Watermelon face mask: a rejuvenating dessert for your skin

Watermelon is not only a tasty berry, but also a product that has a positive effect on the skin. Therefore, it can be used as a cosmetic product. Watermelon moisturizes the skin, gives it freshness, and also nourishes it with useful microelements and vitamins. This seasonal berry usually ripens in August. By this time of year, the skin requires additional hydration, as the hot sun dries out the face. It should be said that the pulp is used for cooking. Although some believe that the best mask is made from watermelon peels for the face. But usually it is the pulp of the fruit that is used. Why? Now we'll tell you.

How does it work?

The amazing combination of components included in its composition provides a positive effect on the skin.

  1. Since the pulp of the berry consists mainly of water, watermelon moisturizes the skin very well.
  2. The composition includes folic acid and vitamin A. The combination of these components ensures the healing of any skin damage. For example, small scratches.
  3. Watermelon pulp contains potassium, which helps balance moisture. If you have dry skin, then a watermelon mask will moisturize your face, and if you have oily skin, it will remove shine and make it more matte.
  4. Watermelon also contains ascorbic acid, which tightens the skin, gives a aging face a fresh look, and removes wrinkles.
  5. If there is swelling on the face, such as bags under the eyes, then you can eat a few pieces of watermelon. It is common knowledge that the product is a diuretic. Therefore, eating this berry will rid the body of excess fluid.

The use of watermelon in cosmetology

The use of watermelon in cosmetology is justified due to its rich content of the following nutrients:

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, PP;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

Watermelon for the face in cosmetology is used in the form of masks from the pulp; watermelon ice and oil are made from its seeds. Watermelon extract is invaluable in lip products: it ideally eliminates flaking and strengthens delicate skin, preventing coloring pigments from harming it. In cosmetology, not only watermelon pulp is used, but also juice.

Important! Early autumn is a favorable period for preparing masks and lotions with watermelon, because it is at this time that the berries are of higher quality, ripened, and free of harmful substances.

Watermelon face mask. Application

Since watermelon has a healing effect, it is recommended to use it for problem skin. For example, if there is acne on the face or there are wounds after cosmetic cleansing. It also happens that small pustules appear on the skin.

In all these cases, it is recommended to make a watermelon mask, which will have a positive effect after just a few sessions. If your face is peeling, then masks made from this berry will help solve this problem. Watermelon also removes inflammation and soothes the skin. It is recommended to use this product to give the skin elasticity, improve complexion and tighten the contour. The effect of masks with watermelon on pigmentation and oily shine has been noticed. Also, such remedies will remove fatigue.

Indications for use

Watermelon is prescribed for medicinal purposes as a diuretic and choleretic agent, for anemia, cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases, obesity, cholecystitis, diabetes, hypertension.

In cosmetology, watermelon and products that contain it are indicated for those who have:

  • severe swelling;
  • sunburn;
  • rashes, inflammation;
  • signs of skin aging;
  • pigmentation;
  • dull complexion.

Important! It is prohibited to use watermelon juice on the face as a cosmetic product after chemical peeling procedures and various injections.

Recommendations for use

As a rule, watermelon is used to make masks. In order to make the product, you need to take the pulp. It is better to take it from the middle of the berry. Since it contains more vitamins and beneficial microelements. The pulp must be cleared of seeds. Watermelon masks should be done no more than three times a week. It should be remembered that the product can only be used immediately after preparation. It is not recommended to use it after any time, since watermelon is a product that quickly deteriorates. You should know that only berries that ripen during the natural ripening season, that is, in August or September, have beneficial properties. It is not recommended to use fruits grown in greenhouses to create masks.

Since in this case chemical fertilizers are often used. The pulp from such fruits can harm the delicate skin of the face. You should not keep the product on your face for more than half an hour. Some masks include lemon or vinegar. These components should be on the face for a short time. Before making a mask for the first time, be sure to test for allergies to this product. To do this, it is better to choose an area with delicate skin, for example, the elbow or wrist.

This one suits you: 5 signs of a quality watermelon

Don’t neglect the “seasonality” of dessert and buy the first fruit you come across in the store. Watermelons grown in greenhouses or with the help of chemicals do not carry nutritional value, and in some cases can even be harmful, cause allergies, and poisoning. How to recognize a good product? Below are five tips.

