Chicks on legs: causes and treatment methods

You won’t be surprised by the cold weather in Russia – snow lies on almost the entire territory of the country from November to March. And in central Russia, unstable weather with cold, piercing winds and humid air is added to low temperatures. Children especially suffer from bad weather - already in the fall, and especially in winter, the skin in exposed areas becomes chapped and begins to peel. And many children develop small, painful cracks on their hands, which in everyday life are often called pimples.

What are chicks?

Many people don’t even know what bumps on their legs or arms look like. Have you ever noticed that the skin of your extremities has become drier, redder, cracks, pimples, and small ulcerations have appeared on it? This condition is popularly called chicks. In dermatology, it is classified as a pathology of the epidermis (upper layer of skin).

Ointments and other remedies prescribed by specialists will help you get rid of pimples on your legs.

What are pimples and what are the causes of the disease?

bumps on the legs in the photo
The appearance of bumps on the arms and legs in children is not a dangerous pathology. After all, this is just a protective reaction of the body to the rapid drying out of the skin, which, if not stopped in a timely manner, sooner or later will lead to the formation of cracks with the release of ichor and lymph. The appearance of pimples is a peculiar way of epithelial tissues to maintain their integrity by tightening the surface layer to form dense pimples, reminiscent of multiple rashes. The pimples do not itch, do not hurt and do not create any sensitive discomfort except for a non-aesthetic visual defect.

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the legs and arms of young children are associated with the impact of the following negative factors on the skin surface.

Cold air and wind

If a child spends a long period of time outdoors, where there are low temperatures and a cold or damp wind blows, then these aggressive environmental conditions very quickly dry out the too delicate children's skin. It dries out and after a few hours you can see the first manifestations of pimples on the skin, reminiscent of goose or chicken skin. The dermatological defect manifests itself especially clearly in the winter season, when the air temperature outside is sub-zero and there is severe frost. To prevent this causative factor in the formation of pimples on the arms and legs of children, the child should wear mittens and other items of warm clothing.

Exposure to detergents

Soap, shampoo, gels and other cosmetics for bathing contain chemical components that negatively affect the health of epithelial surface cells. Frequent use of these cosmetics for bathing a baby can provoke the formation of chicks. Therefore, to bathe a child, it is enough to use hypoallergenic baby soap, and sometimes even limit yourself to bathing the baby in a decoction of medicinal herbs in order to strengthen local immunity.

Negative heredity

This causative factor in modern pediatric dermatology is extremely rare, but still has its precedents. In this case, the appearance of pimples on children’s arms and legs is a negative heredity acquired by the child from one of the parents, who, due to the specific physiological structure of the skin, passed on to the baby the genes that determine the filling of epithelial cells with a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture. If one of the parents naturally has too dry skin surface and also in childhood, or currently suffers from pimples on the arms or legs, then the child will also acquire this pathological predisposition.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

The skin, as one of the largest external organs of the human body, occupying about 15% of the total body weight of a child and an adult, requires constant nutrition not only with a sufficient amount of water, but also with a vitamin-mineral complex of useful substances, amino acids, and proteins. With poor nutrition, the epithelial layer of the child’s skin is depleted, its cells suffer and ultimately the epidermis becomes too dry.

Subsequently, it develops peeling and the appearance of characteristic pimples, indicating the presence of serious problems with the child’s health.

Hormonal disbalance

In children whose age ranges from 14 to 17 years, the appearance of chicks in 63% of cases is associated with adolescence and the process of puberty. At this period of development of the child’s body, all organs and systems are rebuilt to work in adult life. To overcome the transitional stage of development as quickly as possible, the endocrine glands, which are part of the structure of the endocrine system, synthesize increased levels of male and female sex hormones.

Under their influence, various pathologies of the child’s skin may occur, which are exclusively temporary. In conditions of a hormonal surge, drying out of the epithelial surface quite often occurs with the further formation of multiple pimples on the arms and legs. As soon as the level of moisture in the epithelium stabilizes, foreign tumors immediately disappear.

