Facial mesotherapy: what is this procedure and do you need it?

  • acne on the face, on the back;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • redness, inflammation, peeling;
  • tendency to clog pores;
  • uneven color and texture of the face.

The clinic’s doctors also provide mesotherapy for post-acne.

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Her Majesty mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is one of the effective and painless procedures for skin rejuvenation. It is often called beauty injections, because, in fact, that’s what it is. During the procedure, microscopic doses of special beneficial substances are injected under the skin in problem areas of the face to promote skin rejuvenation and improve its condition.

Cosmetologists note that mesotherapy is the most effective non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation.

Another advantage of this procedure is that it is painless. Many clients, sharing their reviews of this rejuvenation, say that mesotherapy feels similar to other surface treatment techniques, but is much more effective. After all, all useful substances, biologically active preparations, and vitamins necessary for the skin reach exactly the right place—the epidermis. Due to this introduction of active substances directly “to the destination”, the result is achieved as quickly as possible. The skin is restored from the inside, becomes healthy, more toned. The resulting effect lasts for several months.

Beauty injections are similar to reflexology, in which active zones and points responsible for skin rejuvenation are irritated.

After classical facial mesotherapy, traces of injections may remain for several days. Therefore, if you have important events planned, avoid the injection method of administering the drug.

The mesotherapy procedure is popular not only among women, but also among men who want to look much younger.

How do you prepare for treatment?

You will meet with our professional esthetician in advance to learn what to expect.

When preparing for treatment, it is important to have a general understanding of the treatment, the treatment and time after treatment, the consequences and exceptional circumstances. Treatment sessions are held once a week and can last about half an hour each. The number of needle mesotherapy sessions varies individually. Typically four sessions are performed at intervals of 2-4 weeks.

You will notice changes within a few sessions, 4 is the average number of treatments offered.

Get rid of fat with mesotherapy

To reduce fat levels, you must follow a planned diet and maintain an exercise regimen between sessions. Mesotherapy does not require a specific recovery time, you can immediately return to everyday life.

When is mesotherapy needed?

Mesotherapy helps in solving many skin problems. Feel free to go to a cosmetologist if:

  • you have been in unfavorable climatic conditions for a long time,
  • you have decreased tone of the facial muscles,
  • skin laxity is observed,
  • signs of aging, wrinkles,
  • the skin has lost its former elasticity and firmness.

Indications for the mesotherapy procedure are also:

  • presence of a double chin,
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • acne,
  • acne,
  • nasolabial folds,
  • skin creases,
  • excessive pigmentation,
  • dark circles under the eyes,
  • swelling under the eyes,
  • scars,
  • scarring,
  • rosacea,
  • excessive paleness of the skin.

Having studied the condition of the skin and its problems, identifying the presence or absence of allergic reactions, the specialist will advise which method should be used in a particular case and select the most suitable drugs.

The main stages of the mesotherapy procedure for acne and post-acne

  1. Initial consultation with a cosmetologist. If you have already been to our clinic, the doctor knows everything about the condition of your skin and will prescribe the best treatment option for acne. If you come to us for the first time, after examination, skin diagnostics using the Janus device and anamnesis collection, the cosmetologist will offer you ways to solve the problem of rashes. If anti-acne mesotherapy is indicated for you, the doctor will prescribe a course of procedures for you.
  2. Before injections, the skin is cleansed and treated with a disinfectant. Then local anesthesia is applied for 15 minutes.
  3. After this, the doctor begins to administer the drug. Injections are made to a depth of about 4 mm - this is deeper than for biorevitalization. Step by step, the doctor treats the entire area in need of acne treatment. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. The introduction of the meso cocktail feels quite comfortable.
  4. When the procedure is completed, the face is again disinfected and a sedative is applied.
  5. You receive recommendations for home care and can leave the clinic. After injections, it is not recommended to be on the street - we recommend calling a taxi or using personal transport.

Contraindications to mesotherapy

Despite the wide range of problems that mesotherapy solves, it has a number of contraindications that do not recommend such procedures.

