Why you can’t wipe your face with a towel and what wiping with tea gives: features of morning skin care

In the popular double cleansing method, we use two products in the evenings, one oil-based and one water-based, to ensure that any remaining makeup and oil (from the first product) are removed from the face. In the morning, if you have not neglected your evening cleansing procedures, there should be no makeup residue left on your face, as well as heavy dirt, so you don’t have to use hydrophilic oil, but just get by with, for example, foam.

Chamomile tea

The benefits of chamomile tea for the skin are enormous: Roman chamomile is soothing, and German chamomile, in turn, has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which makes it useful for treating acne, as well as effective in combating puffiness under the eyes and swollen eyelids.

How to use? Freeze ice cubes made from chamomile tea and use them in the morning as a refreshing compress for puffy eyes. But to avoid using too cold ice on delicate skin, wrap a few chamomile tea cubes in a cloth (you can use a bandage or gauze) and then apply it to your eyes for no more than 10 minutes. It is also very useful to wipe such ice cubes over your entire face in the morning, on cleansed skin. This will help “awaken” her, tone her up and energize her for the whole day. If you carry out such rituals regularly, you will notice how the condition of your facial skin improves - it will become fresher, firmer and more radiant.

Small and clever: one-component products that work for ten

Rules for tea procedures

The following instructions will help you achieve successful results from the procedures:

  • use only natural, high quality ingredients for cooking;
  • Drink-based masks are not recommended to be used at night;
  • Make nutritious compositions with the addition of tea leaves every 4 days, not more often. You can replace them with herbal cosmetics or a classic massage using essential oils;
  • black varieties often make the surface of the face darker, so you should not add carrots, beets, or other natural dyes;

Follow these simple rules during your skincare procedures - and soft, healthy, elastic skin is guaranteed.

Green tea

Geisha have long used green tea in their beauty rituals for skin care. And we understand why! Green tea works well to reduce inflammation, remove bacteria and excess sebum, and protect the skin from free radicals. The antioxidants and polyphenols found in green tea are among the most powerful in protecting the skin from environmental damage and also preventing damage from ultraviolet rays.

How to use? Brew a cup of green tea and leave it to brew for 8-10 minutes, covering the top with a lid. When the drink is not too hot, pour it into a spray bottle or glass bottle and add 1 cup of witch hazel or 1/2 cup of crushed aloe leaves. Spray the toner on your face daily or apply the liquid to a cotton pad and wipe your face after cleansing.

Composition and properties

This is one of the best natural remedies to fight wrinkles. Also, tea perfectly improves color and evens out the skin. Tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which tone, energize, giving a fresh look to the face.

Such masks are especially useful in the summer on hot days, as they protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

What skin is it suitable for?

Black tea is ideal for older ladies, as it is a natural source of energy and vigor for aging skin. This drink contains a lot of vitamin C, A, B, as well as various amino acids, caffeine and tannin.

All these substances make the skin younger and more beautiful, smooth out wrinkles, and give a healthy glow. If you constantly apply masks with this product, the result will be on par with the use of cosmetic creams.

Women who work in hazardous industries or on night shifts can also add tea to the mask. From city life, stress, and overexertion at work, it is primarily the skin of the face that suffers, and this is what everyone notices first.

A mask with black tea gently cleanses, makes the skin beautiful, evens out the color, and breathes new life into it. Caffeine and tannin perfectly relieve the appearance of fatigue on the skin and tone it.

Young girls can also use a mask with tea once a month for prevention. As a result, they will always have a beautiful complexion and a healthy glow, and the dark circles under the eyes that female students complain about so much will disappear.

In addition, constant use of tea on the face gives a beautiful dark complexion. Even in winter it looks like a tan, as if the skin has been in the sun. It is important not to overdo it here.

The benefits of black drink are noticeable for skin prone to acne, irritation, and allergies. Cold brewed tea will reduce oiliness and remove shine on the face.

Tea masks will also help those who suffer from dry skin.

This mask is a natural source of moisture for the face. Tea is also a great remedy for chapping and frost. This is an excellent protection against all the environmental ills that modern women often have to face.

The sooner you start taking care of your facial skin with a natural antioxidant, the fewer problems it will have in the future. It is important to know what rules for using tea exist, and how to make such masks so that they really have an effect.

Under what conditions should it not be used?

There are practically no contraindications for using tea masks. It happens very rarely that a person develops an allergy or irritation to a mask. In such cases, use should be discontinued immediately.

How to make tea compresses for the face, watch this video:

People with high blood pressure should also be careful with strong tea leaves. Caffeine-dependent people should not use such masks either.

You should not use expired tea in your mask, as its effectiveness will be reduced and it may cause irritation on the skin. It is also worth remembering that the tea leaves are always fresh.

Calendula tea

Calendula has been famous for its healing properties for centuries. Calendula flower extract is a common ingredient in rash ointments and creams. It also helps in the treatment of minor abrasions, minor wounds, acne and inflammatory skin diseases. It is also high in flavonoids, which help protect the skin from environmental damage. Calendula tea is high in antioxidants and is great for making masks. For example, masks made from oatmeal and calendula are a godsend for oily skin types and an effective method in treating acne.

How to use? Brew 2 bags of calendula tea and let steep for about 10 minutes. Then thoroughly squeeze the tea bags from the water and remove the contents. Mix the cake with ½ cup of natural yogurt without additives and ¼ cup of oatmeal. Mix the ingredients well and apply the mixture to a clean face. Leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse off the residue well.

