Mesotherapy for the face: universal beauty injections?

Ready-made preparations and cocktails


Preparation for the scalp. The composition includes amino acids (arginine, cysteine, glycine, ornithine, glutamine), zinc, B vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12). Available in 5 ml bottles.

Hair indications

  • Excessive hair loss.
  • Dry, brittle, dehydrated hair.
  • Dull colored hair.
  • Premature loss of pigment (gray hair).
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.

Action provided

B vitamins improve microcirculation, tissue regeneration, participate in redox and metabolic processes, and stimulate the division of hair follicle cells.

Amino acids are regulators of metabolic processes and structural components of many proteins. Cysteine ​​is the main amino acid that is part of hair keratin.

Zinc regulates protein and fat metabolism, redox processes, as well as the ability of cells to synthesize substances.

Effect of the drug

Hair growth accelerates and hair loss decreases. The scalp skin is cleansed, moisturized, and gets rid of inflammation and flaking. The manifestations of seborrhea of ​​the scalp are reduced. Hair gains elasticity and vitality.

It is used as an independent drug to eliminate problems of the scalp and hair. One procedure will require 4-5 ml of the drug.

How does the procedure work?

Mesotherapy injections include several stages. It all starts with a consultation: the doctor talks to you, finds out what exactly you plan to correct with the help of the procedure, selects the drug and the required dosage.

Then it cleanses your face of traces of cosmetics and impurities, and treats the injection area with an antiseptic. The next stage is the application of topical anesthesia. Thanks to this, mesotherapy does not leave any unpleasant sensations. In front of you, the specialist prints out the individual packaging of the drug and injection, and performs intradermal injections according to the chosen scheme. Then the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic and a soothing cream is applied.

After completing the procedure, Cleo Line staff will tell you how to care for the treated area.

Revitacare bio-revitalisation

The complex consists of 2 bottles:

1-1% hyaluronic acid of biotechnological origin (HA);

2- multivitamin complex (MV): retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, dexpanthenol, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, ergocalciferol, tocopherol.


  • “Tired face”, lifeless skin.
  • Acne, seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Dehydrated thin skin.
  • A network of small wrinkles around the eyes, around the lips, and in the décolleté area.

Action provided

Hyaluronic acid has a moisturizing, antioxidant, regenerating effect.

Tocopherol and ascorbic acid enhance antioxidant protection and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Retinol and dexpanthenol enhance collagen production in the body.

B vitamins improve metabolism in the skin.

Effect of the drug

The skin acquires a healthy color, the skin texture is evened out, inflammation is reduced, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the skin becomes moisturized, small wrinkles are smoothed out, dark circles under the eyes become less noticeable, scars and post-acne spots are smoothed out, a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

It is used in mono form with different ratios of 1 and 2 bottles.

To create a hydraulic reserve:

The required ratio in the cocktail is HA: MB = 2:1 and additionally used in the monotype of HA.

Restoration of microelement composition and structure of the skin:

The required ratio in the cocktail is HA: MB = 1:1.

Quick effect of healthy and glowing skin

The predominance of vitamins in the cocktail is necessary. GK: MV = 1:2.5

The recommended course consists of 6 procedures with an interval of 7 days, 2 maintenance procedures with an interval of 14 days, then once a month.

History of the procedure

The procedure was first tested by a doctor from France, Michel Pistor: in 1952, he subcutaneously injected a complex of vitamins into his patient. The effectiveness appeared immediately, Pistor continued his research and found out that the same drug, which is administered to different points of the body and in different doses, will give a different therapeutic effect.

The procedure has changed noticeably by now: now mesotherapy allows you to achieve the desired result - rejuvenation and getting rid of aesthetic defects - which lasts for 1-1.5 years.

Stretchcare or “French lifting”

Contains: DMAE, hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5, copper gluconate, zinc gluconate, sodium benzoate. Available in 5 ml bottles.


  • Loose skin of the face and body, including after a sharp decrease in body weight.
  • Gravitational ptosis.
  • Atrophic scars, stretch marks.
  • Before an important celebration for a lifting effect.


DMAE has a lifting effect.

Hyaluronic acid restores the structure of the dermis.

Microelements and vitamin B5 stimulate blood supply to cells.