Low level of hygiene

Drying of the skin is provoked not only by internal factors in the form of an excess or lack of hormones, or by external effects on the epidermis of cold and frosty air, but also by an insufficient level of personal hygiene. If the skin of a child’s legs and arms has not been washed with warm water and soap for a long period of time, then particles of dirt and bacteria located on the surface layer of the epithelium provoke the development of its dryness, the formation of cracks and pimples.

Parasitic disease

Infection of a child's skin with scabies mites leads to the fact that the epithelial tissues are under constant stress, their vital resource is depleted and they dry out. Against this background, the appearance of a large number of chicks is a response to the presence of negative conditions in which the skin finds itself.

This disease in dermatology is called demodicosis and its presence is directly related to the formation of a large number of pimples on the child’s arms and legs. As soon as it is possible to completely remove the scabies mite, as well as its larvae, from the subcutaneous layer, the health of the epithelial surface of the child’s body immediately stabilizes, and the scars disappear after 2-3 days from the moment of complete recovery.


This causative factor in the appearance of bumps on the arms and legs in children is also found quite often in medical practice. The stronger the skin allergic reaction in a child, the more pronounced the dryness of the skin and the risk of developing pimples increases proportionally. As a rule, this pathological cause of the stressful state of the epithelial surface of the body occurs when parents do not treat the child. In fact, the allergic nature of the origin of chicks in a baby is a complicated form of an allergic reaction.

In this case, we present the general reasons why a child’s skin becomes critically dry with the subsequent appearance of multiple pimples on its surface. Depending on the individual characteristics of the child’s body, his age, living conditions and development, the presence of other factors cannot be ruled out that may also act as the cause of the appearance of these neoplasms on the surface of the skin.

Main reasons

It should be noted that in most cases, pimples on the legs are the result of contact of the surface layer of the skin with cold air or the habit of walking barefoot. This problem is especially common for people with thin and sensitive skin. Since their subcutaneous fatty tissue is poorly developed, their skin is more susceptible to the effects of unfavorable environmental conditions.

In addition, pimples on the skin of the legs may indicate a more serious problem in the body. Often the skin becomes thinner and dries out due to endocrinological diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases), since with these pathologies microcirculation (blood circulation in the small vessels of tissues) worsens. As a result, the skin receives little oxygen and nutrients and becomes thinner. The appearance of pimples on the soles of the feet is especially typical for diabetes mellitus.

Also, the cause of this problem can be diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially a pathology such as obliterating atherosclerosis. This disease causes a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels and deterioration of blood circulation in the extremities, which also causes atrophy (thinning) of the skin.

Another reason for the appearance of chicks is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in winter.

Approach to therapy

Adverse environmental factors, as well as the use of many chemicals in everyday life, increase the risk of various diseases not only from internal organs, but also from the skin. When pimples appear on the skin, this phenomenon is characterized by main unpleasant symptoms, such as redness and swelling in the affected area, the appearance of cracks, which are accompanied by severe itching.

Before treating this disease, it is necessary to diagnose other similar conditions - dermatitis, scabies, eczema, psoriasis and the possible development of an allergic reaction. The next stage is associated with identifying the causes that influence the appearance of pimples on the skin and choosing a method that helps combat their influence on the occurrence of the disease:

  • Reaction to chemicals. First of all, it is necessary to abandon all products containing harmful components. If chicks appear on your hands, to minimize contact with chemical elements, it is recommended to always use rubber gloves and treat the skin with a rich cream.
  • Weather. Low air temperature and high humidity quite often cause characteristic changes in the skin. Therefore, during the winter season, it is important to wear gloves to protect your hands from chapping. But you need to take into account that if the gloves get wet, the situation may worsen, so it is advisable to immediately change them to another, dry pair.
  • Chemical peels and insufficient care for delicate hand skin in winter can injure it. Therefore, it is necessary to set aside time for medicinal baths, hand massage, and also apply fatty creams to the skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance and lack of vitamins also increase the sensitivity of the skin, resulting in an increased risk of injury due to harmful factors. In this case, before hatching chicks, you first need to adjust the diet: you should include food based on boiled or stewed beef liver, increase the amount of greens consumed, and also add sprouted wheat grains and flax seeds to the diet.


