signs that should alert you


The insidiousness of breast cancer lies in the fact that in the first stages the disease is usually asymptomatic, and very often women turn to the doctor when it is almost impossible to help. But if cancer at an early stage, the chance of recovery is almost 100%. To prevent a tragedy, it is necessary to conduct a self-check once a month for the presence of a tumor in the chest .

What to look for during a breast exam : Milk lobules feel like soft peas, lymph nodes feel like soft beans, and cancerous tumors often feel hard, immobile, and look like lemon seeds.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer can be very different. They depend on the type of tumor, its size and location. Lumps and lumps are not necessarily a symptom of cancer , although they are quite common. Among the symptoms that should also alert you: fluid discharge from the nipple, its retraction, enlarged veins , changes in the skin around the nipple - peeling, redness; change in the shape of the mammary gland , the appearance of asymmetry that did not exist before.

  • Feeling a lump You may notice a lump in your chest . This may be a normal part of menstruation or breastfeeding. However, a breast that doesn't go away or gets bigger can also be a sign of breast cancer. The lump may be in the skin (a sign of inflammation) or deeper in the breast . It occurs when cancer cells block blood circulation to the breast (through the blood or lymphatic vessels ) or a tumor grows near the surface of the skin. Note: Lumps should not be confused with “breast density,” which can only be determined through a mammogram exam.
  • Indentation If the indentation in your chest does not go away, it may be a sign of cancer . This symptom occurs when a tumor (lump) deep in the breast pulls the skin inward, causing an indentation. The hole is easier to notice when you raise your arms up.
  • A crusty nipple A crusty nipple can be a harmless skin condition or a sign of breast cancer, or Paget's disease. This occurs when cancer cells develop inside the breast and live in the nipple, creating a red or white crusty surface. It may be painful and not go away.
  • Redness, burning This type of cancer blocks the flow of lymph in the breast , causing swelling and redness, but without an obvious hard lump. The skin of the breast may also be pink, reddish-purple, or blue-tinged. This symptom may be difficult to see on a mammogram. Inflammatory breast cancer is so aggressive that it can progress quickly. If antibiotics do not eliminate symptoms, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • Unexpected discharge Discharge from the nipple is common and in most cases it is harmless (benign). It is usually associated with infection, pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, if fluid is leaking from the breast for other reasons, you should see a doctor , especially if it is clear or contains blood .
  • Ulcers . Cancer can sometimes destroy the skin of the breast , creating an open wound. The infection may cause a foul odor and/or discharge.
  • Bulging veins . This symptom is rare. It is most often associated with weight gain, breastfeeding, or Mondor's disease. However, if veins become more prominent on the skin, chest , or collarbone, this could be a sign of cancer . Note. "Swelling veins" are one of the least described symptoms breast cancer , usually classified under the general category of "other atypical changes" or "skin changes". Still, enlarged veins may indicate blockage of blood vessels due to tumor growth.
  • Change in size or shape. Usually one breast is different in size and shape from the other. Breastfeeding may also cause changes in the size or shape of the breasts . But if one breast changes size and becomes swollen, and it's not related to your menstrual cycle, it could be a sign of cancer .
  • Solid tumor. The most common sign of breast cancer is a lump that is located deep in the breast . It feels hard, like a lemon seed, and is usually immobile. It is not always easy to detect. A mammogram can detect a lump long before you feel it.

Most lumps turn out to be harmless, such as a fluid-filled cyst or fibroadenoma. But if you notice a hard lump (or any change) that won't come or go away, don't ignore it. The earlier cancer , the easier it is to treat . If you notice any suspicious symptoms, consult your doctor .

Published in Oncology Premium Clinic

Stretch marks during pregnancy

The most acute problem of stretch marks arises from the beginning of pregnancy.

Firstly, during pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body at the hormonal level, secondly, she is faced with sudden weight gain, and thirdly, the first two changes lead to another one - the surface layers of the skin are depleted, so it is now especially susceptible to various types of damage.

This creates excellent soil for the occurrence of stretch marks. During pregnancy, the skin of the abdomen stretches, according to the growth of the fetus, and the skin of the breast due to the arrival of milk. In addition, the female body builds up adipose tissue throughout the body as a backup source of nutrition for the fetus, so the likelihood of stretch marks forming is almost 100 percent.

Most often, those parts of the body that increase in volume the most are affected - the abdomen, breasts, thighs, buttocks. Stretch marks are initially pinkish-red in color due to the presence of blood vessels in the connective tissue, but over time they will fade and become less noticeable.

Masks to eliminate stretch marks

We all know how important face masks are for wrinkles or dry skin. The same thing happens with the whole body. The skin of the breast needs to be smooth and elastic. And it certainly shouldn’t age quickly, just like the skin on your face. You can make masks from absolutely anything you find in the refrigerator. The main thing is desire and a little imagination.

The components of masks against stretch marks increase blood circulation and increase skin elasticity. It is better to carry out procedures after a bath or shower, when the body is steamed and absorbs nutrients as much as possible.