  1. The season starts in August. More precisely, towards the end of the third summer month. Early autumn is the ideal time to buy a watermelon, when the risk of choosing an unripe or “stuffed” fruit is minimized.
  2. Preference goes to trusted stores. Many reviews say that it is better not to buy watermelons from street sellers. It is unlikely that such trays will be able to guarantee the quality and naturalness of the fruit: not everyone can boast of having a certificate or compliance with sanitary standards.
  3. "Appearance" matters. The striped crust should be bright, contrasting and shiny. There should be no scratches, dents or cuts on it - harmful microbes can easily penetrate through such “cracks”. You can usually find a small yellowish spot on the surface - this is good, the watermelon has been lying on the field for a long time, basking in the sun and ripening. It is important that the shell is hard - it cannot be pierced with a fingernail, much less crushed. It is better to choose a medium-sized watermelon - this eliminates the possibility of buying a “green” or overripe fruit.
  4. The fruit should “sound.” When you “tap” a watermelon with your palm, there should be a ringing, clear sound. There is another way: bring the watermelon to your ear and squeeze it tightly with your hands - the rind should crackle slightly. All this means that the peel is ripe, and the inside of the watermelon has become a little loose, which gives rise to such an echo.
  5. Home inspection. You can’t ask someone to cut out a piece of watermelon right in the store to see what it’s like inside. This can lead to the entry of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, viewing the pulp at home can be considered a control check for an already purchased “fruit”. It should be a little loose and juicy. Smooth, pale flesh with yellow veins is a clear sign of an unripe or low-quality watermelon.

Do not neglect safety rules when choosing a fruit for food or a homemade mask. Ripe watermelon contains the most nutrients. An out-of-season or unripe berry will be useless for the skin at best, and harmful at worst.


During the hot season, the skin is exposed to the sun, which causes it to lose moisture. Also at sea, the cover is exposed to salt water. This may have an adverse effect on the face. The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive. Therefore, caring for her must be constant. At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to carry out procedures to moisturize and nourish the skin. Watermelon is great for these purposes. Firstly, it is a natural remedy. And secondly, it is suitable for all skin types.


Let's look at online reviews from people who have tried watermelon masks in practice.

Olga: “With age, more and more fine wrinkles appear, and I discovered an excellent way to combat them. A watermelon face mask with oatmeal and cucumber helps nourish the skin and rejuvenate it. I am very pleased".

Tamara: “In the summer, my skin becomes very dry and flaky, and rashes appear on my face. A watermelon mask helped me cope with this problem. After it, the skin is moisturized, fresh and looks great. The complexion evened out, the rashes disappeared after just two uses.”

Tatyana: “A watermelon hair mask helps my hair look healthy and silky. I use it to moisturize and nourish my hair and roots.”

Mask for oily skin

How to make a watermelon face mask? Oily facial skin is characterized by a greasy sheen. With the help of masks you can get rid of it. First you need to prepare your face.

To do this, it is recommended to steam the skin. It is better to carry out the procedure using chamomile. It will narrow the skin pores. After steaming, you can apply a mask made from watermelon pulp (4 tablespoons) and egg white. A purifying watermelon face mask is applied to the skin. Then you need to leave it for 20 minutes. Then it must be washed off with water.

"Ascorbinka", retinol and other beauty enhancers in the composition

Watermelon is often called a berry or a fruit, but not everything is so simple. It is no coincidence that this fruit is so impressive in size. Watermelon is of melon origin and belongs to the pumpkin family. It was nicknamed the berry for its similar structure to this delicacy.

Watermelon is used not only as food, but also for medicinal purposes. It is considered one of the best natural diuretics, helps calm inflammatory processes, and is used as an antipyretic and tonic.

Fruit pulp is also of considerable importance for skin restoration. A watermelon face mask effectively refreshes and moisturizes the epidermis, serves as an antioxidant, and helps replenish the deficiency of certain nutrients. What is the “power” of this sugar fruit and how does it affect the skin of the face?

