Watery pimples on fingers and palms: causes, treatment and prevention methods

Rash on the palms of a child is one of the most common problems that parents face. The rash usually looks like small bumps protruding under the skin or small red spots. Very often the rash is accompanied by itching, which gets worse at night. If such symptoms occur, the child should be shown to a dermatologist.

The nature of blistering rashes on the fingers and palms

Before asking yourself the question of treating a blistering rash on your hands, you need to carefully examine the pimples and accurately determine their nature. The fact is that blisters and vesicles are different things, and the reasons for their appearance on the skin are also different.

So, blisters are shapeless formations containing water. They can have different sizes and localization, but their formation does not always indicate a pathological process.

Pimples on the fingers, which have clear outlines and can merge with each other, forming one large bubble, are called vesicles. They often become the main symptoms of skin diseases.

Inside such bubbles there is a liquid, which often contains the causative agent of the pathological process. Of course, if we are not talking about a specific allergic reaction.

Having found out the nature of the blisters on the skin with liquid on the hands, you can proceed directly to studying the reasons for their appearance.

How to treat rash on palms?

Treatment of the rash directly depends on the reasons that provoked this pathology. The following ways to solve the problem are possible:

  • Blood test. It is necessary to take not only a general blood test, but also a more detailed one. This will make it possible to detect antibodies to enterovirus, Coxsackie or other infectious agents. You should also examine your blood for antibodies to food and household allergens.
  • Cleansing the body of allergens. This procedure is necessary if the allergic nature of the rash has been confirmed. To reduce the severity of the reaction and relieve symptoms, the child may be prescribed antihistamines. If there is itching, you can use special ointments and creams.
  • Treatment of viral infection. If the pathology was caused by the intervention of a virus, antiviral drugs are prescribed to eliminate it, as well as drugs that increase interferon. If there is no itching or burning, the viral rash does not require local treatment. If itching occurs, you can use soothing ointments and creams. It is important to ensure that the child does not scratch the redness. Otherwise, the risk of bacterial infection increases. To quickly destroy the virus in the body, the child needs rest and proper nutrition.

Sometimes a rash on the palms occurs during illness. However, it does not spread to other parts of the body. With such a picture, it is very important to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. This can be either a virus or a reaction to medications.

In rare cases, several problems can cause a rash at the same time. For example, this could be seasonal allergies and a respiratory viral infection. An experienced doctor will quickly determine the cause of the pathology and select the appropriate treatment.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Do not forget that your mistake can lead to the development of a chronic process, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Causes of blistering rashes on hands

The reasons why water pimples appear on the fingers can be pathological and non-pathological. Let's look at the most common options.

Allergic reaction

Allergies, accompanied by the appearance of watery blisters on the fingers, can manifest themselves in different forms. But the most common type is contact dermatitis.

This is a pathological process that occurs against the background of contact of the skin of the hands with powerful allergens: household chemicals, low-quality cosmetic products, medications, etc. Blistering rashes with contact dermatitis cause severe itching and can merge into large blisters. As a rule, they affect the fingers, but sometimes they can spread throughout the hand.

Watery pimples on the hands that appear as a result of contact dermatitis may burst. In this case, a thin flaky crust will form on their surface. The itching will become a little less, but will completely disappear only after a few days. In the place where the blisters were previously located, red spots form, which also disappear over time.

Treatment methods for blistering rash on hands

How to treat water blisters on hands? If we are talking about drug treatment, it depends on what caused the rash.

Some pimples do not require any intervention and quickly disappear on their own. For example, if they were caused by irritation. But if the problem does not disappear, but, on the contrary, gets worse, a completely different approach is needed.

Important! Water pimples on your fingers should never be squeezed out! A skin disease (such as herpes or fungus) can easily be confused with an allergy. Squeezing blisters can lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin!

Treatment of scabies

If a bubble with liquid appears on your finger, and other symptoms of scabies appear, then this disease is treated with the help of special ointments. One of the most effective is sulfur ointment. It has a rather pungent, repulsive smell, but copes very well with scabies mites.

To combat scabies, you can also try using the following medications:

  • ointment, emulsion or lotion Benzyl benzoate,
  • aerosol Spregal,
  • cream or solution for emulsion Medifox,
  • zinc ointment.

Despite the natural composition of many scabies medications, they must be used with extreme caution. When using a specific product on your own to combat scabious watery blisters on the skin of your hands, you should definitely study the instructions that come with it.

Allergy treatment

Skin manifestations of an allergic reaction, accompanied by small blisters on the fingers that itch and peel, do not always require treatment. Often, such an unpleasant symptom goes away on its own within a few hours, or at most within a day. But if the itching causes a lot of discomfort, or the course of the allergy is noticeably worsened, you can resort to the use of oral antiallergic drugs:

  • Suprastina,
  • Loratadine,
  • Niksara,
  • Eden,
  • Fencarola,
  • Erideza, etc.

In addition to tablets and syrups, ointments are also used for allergies. However, remember that they can be hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal antiallergic ointments are used for deep damage to the underlying layers of the dermis. But since we are talking about the occurrence of water blisters on the fingers, non-hormonal preparations should be used for cutaneous application:

  • Fenistil,
  • Miramistin,
  • Celederm,
  • Afloderm,
  • Loriden A,
  • Belosalik, etc.

