Can I use face cream on my hands? Basic skin care rules

Cosmetical tools

A wide range of products allows a girl to choose various creams for herself: for hands, feet, face, body, cuticles, eyelids, etc. Of course, each such product has its own purpose. The cream can be:

  • matting;
  • medicinal;
  • children's;
  • tonal;
  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • sunscreen

Moisturizing and nourishing creams are mainly used for the skin of the hands and face, because these are the parts of the body that are prone to dryness and premature aging. However, not all so simple. In fact, the skin of the hands and face is very different from each other. Naturally, this is not related to its structure, but only to its functional features.

Features of application to the neck and eye area

The neck area also needs nutrition and hydration, but for some reason it is not given due attention, but a woman’s neck is the personification of femininity and grace.
Moisturizers are applied to this area along massage lines from bottom to top from the collarbones and shoulders.

Around the eyes, lines go from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, then to the area of ​​the upper eyelid and again to the outer corner of the eye. This most delicate area deserves the most careful care.

For the skin around the eyes, specially developed creams are used to provide special protection for particularly sensitive skin. Only smooth and careful movements can reduce the formation of fine lines and stretch marks.

It is especially important to pay attention to this for young girls in order to delay skin aging for as long as possible. The choice of eye care product is based on the problem that needs to be eliminated, age and skin type

Be sure to select all products individually for your skin type.

Now there are all kinds of testing methods if any difficulties arise. It is best to purchase products through a pharmacy chain, as they contain a more gentle composition with a minimum of allergens. It is best if the product contains natural ingredients

It is worth paying attention to the expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the annotation, the language of which should be clear to you

Face cream

For example, for problem skin prone to rashes and increased sebum production, you need a product that will not clog pores and at the same time have an antiseptic effect. For dry skin, on the contrary: the cream should moisturize, nourish the skin, and restore its water balance. It contains little glycerin, as it clogs pores, but instead there are components that tighten it, making it more elastic and firm. In any case, such a remedy will not harm other parts of the body. Therefore, to the question “Is it possible to smear face cream on your hands?”, the answer will be quite simple. Yes, such a product can also be used for hands, but it will not be profitable for the family budget. In addition, if you use a product for oily facial skin for this procedure, you will not see a noticeable effect, because the amount of oils and nutritional components in it is limited.


But the fair sex does not always trust the advice of a cosmetologist and experiences everything on themselves. To the surprise of many ladies who are tired of periodic rashes, redness and even burning after well-known expensive creams, a modest hand product helps achieve the desired result. What is the secret of this effect? It's all about a caring manufacturer who tries to make the product as useful as possible. And an excess of active ingredients can often provoke such undesirable reactions on the skin. Hand cream only soothes, gives a matte finish and velvety, and provides maximum protection from aggressive factors. Its main danger is its ability to clog ducts. Therefore, it is better to use this cream once, when you need to quickly put your face in order, for example, the facial fluid has suddenly run out. You can also use it to prepare complete care products. For oily skin. Thanks to the enrichment with known antiseptics, it is easy to improve the color and stop the spread of infection. Can be used for older skin that needs moisturizing and acne treatment. It is better to use the cream during periods of severe frost, instead of during the day, it will protect delicate skin from low temperatures and dry air

It is important to remember that long-term use can disrupt the regeneration processes and provoke the appearance of comedones and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of hand cream (without silicone), add a drop of tea tree and bergamot esters, and a pea of ​​zinc ointment. Mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin; makeup can be used after half an hour. For dry skin

Thin and sensitive skin needs regular nutrition. You can use a home remedy to provide vitamins and minerals and protect against dehydration. It is better to use cosmetic cream in the off-season, when there is a sharp loss of elasticity, redness occurs, and capillaries become noticeable. Before creating it, you need to check the reaction to bee products, because natural wax will also be used as a base. If no redness or rash is observed after application, you can begin cooking. Melt 10 gr. wax in a water bath, add 5 ml of almond oil. After removing from the stove, leave for 5 minutes, when it cools down a little, mix with 20 g. hand cream, add 15 drops of vitamin E. Place the homogeneous mass in a cosmetic jar. If the wax peels off, you need to place the jar in hot water before applying it to the skin. Whitening. The cosmetic product will improve the structure of the skin, cope with peeling and age spots, both age-related and after sunbathing. Like all caring products based on hand cream, they can only be used to solve a specific problem, but not as regular care. Effectively used in combination with a mask or scrub, as a final phase. Measuring out 5 grams. hand cream, add 2 drops of ginger ether and 5 ml of lemon juice. After cleansing your face with a scrub or wiping with micellar water, apply a thin layer, excluding the eyelids and nasolabial triangle. It is better to use before bed to get an even, matte color, repeat 2-3 times a week. Rejuvenating. After 30 years, you want to achieve fresh and rested skin, without swelling, swelling and wrinkles. The first signs of age leave a slight mark - the epidermis becomes rougher, the folds are a little more noticeable. You can provide the skin with moisture and vitamins using available means. It is worth using an anti-aging product for a course of 14 days, then a break of 2-3 months and can be repeated again. In a bowl, combine equal parts (5 g each) of hand cream and shea butter, add 15 drops of apricot oil, 2 drops of sandalwood ether , mix thoroughly with an orange stick. In the evening, clean your face, you can further steam it with a hot towel, and spread it on your skin in a thick layer. In search of eternal youth, you never stop searching and experimenting. Can I use hand cream on my face? Worth a try as a one-time meal. But regular care disrupts intracellular processes and provokes the appearance of sebaceous plugs.