If you have been suffering from pimples on your legs for a long time, which do not go away after using folk remedies and special ointments, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe additional examination methods. After all, such a seemingly harmless symptom may hide a serious pathology.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, certain examination methods are used:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood sugar test;
  • lipid profile - determination of the level of lipids and cholesterol in the blood (increases with atherosclerosis);
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • angiogram (x-ray examination of blood vessels).

The results of the research methods mentioned above must be interpreted by a qualified specialist in order, if necessary, to prescribe further examination and treatment.

Treatment methods: traditional medicine

Well, we have already figured out what it is - pimples, why they arise and how they manifest themselves on the body. Now it’s time to figure out how to remove tiptoes on your legs.

There are many options for dealing with the problem described: both traditional medicines and traditional medicine.

By the way, the latter of them often have a noticeable effect, relieving the patient of problems. The most effective recipes for dealing with chicks on the legs include the following:

  1. Mash two potato tubers well and add 2 tablespoons of lemon and stir. Cover the area where the chicks appear with this mixture in a thick layer and wrap the leg with cling film. Next, wrap yourself up. The main thing is to keep your feet warm. Continue this procedure for 20-30 minutes, then rinse off the mixture with warm water.
  2. Regular use of burdock oil is also effective. By rubbing it into the area of ​​redness and the formation of pimples, you can improve the condition of the skin and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Treating children for pimples on arms and legs at home

Therapy for chicks is based on what caused them to appear. They cannot arise suddenly without the presence of a whole list of predisposing causative factors. Treatment of this dysfunction of the skin on the legs in children is based on the use of the following therapeutic techniques:

  • prescribing the child strong antihistamines in the form of tablets and intramuscular injections, which will help stabilize the level of histamine in epithelial cells and prevent the further development of an allergic reaction that provokes drying of the skin and, accordingly, the formation of pimples;
  • if the cause of the appearance of pimples is associated with scabies mite infestation, then the child’s skin is treated with sulfur ointment or benzyl benzoate (the treatment period ranges from 5 to 10 days and depends on the severity of the dermatological disease);
  • treatment of hormonal imbalance requires a thorough examination of the child by a dermatologist and taking medications that contain synthetic hormones that can stabilize the health of the skin;
  • lubricating the skin on the arms and legs with a moisturizing baby cream, which will saturate the epithelium with the missing amount of moisture and prevent the appearance of new chicks, and those that have already formed will completely disappear on their own;
  • the use of vitamins and minerals to saturate the cells of the epithelial layer with all the necessary nutrients that are required for the normal functioning of the skin.

It is also important to follow preventive rules that are not directly related to the treatment process, but ignoring them can cause the child to develop bumps on the arms and legs. They consist in ensuring that the child is always dressed appropriately for the weather. Especially if it is a cold season outside with sub-zero air temperatures, cold and damp wind. The baby should take a warm shower every day and wash the body with soap or other cosmetics designed to perform water procedures according to the child’s age.

Special baths

In addition to rubbing oils and mixtures, herbal foot baths are also effective. Here are some options for foot baths:

  • After pouring warm water into a container in such an amount that it completely covers the area of ​​the skin damage, add equal amounts of calendula, burdock, burdock and chamomile. Also pour a small amount of shampoo and a tablespoon of glycerin. Mix all ingredients well. Keep your feet in this bath until the water cools down.
  • Boil the mixture of the herbs mentioned above and keep it on the fire for 20 minutes. Proportion: 1 liter of water per 2 tablespoons of herbs. Wait until the broth becomes warm, dip your feet in it for 20 minutes, and then lubricate them with burdock or olive oil.