Effect of the drug

Powerful lifting (“tightening effect”) of the skin, increasing its turgor. The skin becomes smooth, pleasant to the touch, and the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced. Striae become less pronounced and their aesthetic appearance improves significantly.

It is used in mono form to improve skin tone and elasticity, provide pronounced lifting of sagging skin, and in programs for complex correction of skin aging.

One bottle is enough for 1 “face-neck-décolleté” procedure. The recommended course consists of 6 procedures with an interval of 7 days, 2 maintenance procedures with an interval of 14 days,

then once a month.

Mesotherapy is one of the most popular and effective procedures for rejuvenating facial skin, including around the eyes, preventing hair loss, getting rid of cellulite and other problems associated with cosmetic defects of the skin of the face and body.

The high effectiveness of mesotherapy is due to the targeted effect of injections (a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid with vitamins, oligoelements, vitamins and other components) that are injected into problem areas. Therefore, depending on the problem that the patient is addressing, the cosmetologist selects a cocktail that will most effectively cope with the task.

In what cases is mesotherapy prescribed?

The choice of mesotherapy and the composition of this or that cocktail is not accidental. A properly selected drug acts on the deep layers of the skin, including the mesoderm and subcutaneous fat, purposefully delivering all the necessary components. Mesotherapy is most relevant in the following cases: hair loss (including alopecia), dryness, fragility, weakness, lifelessness of hair; skin hyperpigmentation, including freckles and age spots (including seasonal ones); stretch marks, stretch marks, scars, scars and other (including old) formations on the skin; atony (saggy, fading, inelastic, wrinkled skin); cellulite, significant fat deposits (on the stomach, thighs, arms, etc.); changes in the shape and oval of the face (double chin, sagging cheeks and other seemingly irreversible skin conditions); rosacea, acne, acne and other skin diseases. excessively dry or oily skin, increased secretion of sebaceous glands, enlarged pores. In other words, a mesotherapy cocktail can solve almost any problem.

Types of cocktails for mesotherapy

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid can be divided into three types: - monopreparations containing only hyaluronic acid. It provides skin hydration, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and retains moisture (one hyaluronic acid molecule can hold up to 500 water molecules). Injections performed with hyaluronic acid without adding other components are called biorevitalization. In addition to hyaluronic acid, monococktails can be created based on one of the following components: artichoke extract, caffeine, Deoxycholate 5%, Phosphatidylcholine 5%, L-Carnitine 10%, green tea extract, Organic silicon 0.5%, Asian centella, fucus, ivy, pyruvate. 1% and others. - ready-made mixtures that contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the skin.

Ready-made cocktails are produced by almost all manufacturers of hyaluronic acid and the drugs it contains (for example, fillers). The most trusted and sought-after manufacturers of hyaluronic cocktails are European beauty laboratories - most often French, Italian and Spanish (Mesolab, Filogra, Mesoderm, Revitacare, ID Farma, Dermaheal, Veluderm and others). Ready-made cocktails are selected depending on the problem that needs to be solved and injected into patients - cocktails prepared by a cosmetologist shortly before the injection. It is believed that such preparations are better than others - they are prepared individually, when the cosmetologist can take into account the characteristics of the patient’s skin, as well as possible allergic reactions to certain components of the cocktail (as opposed to ready-made cocktails).

However, in this case, everything depends entirely on the cosmetologist and on how competently he can select the components of the vitamin cocktail.

Ingredients of cocktails for mesotherapy

All drugs for mesotherapy are divided into allopathic and homeopathic. Allopathic ones are made on the basis of traditional drugs, homeopathic ones, accordingly, include homeopathic components. Allopathic cocktails include the following components: Hyaluronic acid (it is better when it is of non-animal origin, i.e. created in laboratory conditions); Oligoelements (zinc, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, silicon, nickel and others); Plant extracts and organic acids (grarapetic or glycolic); Vitamins (groups B, H, E, A); Animal extracts (collagen and elastin). Almost all allopathic cocktails for mesotherapy include vitamins and trace elements. All other components are added depending on the task before the cosmetologist.

When using allopathic drugs, a visible effect can be achieved after the first or second time of use, and in the case of using homeopathic drugs, the effect is achieved much later. This does not mean that homeopathic cocktails are ineffective or bad - they are indicated for relatively young skin, when active intervention in internal processes is not required. It is homeopathic cocktails that stimulate internal processes and help the body use internal reserves (therefore, the result is not immediately visible, but the effect lasts much longer).

