What is ylang-ylang: secrets of essential oil, effect on the body and instincts

The beneficial properties of the ylang-ylang tree, or fragrant cananga, which lives in the tropical forests of the Philippines, Indonesia, and Madagascar, are known far beyond the borders of its habitat. Yellow, sun-like flowers have a magical aroma. For thousands of years, the plant has been used for medicinal, cosmetic purposes, and for aromatherapy.

General description and composition of the oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil is very light, weightless, fluid, from light yellow to rich golden color. The aroma is gentle, warm, enveloping, exciting, floral-candy, sweet, slightly fruity.

The composition of the ester includes geraniol, safrole, ylangol, linalool, nerolidol, nerol, phytol, eugenol and other complex compounds that determine its enchanting odor and unusual properties.

Combination with essential oils

Ylang-ylang oil is a concentrated oil and is never used in its pure form. Before use, it is mixed with a base oil, such as jojoba or coconut.

Ylang-ylang essential oil goes well with other concentrates - bergamot, lemongrass (see below), rosewood, grapefruit, lavender, neroli, lemon balm, sandalwood, rose.

Additionally, read about the beneficial properties of lemongrass and its contraindications.


A popular brand of quality oils is Aura Cacia. Customers of the iHerb online store appreciated the effect of 100% pure ylang-ylang (extra) essential oil from this company.

I bought it knowing in advance that I don’t like this smell, but considering the benefits for the skin and hair, I tuned in and ordered... What can I say - the “aroma” takes away the saints, if you don’t like sweet, suffocating, cloying, lily-like goodness (evil) stench, then this will be a real test for you, but as they say, what’s good is not bad, and I use it and it really works, it’s great for my hair, it shines like after lamination, it looks great, I add 1 drop to oil masks, I do aromatherapy, for skin is also excellent, for my combo it’s one of the best in terms of action, I’m very pleased with how this broadcast works, but the smell... all my household are running away in all directions, and the male part of the household is generally horrified by this, I quote, “stench...” I can imagine how it is considered an aphrodisiac, out of curiosity I gave it to male friends to taste - and not a single one liked it, everyone agrees, they say it’s terrible.



In addition to the fact that ylang-ylang essential oil is actively used in hair care (strengthens hair, eliminating brittleness and split ends, the effect is especially noticeable at the ends), it increases sexual arousal. This oil can create a very strong emotional and erotic mood. But you must first determine whether this scent suits you or not, because... he is VERY specific! According to the Vedic concept, ylang-ylang gives a woman confidence that she looks her best. Confidence in your beauty and attractiveness to men. But the main thing here is not to overdo it)))



The aroma is deep, warm, perhaps a little sweet. The quality is excellent! Ylang-ylang oil is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. I also add it to clay face masks (cleanses and tightens pores), to oil hair masks (restores thinning and brittle hair), 2-3 drops on a comb for aroma combing, and in combination with lemon oil strengthens nails. When you have a headache, aromatherapy with this oil helps (lowers blood pressure).



Beneficial properties of essential oil

The thousand-year history of using ylang-ylang flowers has allowed us to gather extensive experience of the positive effects of the plant:

  • improves mood;
  • disinfects;
  • gives the skin elasticity and a pleasant color;
  • calms;
  • used as an aphrodisiac to improve potency.

Among the magical properties of ylang-ylang oil, the most popular area is the love sphere. The product attracts the opposite sex, increases sexuality, and excites the partner. Helps strengthen relationships in married couples, and helps single people find love.

Rules for using ylang-ylang oil:

  • only in diluted form;
  • avoid contact with eyes;
  • ingestion in very small doses;
  • with caution for hypotensive patients – lowers blood pressure.

To watch the video:

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

It is believed that ylang-ylang attracts positive energy and love, restores and promotes the development of personal potential. A bright and active oil not only can quickly change your mood and emotional background, it causes a feeling of mild euphoria, is one of the most active antidepressants and promotes deep relaxation.

Carrying positive emotions, it relieves tension, anxiety, nervousness, fears, and helps to cope with stress and difficult life situations . Helps eliminate insomnia, obsessive thoughts, irritability and anger.

Antidepressant properties act not only against traditional manifestations, but also against asthenic syndrome and its symptoms - uncertainty, tightness, suspiciousness, anxiety.

Ylang-ylang is one of the fastest-acting remedies for night terrors for children.