Using masks

Another method that helps get rid of pimples on your legs is the use of special masks made at home.

The following recipes are most effective:

  • You need to mix one banana with a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and apply the mixture to the area where the chicks form. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • There are also several masks based on egg yolk. The first involves mixing yolk, 100 g of sour cream, 50 g of vodka or other strong alcohol and the juice of one lemon. Sour cream moisturizes the skin, and ethyl alcohol dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation. The second mask consists of yolk, a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice (15 ml). To make these masks more effective, you need to steam the skin before applying them, first holding them over steam or in warm water. And the duration of the procedures should be at least half an hour.

They use mixtures based on vitamin A. To do this, one bottle of vitamin is mixed with 100 g of any oil and regularly rubbed into the skin, 3 times a day.

Drug therapy

Although there are a great variety of folk remedies for treating chicks, and you can try any of them, drug therapy comes first in terms of effectiveness in treating skin problems.

There are various pharmaceutical ointments recommended for dermatoses (as all skin diseases are called in dermatology). The most popular: Panthenol, Boro+, Astroderm.

Since the most common is Panthenol ointment, let’s talk about it in more detail. This remedy is very widely used in dermatology, especially for the following diseases and conditions:

  • microdamage to the skin (scratches, minor burns);
  • skin irritations during phototherapy, excessive ultraviolet irradiation;
  • cracked and rough skin;
  • to prevent the formation of cracks in the mammary glands in women who are breastfeeding;
  • for preventive treatment of the skin during treatment with corticosteroids, since these drugs cause thinning of the skin;
  • anal fissures;
  • prevention and treatment of diaper dermatitis.

As can be seen from the list above, “Panthenol” is recommended for use for almost all skin problems that are not very severe.

How to use Panthenol

As with any medicine, the need for treatment with Panthenol ointment and the instructions for use of this drug must be agreed with your doctor. As a rule, it is applied in a moderate layer to the site of skin damage several times a day as needed. It is also possible to use the ointment prophylactically before going outside.

This medication can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, during pregnancy you should do this only as directed and under the supervision of your doctor.

How to remove goose bumps using cosmetics

To solve the problem, you will need two types of care cosmetics: body scrubs and moisturizers. The first ones are needed to remove keratinized particles of the skin and smooth its relief. It is better to use sugar or salt based products. These quickly dissolving ingredients will not harm goose bumps, even on delicate areas such as the buttocks or neck. The scrub should be applied once every 7-10 days; more frequent use may damage the fresh layers of the epidermis. And as a daily procedure, you should use a massage with a special washcloth-mitten. If you have goose bumps on the neck and décolleté, you need to use delicate products, for example, a peeling roll for the face helps a lot.

For the role of a moisturizer, you need to choose a cream with a delicate consistency, preferably in the form of milk. It should contain vegetable oils that soften the skin, and beeswax - it creates a film on the surface of the epidermis that prevents water loss.

Natural oils for the skin of the body are also excellent for moisturizing problem areas - natural sources of vitamin E. They are especially effective for getting rid of goose bumps on the elbows - the epidermis there is quite rough, which requires intense exposure.

An excellent effect is achieved by the combined use of different types of moisturizers. In the morning, the best choice would be milk - it is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes, in the evening - oil, the application of which should be given enough time so that it is well absorbed.

Anti-Age Body Scrub Cream, 200 ml, Natura Siberica

379 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Treatment of the cause

If you followed the instructions for using Panthenol ointment, tried many folk remedies, but nothing helped, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. After all, it is possible that some other systemic disease of the body is hidden behind the skin damage. Only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After all, the methods of treating chicks on the legs and the reasons that caused their appearance have a direct relationship.