You should not resort to mesotherapy if:

  • fear of needles,
  • vascular pathologies,
  • bleeding disorders,
  • chronic renal failure,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • pregnancy,
  • oncological diseases.

High blood pressure, decreased immunity, and the presence of a pacemaker are also contraindications for mesotherapy.

Expert advice

In order for the result after a mesotherapy course to be positive, you need to know how to prepare correctly, how many procedures will be needed, at what age to start and how often injections should be given.

How to prepare

The cosmetic procedure does not require preparation. At the same time, beauty industry experts advise against visiting a solarium or natural insolation a few days before your visit. In addition it is necessary:

  • stop taking blood thinning medications for at least 7 days;
  • refuse other salon services 1-3 days in advance;
  • do not visit the bathhouse (sauna) a day before the appointed date;
  • reduce physical activity, refrain from exhausting workouts.

Immediately before starting the process, you need to wash your face and remove makeup; it is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics for 12 hours, not to wash your hair (applies to injections into the scalp for hair) and not to drink alcoholic beverages.


Injection beauty techniques are allowed from the age of 18. An early start serves as an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, a sufficient supply of nutrients and beneficial microelements for the near future. At the same time, the most successful time for the first beauty injections is after 25 years of age, during this period it is possible to achieve the most lasting and visible results.

Precautions after the session

What should not be done after mesotherapy? Immediately after visiting a cosmetologist’s office, you must abandon decorative cosmetics. Often, clients try to hide traces of microinjections - possible bruises and swelling - with foundation, thereby preventing normal wound healing. Avoid visiting saunas and swimming pools, do not sunbathe in the sun for the first 5 days, replace alcohol with healthy juices and soft drinks.

How often should you do it?

The composition of meso-cocktails, the number of visits to the salon and how much time you need to wait between them is determined by a mesotherapist. On average, at least one maintenance session per year is required for a noticeable effect. If the fractional procedure was carried out for anti-cellulite purposes, 5-15 visits will be required, for weight loss - at least 4 appointments with a specialist, to remove bags under the eyes, be prepared to visit the salon 2-4 times. The interval between visits is usually about 3-14 days, selected individually.

Types of mesotherapy

Depending on the method of introducing the anti-aging drug under the skin, there are two main methods of mesotherapy: injection (invasive) and non-injection (non-invasive).

Injection mesotherapy

The very name “injection” therapy suggests that “beauty injections” are performed with thin needles (manual or hardware). When administering the drug manually, it becomes possible to carry out the procedure in delicate and hard-to-reach areas, and the product is used economically. The disadvantage of this procedure is the duration of the session and pain.

In hardware mesotherapy, drugs are administered subcutaneously using a special injector (gun) with many mesotherapy needles. The procedure is performed both manually and automatically. When using this method, the rejuvenation session is significantly reduced in time and pain is reduced.

Non-invasive (needle-free) mesotherapy

An alternative to classic “beauty injections” is non-injection mesotherapy, in which anti-aging drugs get under the skin without the help of a needle.

Non-invasive procedures include:

  • laser mesotherapy,
  • oxygen mesotherapy,
  • electroporation,
  • cryomesotherapy,
  • ionomesotherapy.

In laser therapy, the drug is injected under the skin under the influence of laser radiation. When using oxygen mesotherapy, a rejuvenating cocktail is introduced by oxygen pressure, which, moreover, accelerates metabolism and stimulates blood circulation.

During electroporation, active substances enter the skin under the influence of electrical impulses.

Galvanic current for subcutaneous administration of anti-aging drugs is used in ionomesotherapy.

Cryomesotherapy is one of the newest types of mesotherapy, in which the rejuvenating effect is achieved through the three components of current, cold and a beauty cocktail.

Non-invasive mesotherapy has a number of advantages:

  • painlessness of the procedure,
  • the session lasts up to 30 minutes,
  • no rehabilitation period required,
  • the injected drug is evenly distributed under the skin.