This is a very active aphrodisiac stimulant, symbolizing tenderness, warmth, strength, intuitive sensuality, happy emotions.

Contraindications for use

The etherol has a high concentration, so it is used in very small doses. In case of overdose, side effects such as nausea and headache are possible.


  • if you are allergic to components;
  • during exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • pregnant, lactating, children under 3 years of age;
  • cancer patients;
  • asthmatics.

Before use, a test for an allergic reaction is required - to do this, mix 1 drop of cananga phytoessence with 5 drops of any base oil. Apply to the inner elbow, wait at least 2 hours. In case of itching or redness, ylang-ylang extract should not be used.


Pay attention to the quality of the product if you want to get good results from its use. The growing popularity of ylang-ylang results in a considerable number of counterfeits of this essential oil appearing on the market. Buy a natural and truly effective drug only from reliable manufacturers.

Be careful: ylang-ylang ester is extremely active

Ylang-ylang ester is very active, especially when in direct contact with the scalp. The product should be used with caution or even completely abandoned in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • under the age of 12;
  • with unstable blood pressure;
  • if you suspect cancer.

Be sure to do a preliminary test to make sure that ylang-ylang does not cause you an allergy. To do this, it is enough to place one drop of ether on the inner bend of your elbow in the evening - if there is no redness on the skin by morning, you can use the oil.

Uses of ylang-ylang oil

The concentrate is used for medicinal, household and industrial purposes. It is added to hair and skin care masks, perfumes, and household chemicals.


Ylang-ylang product is used by traditional healers and magicians. Massage with the extract gives a relaxing effect, puts you in a state of peace and relaxation. It is ideal to take it after work, shortly before bed.

For massage, mix 3 tbsp. l. jojoba, almond, cocoa, baby, coconut, olive or other oils with 3 drops of cananga oil.

Apply a little onto the skin, slowly massage with gentle movements, rubbing in the mixture. The massage is carried out along ascending lines - from the feet to the neck. If the procedure is aimed at reducing fat deposits, then it is useful to add 3-5 drops of grapefruit essential oil to the mixture of oils.

To relieve nervousness and negative manifestations of menopause, baths are useful - mix 5-7 drops of phytoessence with 100 ml of milk and add to water. Take a bath 20 minutes before bed. For an aroma lamp, 3 drops of ylang-ylang per room of 10–12 m2. In the aroma medallion - no more than 2 drops.

Read how to use an aroma lamp with oils by following the link.

Inhaling ylang-ylang ether placed in a diffuser is beneficial. Anxiety, nervousness, panic, mental, physical and moral exhaustion are replaced by lightness, clarity of consciousness, and elation. Rapid breathing calms down and returns to a normal rhythm.

Inhaling the aroma of cananga has a beneficial effect on people with mental problems and postpartum depression.

For good sleep, combating insomnia, and frequent scary dreams, spraying the room with the following composition will help:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • medical alcohol - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ylang-ylang extract – 3 drops;
  • lemongrass – 5 drops;
  • lavender – 3 drops;
  • bergamot – 5 drops.

As an aphrodisiac, ylang-ylang oil is suitable for men and women:

  1. In a spray bottle, mix 200 ml of water, 3 drops each of lemon and cananga extracts. Spray in the bedroom.
  2. In 2 tbsp. l. base oil add 4 drops of ylang-ylang. The mixture is suitable for erotic massage, will return forgotten feelings, and set you up for a wave of pleasure.
  3. Baths with ylang-ylang phytoessence help reduce symptoms of impotence, frigidity, and increase libido. For a full bath of water you need 7-8 drops. Lie down for 15–20 minutes.

With high blood pressure, rapid pulse, and frequent nervous breakdowns, taking the oil internally helps. 1 drop of ether is dripped onto a spoon of honey and consumed after meals. Drink tea with lemon.

For tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, a mixture of oils is suitable as additional therapy: 20 drops each of lavender and marjoram, 10 drops of ylang-ylang. As a base, you can use any base oil (3 tbsp) or baby cream.

Wet the tip of your finger and apply it to the solar plexus area, massaging lightly. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day for one and a half weeks.

Stress is treated in the same way: on the solar plexus point we apply a mixture of mandarin essential oils - 10 drops, petitgrain - 5 drops, ylang-ylang - 5 drops, any carrier oil - 2 tbsp. l.

