Laser facial cleansing – reviews with photos before and after the procedures

Problem skin is a serious aesthetic drawback. Fortunately, modern cosmetology has methods that help cope with enlarged pores, scars and the consequences of acne, wrinkles, and relief disorders. One of the most effective methods is laser facial cleansing. Of the devices used for this procedure, the neodymium laser is highly effective and safe to use.

Mechanical cleaning

Indications for it are severe sebaceous glands, an increased number of comedones or acne, and a tendency to frequent inflammation. It is done manually, without machines. First, the face is steamed using hot compresses or special masks. Then the cosmetologist treats the skin with antiseptics and squeezes out the contents of the pores one by one using special metal spoons. This is the method recommended for people with oily and problematic skin. After cleansing, the face is disinfected with an anti-inflammatory composition. The whole process takes from one to one and a half hours. After the procedure, it is recommended not to use decorative cosmetics and not sunbathe for 4-5 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Carbon facial cleansing is a low-traumatic procedure, but there are still some limitations. In particular, it cannot be done when:

  • the presence of neoplasms in the affected area;
  • skin inflammations;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with a tendency to develop keloid scars.

After the procedure, redness may appear on the skin - this is normal. Redness and swelling may be present for a couple of days. Side effects also include increased skin sensitivity.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Indications for it include enlarged pores, peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, dull complexion and sensitive skin. Cleaning is done using a machine. The skin is touched with a special spatula, which begins to vibrate under the influence of ultrasound, and all dirt, sebaceous plugs and toxins are literally pushed to the surface. Such cleaning does not require preliminary steaming, as well as subsequent restoration of the skin - after all, no traumatic effects occur. But there is an important point! This type of cleansing should not be done if you have cardiovascular diseases or in the second half of pregnancy.

Dry cleaning

In this type of procedure, a special product (peeling) based on fruit, salicylic or glycolic acid is applied to the face. It dissolves sebaceous plugs, removes dead skin and tightens pores. Afterwards, a gel is applied to the skin, the face is massaged to form granules that will finally remove small scales, and only then a face mask is applied. Each drug is selected individually by a cosmetologist for a person’s specific skin type in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction to certain components.

Order of conduct

Laser facial cleansing is a carbon peeling. Immediately before starting the procedure, the specialist cleanses the skin of makeup, sebum and/or impurities, and then applies a carbon mask (carbon dioxide-based gel). It penetrates the pores, adsorbs dirt and excess skin secretions.

The second stage - laser exposure - is carried out by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. Under the action of a laser, the particles of the product literally explode, removing dead skin cells and deep impurities.

Be sure to wear protective glasses in order to prevent negative effects on the organs of vision. The specialist can adjust the strength and depth of the laser beam. Usually, no anesthesia is required, but at the request of the patient or if he has a low pain threshold, a local anesthetic cream is applied before laser treatment.

The final stage is the application of a soothing cream or mask. The specialist selects the product taking into account your skin type, existing problems and wishes.

The second positive effect of the procedure is provided directly by laser exposure: the beam heats the deep layers of the dermis, activating the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, skin turgor increases, its elasticity and firmness improve. The procedure takes up to an hour. Usually up to 4-5 sessions are required with a break of up to two weeks between them. The exact course is calculated by a cosmetologist based on the current condition of the skin, goals and wishes.

After the procedure, slight redness of the facial skin may be observed.

Atraumatic cleaning

Atraumatic cleaning is also called superficial aesthetic peeling. It is suitable for any skin type. The procedure takes place in several stages. At first, the skin is cleaned of impurities, then a drug is applied to the epidermis to expand the pores. The cosmetologist performs peeling using fruit acids in a certain proportion for each client individually, depending on skin type. After this, herbal lotion and mask are applied to the face. And the final step is a cream suitable for a specific skin type. This procedure lasts about an hour, after which it is not recommended to visit a solarium, bathhouse or sauna, and it is also recommended to apply protective medications for another two to three days. In our clinic, the atraumatic cleansing procedure is carried out using Israeli Holy Land cosmetics.

Recommendations before and after cleaning

2 weeks before the procedure, it is necessary to protect your facial skin from direct sunlight: avoid solariums, go to the beach, use products with SPF in accordance with the intensity of sun exposure. Also, do not resort to chemical peels. 3 days before the session it is better not to visit baths and saunas. It is better to visit a cosmetologist without decorative cosmetics.

After the procedure, redness may persist for up to 24 hours. It depends on the sensitivity of the skin and individual health conditions. However, in general, the recovery period is at least 5 days, even in cases where the skin looks as usual. Recovery time depends on the depth and intensity of exposure, existing skin problems, individual regenerative ability, and age.

During the first 24 hours, it is better not to wet your face and refuse to use decorative cosmetics. In the future, it is preferable to use thermal or micellar water for washing - the doctor will give specific recommendations if necessary.

For 2-3 days you should use cosmetics recommended by a cosmetologist.

It is also important to follow a diet, this is especially true for patients prone to food allergies. You need to exclude sweets, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, alcohol, marinades, and smoked foods from your diet.

