My great acid experience, part 3: TCA salon peeling (before and after photos, general results, skin now)

Chemical facial cleansing is one of the most popular types of such cosmetic procedures. It is highly valued for its ability to prevent acne even in the problematic adolescence, which is accompanied by hormonal changes.

The manipulation copes well with the first signs of aging, and also removes traces of inflammation. The measure even works in the long term, reducing the areas affected by skin imperfections, eliminating them almost completely over time.

Various recipes are aimed at deep cleansing contaminated skin. So that every patient can leave the beauty salon completely satisfied, doctors have developed several types of such chemical intervention. They are tailored to the needs of people of different ages and skin types. According to reviews, the first result can be seen immediately after completion of the procedure. The visual changes will please even those who have not previously sought professional cosmetology help.

Mechanical cleaning

Indications for it are severe sebaceous glands, an increased number of comedones or acne, and a tendency to frequent inflammation. It is done manually, without machines. First, the face is steamed using hot compresses or special masks. Then the cosmetologist treats the skin with antiseptics and squeezes out the contents of the pores one by one using special metal spoons. This is the method recommended for people with oily and problematic skin. After cleansing, the face is disinfected with an anti-inflammatory composition. The whole process takes from one to one and a half hours. After the procedure, it is recommended not to use decorative cosmetics and not sunbathe for 4-5 days.

Rehabilitation rules

Chemical exposure, or peeling, is an extremely serious local infliction of significant trauma to the skin of the face, which simultaneously begins the regeneration of skin cells and stimulates increased production of collagen and elastin.

Important ! All layers of skin with significant damage, for example, acne scars, wrinkles, pigmented reddish-brown spots, seem to be replaced with refreshed, absolutely firm, elastic skin.

And in order not to seriously damage it, you must strictly follow fairly simple rules during the rehabilitation period, which the doctor will definitely tell you about.

  1. During the next 24 hours after the procedure, it is forbidden to wash your face so as not to cause an infection or artificially cause irritation with chlorine tap water.
  2. After three days, the skin tightens and is successfully removed as a thin film. In its place, crusts and large scales actively appear, which are not allowed to be touched or removed with hands. Otherwise, the epidermis can be seriously damaged, and numerous scars and small scars may occur. It is recommended to initially use wound healing sprays.
  3. For washing, you can preferably use soft gels that do not contain abrasive particles and alcohol, which can cause irritation. Instead of towels for wiping, you should use rather soft sanitary napkins, carefully blotting the affected skin.

    It is better to use anything for washing that does not contain abrasives and alcohol.

  4. For five days, apply potent wound-healing pharmaceutical substances four times to the face using a spray, which will contribute to relatively rapid healing of the skin.
  5. After the past five days, you can simultaneously begin to use medicinal cosmetics to moderately moisturize the skin. When systematically applying protective cream to the skin, be sure to avoid removing crusts and scales with your hands - they will fall off on their own after a short time.

Don't forget to moisturize your skin

Until the skin is completely restored, it is not recommended to:

  • take water procedures in the pool, rivers, in the bathhouse;
  • be in the sun for a relatively long time, sunbathe in a solarium;
  • stay in the cold for a long time;
  • engage in active sports, as this is fraught with heavy sweating. Sweat on treated skin can cause discomfort and complications;
  • apply makeup, use scrubs.

You need to give up a lot for a while

Important ! Only by regularly following all the medical recommendations of a cosmetologist can you successfully achieve excellent results and have rejuvenated, quite beautiful skin without serious blemishes.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Indications for it include enlarged pores, peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis, dull complexion and sensitive skin. Cleaning is done using a machine. The skin is touched with a special spatula, which begins to vibrate under the influence of ultrasound, and all dirt, sebaceous plugs and toxins are literally pushed to the surface. Such cleaning does not require preliminary steaming, as well as subsequent restoration of the skin - after all, no traumatic effects occur. But there is an important point! This type of cleansing should not be done if you have cardiovascular diseases or in the second half of pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fruit peeling only works on the surface of the skin, so it is relatively safe. However, its pros and cons largely depend on the professionalism of the cosmetologist.