To reduce pressure, fill the diffuser with 2-3 drops of cananga. Do not overestimate the indicated dose; side effects are possible - dizziness, nausea.

Aromatherapy and light massage will be appreciated by women with PMS, mood swings, and painful menstruation.

See the benefits of oil:


Ylang-ylang extract can be used for any skin type:

  1. The vitamin complex included in its composition slows down aging, softens dull skin, and smoothes out wrinkles. Mash the pulp of a banana or ripe melon well, add a couple of drops of essential oil, and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Also, 2 drops of ylang-ylang can be added to any cream for dry skin.
  2. For skin prone to redness and acne, we prepare the following composition: 2 tbsp. l. Mix jojoba oil with 3 drops of essential oil and apply to face for 25 minutes. Remove with a napkin and apply moisturizer.
  3. For oily skin, grind strawberries, add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice and 2 drops of ether. Apply to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.
  4. If your facial skin is oily, mix 1 tbsp. l. blue clay, 2 tbsp. l. water, 5 drops of calendula tincture, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  5. To nourish aging skin, add 1 drop of cananga oil to a spoonful of heavy cream. Apply to face for 1 hour. Repeat for 10 days.
  6. Scrub for face and body. Ground coffee – 5 tbsp. l., mineral water – 7 tbsp. l., concentrate of ylang-ylang, mandarin, lavender, 4 drops each.

The use of phytoessence for hair and scalp is useful - it strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss, gives well-groomedness and shine, and reduces dandruff.

Mask to accelerate hair growth and nourish the roots:

  • linseed oil (castor, burdock) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • aloe juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • phytoessence – 5 drops.

Mask for dry scalp and brittle hair:

  • cocoa butter – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fir and cananga - 5 drops each;
  • infusion of chamomile and sage (3 tbsp dried flowers and leaves per glass of boiling water) – ⅓ tbsp.

Apply the mask to a comb, distribute the mixture evenly throughout the hair, combing it thoroughly. Then massage your head with vigorous movements. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse with baby shampoo. Course – 10–15 procedures.

To strengthen the nail plates and soften the cuticles, it is useful to rub a mixture of ylang-ylang and almond oils into them (1 drop per 0.5 tsp).

If your nails are brittle and thin, then a bath of warm olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

See review:


The use of ylang-ylang oil in cooking to flavor drinks and desserts is widely practiced in Asia.

You need to use phytoessence with great caution - if it gets into a hot environment, it becomes bitter and spoils the taste of the dish. Exceeding the dosage causes nausea and severe headache.

Use as an aphrodisiac

Ylang-ylang has long been used as an aphrodisiac. This is a universal scent, suitable for both men and women.

Essential oil is used to create an environment conducive to intimacy. To do this, they scent the room, add it to a bath taken before a romantic date or together, and enrich cosmetics for skin care. The aroma of ylang-ylang helps to create a relaxed romantic atmosphere, relax and step away from everyday life.

Chicken and quail eggs are a useful product for potency

This plant is also used in the treatment of sexual disorders: frigidity, premature ejaculation, psychogenic impotence. Here the aroma of a tropical flower plays a supporting role as one of the elements of therapy. It increases self-confidence, eliminates shyness, heightens sensuality, spurs sexual desire and enhances the pleasant sensations of intimacy.

A wonderful tropical flower can reconcile after a quarrel, improve marital relationships, and revive faded feelings.

As already mentioned, ylang-ylang as an aphrodisiac improves blood supply to intimate organs. This also applies equally to men and women. To enhance sensuality, a drop of oil can be added to intimate cosmetics. However, remember that you cannot apply it to mucous membranes - this can cause severe irritation!

How to obtain the product

There are certain traditions for obtaining ylang-ylang oil. Flowers are collected only at dawn in summer. Per liter of liquid takes from 50 to 100 kg of flowers. The older the tree, the less oil you can get.

The ether is obtained by steam distillation. After the 1st stage of steam treatment, the highest grade oil is collected. Distillation is continued and an hour later a 1st grade concentrate is obtained. After another 3 hours there is a liquid of the 2nd grade, and after 5-6 hours of exposure to steam the etherol of the lowest grade is 3rd grade.

The highest grade product is included in the most famous and expensive perfumes, for example, Chanel No. 5. Category 3 oil is used as a fragrance for soaps and lotions.

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