  • Rejuvenates. Watermelon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which plays an important protective function for the epidermis. It protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays and improves the functioning of the skin’s immune system. “Ascorbinka” is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, provocateurs of oncology.
  • Whitens. Vitamin C not only stimulates the production of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and firm. It functions as a light “whitener” - it lightens age spots and freckles, and evens out the complexion. Slows down the aging process, gives the skin strength and freshness.
  • Saturates with iron. Watermelon is an iron supplier. With a deficiency of this element, the skin becomes vulnerable, pale and flaccid. Lack of iron can lead to increased dryness and flaking of the skin. Fresh watermelon juice will help compensate for the lack of this element.
  • Prevents rosacea. Calcium contained in watermelon plays a significant role in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of rosacea and improves blood supply to cells. Lack of calcium leads to sagging and dryness, and the barrier function of the skin decreases. In addition, calcium cleanses and tightens pores.
  • Treats acne. Watermelon is a source of vitamin A. Retinol activates natural growth and cell renewal, is a powerful antioxidant, improves blood circulation and metabolism. Protects the skin, helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes, for example, with the appearance of acne or acne.

Watermelon is a sweet cocktail of valuable acids, vitamins and minerals. It contains substances such as folic acid, magnesium, potassium, pectin, thiamine, fiber, lycopene. Together, they contribute to the comprehensive restoration and improvement of the skin. But these properties are inherent only in natural ripe fruits. Therefore, when buying a watermelon, you need to be prepared for a thorough inspection.

Products for dry skin

Now we’ll tell you how to prepare a watermelon face mask. There are several effective remedies for dry skin.

  1. In order to quickly moisturize your facial skin, you need to mix five tablespoons of watermelon pulp, boiled egg yolk, one small spoon each of sunflower oil and high-fat sour cream. If the consistency of the product turns out to be liquid, then you should add the pulp of rye bread. The mask is applied to the face for half an hour. Then it is deleted.
  2. An effective watermelon face mask. Mix 4 tbsp. spoons of watermelon pulp with one spoon of fat sour cream. In order to give the mask thickness, you need to add oat flour (the amount is at your discretion). This mixture is also applied to a cleansed face and left for 20 minutes, then washed off with water.
  3. To moisturize your facial skin, you can prepare a mixture of watermelon pulp (3 tbsp), olive oil (1.5 tbsp) and raw yolk. In order to give this mixture thickness, you can add oatmeal (one or two spoons). This mixture will also perfectly moisturize your face.
  4. Another excellent mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin is a mixture of watermelon, semolina and honey. The porridge must be cooked in milk. Then it and watermelon should be mixed in equal proportions and add 1 tsp to them. honey It is better to use a liquid bee product rather than a thick one. Then leave the mask on your face for about half an hour.

Possible contraindications

Before making a mask based on watermelon, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications.

It is not recommended to use watermelon remedies for:

  • the presence of open wounds and damage to the skin;
  • allergies to at least one of the components of the mask;
  • any forms of dermatitis and eczema;
  • rosacea.

Since watermelon activates blood circulation in cells, it is prohibited to use it in the presence of rosacea, as the vascular network may become more pronounced.
For children, such products can be used starting from the age of 12, after first testing the watermelon mixture on the wrist. Important! Before using masks, be sure to check them for possible allergic reactions. To check, apply a little paste to your wrist and wait 10–15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction, then the mask can be safely used on the face or hair.

DIY watermelon pulp masks are an excellent natural alternative remedy for rejuvenating, restoring, nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis. Regular use of such cosmetic mixtures can transform even flabby, tired skin that has lost its elasticity, restoring its youth and natural color.

Watermelon face mask for acne

To prepare the mask, you need to take watermelon seeds. They need to be crushed using a blender, add a tablespoon of warm clean water. Then the mask is applied to the face for half an hour. During this time, it is necessary to make massage movements with your fingers, rubbing the composition.

After the watermelon seeds are washed off with water, it is necessary to soothe the skin. To do this, it is recommended to take a piece of ice and move it over your face. Due to the fact that watermelon seeds reduce the production of oil from the sebaceous glands, acne becomes smaller or disappears.

Basic cooking rules

To make any cosmetic product containing watermelon juice or pulp, it is important to adhere to the most important rules:

  1. Take the most juicy pink pulp as a basis.
  2. Buy berries in season and in places away from roadways. Important: do not purchase only watermelons that appear on the market; as a rule, they do not bring benefits to the body, unlike products produced in August or September.
  3. If you find yellow veins after cutting, refuse to use it in any capacity.
  4. The seeds may not be removed, but only for exfoliating purposes.
  5. Before making masks, lotions, etc., you need to wash the product.
  6. Remove the pulp only with a clean knife.
  7. Do not use products made more than a day ago.
  8. Keep lotions covered in the refrigerator.