Homeopathic cocktails for mesotherapy stop pathological processes (for example, skin aging), activate internal resources, neutralize internal disorders and damage, i.e. they eliminate not only the consequence, but also the cause that led to a particular problem.

Cocktails for facial mesotherapy

Recommended after 25 years, when skin regeneration processes slow down. From the age of 30, it is better to start a course of maintenance rather than rejuvenating procedures (therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at homeopathic cocktails). Facial mesotherapy is indicated for excessively dry or oily skin, rosacea, acne, acne, scars, decreased turgor, double chin and other problems. When you consult a doctor (please note that mesotherapy is recognized as a medical procedure and therefore should only be performed by a certified specialist), you may be prescribed a therapeutic or rejuvenating course. Therapeutic cocktail Necessary for diseases or visible skin defects, such as acne, rosacea, traumatic scars, pimples, acne, age spots, etc. In this case, the cocktail, in addition to traditional vitamins and oligoelements, includes antibiotics, whitening components (if there are pigment spots on the skin), and substances to stimulate blood circulation. In the case of rosacea (spider veins), a cocktail is used that improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Such mixtures can simultaneously solve several problems, for example, skin rejuvenation and the fight against age spots or post-acne - it all depends on the selected composition of the mesotherapy cocktail.

Rejuvenating cocktail

Recommended for correcting age-related skin changes: dryness, sagging, swelling, wrinkles and folds on the skin. In this case, the main components of the mesotherapy cocktail will be hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamins, collagen and elastin (and special diuretic cocktails are used to eliminate swelling). They are able to smooth out wrinkles, moisturize the skin and preserve the beauty and youth of the face for a long time.

Cocktails for body mesotherapy

The procedure helps eliminate sagging skin and get rid of cellulite. In these cases, special lipolytic compounds are used that burn fat, reduce fat deposits and activate metabolism. Please note that body mesotherapy does not solve weight loss issues - it can help reduce fat volumes, nothing more. To achieve significant results, you will need 6-10 procedures, depending on the initial condition. Often, the doctor practices combining several types of cocktails: at the initial stage - fat-burning, which are designed to reduce fat deposits, then - draining, which stimulate lymph flow and trigger the body’s internal reserves to fight fat and cellulite, and finally, cocktails with a lifting effect are used, which tighten saggy (during sessions) skin. For example, the Mezoline cocktail, designed specifically to combat fat deposits, includes two active components: Phosphatidylcholine (5%) - a lipolytic. Obtained by extracting soybean seeds. It strengthens skin breathing and promotes the saturation of fatty acids. Deoxycholic acid (2.4%) is a natural component of human bile that emulsifies fats. The acid acts as a solvent for fatty acids.

Cocktails for head mesotherapy

Before carrying out treatment sessions (and all mesotherapy cocktails for the scalp are therapeutic), it is necessary to consult a trichologist and identify the causes of hair loss, which the mesococktail will subsequently help solve (or stop). Mesotherapy sessions are recommended in the following cases:

  • Alopecia (androgenic, focal);
  • Dandruff and all types of seborrhea: disruption of the sebaceous glands and excessive oily skin;
  • Itching, scalp diseases;
  • Fragility (split ends), dryness, weakened hair.

The composition of the cocktail is selected depending on the causes (loss, dandruff, lifeless hair) and is aimed at improving blood circulation in the scalp, normalizing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, activating hair growth, by delivering the necessary minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements to the hair follicles. Thanks to this, in 3-5 sessions it is possible to block the problem and restore the vital function of the hair and scalp.

Cocktails for head mesotherapy include the following components:

  • melanin (mandatory) - it improves hair structure, accelerates growth and, in some cases, delays the appearance of gray hair;
  • B vitamins, zinc, amino acids - strengthen hair, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • microelements (copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and others) - necessary to saturate the follicles with the necessary components for rapid hair growth, activate dormant hair follicles;
  • vasoactive substances - improve blood flow to the hair follicles, ensure the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots.