All existing types of mesotherapy have their pros and cons. It is quite difficult to decide which method to choose without consulting a specialist. After all, before choosing the most suitable procedure, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors (including the pain threshold, the skin’s susceptibility to external irritants) and determine exactly what problem mesotherapy should solve.

The effect of the procedure depends on the method of administration of the drug and the composition of the anti-aging cocktail. Most often in mesotherapy, subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid is used. It binds water molecules, thereby maintaining the flawless shape of the face.

The principle of action of mesotherapy on acne

For injections, special cocktails are used that have a therapeutic effect on the skin. As a rule, they contain minerals, anti-inflammatory and healing substances, vitamins, plant extracts and other biologically active components.

The composition of meso-cocktails is selected individually, depending on the goals of treatment. As a rule, for acne, mesotherapy is performed for69:

  • stimulating immune mechanisms;
  • launching regenerative processes;
  • normalizing keratinization processes.

To carry out mesotherapy for acne, a step-by-step or complex scheme can be chosen. Step-by-step involves the alternate use of drugs that act on different parts of the pathogenesis of the disease. The course begins with drugs that help eliminate hyperkeratosis and inflammation. Then cocktails are used that help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The complex scheme involves the injection of multicomponent formulations that contain vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. These substances help increase skin immunity, reduce inflammation, improve metabolic processes, and normalize sebum production.

Anti-aging products

During mesotherapy, a specialist uses a thin needle to inject various drugs under the skin that promote rejuvenation and restoration of skin cells. All the products used are divided into several groups according to their composition, action and origin:

  • synthesized drugs,
  • plant and herbal extracts,
  • preparations based on animal products,
  • vitamins, minerals,
  • organic acids,
  • medications.

Synthesized products are obtained artificially. These include hyaluronic acid, which has gained popularity for its ability to retain moisture.

Preparations made from herbs and plants are safe and very effective. But before using them, it is necessary to find out whether the client is allergic to these plants.

Elastin and collagen are made from animal products; these are the main “fighters” for youth and elasticity of the skin.

The use of vitamins in mesotherapy enhances the antioxidant effects of the skin and significantly improves complexion.

The use of minerals and salts is popular in “beauty injections”. They are selected individually for each client.

Organic pyruvic and glycolic acids provide a peeling effect and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.

In some cases, medications are added to the vitamin-rejuvenating cocktail according to indications.

What is the advantage of facial mesotherapy for acne?

The main advantage of the technique is that, thanks to the possibility of selecting a multicomponent cocktail, it is possible to influence a large number of links in the pathogenesis of acne. The injection procedure has the following effects69:

  • immunostimulating;
  • sebum regulating;
  • antibacterial;
  • depigmenting;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • keratolytic;
  • antioxidant.

But does mesotherapy help with acne and post-acne? After the procedure, the tissues are saturated with nutrients and microelements, thereby stimulating the natural processes of cell renewal. The composition of drugs that are used to combat acne usually includes:

  • Zinc, sulfur. These substances contribute to sebum regulation and acceleration of regeneration processes. Sulfur has keratoplastic, antimicrobial properties, and zinc has the ability to indirectly reduce the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens.
  • Copper. Has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects.
  • B vitamins, vitamin E. They have a pronounced antioxidant effect and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin C. Helps in the fight against post-inflammatory skin pigmentation.

However, mesotherapy can only be an auxiliary measure to the main treatment. Therefore, you should not expect that acne will disappear after several sessions. The condition of the skin will, of course, improve. But to completely get rid of the rash, you need to undergo a medicinal course of treatment.

Restrictions after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy, like any procedure, requires compliance with certain rules. So, on the day of the “beauty session” you cannot carry out other cosmetic procedures.

During the first 24 hours after mesotherapy, do not apply decorative cosmetics and creams to your face. Give your skin time to rest and recover.

After mesotherapy, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for several days. Don't massage your face. Stop playing sports for a while.