If a cut watermelon causes concern due to its appearance, for example, it disturbs the color, then it is more advisable to refuse to prepare products containing such a berry.

How to use products as care

The products can bring the expected results only if used correctly. The main recommendations in this matter are:

  • make sure that the pulp or juice does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • at the beginning of applying the products, get rid of decorative cosmetics;
  • wash your face with warm water and dry with a clean towel;
  • When applying, do not touch the areas under the eyes and eyelids;
  • Do not wash off masks for 10-15 minutes;
  • after wiping with watermelon lotions, do not wash your face for half an hour;
  • Wash off any remaining masks with clean water.

If the applied products begin to cause unpleasant sensations on the skin, especially painful ones, then you need to immediately wash off the masks (or other things) and completely abandon such procedures in the future.

Frequency of application

The results from all kinds of remedies will be noticeable after a short period, and the effect is positive if you do the procedures regularly:

  1. Masks need to be applied twice a week. Important: you shouldn’t do them more often, otherwise you can only worsen skin problems.
  2. Wipe your face with lotions in the morning and before bed.
  3. The average course of any procedure lasts a month.

It is recommended, if well tolerated, to continue to use the products while fresh watermelons are on sale, even as a preventive measure for a number of skin problems.


Regular use of watermelon products, taking into account all the recommendations, can lead to a well-groomed and radiant appearance. Efficiency is determined primarily by:

  • help in eliminating signs of wilting;
  • reduction of edema;
  • deep hydration;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • general health improvement.

The effect will be more obvious if the use of the products is combined with other procedures, for example, facial massages, and most importantly, the person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, monitors his diet and gets good sleep.

Product with lifting effect

Now we’ll tell you how to make a watermelon face mask with a lifting effect. As mentioned above, this berry perfectly tightens the skin and makes the facial contour clearer.

To achieve this result, it is recommended to mix watermelon and orange juices. Nectars must be freshly squeezed. Then you need to moisten gauze in this juice and put it on your face. Leave for about thirty minutes. Then remove any remaining product. This mask provides a face lift and has a lifting effect. Another excellent remedy with a similar effect is a mixture of ginseng juice with watermelon pulp (in equal quantities). It is recommended to wash off this mask with cool water.

Preparation for the procedure

For convenience, it is better to prepare everything you need in advance. You will need makeup remover, lotion or tonic for washing and a warm, damp towel. It is better to “pin up” the mask before steaming the skin, so that the pores do not have time to narrow after exposure to steam. How to properly cleanse your face?

  • Makeup remover Use a special product to remove all makeup. Wash yourself.
  • Tonic. Use a moisturizing toner and a cotton pad to remove dirt and sweat from your skin.
  • Steaming. To do this, take a medium-hard towel, lightly wet it with hot water and apply it to your face. Wait until it cools down and repeat the procedure two more times.

Before using any product, be sure to do an allergy test first - simply apply a small amount of the mixture to the inner crook of your elbow or wrist and leave for about an hour. If the skin remains clean, there is no itching or redness, then the mask has been given the green light.

Product for normal to dry skin

The next watermelon face mask is suitable for young girls. The product is used for dry and normal skin. To prepare this mask, you need ingredients such as watermelon and melon juices, cream and olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions and boiled egg yolk added. Also, to add thickness, you need to add oatmeal (the amount is at each individual’s discretion). This mask is applied to the face. Keep for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to remove the mask with a napkin. Afterwards you need to wash your face.

Recipes to combat sagging skin

For thin or sensitive skin

The juice is squeezed out of the berries into a separate glass and poured into special ice trays. Next, everything is put into the freezer until the liquid turns into ice.

Afterwards, you need to wipe your face with the resulting cubes every day (preferably immediately after sleep).

Onion mask. Required components:

  • onions – 10 grams;
  • watermelon pulp – 20 grams;
  • wheat flour – 5 grams.

The onion is finely chopped and then transferred to a separate plate. The rinds and seeds are removed from the watermelon, and the pulp is cut into small cubes and added to the vegetable.

Using a spoon, knead everything until smooth, then add flour and mix everything. The mask is applied in one layer to the face and lasts for 15 minutes.