Moisturize, but do not wipe dry with a towel

In order for the skin to perform its protective functions and serve as a reliable barrier against harmful sun rays, water loss and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to moisturize it. Don't skip this step in the morning rush. As you know, with a lack of moisture, the skin becomes dry, loses elasticity and firmness, which can lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Both oily skin and dry skin need to be moisturized, because the type of skin depends on the amount of fat produced, and not on the water it contains, which our “barrier” almost always lacks. The worst thing you can do in the morning is to first wash your face with a harsh mattifying product, then pat your face dry with a towel and then go to work.

Skin hydration can be achieved in two ways. The first is to retain water. Glycerin or hyaluronic acid can successfully cope with this task: they are contained in creams and act like miniature sponges that retain liquid. The second method is to “close” the moisture. Oils and silicones will help you with this, as they form a thin protective film on the skin that does not allow water to “escape.”

When choosing a moisturizer, follow this rule: the drier your skin, the denser the texture of the cream should be. You can apply the same moisturizer both morning and evening. However, it is better to use a cream with a less saturated formula and a lighter texture at the beginning of a new day.

But wiping your face with a towel, according to some cosmetologists and dermatologists, may be unsafe. They are sure that bacteria quickly multiply in damp fabric, causing inflammation and irritation of the skin. In addition, particles of dirt and epidermis accumulate in the towel: they are not visible to the naked eye, but they clog pores and interfere with the penetration of care products. However, if you always take a fresh towel to dry your face and then immediately throw it in the wash after one use, your skin will be fine.

Black tea

Black tea leaves contain tannins (polyphenols), which help to tone the skin, making it fresh and radiant, accelerate cell regeneration and protect against free radicals that cause premature aging.

How to use? You can brew a whole pot of black tea and pour the infusion directly into the bath, or prepare a natural tea scrub by mixing the contents of a tea bag with 2 tbsp. l. honey and gently exfoliate your face with the resulting mixture, leaving it on your face for 15 minutes. Then wash well and moisturize your skin with cream or coconut oil.

Types of medicinal drink

Several types of drink are used to prepare cosmetics:

  • White tea for the face is a real medicine for the skin. This tea will get rid of acne and the beginnings of oncology at the cellular level, increase blood flow and improve overall health.
  • Green – widely used in cosmetology as a source of energy. It will quickly restore the previous tone of the tissues, add freshness and vigor to them, actively fights germs, and guarantees gentle cleansing of the face.
  • Black is no less used in home cosmetics. It will instantly invigorate weakened, aging skin, refresh and rejuvenate it.
  • Red (hibiscus) – guarantees effective cleansing of the face, relieves inflammatory reactions. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face with this drink - and there will be no trace of acne or pimples on the skin.

Please note that lotions with tea bags, masks based on strong tea leaves or ice cannot guarantee long-term preservation of the results of the procedure without proper nutrition and massage exercises. You can familiarize yourself with the technique of classic self-massage here.

Mint tea

Mint for the skin is an activator of metabolic processes and a blood circulation accelerator. Peppermint tea helps cool the body not only inside, but also outside, so a mint facial tonic is a real salvation in hot weather and an ideal herbal remedy to help beat the summer heat. Mint greatly refreshes the skin and restores its tone, and at the same time is a powerful natural antiseptic with antibacterial properties.

How to use? Brew a cup of mint tea and let the broth brew for 8-10 minutes, cover with a lid. Then pour the mint tea infusion into a dark glass bottle and spray on your face whenever you need to cool down. For an extra cooling effect, store the tonic in the refrigerator.

Another option for toning your skin is to freeze mint ice cubes and rub them on your face. This will be the perfect start to the day to awaken your skin cells. Mint cubes will give youth to aging skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, make it elastic, restore its radiant appearance and invigorate every cell.


Also known as red bush tea, rooibos has been used for thousands of years in South Africa and can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions. The flavonoids in red tea are thought to fight unwanted pathogens and may keep eczema and acne from spreading. Red tea also fights signs of aging thanks to superoxide dismutase. It works by neutralizing free radicals and slowing down the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Use scrubs with caution.

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. You should be especially careful when choosing a scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problematic facial skin, which also needs gentle cleansing. Give preference to delicate scrubs and peels, such as the 5-in-1 Perfect Skin Product. Small scrubbing particles, charcoal in its composition and the versatility of this product make it simply an indispensable assistant!

With rose hips

Dried rose hips are found in many tea blends as one of the ingredients. It is one of the best plant sources of vitamins C, A and E.

The tradition of drinking rosehip tea originated during the Second World War in Great Britain. In those harsh times, the import of citrus fruits was limited, so the British adapted to use rosehip syrup as an additional source of vitamin C.

A tea containing 6 grams of dried rose hips has a similar amount of ascorbic acid as a cup of orange juice. And since it is a strong antioxidant, it is of great importance for the health of the immune system and skin.

With Oregon grapes

A favorite of American herbal medicine, Oregon grape, or Mahonia aculifolia, is a beneficial herbal tonic for the gastrointestinal tract and has powerful healing potential in the fight against skin conditions.

Oregon Grape Tea goes directly to the root cause of eczema, psoriasis and acne by cleansing the liver and kidneys.

Need proof? An article published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology in 2010 states that mahonia tea is recommended for use in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

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