Hardware facial mesotherapy – what is this procedure?

Creams and masks act on the surface of the skin, so they do not always give a noticeable effect, unlike the introduction of active substances directly into the middle and deep layers of the skin. This procedure is called mesotherapy. Facial mesotherapy is the most common cosmetic procedure that allows you to cope with the signs of aging and eliminate some skin defects. The result exceeds all expectations: natural stimulation of collagen and elastin production occurs, facial skin looks more elastic and healthy, and acquires radiance.

How does hyaluronic acid work?

After about 30 years, the first signs of aging appear on the face. To delay this process as much as possible, hyaluronic acid has been actively used in cosmetology. It is used mainly for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The uniqueness of this substance is that it helps moisturize the skin and prevent loss of elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid affects the skin at the cellular level and is not rejected by the body. A significant advantage of hyaluronic acid is the duration of action, the absence of addiction and serious complications. It is for these reasons that this substance is actively used in cosmetology and is popular among consumers.

A course of using an anti-aging agent allows you to achieve the following changes:

  • The tone and elasticity of the skin is restored without the use of surgical techniques.
  • A thin invisible film is formed on the surface of the skin, which helps protect the skin from exposure to sunlight and adverse environmental factors.
  • The level of hydration is normalized, the skin becomes elastic, fresh and healthy.
  • Dryness and flaking are left behind.
  • Small wrinkles on the face are smoothed out.

To achieve the desired effect, it is not necessary to resort to invasive techniques (injecting acid under the skin using injections). It is possible to carry out the procedure without injections, for example, using non-injection mesotherapy.


When carrying out the procedure, the result can be assessed after the first session. But to obtain a lasting and pronounced effect, you will need to take a course, the duration of which, as well as the frequency of procedures, is selected separately by a cosmetologist for each patient.

Most often, it is recommended to undergo 10-12 facial mesotherapy procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

Thanks to facial mesotherapy it is possible to:

  • reduce the severity of age-related changes, in particular reduce the depth of wrinkles and folds;
  • reduce the volume of soft tissues and eliminate swelling, including tightening the chin and removing the double chin, which provides the so-called non-surgical modeling effect;
  • improve the shape of the face by eliminating signs of gravitational ptosis;
  • reduce the number and severity of inflammatory elements on the face, including acne;
  • reduce or completely remove pigment spots and skin redness;
  • improve skin texture, in particular smooth out scars and post-acne marks;
  • remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, eliminate sagging eyelids, crow's feet;
  • improve the appearance of the lips by smoothing purse-string wrinkles, eliminating dry lips, making their contour clearer;
  • give your facial skin a fresh, rested look and ensure its effective hydration;
  • restore the thickness of the eyebrows and fill in the “gaps”.

But the effect of facial mesotherapy largely depends on the correct selection of the features of the procedure in accordance with the type of skin aging (finely wrinkled, deformed, tired, mixed). When all factors are taken into account, the correct selection of medications is taken and the full course of procedures is completed, the achieved effect can last up to 1.5 years. And to extend this period, it is recommended to regularly perform maintenance procedures.

In Russia, the most common types of aging are deformational or edematous and finely wrinkled.

How to properly prepare for the procedure

Regardless of the type of mesotherapy, you need to follow a few simple preparation rules. This will enhance the effect and ensure its duration.

  • It is not recommended to carry out manipulation during a cold; it is better to wait for recovery.
  • 3 days before facial mesotherapy, stop taking painkillers.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications on a regular basis.
  • For three days before visiting a cosmetologist, try not to use cosmetics on your face. It is advisable not to use even daily face creams.
  • A couple of days before mesotherapy you should not drink alcohol.
  • Before the rejuvenation session, you should not scrub or peel the skin.

Experts recommend avoiding intervention during menstruation. It is better to wait for it to finish and carry out the procedure in a couple of days.

Indications for use

The procedure has an extensive list of indications. But only a qualified cosmetologist can determine whether a particular patient requires facial mesotherapy. In general, it is indicated for:

  • signs of biological aging of facial skin (wrinkles, ptosis) to reduce the depth of wrinkles, increase skin tone, improve its color and texture;
  • photoaging to moisturize the skin and eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • local obesity, in particular the formation of a double chin or fatty bags on the face;
  • acne;
  • scars, scars, post-acne;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • spider veins, rosacea, rosacea;
  • enlarged pores;
  • preparation for chemical facial peels, plastic surgeries and during the recovery period after them.