For normal or dry skin

Lotion with cream. Required:

  • watermelon juice – 20 milliliters;
  • cream - 20 milliliters.

The juice is squeezed out, cream is added to it and everything is mixed. The resulting lotion is applied to the skin using a cotton pad. It is recommended to wash your face with cool water after about 15 minutes.

Advice: it is effective to make compresses from such a product.

Mask with gelatin and egg. Required:

  • watermelon pulp – 30 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • gelatin – 10 grams.

The peels and seeds are removed from the berries, the pulp is cut and kneaded to a puree. Next, gelatin and yolk are added and everything is mixed. The prepared mask is infused for about 45-60 minutes in a warm place, and then applied to the epidermis and left for 15 minutes.

Cosmetic properties of watermelon

Berries collected in August have the best cosmetic effect. If it is not possible to grow a watermelon yourself and you have to be content with market goods, then you should not make a purchase before the start of the watermelon season. Early fruits are the result of chemical interference in their growth, and your skin will not get anything good from such a watermelon. From October to June you will not find a safe product.

Watermelon pulp is multifunctional. Here is the main list of its properties.

  • The first and main property is hydration. The watermelon fruit is more than 90% water. It not only removes toxins from the body, but also saturates the upper layer of the dermis with moisture.
  • For the same reason, watermelon relieves puffiness and reduces bags under the eyes.
  • In the summer heat, you really want to cool your body skin. This can be done safely using watermelon that has not been refrigerated for long. This mask will give your skin freshness and a lot of pleasant side effects.
  • Cleansing is another purpose of using watermelon. The juice will relieve oily skin of greasy shine and quickly solve the problem of acne. After such a mask, the skin begins to breathe.
  • Watermelon juice nourishes the skin well. This is a storehouse of vitamins and macroelements that our skin constantly needs.
  • Watermelon improves the complexion, brightens it, and gives it a natural glow. With regular use, complete disappearance of pigment spots is noted.
  • The rejuvenating effect of a watermelon mask has been noticed by women of honorable age. Watermelon juice tightens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles that appear from stress, poor nutrition and poor environment.
  • Watermelon juice accelerates skin regeneration, heals small cracks and wounds.

General information and applicability

What women have not tried to create homemade cosmetics! Everything that grows in the beds was tested. The giant berry, watermelon, has proven itself well. This seasonal product ripens by mid-July (or earlier depending on the variety and growing region) and pleases gardeners until mid-September. Watermelon comes in very handy during the hot season: it consists of 90% water and is low in calories. There is no better way to quench your thirst and enjoy something delicious than to eat a juicy slice of scarlet watermelon in the summer heat.

Housewives of all ages appreciated the effect of watermelon pulp. It turns out that the sweet berry not only saves you from the heat, but can also restore freshness and youth to the skin of your face and body. The range of cosmetic effects of the product covers moisturizing, nutrition, restoration, rejuvenation, toning. The most convenient and used watermelon-based remedy is a mask. Let's study in detail all the benefits of the striped resident of the garden.


Watermelon is a unique berry not only due to its size, but also to a whole range of useful substances. 100 grams of watermelon pulp contains:

  • 92.6 grams of water;
  • 1 mg iron;
  • 7 mg phosphorus;
  • 110 mg potassium;
  • 16 mg sodium;
  • 14 mg calcium;
  • 12 mg magnesium;
  • 7 mg vitamin C;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) – 0.06 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – 0.09 mg;
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) – 0.2 mg;
  • Beta-carotene – 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin A, thiamine (B1), vitamin E are present in smaller quantities;
  • Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives the pulp its bright red color.
  • Calorie content – ​​27 kcal.

Lycopene is included in the development of cancer drugs.

History and production

Watermelon in face masks is not a new product. Based on the images that have come to us from Ancient Egypt, we can conclude that the Egyptian queens knew the healing properties of watermelon and successfully used them. In China, the berry is also revered: since the 8th century, a watermelon festival has been held there in September. The plant was brought to Russia in the 17th century. More precisely, on November 11, 1660, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree on sowing strange foreign seeds in the south of Russia. Under Peter I, watermelon finally gained a foothold in Russian gardens, and they stopped importing it.