Skin of hands

All girls know that their age can be found out not only from their passport. It is the skin of the hands that indicates what you want to hide from strangers, especially if it is not sufficiently moisturized. This part of the body most often comes into contact with water and aggressive detergents. They dry the skin of the hands and disrupt lipid metabolism. Then the epidermis becomes hard, rough, begins to peel off and even crack. Hand skin care is a mandatory procedure, so it should not be postponed until later. For this purpose, the cosmetics industry produces a huge range of products. In addition, you can smear your hands with face cream. It is only important that it is for dry skin types.


– How to choose the right decorative cosmetics for winter?

– Decorative cosmetics at this time should not be dry, that is, less dry powders. Focus on more nourishing and dense textures of foundations so that they provide additional protection. Especially if we are talking about dry and very dry skin. In general, I generally do not support using foundation on a daily basis.

When people come to me with acne, I immediately tell everyone: “The first rule is that we eliminate the toner as much as possible, because we want to bring your face to such a stage that you don’t want to apply it at all.” If you need to look good at an event, you need to meet people - this is welcome, but not every day.

For problem skin with acne, a good daily alternative is a properly selected therapeutic, caring cream and light mineral powder. Decorative cosmetics do no harm if they are appropriate and appropriate.

Gentle care

In order for your hands to look young and beautiful, they need to be thoroughly moisturized. The more they come into contact with water and detergents, the more nutrition they need. For this purpose, cosmetic companies produce special hand creams. They must be used twice a day: morning and evening, as they not only moisturize the epidermis, but also cover it with a thin protective lipid film. Of course, fat repels water, which means that now when it comes into contact with liquid, the skin of your hands will not dry out so much. But can you use hand cream on your face?

After what types of masks should the cream be applied?

All cleansing, moisturizing, lifting effects, anti-aging, soothing and nourishing masks are divided into professional ones, which are used by cosmetologists, and home ones.

After the salon procedures, the master will tell you in detail whether it is necessary to specifically apply cream, lotion after the intensive procedure or not. When self-care, in order to be sure that the session is completed correctly, you should understand the types of masks:

  1. Creamy - maintain lipid balance, soften, nourish and moisturize. Suitable for sensitive, thin and dry, aging skin. Especially recommended during the cold season. After them, you don’t have to apply cream; besides, many of the cream masks do not require rinsing after application and are used at night. It is good to apply serums, hyaluronic acid and vitamin cocktails from ampoules under them. After removing the mask, you cannot immediately go out into the cold.
  2. Gel (including film) - relieve irritation, constrict blood vessels, which eliminates redness, help reduce pigmentation after the sun, tone, smooth out wrinkles. Before applying them, it is also recommended to add rich products and even cream. Thanks to its light structure, it is ideal for use in summer. Easily absorbed without overloading problematic and oily skin. After the gel mask, wipe the face with tonic or an ice cube, and apply a suitable cream or milk. Oily skin will also benefit from a moisturizing mist.
  3. Fabric masks have a variety of effects, are very convenient to use and are simply a godsend for busy women. Provide superficial hydration, nutrition, whitening, relieve inflammation, reduce sagging, eliminate skin imperfections. After removal, it is recommended to rub the residue into the skin with light self-massage movements. Do I need to wash my face after using a sheet mask? No, because the components continue to have a beneficial effect on the skin. Additionally, there is no need to use cream, because for instant action the product contains a large amount of active substances that prepare the skin for the application of decorative cosmetics or replace night cream. But if you continue basic care, it won’t get worse.
  4. Powdered - alginant (plasticizing) and kaolin (modeling). They require dilution to a paste-like state (sometimes sold ready-to-use). Depending on the biological additives, such additional targeted care products help increase the barrier functions of the epidermis, reduce swelling, cleanse, tighten, nourish, and smooth the skin. After modeling compositions, cream is necessary. And under alginant ones, serum or saturated emulsions and compositions are sometimes applied, which are quite sufficient. It is not forbidden to apply a regular caring or active cream to your face to prolong the effect of the mask.

So after which masks should you apply cream?

  • If this is stated in the instructions.
  • When the mask is applied before leaving the house.
  • It is recommended to wipe your face with tonic and apply cream after washing off the mask with plain water.
  • After the clay mask, you must apply the cream without fail, even on oily skin.
  • Exfoliating, cleansing and anti-aging masks with aggressive components also require the use of a moisturizer or nourishing cream.
  • If you feel tightness, redness and irritation.

The main thing is to choose the right cream for the occasion, so that it suits your skin type and composition.

