Mesotherapy for the face: what is it and what effect does it give?

Despite the fact that mesotherapy is considered a safe and gentle procedure, before and after it is performed, it is important to follow some precautions and restrictions prescribed by the cosmetologist. Mesotherapy and alcohol are a limitation that many girls neglect. However, violating the ban can have serious consequences, reflected not only in the effectiveness of the technique, but also in your health.

What happens to the body after mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the injection of special compounds into the structure of the dermis. They saturate epithelial cells with useful substances and restore natural metabolic processes.

Due to this effect on the skin, its microflora changes - blood vessels dilate, cell regeneration accelerates, the production of collagen and elastin is restored, as well as tissue metabolism.

Because of such changes, the girl is given skin care recommendations and restrictions that must be followed for 3-4 days after the session. They allow the epidermis to recover and prepare for the next mesotherapy procedure.

However, keep in mind that the procedure can be performed using either injection methods (manual or hardware) or non-injection methods. In the second case, the load on the skin is created much less, therefore the restrictions when performing it are prescribed relative.

How does alcohol work before and after mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy and alcohol are two incompatible concepts. A ban on its use is prescribed both before the session and after the procedure.

This is due to the following factors:

  • When drinking alcohol, blood vessels dilate, which is why the meso-cocktail is more quickly distributed throughout the structure of the skin, while reducing its concentration;
  • All useful substances, including hyaluronic acid, are eliminated from the body faster;
  • The likelihood of swelling, papules, increased sensitivity of the skin and other manifestations of tissue reaction to mechanical stress increases. The rehabilitation period after mesotherapy increases;
  • The blood clotting rate decreases, which is one of the contraindications. This also increases the period of tissue recovery;
  • The water balance of the dermis is disrupted. Hyaluronic acid promotes tissue hydration, but alcohol neutralizes its effects, causing dehydration.

The condition of the skin generally worsens after drinking alcohol and energy drinks - it becomes less elastic, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and inflammation appear. When combining mesotherapy with drinking alcohol, be prepared for a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure and the occurrence of serious side effects.

How effective is mesotherapy?

Scientific research is currently underway on the effectiveness of mesotherapy. There are studies both proving its effectiveness and disproving it. For lipolytic (“fat burning”) injections, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States) has so far only approved deoxycholic acid as an effective drug. Some substances, such as hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, are approved as fillers for other procedures: lip augmentation, filling wrinkles and correcting acne scars. That is, these drugs are effective and safe for injection procedures in the facial area.

Clinical studies show that skin after mesotherapy becomes more elastic and hydrated. But for the onset and maintenance of the effect, it is necessary to undergo several courses of injections, which are carried out with a break of ten days to a month.

How long before drinking alcohol is allowed?

As a standard, cosmetologists recommend stopping drinking alcohol the day before visiting cosmetology. This time is enough for its complete removal from the body and normalization of the internal microflora.

When drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities, you should take care of preparing for the procedure in advance.

In addition, keep in mind that one of the contraindications to mesotherapy is a low blood clotting rate. And the consumption of alcohol and energy drinks directly affects it, increasing the period of tissue restoration.

Drinking alcohol after the procedure

After introducing the meso-cocktail into the tissues, you should also stop drinking alcohol, but the restriction is more strict.

The minimum period of abstinence from alcohol is 6 hours. When performing non-injection mesotherapy, it is often enough for partial absorption of nutrients and tissue healing. However, in other cases, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for two days.

A similar restriction also applies to caffeine and energy drinks. They have a more gentle effect, but also affect the integrity of blood vessels, blood microcirculation and the state of metabolic processes in the dermis.


A noticeable result is achieved relatively quickly - after 2-3 sessions, hair growth and condition improves.
Treatment of alopecia is especially successful when its cause is eliminated. To identify this cause, an examination by an endocrinologist and trichologist is sometimes necessary. Mesotherapy is most effective for reactive baldness (provoked by some factor). Mesotherapy relieves dandruff and painful itching on the scalp. In some cases, the cosmetologist alternates different cocktail compositions for greater effectiveness. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure quickly made it popular among patients.

Does degree matter?

It is impossible to say exactly how long a girl needs to stop drinking alcohol after mesotherapy. This depends on the strength of the alcohol, since it is eliminated from the body at different rates and has different effects on it.

If we talk about low-alcohol drinks (beer, wine, champagne), on average they leave the body within 8-15 hours.

Drinks with a high alcohol content (martini, vodka, rum) can last up to two days, so you must adjust the limit yourself. This is the only way you can avoid unwanted consequences and complications after manipulation.

Consider the amount of alcohol consumed - the more alcohol that enters your body, the longer it will take to dissipate.