All components of the cocktail are delivered directly to the roots of the head, therefore they act specifically to solve the problem. As a rule, a cocktail for head mesotherapy includes 4 main components:

  1. Growth stimulants. They affect hair follicles and scalp, stimulate the formation of new capillaries, improve blood circulation, and restore the vital activity of hair follicles. That is, they are the best weapon in the fight against alopecia.
  2. Coenzymes Q10. They support cell energy, promote their regeneration, stimulate blood circulation in the capillaries, which leads to improved nutrition of the follicles. As a result, the hair becomes thick and shiny.
  3. Hyaluronic acid. Stimulates growth, nourishes the scalp, saturates with oxygen and moisture.
  4. Copper peptide. Regulates the level of hydrotestosterone and 5-alpha reductase, the excess of which leads to androgenetic alopecia.

In cases where the clinical picture is complex or requires special treatment, the cosmetologist prepares a cocktail for mesotherapy in the presence of the patient. Additionally, the cocktail may include (vasodilators, myotropic vasodilators, antiandrogens, veno- and lymphotonics).


The complex includes microelements copper, gold, silver. Available in ampoules of 2 ml.


  • Problems of hair and scalp: alopecia, diffuse hair thinning, damage to hair shafts, loss of pigment (gray hair).
  • Inflammatory processes: acne.
  • Decreased skin tone (atony).


Copper is a powerful antioxidant. It promotes the formation of connective tissue (elastin, collagen), participates in pigmentation processes, and is part of melanin. Silver has a pronounced bactericidal effect, takes part in metabolic processes, stimulating the activity of protective enzymes. Gold acts as a conductor of active

components into the deep layers of the skin.

Recommended cocktails:


Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Azufre – 2.0 ml

Loss of pigment (early greying), damage to the hair shaft:

Magnesio – 2.0 ml

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Germanio – 2.0 ml

Diffuse hair thinning:

Regeneracion Dermica Derm A-36 – 2.0 ml

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Who performs the procedure

In the clinic, mesotherapy injections are performed only by experienced, qualified specialists with specialized education. All doctors who work at Cleo Line have received not only their main specialty. They have also undergone professional retraining in cosmetology, constantly improve their skills, and participate in trainings and master classes. The specialists are assisted by cosmetology nurses who also have the necessary professional knowledge.

The experience and education of each clinic specialist can be found on his personal page.

MAGNESIO (magnesium)

The microelement magnesium is available in ampoules of 2 ml.


Problems of hair and scalp: diffuse hair thinning, damage due to aggressive environmental influences.

Inflammatory processes on the skin: acne.


  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
  • improvement of tissue trophism (delivery of amino acids, vitamins).

Recommended cocktails:

Inflammatory processes on the scalp:

Magnesio – 4.0-10.0 ml

Cobalto – 2.0 ml

Irritated, damaged skin of the scalp (due to dyeing or perm), inflammatory processes on the skin:

Cobre-oro-plata – 2.0 ml

Magnesio – 2.0 ml

Mesotherapy at home –

Mesotherapy at home is possible using special devices. The most effective is the use of a fractional mesotherapy device called DermaPen. This device is easy to use and costs only 6,000 rubles, which is quite a bit compared to the cost of a full course of mesotherapy. A cheaper version of this device are mesoscooters.

The latter are also effective for solving aesthetic problems, but due to some features of mesoscooters (you can read about them at the link below) - when used regularly, they lead to roughening of the facial skin. But the use of DermaPen does not lead to such consequences. In addition, both of these fractional mesotherapy devices are more effective against atrophic acne scars than the classic injection technique. However, you can get the maximum effect here - from a combination of DermaPen + injections of nucleotides and matrikin peptides.

→ Reviews about the DermaPen device → Reviews about the use of mesoscooters

There are also devices for needle-free mesotherapy based on iontophoresis (Fig. 16), which can be bought in special medical stores. With this technique, the skin is not injured by needles, and the device increases the permeability of the skin for mesotherapy serums. For iontophoresis procedures, mesoscooters and DermaPen, specially designed serums containing only low molecular weight active substances should be used.

Recovery after bioreparation

There is no rehabilitation period as such after injections. You can immediately return to your normal life.

But to prevent side effects, it is important to protect the injection sites and treat them with antiseptic drugs until they are completely healed. For 3-4 days, avoid baths, saunas, and warm compresses. You should not massage your face or use cream with UV filters to prevent pigmentation.

What procedures are best combined with bioreparation?