Every day you need to rub the oil into the skin of your chest. Peach, olive and almond are suitable for this. You can mix them together, add a couple of drops of lavender, rosemary or rose oil. After applying the oil, you can wrap the breasts with cling film. The procedure itself should last about fifteen minutes. Such wraps must be performed twice a week. Such mixtures of oils give a good effect during massage procedures.

A recipe for a rolled oatmeal mask will help prevent the first stretch marks. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of dry rolled oats flakes and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then drain the remaining water. Add two tablespoons of fat sour cream to the resulting mixture and place in the refrigerator. Let it brew for one night. The next day after the bath, apply this mask to the skin of your chest. Leave for fifteen minutes.

Another option to improve the condition of your breast skin is to make a cottage cheese mask. To do this, you need to combine one spoon of cottage cheese with an egg, add a teaspoon of honey, sour cream and olive oil. Apply the mask to the stretch marks on the body and wait twenty minutes. Afterwards it must be washed off with lukewarm water.

All these procedures will not create an immediate effect, but they will help to delay skin aging and reduce stretch marks.


Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the lump and pain in the chest.

With lactostasis, the main task is to empty the mammary gland. To do this, a breast massage is performed; the woman is advised to avoid hypothermia and to put the baby to the breast in a timely manner. Adequate rest and good nutrition will not be superfluous. Night sleep is recommended in the side position. In some cases, oxytocin is prescribed, which stimulates the process of lactation and emptying of the mammary gland.

Antibiotic therapy plays a major role in the treatment of mastitis. The seal usually resolves with rational treatment. The development of purulent mastitis is an indication for surgical intervention.

Multiple or nodular mastopathy is subject to conservative therapy. Drugs are used that normalize hormonal levels. These include combined oral contraceptives, estrogen receptor inhibitors and other drugs.

A benign seal is usually treated surgically, since conservative methods are ineffective. Enucleation or sectoral resection of the mammary gland is used. In the first case, surgeons remove the tumor. There are usually no cosmetic breast defects left with this procedure. Sectoral resection is the excision of a tumor within healthy tissue. After this intervention, a slight deformation of the breast remains, which can be corrected with plastic surgery.

A compaction of a malignant nature is subject to surgical treatment. Mastectomy with removal of regional lymph nodes is recommended. In some cases, excision of the breast tumor within healthy tissue may be performed. The scope of the operation is determined by the oncologist, taking into account the extent of the tumor process. Alternative treatment methods include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. They are prescribed in various combinations with each other.


  • Stretch marks - what are they?
  • The main causes of stretch marks
  • Prevention
  • Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles
  • Methods for treating stretch marks
  • Cosmetical tools
  • Salon treatments
  • Folk remedies
  • Fighting stretch marks during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women tirelessly fight for their beauty and youth, eliminate defects in appearance, striving for the ideal, and visit cosmetologists. On the way to an ideal body, many ladies face such a problem as stretch marks. Often this unpleasant phenomenon can be seen on the sides, stomach, shoulders, hips, buttocks, and, of course, chest.


To prevent breast diseases accompanied by thickening and pain, women should adhere to a healthy lifestyle: eat rationally, maintain a work and rest schedule, exercise regularly, avoid stressful situations, stop smoking and abusing alcoholic beverages. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight. You should also choose a comfortable bra that does not squeeze or injure your breasts.

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If a woman has characteristic complaints, a number of diagnostic studies are performed:

  • X-ray of the chest. Mammography is a screening diagnostic method that allows you to confirm the presence of a pathological focus in the mammary gland. Ductography is an X-ray contrast study that allows you to visualize the duct system of the breast.
  • Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Helps determine the location, shape and extent of pathological compaction in the breast tissue. The method is safe and can be performed on pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Breast biopsy. Histological examination of the breast lump helps to reliably determine the nature of the disease and distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one.
  • Thermography of the chest area - registration of thermal radiation from tissues. The method is based on the fact that actively dividing malignant cells emit more energy and appear redder in the image than surrounding healthy tissue.

To diagnose lumps and pain in the breast, it is mandatory to consult an oncologist-mammologist. An endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists may be involved.

3.Diagnostics and treatment

Diagnosis of a benign breast tumor

A thorough breast examination by a doctor will help make an accurate diagnosis and rule out breast cancer. If the patient has nipple discharge

, they can be analyzed to help determine the presence or absence of cancer cells.

Imaging examination of the mammary glands - mammography

or ultrasound of the mammary glands - will help determine whether the tumor is a homogeneous solid mass or filled with liquid.

Sometimes a biopsy

– taking a sample of cells or tissue from the breast and further examining it under a microscope.

Treatment of benign breast tumors

The choice of treatment for a benign breast tumor depends on what type of tumor has been diagnosed.

Thus, fibrocystic changes

do not require treatment.
A simple cyst
can be treated with a fine needle, and manipulation is often performed during diagnostic procedures. A breast biopsy uses a small needle. Removing fluid from the cyst using a needle will make the cyst disappear.

Fibroadenomas and intraductal papillomas

can be removed

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