Summary after the session

Fractional administration of mesotherapy cocktails effectively combats a number of aesthetic defects: dehydration, elimination of stretch marks, scars, the effects of acne, hyperpigmentation. Regular care and periodic maintenance activities improve the quality of the skin; changes are visible after the first visit to the salon.

After 2-4 weeks of the course of procedures you will notice:

  • smoothing the contour, smoothing out wrinkles and scars;
  • fresh color, gray tint disappears;
  • the production of subcutaneous fat is normalized, the face looks well-groomed and moisturized;
  • pores narrow;
  • the oval tightens, clear shapes appear, the double chin disappears;
  • pigment spots, spider veins become less pronounced and disappear completely over time;
  • rashes decrease, irritation goes away;
  • Striae and scars fade.

Mesotherapy procedures are often prescribed as a preparatory stage before surgery, gas-liquid and other types of peelings, laser resurfacing, and can be performed for recovery after salon events. Mesotherapy allows not only to remove wrinkles on the face, but also effectively fights hair problems - the scalp is also often subjected to beauty injections. Mesotherapy for hair is carried out to strengthen the follicles, regenerate the structure, treat alopecia, normalize fat production, hydrolipid balance, and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

Home mesotherapy

Unfortunately, salon mesotherapy procedures are not always affordable (on average, one rejuvenation session ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles), so means for performing mesotherapy at home are becoming increasingly popular. You just need to purchase a special device - a mesoscooter.

The mesoscooter is a roller equipped with many small needles.

By massaging your face with such a massager with a cream or serum previously applied to it, you can achieve deeper penetration of its components into the skin. True, home mesotherapy is not as effective as a salon procedure, but the result will still be noticeable. The main thing in achieving the effect is the regularity of massage.

Mesotherapy and types of skin aging: important

From the outside it may seem that mesotherapy is a very simple technique - you just need to take a more expensive drug with a large number of active ingredients and inject it over the entire area of ​​the face and neck. And so several times, and continue to wait for the onset of rejuvenation. And it seemed like everything was done, but for some reason rejuvenation never came.

Of course, perhaps you initially had too high expectations from the course of mesotherapy, and you refused biorevitalization due to price considerations. However, it is also possible that the treatment was carried out without taking into account individual characteristics, for example, the type of skin aging. Russian women are characterized by 2 main types of aging - these are primarily deformational (edematous) and finely wrinkled types of aging. But, of course, no one has canceled the mixed and tired types of aging either.

Alternative procedures

At an appointment with a cosmetologist in Moscow, the question is often asked what is the difference between this or that service; clients often ask for advice on ways that will quickly and painlessly put their skin in order. Let's find out what the differences are between mesotherapy and biorevitalization, as well as what the difference is between beauty injections and plasma lifting.


To answer the question of how biorevitalization differs from mesotherapy, let us outline the features of the procedures. Mesotherapy uses liquid cocktails (ozone therapy is an exception), while biorevitalization requires a thicker gel-like consistency. In addition, it is worth highlighting the following differences:

  • purpose - beauty injections are designed to eliminate serious aesthetic problems, biorevitalization is preventive in nature;
  • efficiency - meso-cocktails give an instant effect, biorevitalization triggers natural self-regeneration processes not so quickly;
  • Duration – the effect obtained from biorevitalization lasts twice as long compared to mesotherapy techniques.

Consult with a professional which of the described services will suit you best and relieve you of worrying problems.


Plasmolifting also uses the injection method; only the composition of the injected substances changes. If multi-component meso-cocktails are created for mesotherapy, then plasma lifting requires the patient’s blood plasma enriched with platelets. To do this, blood is drawn (up to 40 ml), and the centrifugation process is started to prepare the solution.

The plasma lifting technique does not cause allergies due to the 100% biocompatibility of previously taken plasma. Such injections accelerate regenerative processes and normalize cellular metabolism. As a result, your skin looks fresh, rested, is saturated with useful substances, gets rid of pigmentation, wrinkles, and its structure improves.

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