Watermelon is a seasonal product. The fruits are collected for 2-3 months each year in order to create organic cosmetics from berry juice and watermelon seed oil. Famous cosmetic brands that contain watermelon in their products: Savonry, Estee Lauder, Darphin, Holika Holika, Korres, Beauty Style, Oriflame, PHYTOcosmetics, One Hundred Beauty Recipes.

Homemade cosmetics are secretly considered the most effective means of beauty. The reason for this is one hundred percent naturalness. The berry has been used as long as traditional medicine has existed. In combination with other berries, fruits, honey, egg whites and other products, watermelon pulp gives the skin complete care.

How to choose a good watermelon?

Signs of a good watermelon:

  • there is a yellow spot on the side,
  • dry ponytail,
  • shiny crust,
  • If you knock on a ripe berry, you will get a ringing and clear sound.

How to determine the presence of nitrates:

  1. Squeeze the watermelon. It should crackle. If this does not happen, you have a fruit grown with the help of chemicals.
  2. Place the watermelon pulp in a glass of water. If the water becomes cloudy, the fruit is safe; if it turns scarlet, it has been treated with chemicals.

The only inconvenience of watermelon masks is their liquid consistency. While applying the product, you need to take a horizontal position.

Nature has provided a lot by creating watermelon for the body that is dehydrated in the summer season. Let's live in harmony with the world around us and wisely use its generous gifts.

Watermelon mask for a morning party. Watermelon costume? Easily! A few simple ideas for children's parties

As you know, the most favorable time to buy a watermelon is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. This sweet and juicy berry is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Thanks to this, at all kinds of children's parties you can often meet a cheerful character in a watermelon costume. Read our article about how to sew such an outfit for a child.

Watermelon cape

If you are faced with the task of sewing a watermelon costume for your child, but you do not have sewing skills, then this option is just right. Since this berry has an impressive size, the outfit should be voluminous. In the case of a cape, this is quite easy to achieve.

For work you will need: pink or red fabric, black velvet, and green braid with pom-poms.

1. Based on your child’s height, determine what size the cape should be. For example, for an average height of 100 cm, 50 cm of fabric length is sufficient.

2. Cut a circle from pink fabric, the diameter of which will be equal to twice the length of the cape. In our case it is 100 centimeters.

3. In the middle of the circle, draw another circle for the head. Approximately 30 cm in circumference. Then cut it out and stitch the edges of the cape using a sewing machine.

4. Make small drops of black velvet and sew them onto the cape. To simplify the work, you can use a glue gun and simply glue them.

5. For the watermelon peel, take the prepared green braid and sew it to the hem of the cape.

6. It is best to complement the look with black leggings or tights, as well as matching shoes.

Watermelon rag hat

The most basic way to create a carnival outfit is a headdress. The watermelon costume is no exception. If you have absolutely no time to create a full-fledged image, then use one of the ideas below.

Watermelon hat. After measuring the child's head, cut out a circle from red thick fabric. As a template, you can use a child’s hat that fits him in size. Then sew a thin elastic along the edge of the circle. You should end up with something that resembles a shower cap. If desired, decorate it with black velvet bones or green thin braid sewn onto the edge.

Paper headband

Paper headband mask. Draw the outline of a watermelon on thick paper, color it with gouache and cut it out. Next, after measuring the child’s head, make holes in the cut out watermelon and secure with an elastic band. If desired, the watermelon can be secured to a child’s thin hat or to a paper headband. This part of the costume is perfect for both girls and boys. In addition, you can always involve the child himself in decorating the watermelon.

Watermelon outfit for girls

If a girl plays the role of a ripe berry, then a dress or skirt is quite suitable for a watermelon costume. Because both will give the volume of the outfit we need. You can use either a ready-made red dress or sew it yourself from tulle and a top that matches the color. Consider the option of a carnival costume for children with a ready-made sundress.

1. For decoration you will need: the same black velvet, light green mesh fabric - tulle, green braid.

2. In order to make an edging on the dress, take tulle and cut a strip with a length equal to the diameter of the hem of the dress and a width of 5-8 cm. Next, begin to thread it on a needle with thread, layer by layer, forming an accordion. Next, sew the tulle onto the bottom of the dress using a sewing machine.