Popular questions

1. How long does it take for skin to heal after facial mesotherapy?
On average, the process of skin restoration after mesotherapy takes from two to five days. To speed up the healing process, it is necessary to abandon aggressive cosmetics, avoid exposing the skin to high and low temperatures, do not go to baths and solariums, do not use peelings and do not sunbathe.

2. Which drugs are best for facial mesotherapy?

It is best to use those components for mesotherapy that are prescribed by the doctor. Only after an examination can a dermatologist select the most effective medications that will help solve a person’s problem. When choosing injection components, you should not rely on advertising and advice from the Internet. It is better to trust the recommendations of a dermatologist.

3. What is the difference between facial mesotherapy and biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization is a procedure for improving the condition of the skin using hyaluronic acid components. During mesotherapy, in addition to hyaluronic acid, injections of vitamins and minerals are also given. For people under 35 years of age, biorevitalization is suitable; for people over 35 years of age, it is better to prefer mesotherapy, as it allows you to choose a more effective drug or introduce a cocktail of several drugs.

4. At what age can you undergo facial mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy injections can be used from the age of 18, if there are indications for this. For example, young people may benefit from anti-acne mesotherapy. In addition, the smaller the age-related changes, the faster you can achieve a visible effect.

5. Which is better: plasma therapy or mesotherapy for the face?

Plasma therapy is a method of improving the condition of the skin by introducing components of one’s own plasma into it. There is little scientific research on plasma therapy yet, but it shows some effectiveness in improving skin structure.

The choice of procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of change in the dermis. To enrich the skin with vitamins and minerals, as well as to reduce wrinkles, it is better to choose mesotherapy.




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Author: Novikova Anna Igorevna

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist. Highest qualification category. Work experience 23 years.

Minimizing the impact of alcohol

If you do drink alcohol immediately before or immediately after a session, you should consult your doctor for advice. Then he will prescribe you some remedy that will help you remove alcohol faster: antihistamine, decongestant or anti-inflammatory.

You can enhance the effect of medications using traditional methods of removing alcohol from the body: brine, activated carbon, Polysorb, drinking plenty of fluids, citrus fruits.

If you drank alcohol after visiting a cosmetologist, pay attention to the following precautions that will help you avoid unwanted consequences:

  • Avoid washing your face and applying cosmetics for 4 hours;
  • Stop smoking for 6 hours;
  • For three days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, or taking a hot bath;
  • Stop taking blood thinning medications and avoid sunbathing.

Treat your skin as gently and carefully as possible after the session. You should not use scrubs and peels for several days after the injection of meso-cocktails in order to reduce the burden on sensitive skin and speed up its recovery.

Be more careful about the selection of food in your diet. It should not be too heavy and fatty, since the body should spend energy on eliminating alcohol, and not digesting food.

If serious side effects or complications occur (itching, peeling, rash, irritation, pain), consult your doctor immediately.

Side effects

Before you start this treatment, you may want to note some of the possible side effects. There is a possibility of some allergic reactions to one or more elements of the substance applied to your skin, this can obviously be noticed by the appearance of redness. But don't worry, if you have a history of allergies, you will be advised to get tested before treatment. Above all, mesotherapy is a suitable choice for all people who seek to improve the appearance, elasticity, softness and tone of the skin without the discomfort of needles. All you need to do is simply take into account the tips above to prepare for your treatment and get the best results.

What happens during your appointment?

During each session, you may or may not apply a numbing agent to your skin. You will receive a series of injections using a special short needle. The needle can be attached to a mechanical gun or syringe to perform multiple injections in a row. The injections can be given at different depths - from 1 to 4 millimeters into your skin - depending on what condition you are treating. Each injection may result in only a tiny drop of solution reaching the skin.

What does it look like?

Since mesotherapy is non-invasive, there is usually no downtime. Many people can return to their normal activities immediately. Others may need time off due to swelling and pain at the injection sites.

How long does the swelling last?

You will notice redness, tingling and burning for 15 minutes to 2 hours after treatment, followed by swelling and bruising that peaks between 6 and 72 hours.

Can mesotherapy be used for hair loss?

Apart from treating wrinkles and removing unwanted fat, mesotherapy is also used to treat hair loss due to alopecia. During the facial mesotherapy procedure, natural plant extracts and vitamins are introduced into the skin, and this really gives excellent results. Doctors who provide treatment for hair loss claim that it: corrects hormonal imbalances in and around the hair follicle, delivers nutrients to the hair, improves blood circulation. However, as with other types of mesotherapy, there is little evidence that it works for hair loss. Studies have not shown that most administered substances promote hair regrowth. Only finasteride and minoxidil have any evidence that they work.

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