So, if a high level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is detected, the doctor must determine the type of diabetes (1 or 2, insulin-dependent or independent). Depending on the diagnosis, he will prescribe the necessary treatment: tablets that lower blood sugar levels, or insulin injections.

Diseases of the thyroid gland (increased or decreased function) also require hormonal treatment.

If additional examination methods reveal elevated cholesterol levels and the presence of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessels, a diagnosis of obliterating atherosclerosis is possible. Then you need to pay special attention to reducing blood cholesterol levels. The most effective group of drugs in this case are statins (“Atorvastatin”, “Lovastatin”). They reduce cholesterol synthesis in the liver, thus reducing its amount in the blood. However, if the atherosclerotic plaque is too large and significantly blocks the lumen of the vessel, surgical intervention is also possible.

Getting rid of chicks using traditional methods

Alternative medicine also contains recipes that can successfully eliminate the symptoms of this disease. For example, plantain decoction effectively copes not only with the initial manifestations of the disease, but also removes rather deep cracks.

For less pronounced changes, use a mixture containing oatmeal, egg yolk and liquid honey or banana with honey. The most popular are medicinal baths based on a decoction of chamomile and plantain, as well as:

  • Starch.
  • Mixtures of oatmeal and flaxseed oil.
  • Honey and sour cream.

You can use ointments based on sauerkraut juice or a mixture of egg yolk, olive oil and banana. Potatoes play a special role in the treatment of chicks. From it you can prepare both a mask and a mixture or decoction.

To prepare a healing mask, use puree made from boiled potatoes “in their jackets” with the addition of milk and burdock oil. The medicinal mixture is prepared from boiled and peeled potatoes. They are ground into a puree and lemon or cucumber juice is added to it, applied to the hands and left for 20 minutes.

In order for the effect to be achieved, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for preparing medicinal mixtures. If the symptoms of the disease do not begin to subside within a few days from the start of therapy, you should seek help from a doctor.

Dietary recommendations

If you have chicks on your legs caused by any of the systemic diseases listed above, important attention should be paid to nutrition. The following recommendations are worth highlighting:

  • you need to eat often (5-6 times a day), in small portions;
  • eliminate fatty and fried foods, reduce the consumption of animal fats, increase the amount of vegetable fats;
  • give up smoked and pickled foods, as well as highly seasoned dishes;
  • You should give preference to products steamed and baked in the oven.

In addition, lifestyle and physical activity play a big role. You need to devote at least 20 minutes a day to exercise, and also spend time in the fresh air, while not forgetting to protect your skin with creams and ointments.


How to prevent the development of chicks on your legs? It is worth following the following recommendations:

  • do not walk barefoot;
  • when taking a shower, make sure that the water is not too cold, as cold dries the skin and impairs blood circulation in the extremities;
  • avoid swimming in cold waters;
  • before going outside, apply a thin layer of cream to damaged areas of the skin, if they are not covered with clothing;
  • wear warm clothes and shoes in the cold season; ideally in winter, boots should be with warm fur lining.

We hope you now understand what bumps on your legs and arms are and how to deal with them. But if the symptoms bother you greatly for a long time, do not hesitate, consult a doctor!

Use of vegetable oils

A fairly common method of therapy, which is carried out in combination with drug treatment and enhances its effect. The list of recipes is quite extensive, so the most popular ones will be considered:

  • Place your hands in a liter container of warm water containing 20 ml of olive oil. Then they are treated with a nourishing cream and cotton gloves are put on. This procedure is usually carried out before bedtime and takes 15 minutes.
  • Damaged areas of the skin are treated with a mixture that contains sunflower and olive oils, as well as an oil solution of vitamin A. The manipulation should be carried out three times a day.
  • Use almond oil, mainly before bed.
  • Applying burdock oil twice a day.
  • Using a mixture that contains sunflower and olive oils and milk in equal proportions.

Since each remedy is quite effective, vegetable oils should be chosen based on the individual sensitivity of the patient.

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