With peelings. They help cleanse the surface of the skin, eliminate impurities and unevenness, and give the face a fresher color.

With Botox. Botulinum toxin helps smooth out fine wrinkles by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles.

With borevitalization. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid in combination with bioreparation will further enhance the skin healing effect.

How does bioreparation differ from biorevitalization?

Patients often confuse biorevitalization and bioreparation with each other. Indeed, these are largely similar procedures.

But they also have serious differences. First of all, the composition of the administered “cocktails” and the principle of their effect on tissues differ. During biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is used without adding additional components to it. The technique is aimed at restoring tissue hydrophilicity (water balance).

Bioreparation preparations actively stimulate skin rejuvenation through modified forms of hyaluronic acid and peptide-vitamin complexes. And they, in turn, stimulate the active synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, activate the work of fibroblasts, reduce the activity of pigment cells, and eliminate pigmentation. Also, the hyaluronic-vitamin-peptide complex has an antioxidant and protective effect.

Indications for bioreparation

Bioreparation is recommended when:

  • Insufficient moisture of the epidermis.
  • Acne, consequences of acne.
  • Expression wrinkles.
  • Loss of elasticity and skin tone.
  • Pigment spots on the face, foci of rosacea.
  • Minor superficial burns and scars.
  • Ptosis (drooping) of soft tissues.

It is important to remember that before performing bioreparation, a doctor is always consulted to identify all possible contraindications to the intervention.

Botox injections

How they work

Botox under different brands - Dysport® (AbobotulinumtoxinA), Botox® (OnabotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin® (IncobotulinumtoxinA), RELATOX® (Botulinum toxin type A complexed with hemagglutinin) - contains purified and weakened botulinum toxin, which blocks the nerve signal and, as it were, freezes muscles. As a result, some wrinkles are softened or completely smoothed out.

The method is effective only for eliminating expression wrinkles, that is, those that form as a result of facial activity on the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the base of the nose and in the corners of the eyes. Such injections are not always able to remove wrinkles and folds caused by tissue sagging.

Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is positioned as a natural healing of the skin and more. Instead of drugs, the patient’s own plasma is used here, processed in a special way and enriched with platelet-derived growth factors. Plasma therapy is also called plasma lifting or PRP therapy - all these are synonyms.

How does it work

Plasma enriched with growth factors helps remove cell components destroyed by photoaging, activates fibroblasts that produce collagen, improves and renews skin tissue.

Multiple studies confirm the results: smooth texture and tone of the face, less noticeable wrinkles and stretch marks, a slight lifting effect.

When it helps

In aesthetic medicine, plasma therapy is recommended to be used:

  • for aging skin, as plasma lifting improves relief and color, relieves swelling, reduces wrinkles;
  • in the treatment of acne and post-acne, atopic dermatitis and eczema;
  • when restoring skin after aggressive procedures.

Plasma therapy is often used in combination with other techniques, such as fillers, chemical peels or laser procedures. This is how PRP helps the skin recover faster after procedures.

How long does the effect last?

According to scientific research, the results of PRP therapy appear faster and last longer in younger patients - up to 35 years. For such people, it is enough to repeat the injections after 12–24 months.

Side effects

If the conditions for plasma therapy are strictly observed (taking blood on an empty stomach, no exacerbations of herpes infection for a month, etc.), there is usually no adverse reaction.

Mesotherapy: contraindications

Below we have provided a detailed list of contraindications for mesotherapy. Particular attention should be paid to oncology, the patient’s predisposition to the formation of keloid scars during the healing of skin wounds, and thyroid diseases. Mesotherapy is contraindicated for –

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • the presence of any oncology (even in the past),
  • allergies to drug components,
  • when taking anticoagulants or antibiotics,
  • during acute inflammatory diseases,
  • during exacerbation of skin diseases,
  • with psoriasis, hepatitis or HIV,
  • against the background of high or too low pressure,
  • for epilepsy and psychosis,
  • with a tendency to keloid scars,
  • for autoimmune diseases,
  • for diabetes mellitus (any type).

In addition, girls and women need to take into account that the risk of hematomas will be higher - in the period 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation and + 2-3 days after their end (this is due to a decrease in blood clotting during this period). We hope that our article on the topic: Facial mesotherapy before and after photos, reviews – turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.).

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