You can perform facial mesotherapy from the age of 18, but it works best after 25 years and on aging skin that has not previously undergone complex care.

The procedure can also act as an effective means of preventing age-related changes.

No-injection mesotherapy

This technique is also called hardware. From the name you can understand that this procedure implies a refusal to administer subcutaneous injections. The effect of non-injection mesotherapy is based on the use of special devices. The main advantage of this method is the absence of trauma to the skin. When using this technique, hyaluronic acid and other meso-cocktails are not injected under the skin, but are delivered to the deep layers of the dermis by alternative methods.

The non-injection procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. A gentle cleansing of the skin is carried out beforehand. Then hyaluronic acid is applied to the face and treated with a special device that promotes the penetration of active substances into the cells of the dermis.

Compared to the injection procedure, this technique has several advantages:

  • It is not painful at all, so there is no need to use painkillers.
  • A small list of contraindications.
  • Minimum duration of exposure.
  • After the procedure there is no pain or discomfort.
  • There is no risk of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms getting under the skin, since with the non-injection method there are no punctures on the skin.
  • The likelihood of complications is reduced to almost zero.
  • No swelling or bruising after the cosmetic procedure.

Features of the procedure

A mesotherapy device is now used in almost all salons, since it allows you to painlessly saturate the skin with useful substances, preventing its mechanical damage.

The improved procedure has several features that distinguish it from classical mesotherapy:

  1. Absolutely painless. Since the skin is not damaged during the session, there is no need to use an anesthetic.
  2. Suitable for girls with particularly sensitive and thin skin.
  3. Lack of a long period of skin recovery.
  4. Minimal risks of unwanted consequences and skin damage.

However, keep in mind that the procedure has a fairly high price, which can reach 5000-7000 rubles for one visit to the salon. Considering that to achieve the desired result you will have to take a course consisting of 5-15 sessions, not all girls can afford the modern technique.

Meso-cocktails, which are introduced into the skin due to electromagnetic effects, have a hypoallergenic composition, so in most cases they are absolutely safe for girls, regardless of their health condition.

It is impossible to do the technique at home, since it uses special bulky equipment, which can only be operated by a highly qualified specialist.

Injection mesotherapy

The essence of the method is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis. The injection technique is suitable for eliminating deep wrinkles and obvious signs of aging. For the procedure, skin punctures are performed with thin needles. This may be intimidating to some, but the benefit is amazing long-lasting results.

When performing a cosmetic procedure, you first need to thoroughly clean the skin and treat it with an antiseptic spray. Next, the specialist marks the locations of future punctures. A meso cocktail is drawn into a syringe and injected into the desired areas.

Please note that after the procedure, small red dots remain on the face, redness of the skin and swelling are also possible. Don’t be alarmed, this condition is a completely normal reaction of the body to intervention. As a rule, these symptoms go away on their own after a couple of days.

Preparations for facial mesotherapy

The facial mesotherapy procedure can be carried out with the following drugs:

  • hyaluronic acid (activates the growth of new collagen fibers);
  • silicon and magnesium salts (increase elasticity and tone of the skin, normalize cell nutrition);
  • phospholipids (a substance that is part of cell membranes that provides elasticity).

In addition, various antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically beneficial substances can be used.

The doctor selects cocktails for facial mesotherapy individually for each patient, depending on the course of the disease and diagnosis. A cosmetologist makes cocktails from several components, and sometimes uses ready-made preparations. Based on the composition, cocktails can be homeopathic or allopathic. Allopathic cocktails are the most popular; homeopathy is used less frequently.

How to care for your skin after the procedure

In order for the results after the anti-aging procedure to last for a long time, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics, especially foundations, during the week. It is allowed to use only certain types of creams recommended by a cosmetologist.
  • Do not massage your facial skin after mesotherapy for several days.
  • Do not use scrubs, homemade peels, masks, etc.
  • For 5 days, do not visit the bathhouse or take a hot bath.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for 5-7 days.
  • Try to refrain from increased physical activity for 3 days.

Before carrying out the procedure, we recommend that you consult with your doctor and rule out any contraindications.


Facial mesotherapy has a fairly small list of contraindications, including:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drugs;
  • acute inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • psoriasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • HIV;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • taking anticoagulants, antibiotics;
  • tendency to form keloid scars (except for hardware mesotherapy of the face).