Basic skin care rules

We have already learned that the epidermis on the hands and face is very different, therefore, the means for caring for it are also different. In order to avoid many skin problems, you need to know just a few simple rules:

  1. You can smear your hands with face cream, as its composition is much better. It will not be able to harm the rough epidermis, but it may not be able to moisturize it. If your hand skin looks dry and you don’t have the necessary product on hand, it’s better to use oil (olive or sunflower). A few drops will be enough to moisturize and nourish dry epidermis.
  2. Using hand cream on your face is dangerous as it clogs pores and contains a lot of glycerin. Such actions can lead to the appearance of blackheads and acne. If you don’t have the right cream on hand, you can use baby cream once a week for dry skin. It contains much less harmful components.
  3. Before using a new product, be sure to do a sensitivity test. This will protect the skin from redness and itching.
  4. It is important to know that body cream can only be applied to non-sensitive skin. As a rule, such products contain a lot of fragrances. On delicate facial skin, they can cause redness or even peeling.
  5. Some cosmetic companies produce universal products for the skin of the hands and face. Despite the manufacturer's statements, you should carefully read their composition. Quite often such assurances are simply a marketing ploy.

Discussions about whether it is possible to smear hand cream on your face are gaining more and more popularity. Some girls claim that they do this but their skin looks great. However, if the negative impact of the product is not immediately visible, this does not mean that it does not exist. In fact, hand cream can greatly harm your facial skin and speed up its aging.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that hand cream should not be applied to the face area even once. This is true for oily and combination skin, which can “respond” by clogging pores and worsening the inflammatory process. Dermal breathing is disrupted, and the number of acne increases.

  • It is allowed to use a product whose packaging states “Cream for hands, nails and face . This product is light, water-based, softening or moisturizing, but does not solve age-related problems and does not fight acne. Suitable for daily care, but if there are imperfections, you need to use additional products.

Even a soft hand cream , for example “Velvet Hands” or for children, should not be applied to the skin of the face. Here the volume of glycerin is increased, it dries the skin, and with regular use it causes early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Do not apply foot cream to your skin.

Household needs

  1. You can lubricate leather products with face, body, hands and feet cream to soften them and add shine.
  2. The shampoo will do an excellent job of washing woolen items and clothes made of delicate fabrics. In this case, it will compete with shower gel and intimate hygiene product. Even if the expiration date has expired, it doesn’t matter, the sweater doesn’t care.
  3. Shampoos, gels and foam cleansers can be used to clean makeup brushes and sponges.
  4. If you have a tonic containing alcohol lying around in your stash, use it as a sanitizer: wipe your hands, mobile phone and computer keyboard.
  5. Nail polish is a great way to touch up scratches on shoes and worn heels.
  6. Clear varnish can be used to secure loose screws in eyeglass arms and fill scratches on lacquered furniture.
  7. If you stain the collar of your outerwear with foundation, wipe the dirty areas with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water.
  8. A cotton pad and micellar water are a tandem that can restore stained light-colored shoe soles to their former appearance.
  9. A two-phase makeup remover will remove even the most stubborn marks from labels and price tags on almost any surface.
  10. To prevent new shoes from staining your feet, spray the inside of them with hairspray.

Constantly powder your face to remove oily shine.

A shiny face will lead anyone to despair, because against such a “brilliant” background any makeup looks dull. Powder solves the problem for a while, but the problem remains and only gets worse. Constant application of even the lightest powder leads to clogged pores, and the skin begins to react with even more active sebum secretion.

It is much better to use mattifying wipes: they not only remove shine, but also cleanse the face of sebaceous secretions and dust.

Sticky label

Have you ever wanted to remove the price tag from your kitchenware but couldn't do it? A simple cream will help you cope with this task very quickly and easily. Simply apply it to the area and the label will immediately fall off.

The cream does not react in any way with the glue on which the label is attached; it is simply a kind of moisturizer that can remove paper residues. Of course, for such cases you can use water, but sometimes it is not particularly effective, since the cream contains oils that do the job better.

Community and Expert Opinion

The question on the agenda is: is it possible to put hand cream on your face? The Internet is replete with a huge number of reviews and opinions on this topic.

Some people don’t see anything criminal in this, believing that they can apply hand cream to their face. They motivate their position by the fact that the compositions of the creams are almost identical, and their goal is the same - to moisturize.

The reaction to the production and creation of creams for different parts of the body is as follows: cosmetic companies produce creams to make a profit so that consumers buy 3&minus.4 tubes instead of 1 universal one.

Another part of the Network believes that it is not in vain that a huge number of creams are produced, because the skin is radically different . The differences are as follows:

  • Epithelium thickness.
  • Elasticity of fibers.
  • Number of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Based on these differences, an individual formula is created that eliminates imperfections and imperfections in the skin area.

The opinion of cosmetologist Maria Shienko on the topic: “Is it possible to moisturize your face with hand cream?” coincides with the point of view of the second half of the Internet. It's not for nothing that face and hand creams are created separately . Cosmetics for young and adult, dry and oily, problem and normal skin are also produced using the same principle.

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