Important! Many of the above drugs are prohibited for use by children and pregnant women. If allergic rashes in the form of blisters occur on the palms of a child or expectant mother, the only correct solution is to consult a doctor.

Treatment of herpes

In the treatment of herpetic vesicular rash, an integrated approach is of great importance. This is especially true in cases where blisters on the fingers appeared due to the activity of Varicella-Zoster (herpes virus type 3, which causes the development of shingles and chickenpox). In this case, it is important not only to use ointments for external use, but also to take antiviral tablets.

Coxsackievirus in children: herpangina and hand-foot-mouth disease

Authors : Medscape Medical News

Among enteroviral diseases, the two most common forms are hand-foot-mouth disease and herpangina.

Atypical manifestations of enterovirus rashes are much less common and can imitate rubella, scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease, sudden exanthema and many other diseases, however, even with an atypical course, upon closer examination the child still has aphthae in the mouth or pharynx, and/or typical dense blisters on flexor surfaces of the palms and feet. It is these typical manifestations that allow a correct diagnosis to be made.

The subject of our consideration will be the typical forms of manifestation of these enteroviral diseases.


The name of this disease comes from the English Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).

Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) is caused by the Coxsackievirus, a member of the enterovirus family. HFMD most often affects children under 10 years of age, but people of any age can get the infection.


The disease is manifested by fever (high temperature) and red spots with blisters in the center. Most often, the rash with HFMD is located in the mouth (tongue, gums), arms and legs (hence the name of the disease), but can also affect the buttocks, especially the perianal area, and appear as single elements on any part of the body. Typically, HFMD lasts about 10 days, with incidence typically peaking in late summer and fall.

Contrary to popular belief, your child cannot get HFMD from animals.


  • There are no antiviral drugs that can suppress enteroviruses.

    The body copes with this disease on its own. The essence of treatment is to alleviate the child’s symptoms, prevent dehydration and identify complications.

  • A child's fever can be relieved with drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, and they can also be taken to relieve pain in the mouth. You just need to consult your doctor about the optimal dose and method of administering the drug.

Never give your child aspirin without a doctor's permission - aspirin provokes the development of an extremely serious disease - Reye's syndrome.

There are recommendations for the use of lidocaine gels for local anesthesia of ulcers and inflammation in the mouth.

Daily regime

If your child feels tired or sick, you should allow him to rest as much as possible. If the child is energetic and cheerful, then you should not insist on rest; let him play and spend the day as usual.


If a child has painful mouth sores, he or she will likely eat less or stop eating and drinking completely. It is important not only to relieve pain from the rash, but also to offer him pureed, easily digestible foods that do not irritate the oral mucosa. These include yoghurts, puddings, milkshakes, jellies, purees, etc. It's best to eat these foods cool or at room temperature, not hot.

Do not give your child spicy, salty or sour foods. There is no need to feed him citrus juices and carbonated drinks. These fluids can make your child's mouth feel worse. Offer to drink from a cup rather than a bottle—negative sucking pressure also increases pain and promotes mucosal trauma and bleeding. Drinking through a straw is safe - it can be a complete alternative to a bottle, especially for aphthae on the lips and tip of the tongue.

Children's institutions

The child can return to the children's group after normalization of body temperature and general condition, but the main indicator will be the disappearance of elements of the rash. Until this moment, going out in public is not advisable, since the child may be contagious to others.

Contact your doctor if:

  • The blisters filled with pus or became sharply painful. This may be a sign of a secondary infection.
  • Your child's mouth sores are so painful that he won't open his mouth and completely refuses to eat or drink.

See a doctor immediately or call an ambulance if:

  • Your child is dehydrated due to complete refusal to eat or drink. We can talk about dehydration if: the child has not urinated for more than 8 hours
  • the baby can feel a sharply sunken fontanel on the head
  • baby crying without tears
  • his lips are cracked and dry.
  • Also, don't waste another minute if your child has a stiff neck (difficulty bringing the chin to the chest), severe headache or back pain, and these symptoms are combined with a fever above 38°C.

    Herpangina is a viral disease that is caused by the same Coxsackie viruses and is manifested by the formation of painful ulcers (ulcers) in the throat and mouth, as well as severe sore throat and fever.

    Herpangina is one of the common childhood infections. It most often occurs in children aged 3 to 10 years, but can affect people in any age group.

    Herpangina symptoms:

    • Fever

    • Headache
    • Loss of appetite
    • Sore throat: constant or only when swallowing
    • Ulcers in the mouth and throat, which may also be accompanied by isolated rashes on the legs, arms and buttocks (as in hand-foot-mouth disease).
    • Aphthae usually range in size from 1 to 6 mm, are white or whitish-gray in color, with a red border around the edges. They can be very painful.

    Usually no additional diagnostic methods are required - the doctor makes a diagnosis based on a physical examination and medical history.


    Treatment and care are similar to those described for hand-foot-mouth disease. Herpangina usually goes away within a week.

    As with hand-foot-mouth disease, and with herpangina, the main complications are considered to be dehydration and aseptic meningitis. Therefore, you should closely monitor your child for signs of dehydration and headache levels, and consult a doctor immediately if you suspect complications.

    Fortunately, complications are quite rare and most children recover within 10 days.

    During a child’s illness, all family members must maintain careful hygiene: wet cleaning more often than usual, using dishes separately, frequently washing their hands and treating them with antiseptics.

    published 08/08/2017 07:00 updated 10/08/2017 — Infectious diseases

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