Scrotal atheroma: symptoms and modern treatment methods

The scrotum is located in the perineum between the penis and the anus and is considered the most delicate and painful organ in the male body. For some reason, men protect this place only from blows, forgetting about dangerous urological pathologies that can cause many painful minutes, even if the organ was not injured. Among them, it is worth highlighting scrotal atheromas - cystic formations in the hairline area.

What is atheroma and atheromatosis

The content of the article

The scrotum is a male reproductive organ, which is a skin-muscular sac in which the testicles are located. The peculiarity of the organ is that it is covered with hair.

Atheroma is a common subcutaneous formation that is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland duct located in the hair follicle. The secretion (discharge) of the sebaceous gland accumulates in the pouch, causing stretching of the walls, which visually manifests itself in the form of a dense round formation that can be movable when pressed. If the mouth of the duct is not completely closed, the atheroma may look like a large blackhead.

Such formations most often occur in the area of ​​dense hair, including in women, but in men atheromas are often observed in the scrotum area. This is due to the large number of sweat glands located in this area and poor air access due to tight clothing.

Being benign cystic neoplasms, atheromas often appear in the form of multiple structures, which in medicine is called atheromatosis.

What does normal look like?

It should be immediately noted that a pimple on an egg is a priori not the norm. But there are some factors due to which we can say that the situation is within reason. So, it is normal if the skin on the testicles resembles goose bumps. Small yellow pimples indicate clogged fatty pores, but this is also acceptable. Bright red blisters with pustules also do not signal danger, since their appearance can be caused by temperature condensation. Regular acne goes away in a few days, matures quickly and causes discomfort, mainly from an aesthetic point of view.

Reasons for the formation of atheroma of the scrotum

Statistics say that about 20% of the stronger sex face the problem of atheromatosis of the scrotum, which is explained by the high content of the hormone testosterone in the male body, which is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to the hormonal factor, there are several other reasons that cause the appearance of such an unpleasant neoplasm as atheroma. Most often, a cyst is formed due to:

  • mechanical injury to the tissues of the scrotum or excessive friction of too tight underwear;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​the hair follicle;
  • failure to comply with general hygiene rules;
  • increased sweating in the scrotum area;
  • spending a long time in trousers while sitting, especially if the room is hot or the car uses heated seats.

Pathology is diagnosed most often in young patients whose age does not exceed 35 years.

About pimples on eggs

The occurrence of inflammatory formations on any part of the body is not uncommon for women, men, and young children. They carry infectious diseases and may be normal. Acne often occurs on the testicles of men. They can be of various shapes, densities, and amounts of formation. Small pimples, without filling with pus, are the norm for males. The remaining formations signal an ongoing disease.

Men don't like going to doctors. Especially when a sensitive problem arises. Many are embarrassed, considering it shameful to contact a qualified specialist. They ask for help with unbearable pain and terrible discomfort.

Often in advanced cases it comes to surgical intervention. The operation can cause significant harm to men's health and deprive them of the opportunity to have children. This upset doesn’t happen too often. It is impossible to endure the pain for a long time. Timely contact with a specialist saves the situation.

Types of formations

To better understand the scale of the problem, it is worth studying the essence in more detail, learning about the existing inflammation in a delicate place.

There are several types of rashes:

  • white;
  • purulent;
  • hard;
  • red.

The occurrence of white pimples on the eggs in men is characterized by the absolute norm. Rashes of this type are white in color, small pimples look like goose bumps.

Occurs periodically in all males, regardless of age. This is caused by poor nutrition, bad habits, irregular schedules, and hormonal imbalance. Once you bring your lifestyle back to normal, the rashes disappear after seven days.

The resulting purulent pimple on the egg prevents the occurrence of a problem of a certain infectious nature. Appears due to a cold. Light pants in cold weather can cause inflammation filled with pus. The area hurts a lot.

Don't try to squeeze out the formation. It will only cause unnecessary pain. There may be a risk of spreading the infectious disease to existing healthy areas. If itching occurs, try not to touch the abscess.

A hard pimple on the egg indicates the presence of a cyst in the middle of the scrotum. When touched, the pimples are hard and completely closed. You won't be able to delete it yourself. You'll only make it more painful. If you are present for a long time, you should consult a doctor. It is impossible to determine the presence of the disease on your own. An accurate, correct diagnosis can be made with a complete examination of the diseased area of ​​skin.

A red pimple on an egg is a sign of a venereal disease. Occurs when frequently changing sexual partners, neglecting the use of contraceptive methods. An ordinary pimple on an egg can be a sign of syphilis, an incurable disease. Red inflammation does not have a large pustular growth. A rash appears on the penis and scrotum. Severe itching and burning occurs. Requires immediate contact with a specialist.

Symptoms of atheroma of the scrotum

Initially, atheroma of the scrotum is defined as a small compaction in this area, which may be accompanied by minor pain. In the absence of rational treatment, the risk of formation of adjacent atheromas increases significantly, which ultimately leads to the formation of multiple cysts.