Laser cleaning

As with dry cleaning, the main task here is to remove the stratum corneum and cleanse the pores. Only this is done not with the help of peeling, but with a special device. By the way, laser cleaning is very good for smoothing scars and cicatrices on the skin, as well as for smoothing out shallow wrinkles and removing age spots. But all this will not go away at once, so you will need to carry out cleaning sessions several times. This option is perfect for people with porous and oily problem skin, as well as those who want to cure acne. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures. Important point! In addition to the fact that this procedure, like ultrasound, cannot be performed for cardiovascular diseases and in the second half of pregnancy, it is also contraindicated for people under 25 years of age.

Skin care after laser peeling

At the end of the procedure, the skin looks inflamed: it becomes red, serous fluid is released and the surface temperature of the tissue increases. As a result of laser exposure, brown spots and red dots often appear on the face. During the first day, swelling increases, wrinkles, scars and other skin imperfections become more noticeable.

Over the course of the next week, crusts will form on the skin. They need to be looked after properly. In about two weeks, the injured tissue will heal. Although the redness will remain for about the same time. The result of laser peeling depends on the type of treatment and the patient’s lifestyle. The duration of the effect is from 6 months to 1 year.

How to care for your skin during the rehabilitation period:

  • if the laser peeling was deep, it is necessary to apply sterile gauze bandages or meshes soaked in Vaseline; the bandages must be changed every 3 hours;
  • to reduce swelling, ice wrapped in a cloth or cold packs should be applied over the bandage several times a day;
  • to soften the crusts and get rid of the ichor, apply napkins soaked in a vinegar solution (1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar) to the skin for 5 minutes; the need for the procedure disappears after the wounds stop bleeding and the crusts come off easily;
  • after compresses, the skin surface should be treated with Chlorhexidine solution; it is forbidden to wash your face with cosmetic gels, foams, etc.;
  • to get rid of pain, they take Tempalgin and similar drugs; often, in order to prevent complications, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibacterial agents, the course of such therapy is up to 10 days;
  • for sleeping, it is recommended to use a high pillow, so that the head and upper chest are higher than the rest of the body; sleeping is only allowed on the back;
  • During the first week after laser peeling, it is forbidden to rub your face, apply makeup, or use care cosmetics that contain aggressive components; if possible, it is better to stay at home;
  • in the second week you can go outside, but first apply sunscreen moisturizer to your skin;
  • after 3–4 weeks, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist who will evaluate the effect of the procedure; at this time, you can enhance the result with biorevitalization or mesotherapy and set a date for the next laser peeling session;
  • until the course of procedures has been completed, and for another 2 months after the final one, it is recommended to refrain from tanning.

Those who decide to undergo a laser peeling course should be prepared for such consequences as prolonged rehabilitation and discomfort during the recovery period. But these unpleasant moments are quickly forgotten when the effect of the procedure is fully manifested.

To consolidate the result, you can additionally carry out ozone therapy, plasma lifting, and mesotherapy.

Deep cleaning

In our salon you can undergo a unique Holy Land deep atraumatic skin cleansing procedure. This is not just cleansing, but a whole range of professional facial care. Here, your skin will first be superficially cleaned, then a special softening gel will be applied. It will literally dissolve the contents of the pores, which will allow you to do without steaming. Next, the pores opened by the gel will be additionally cleaned with a special cosmetic item - a Uno spoon. Additional peelings and solutions that will be used during cleansing also moisturize the skin and help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This method is especially effective for people at an age when the skin is already beginning to fade. But the contraindications for it are the same as for facial cleansing in general: eczema, skin diseases, acne in the inflammatory stage.

Pros and cons of skin rejuvenation using laser peeling

What laser peeling can do:

  • restores elasticity to the skin and tightens the oval of the face;
  • removes pigmentation, scars, scars, moles, eliminates stretch marks and other blemishes;
  • reduces deep wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes, near the lips;
  • tightens pores and makes rosacea less pronounced;
  • makes the complexion more even and beautiful.

Laser peeling can also be used on certain areas of the body, showing high results after the first session.

The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • Painful sensations. They arise due to the strong heating of the skin during laser treatment.
  • Long rehabilitation period. Recovery after laser peeling takes up to 10–14 days.
  • Adverse reactions and possible complications. After the session, the face becomes red. The intensity of the shade does not decrease immediately, but over several days. Hyperemia and swelling often occur as a result of laser exposure; antibiotics (in the form of ointments) may be needed during the rehabilitation process.
  • Exfoliation of the top layer of skin. The laser beam destroys intercellular connections in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Some time after the session, dead particles peel off, and in the deeper layers accelerated cell division and renewal of the epidermis occurs. That's why crusts form on the face first, and then the skin begins to peel off in whole pieces.
  • Expensive. Compared to other anti-aging procedures and cleansing, laser facial peeling has a higher cost.

In some situations, you will have to refrain from this type of exposure to the skin so as not to cause harm to your health. Laser peeling has the following contraindications:

  • presence of cancer;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • fever and inflammation;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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