3. Cut out small and larger “bones” from black velvet fabric. The larger ones will decorate the dress.

4. To create a headdress for this watermelon costume, make a headband with a bow with your own hands. To do this, take a bright red fabric and cut out a square from it, the sides of which will be about 15-20 cm. Then, folding it in half, sew all the sides on a machine. You will end up with a small rectangle with stitched edges. Next, cut a small strip of the same fabric and tie a rectangle in the middle. Cut off the ends of the strip. Decorate the resulting bow with tulle tinsel and seeds. Finish by sewing or gluing to the hairband. The hairstyle should be as simple as possible. For example, a low bun or ponytail.

The photo shows another example of how you can decorate a carnival costume for children. The finished dress is also used as a basis.

For those who are wondering how to sew a watermelon costume, these tips will help make the upcoming work much easier. Plus, you don’t have to spend hours at the sewing machine to get a recognizable outfit.

Precautionary measures

An allergic reaction to watermelon juice is possible. As in all similar cases, it is necessary to test the product on a small area of ​​skin, for example, on the bend of the elbow. If the skin does not turn red within 15 minutes, then the product is suitable for you.

For cosmetic purposes, fresh fruit is used, ideally just picked from the garden. Watermelons grown with chemicals should not be used! This can cause irreparable harm to your skin. If the fruit needs to be stored in the refrigerator, do not cut it. Bacteria multiply quickly on exposed flesh. A slice of watermelon that has been in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 days is dangerous to eat or use as cosmetics. For the same reason, do not buy halves of berries at the market, even if they show a juicy and bright color that attracts the eye.

For the mask, take the pulp from the core of a watermelon - it contains the highest concentration of nutrients.

You can keep the mask on your face for no more than half an hour. If the mask contains aggressive substances - lemon, vinegar, mustard - then keep the mask on for about 5 minutes. The course continues as desired, depending on the condition of the skin. On average, a mask is used for a week to moisturize the skin. It will take 1-2 months to lighten the skin and remove age spots.

To provide yourself with watermelon cosmetics for the whole year, simply chop the pulp and store it in the freezer. During the cold season, you will not find quality fruits in any supermarket.

Homemade mask recipes

Watermelon masks can be used for any type of skin.

When performed at the end of a hot summer day, they will have a refreshing and tonic effect on skin that has experienced the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

For oily skin

  • A mask made from four dessert spoons of watermelon pulp mixed with one beaten egg white will help to refresh oily skin, ridding it of an unattractive greasy sheen. Exposure time is twenty minutes. To obtain a more pronounced effect, before the procedure it is advisable to steam the skin of the face using a decoction of chamomile flowers. Steaming also helps tighten the skin pores.

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For dry

  • To urgently moisturize dry skin, you can prepare a potion from mashed egg yolk, five dessert spoons of watermelon pulp, sunflower oil and full-fat sour cream, taken one teaspoon at a time. To add thickness, rye bread crumb is added to the composition. The resulting thick mass is applied to the skin of the face and, taking a horizontal position, lies for at least twenty minutes. Use warm water to rinse off.
  • A mask made from four dessert spoons of chopped watermelon pulp and a small (teaspoon) of very rich sour cream has a moisturizing effect. You can thicken the composition with a small amount of oatmeal. For rinsing, a decoction of medicinal herbs is most suitable, followed by rinsing with running cold water.
  • A potion containing watermelon pulp (five dessert spoons), egg yolk and a small spoon of olive oil will have a similar effect. The same oatmeal is used as a thickener.
  • To nourish dry skin, thoroughly mix six tablespoons of watermelon pulp and semolina porridge cooked in milk, adding to them a teaspoon of liquid honey and olive oil. After twenty minutes of exposure, wash off with plenty of warm liquid.

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For combined

You can cleanse combination skin (while saturating it with nutrients) using a fifteen-minute mask made from watermelon pulp (200 ml) and kefir (100 ml), whipped with a blender. Professional hairdressers advise not to dye your hair with aggressive dye, but to correct the color with a tonic. This coloring is done with semi-permanent paint; it is the most gentle. Learn more about what hair tinting is and how it is done.

For acne

A composition made from dried and crushed whole large watermelon seeds in a coffee grinder will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
After diluting the resulting mass with a small amount of warm boiled water, the thick paste is applied to the face for twenty minutes, rubbing in a circular motion. After washing off the mask, you can take a cosmetic ice cube and wipe the renewed skin with it. Due to the fact that after several such procedures, the sebaceous glands reduce the secretion of sebum, owners of acne-prone skin can cope with the problem of pustules and pimples.