“For each patient, the doctor selects the optimal concentration of fruit acid and pH level,” explains Olga Degtyareva. “The lower the pH level, the more active and deeper the active substance penetrates.”

In adolescence, deep penetration of fruit acids is not necessary, since skin problems are always on the surface. For teenage rashes and excessive oily skin, formulations with a high pH level are used. For mature skin, the acidity level of the composition should be higher and the pH lower, in this case it is possible to effectively smooth out wrinkles and accelerate tissue renewal.

At home, without the help of a specialist, it is impossible to select a balanced composition. A small concentration of acid present in products for home use will not give a “salon” effect. And too much can cause burns and serious damage to the skin.

“If you use an adequate concentration of acids, the benefits of the procedure will be at any age, comments Olga Degtyareva. But at home there is no need to take risks, since you can fail to concentrate and harm yourself.”

Dry cleaning

In this type of procedure, a special product (peeling) based on fruit, salicylic or glycolic acid is applied to the face. It dissolves sebaceous plugs, removes dead skin and tightens pores. Afterwards, a gel is applied to the skin, the face is massaged to form granules that will finally remove small scales, and only then a face mask is applied. Each drug is selected individually by a cosmetologist for a person’s specific skin type in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction to certain components.

What is fruit peeling

It is not by chance that chemical peeling with acids is called fruit peeling. To carry it out, compositions containing organic AHA acids are used. These substances are obtained from plant materials - grapes, apples, citrus fruits, tomatoes and even sugar cane.

The concentration of active substances in cosmetic products is many times higher than in the fruits themselves. Therefore, in terms of effectiveness, homemade masks with pieces of lemon or strawberries are seriously inferior to professional products. Cosmetologists use such peelings for chemical and superficial cleansing of the skin, affecting only its upper layers.

“When performing fruit peeling, we create a controlled burn,” comments cosmetologist Olga Degtyareva. “In response to it, the skin launches restoration processes.”​​​​​​

Atraumatic cleaning

Atraumatic cleaning is also called superficial aesthetic peeling. It is suitable for any skin type. The procedure takes place in several stages. At first, the skin is cleaned of impurities, then a drug is applied to the epidermis to expand the pores. The cosmetologist performs peeling using fruit acids in a certain proportion for each client individually, depending on skin type. After this, herbal lotion and mask are applied to the face. And the final step is a cream suitable for a specific skin type. This procedure lasts about an hour, after which it is not recommended to visit a solarium, bathhouse or sauna, and it is also recommended to apply protective medications for another two to three days. In our clinic, the atraumatic cleansing procedure is carried out using Israeli Holy Land cosmetics.

Rehabilitation progress

Since each type of chemical exposure has its own rehabilitation period, which also varies significantly due to the characteristics of the patient’s skin, no one can name the exact recovery time.

The easiest way for healing to occur is by superficial cleansing of the dermis, which will take approximately three days. But recovery with the average technique can take almost a month.

To consolidate the results obtained, as well as to avoid possible complications such as a not very pleasant appearance in the first days, experts recommend adhering to medical recommendations. The cosmetologist will definitely recommend a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream that can sufficiently saturate the damaged dermis with useful substances and moisture.

An excellent solution to the problem is to use thermal water. If you use it on a regular basis, you will be able to avoid swelling and provide sufficient hydration.

It is also worth refusing to independently remove manifestations of skin peeling, waiting for the natural completion of the process. You'll have to put off going to the solarium and tanning under the sun's rays. You will need to avoid saunas, baths and other rooms where an atmosphere of high humidity and high air temperature is maintained.

Laser cleaning

As with dry cleaning, the main task here is to remove the stratum corneum and cleanse the pores. Only this is done not with the help of peeling, but with a special device. By the way, laser cleaning is very good for smoothing scars and cicatrices on the skin, as well as for smoothing out shallow wrinkles and removing age spots. But all this will not go away at once, so you will need to carry out cleaning sessions several times. This option is perfect for people with porous and oily problem skin, as well as those who want to cure acne. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures. Important point! In addition to the fact that this procedure, like ultrasound, cannot be performed for cardiovascular diseases and in the second half of pregnancy, it is also contraindicated for people under 25 years of age.

When can exfoliation be performed successfully?