The consistency of the neoplasm is characterized as dense or jelly-like. Quite often, a pigmented point in the center of the compaction becomes a typical symptom of atheroma of the scrotum. As for mobility, an atheromatous neoplasm can be either fixed (linked to epidermal (skin) structures) or freely mobile.

The danger of scrotal atheroma lies in the likelihood of severe inflammation and infection in the area of ​​stagnation of the sebaceous secretion of the gland. As a result, suppuration may develop, which is manifested by redness and intense pain. One of the unfavorable consequences of atheroma is scrotal abscess. This condition requires immediate surgery. If an abscess ruptures, you can lose your testicles.


Most pathologies manifested by itching of the scrotum are under the jurisdiction of a dermatologist. According to indications, patients are referred for consultation to an allergist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists. The examination includes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Inspection.
    The doctor identifies changes (swelling, hyperemia, rashes) that suggest the nature of the disease and determine a list of other studies. To identify scabies, it may be necessary to apply aniline dyes.
  • Luminescent diagnostics.
    In the zone of fungal infections, a greenish glow is visible under a Wood's lamp. With erythrasma, the shade of the changed areas becomes reddish-brick. The fluorescence of nits in head lice is also visualized in the rays of the lamp.
  • Lab tests.
    If an allergy is suspected, allergy tests are performed, immunoglobulin determinations, and a blood test for eosinophilia are prescribed. Scabies is confirmed by the results of a scraping examination. If mycoses and bacterial lesions are suspected, in doubtful cases, culture is performed on nutrient media.

The presence of pubic lice indicates promiscuity when choosing sexual partners and is an indication for testing for STIs. The examination plan for systemic diseases is drawn up taking into account the characteristics of the pathology, and may include laboratory tests, ultrasound, and MRI. If a mental disorder is suspected, consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist is required.

Diagnosis and treatment of atheroma of the scrotum

Diagnosis of atheroma is usually limited to visual and physical (palpation) examination, while treatment of atheroma requires mandatory removal of the cystic neoplasm.

In medical practice, several methods are used to eliminate atheroma of the scrotum:

  • surgical opening and cleaning;
  • electrocoagulation using an electric loop;
  • laser destruction (destruction);
  • Radio wave excision is the latest method using a radio wave knife.

Laser and radio wave treatment make it possible to remove atheroma very quickly without affecting healthy tissue. In addition, after using these devices there is no bleeding, since both the laser and radio waves seal the vessels. There is no residue left after removal of tumors or scars—everything heals very quickly. Since the urologist applies anesthesia, the patient does not feel anything.

The anomaly is in the details

But if pimples on the testicles resemble genital warts, then this is already an alarm bell. In addition, you should pay attention to the appearance of swelling in the genital area. The lion's share of such compactions is not dangerous, but there is always a risk of ordinary formations becoming malignant. If a hard lump is felt, you should consult a doctor. The need for medical consultation is especially clearly felt when the day before there was unprotected sexual intercourse. After all, acne can be a consequence of it and signal an infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

Relapse Prevention

To prevent the problem from recurring, you need to get tested for hormones - it is especially important to measure testosterone and undergo treatment to normalize hormonal levels. You also need to constantly take care of the cleanliness of your genitals and wear loose cotton underwear. This is enough to avoid relapse and another operation on the scrotum.

The choice of the optimal technique, as well as the appropriateness of a particular method of pain relief, is determined by the doctor. Medical offers the services of a highly qualified specialist in the field of urology and andrology. Urologists will perform a full diagnosis and treatment of atheroma of the scrotum. Removal of any tumors is carried out with a laser or radio knife.


Having found out why rashes occur on eggs, you can immediately determine the treatment method. The skin on the genitals is delicate and can be easily damaged. The problem should be resolved carefully. Treatment should not cause pain or discomfort. The road to recovery should be filled with relief.

You can use herbal decoctions that eliminate the inflammatory process. Any face mask for acne will do. The effect will be similar. Should be applied during rest. When moving, the mask will not bring any results. The product will be erased. Cooking time will be wasted. It is best to use the mask at night. You should fall asleep on your back to preserve the integrity of the product.

An egg face mask is one of the best ways to remove blemishes. It is worth noting that the rashes should not be associated with the above diseases. Then an egg face mask will have a positive effect. Relieves acne with inflammation.

Other types of acne that occur as a result of the disease are removed using medication or surgery. Some inflammations are removed using lasers. Complicated cases are treated on the operating table. The procedure does not top the list of pleasant ones.

To preserve your health, it is worth completing the entire course of treatment. Having a complex problem, you should not use a remedy - an acne mask. Starting from preventive measures and ending with taking medications, such as sinaflan.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main principle of treating the disease. Using hypoallergenic soap, eliminating gels with the addition of various dyes and chemical elements. At the same time, you need to lead a decent lifestyle. Be more restrained in your sex life and choose your partner carefully. Be sure to use contraceptives. Most of the resulting rashes are transmitted sexually.

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