Skin tightening

To refresh, tighten and tone the skin, emphasizing the contour of the face, you can mix freshly squeezed orange and watermelon juices, taken in equal quantities. Moisten gauze with the resulting juice and leave it on the face for ten minutes. Have you tried making face masks from starch? Their beneficial effects on the skin are comparable to the results of expensive salon anti-aging procedures. Take a recipe for a starch face mask instead of Botox.

With pulp and fresh juice

A twenty-minute procedure consisting of applying a drug prepared from freshly squeezed ginseng juice and crushed watermelon pulp, taken in equal proportions, has an excellent effect on oily skin. The composition should be washed off with cold water.

With melon

A substance prepared from freshly squeezed watermelon and melon juices, cream and olive oil (each component is taken in the amount of four dessert spoons) will help rejuvenate and moisturize normal and dry skin. The thoroughly mixed ingredients are mixed with mashed egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of barley or oatmeal. The substance, brought to a homogeneous state, is applied to the face, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wipe the skin with a paper towel and rinse with warm water. Tinted lips allow a woman to look attractive and desirable to the opposite sex. And the quality of lipstick should concern not only women, but also men, who eat up to three kilograms of this type of decorative cosmetics in their lives. Find out what lipstick is made from, its composition...

With honey

A substance made from four dessert spoons of watermelon pulp and two dessert spoons of liquid honey will help slow down the aging process of the skin. A quarter of an hour is enough for the mask to work. It is advisable to wash it off with a weak solution of lemon juice. After rinsing, the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream. The combination of watermelon pulp and honey is ideal for eliminating fine wrinkles.

Watch the video recipe for a watermelon face mask from Everything Will Be Good

Mask “Freshness”

You can refresh any type of skin in a very original way. Having divided a large watermelon into two halves, cut out a round layer of pulp from the central part of one of them and, having made holes in it for the eyes, apply it to the face. After this, you should lie down in a relaxed state for half an hour. Running water at room temperature is suitable for rinsing your face.

Other recipes

  • A drug made from watermelon and cucumber pulp, taken in equal proportions, has a whitening effect. To a composition intended to affect oily skin, you must add a small spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The exposure time of the whitening mask is no more than fifteen minutes.
  • In order to rid the skin of excessive dryness and flaking using a watermelon mask, you need to prepare it for the procedure by performing a hot compress. After dissolving two dessert spoons of soda in a liter of hot water, moisten a canvas towel with the resulting solution and apply it to the face for ten minutes. The steamed skin is lubricated with a small amount of olive oil, and then covered with a thick layer of watermelon pulp. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with cool running water.
  • To cleanse and nourish dry skin, you can use a potion consisting of watermelon pulp (the contents of one tea cup is enough) and a banana (take half as much). The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.
  • To soften rough skin, you can prepare a composition by mixing watermelon pulp, fresh plum puree and olive oil in equal proportions. This composition should be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  • You can maintain the health of normal skin with a mask made from one yolk, watermelon pulp and not too greasy sour cream, taken a teaspoon at a time. To make the composition thicker, add a drop of barley flour to it. To wash off the composition, use warm tea leaves.
  • To rejuvenate mature skin of any type and eliminate signs of fatigue, you can make a compress of undiluted watermelon juice. After soaking clean gauze with freshly squeezed juice, apply it to the skin of the face. After thirty minutes, the compress is removed, and the face is rinsed with cool water, not forgetting to lubricate it with a small amount of nourishing cream.

Watch the video: watermelon peel mask recipe

Benefits of watermelon for facial skin

It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of watermelon pulp for the face, because it contains a unique combination of vitamins, beneficial elements, and minerals. Regular use of home remedies allows you to:

  • effectively moisturize the skin, prevent peeling, normalize water balance;
  • eliminate signs of fading - smooth out wrinkles, remove looseness;
  • even out the shade, get rid of spots, redness;
  • cleanse the dermis of acne, rashes, prevent the appearance of inflammation that provokes the appearance of purulent acne;
  • increase the protective functions of the skin against ultraviolet radiation, frost, cold wind, and the aggressive effects of cosmetics.

Important! Another advantage of the sweet fruit is that the active particles quickly cleanse the surface of the face from dirt, dust, and sebaceous film, and normalize the functioning of the glands.

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