Many authoritative experts unanimously believe that the most favorable time for peeling is from November to March. This is justified by the fact that the usual exfoliation procedure ends with severe extensive burns and peeling, the face becomes “naked”, not protected from external exposure to ultraviolet rays. In summer, the intensity of radiation is highest, and it is much more difficult to protect yourself from it.

Important ! As a result, it is recommended to successfully carry out peeling in the autumn-winter season, when it is easier to protect the face from direct external influences.

The procedure is best performed in the cold season

Deep cleaning

In our salon you can undergo a unique Holy Land deep atraumatic skin cleansing procedure. This is not just cleansing, but a whole range of professional facial care. Here, your skin will first be superficially cleaned, then a special softening gel will be applied. It will literally dissolve the contents of the pores, which will allow you to do without steaming. Next, the pores opened by the gel will be additionally cleaned with a special cosmetic item - a Uno spoon. Additional peelings and solutions that will be used during cleansing also moisturize the skin and help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This method is especially effective for people at an age when the skin is already beginning to fade. But the contraindications for it are the same as for facial cleansing in general: eczema, skin diseases, acne in the inflammatory stage.

Cost of the procedure

It is important to note that the cost of one acid peeling procedure depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor and the pricing policy of the salon, but also on what kind of acid is used. The prices listed below are average and approximate; we recommend that you find out more specific costs in the salon or clinic that you have chosen.

CityApproximate cost of one procedure
Moscow5000 rub.
Saint Petersburg4700 rub.
Samara5200 rub.
Ekaterinburg4500 rub.
Vladivostok5000 rub.
Nizhny Novgorod5200 rub.
Murmansk4800 rub.

What could be the consequences?

Possible side effects of chemical peeling are the result of non-compliance with the recommended rules for caring for injured skin and a violation of the procedure. They can occur within 2 weeks (immediate) and 2 to 10 weeks (delayed). The most common complications:

  • uncontrolled burn;
  • pigmentation;
  • pustular rash;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • scar formation;
  • demarcation line - the visible border between the renewed and previous skin;

The most common complaint from cosmetologist clients is the lack of the desired result. As a rule, this is led to by an unconstructive approach—consent to a procedure without having indications for it. The same result is observed in people who neglect the recommended preparatory stage and post-peeling care.

Patient reviews

Marina, 24 years old I like acid peels, but after them my face peels off for about 3 days. I don’t know about wrinkles - I don’t need to fight them yet. The pores are noticeably smaller, the overall face looks fresher and the color improves.

Aliana, 36 years old Facial peeling with fruit acids evens out the color well, I’ve been convinced myself more than once. I went to the salon for 3 sessions, 2 weeks apart. There is an effect.

Daria, 41 years old I decided to buy an acidic glycolic peeling - it didn’t suit me. After 3 days, the skin began to peel off in scales. To complete the course, you need to do it 4 times with a break of 1.5-2 weeks. Those. You will have to forget about tanning and smooth skin for a long time. I'm not ready for such sacrifices. I didn’t notice any super effect. The rashes on the forehead and marks from old acne did not go away from the acid peeling. The pores narrowed a little, but then they returned. I won't repeat it again. Fraxel is better, although it is more expensive, it gives a guaranteed effect.

Rules for post-peeling care

The face after acid peeling requires protection from ultraviolet radiation: for this, sunscreen is used.

It is recommended not to stay outside for a long time and not to visit the solarium.

  • The result becomes noticeable immediately after the first session: the skin of the face becomes smooth, velvety, and even in color.
  • To achieve maximum effect, you will need to undergo at least 7 sessions. The maximum duration of an acid peeling course is 10 sessions.
  • The initial effect lasts for about 6 months, then the procedure must be repeated again.

During acid peeling for the face, certain complications may arise, which can be avoided if the cosmetologist is fluent in the technique used and is attentive to the patient.

Side effects may occur:

  • Skin hyperemia, peeling. These symptoms usually disappear within 8-10 days.
  • A deeper burn than expected.
  • Slight swelling of the treated area.
  • Pigmentation at the site of exposure.

The above complications quickly disappear if post-peeling care is carried out correctly.

Compositions and creams for rehabilitation care are selected individually by a cosmetologist.

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