In such cases, you should abandon the idea of ​​carrying out the procedure. In this case, the cosmetologist is obliged to check for contraindications before performing mesotherapy, which may require certain laboratory tests.

It is also not recommended for women to carry out the procedure a few days before the onset of menstruation, immediately during its course and in the next 2-3 days. This is due to the fact that during this period not only sensitivity to pain increases, but also the risk of hematoma formation increases.


The effect of the procedures depends on the formula of the drug. Thanks to non-injection mesotherapy it is possible to:

  • reduce the depth of facial wrinkles and strengthen the oval of the face;
  • lighten and even out skin color;
  • reduce the “rings of Venus” and increase the elasticity of the décolleté skin;
  • hide the vascular network and signs of rosacea;
  • reduce skin oiliness and cure acne;
  • remove scars, acne marks and age spots;
  • improve growth rate and restore hair structure.

Immediately after the first session, skin tone noticeably improves, the face becomes fresher and takes on a rested appearance. The complex of procedures allows you to achieve a sustainable effect for a period of 6 months or more.

How to choose a clinic for non-injection mesotherapy

Now you know about the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, even the estimated price for non-injection mesotherapy. All that remains is to decide on the choice of clinic.

What characteristics should you pay attention to?

  • Clinic experience. The longer she provides services, the more trustworthy she becomes.
  • Qualification of specialists. All personnel must have medical education. Retraining and advanced training courses will be a plus.
  • Diplomas and certificates. Both the clinic and its specialists must be present. Do not hesitate to ask for documents confirming the qualifications of doctors and the right to provide cosmetology services.

Attention! Does the medical center have regular customers, and are there no negative reviews on the website or third-party sites? Perhaps this is exactly the clinic you have been looking for for a long time.

Non-injection mesotherapy is recommended for people who do not like injections and avoid complications after cosmetic procedures. The method allows you to give freshness to the skin and achieve its rejuvenation without any discomfort.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

How much does non-injection mesotherapy cost in a salon?

The price of hardware rejuvenation differs in different cities. It depends on several indicators:

  • dosage of active substances;
  • the hardware technique used;
  • number of treated areas;
  • composition of meso cocktails;
  • skin condition before the start of the course of procedures;
  • the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the employees working in it.

So how much does non-injection facial mesotherapy cost? In metropolitan clinics, you will have to pay an average of 2,000–6,000 rubles for one session. Prices for treating the décolleté area start at 4,000 rubles. In regions they can be lower, from 1500 rubles per session. Reviews and photos of clients after non-injection mesotherapy allow us to conclude that the procedure is worth the money spent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Non-injection mesotherapy is one of the safest cosmetic methods. Advantages:

  • instant results;
  • painlessness and safety;
  • without microdamage to the skin;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • without preparation and rehabilitation period;
  • versatility.

The result is noticeable after the first session. Non-injection skin therapy can be carried out at any time of the year, the method is applicable to any area of ​​the body.

As an independent technique, mesotherapy without injections has no disadvantages. In comparison with the classical injection technique, it loses in the number of necessary procedures. Mesococktail injections allow you to get a lasting result in 3-5 procedures, and the non-injection method can achieve the same effect in at least 7 sessions.

If the sun dries your skin, mesotherapy without injections will help you!

In summer, you want to be especially beautiful and have well-groomed, glowing skin. Unfortunately, photoaging is inexorable: in the sun, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry, and becomes covered with spots and fine wrinkles. Who among us hasn’t arrived from a hot vacation with “cobwebs” around our eyes? Classic injection mesotherapy is undesirable in the summer: in the sun, the injection sites can become inflamed.

The solution is hydromesotherapy. Needle-free injections of moisturizing components, even during hot periods, allow you to biorevitalize the skin and saturate it with moisture.

Expert comment:

The procedure is absolutely painless and non-traumatic: after just 1.5-2 hours you can shine with beauty and youth, whether at a party or on the Cote d'Azur! Needle-free hydromesotherapy “delivers” moisturizing components to the cells intact and intact. Therefore, the effect lasts for several months.

I recommend carrying out such procedures on the eve of summer in order to minimize the effects of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Just 2 procedures before the holiday and 3 after - reliable prevention of pigmentation, peeling and a network of wrinkles.”

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